The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 62

by A. R. Ammons

  aren’t going to fill out, your

  biceps firm up:

  past fifty the muscles

  string free, lean separations into thew and bone:

  40pushing fifty, you notice that the

  crest due or normal to arrive has

  arrived or isn’t coming, not

  ever coming, not at all, but something else

  quite different, that is certainly coming

  45my friend said

  if you can

  learn to swim

  or fence at

  forty or crochet

  50at forty-two age is just numbers

  I go back odd that

  over and often death the evidence

  to repeat myself: for which is

  where repetition is absolute

  55imperfect is completely

  possibility clears incredible

  each of us

  exception’s single

  One Must Recall as One Mourns the Dead

  One must recall as one mourns the dead

  60to mourn the dead and so not mourn too much

  thinking how deprived away the dead lie

  from the gold and red of our rapt wishes

  and not mourn the dead too much who having

  broken at the lip the nonesuch

  65bubble oblivion, the cold grape of ease at

  last in whose range no further

  ravages afflict the bones, no more

  fires flash through the flarings of dreams

  do not mourn the dead too much who bear no

  70knowledge, have no need or fear of pain,

  and who never again must see death

  come upon what does not wish to die

  Things Change, the Shit Shifts

  Things change, the shit shifts,

  byways and sideways,

  75break out, horn in,

  step in the same do twice

  I followed the swamp

  hogs off, I picked meat

  with cousinly buzzards,

  80I got rotten meat out

  of the ears of old

  raccoons while under

  the skin next to the

  ground, maggots rippled

  85in the heat like breezy water

  the levelest look’s the jaguar’s

  peccary gaze (deadset to flare)

  or the weaving thermal gaze of

  the viper for the small mammal, mama

  90mia, cute frisky little rascal

  the curvature of the necessity rides

  no more skyward but rounds off,

  a comedown comeuppance: in a fallish time,

  the birds’ gatherings and flights

  95skim treetops, not

  much entering in now, no nests, pausing to consider

  or dwell, the wide

  storm winter coming


  100Let your friend have

  as much of the

  world as he can

  have, what does

  he have: the

  105wind blows it

  away and your friend

  also and

  you, freeing all

  from any trace of taint


  but because the dust

  mills all looks,

  tastes, honors fine,

  because of that the

  115small hope

  cannot extinguish itself

  that some flavor

  of the self, indelible

  in dust,

  120qualifies the common end

  we are abandoned

  here to found

  our lives on gossamer


  where steel rusts

  & rock cannot hold




  130palaver &belaborer


  (biggest old ugliest

  awfulest-looking thang)

  Price Slashed (whew)

  135For . . .


  treetops twittering

  birds windily gathering

  heading south for

  140the scallop, scallop-through, in the ridge:

  the jay


  a minute

  and flies north

  145into the coloring thicket

  when we learn we are trashI’d rather be

  flimsy, flowable, our holding the flakey

  trivial and slight, we mustfool of hope

  not say, if that’s whatthan the

  150the universe thinks of us, so smartass

  much for the universe:of the

  it should be the benefit of oursmall and mean

  experience here to realize trash

  the just groundwork

  155of marvelous devising, feeling,

  touching, tasting, looking,

  beauty’s unbelievable contrary

  Here I Sit, Fifty in the

  Here I sit, fifty in the

  mid-seventies, the 28th of the 9th, cedarberries

  160reddening a veil, vine leapage

  and leafage red or yellow flame tips in the trees,

  the sky mixed

  after pure days of rain,

  coolishness and windyishness, most

  165birds gone,

  hi-flo hieroglyphic geese going over,

  a day and decade like most any other

  if you put in the wind, sun,

  believe the brook’s fuss,

  170trees nodding, yessireeing,

  the mixture of identifiable hunks of

  historicity with permanences and continuos

  like geese stringing singings,

  the clash and intermingling

  175within the boundaries of the momentary

  and instantaneous of the

  perception of the, ah,

  all the wavelengths of time, ah, bending in

  & out of themselves like coil worms

  180or worm coils

  byways and sideways

  forth and back

  outsight and inlook

  (in a time of)

  185failing powers, physical,

  sexual, intellectual, artistic,

  belleslettristic, optimistic, etc.,

  it’s hard (a hair firm)

  to keep the slant of the curvature

  190above horizontal coelum

  without bobbing and dozy dipping


  into the languorous waters of letting

  things take their course & get on by:

  195no use to wait on you today

  nohow, baby, because with the fallings

  off of spatiotemporal apples and leaves

  and seeds and pods

  and skinnyings up for winter, in the

  200and because, ah, of the apple cider and

  aster honey and the blue glaze on the

  brook slowed distillation-column clear

  and the yellowjackets

  hummed up quiet in the


  waiting for snow to feather to the door

  hard to think of going back into spring,

  buds, slender parts, sprigs putting

  out, early green and preparation,

  210then summer filling out, making up,

  might as well rush right on through into

  ripeness rotten

  where like summation or artistic


  215seeds velvety in the dried-up pulp

  summarize recommencement, time’s compression

  would, some will say, there were

  a plain simple thing with a fence round it

  I don’t know it seems

  220possible don’t you think plausible a

  bit plausible

  or perhaps a few

  plain simple things with small fences

  you say around them

  225a cluster or lay-out of them

>   organized to cardinal points or rated,



  according to

  230I cut the quince down the other day into so

  many stalks it all made a big bundle

  upon the lawn high as my head I’d say

  but then today I took the pile

  thorny limb by branch down to

  235the limb&branch pile in the bottom yard

  I don’t care I think for quince, the

  thorns, I mean, I am pricked and itchy

  here and there including the shanks

  some branches got to in the carrying

  240off well so back and forth which is up

  and down (the yard) I went forty times

  I think till I began to sweat and stink

  and there under the pear tree was a dead

  jay, poor thing, which stank in a stream of

  245whiff which I hit eighty times,

  the universal smell of rotten meat not

  really an attractive smell when you get

  right down to it. . . .

  I do not, can not, will not

  250care for plain simple things

  with straightforward fences round them:

  I prefer lean, true

  integrations of ongoing

  with recurrences,

  255resemblances, half-adventitious or fortuitous

  or as some would say accidental,


  not under a third

  a live jay lit on the pearlimb (pearl imb)

  260over the dead jay,

  looked down and flicking shrieked & squawked

  directly into the dead ear

  two minutes (I don’t insist

  on the meaning, only the facts)

  265a scolding for dying

  or grief trying to make itself heard;

  it looked like grief’s rage,

  a protest like revenge,

  grief’s blue wings and bright cries!

  270money can’t buy happinessneither one nor the other

  happiness can’t buy moneyeither one or the other

  (misery can’t buy either) both (misery loves company)

  hark! in my across-and-down-the-street

  neighbor’s yard, his apple grove all loaded

  275with red half-rotten apples

  smelling good and souring the wind,

  a mockingbird singing!

  I saw three majestic weeds of ragweed

  growing in the ditch and

  280slipped’em right up out

  of the mud and turned their roots onto

  the macadam to dry

  this part is called

  the old Intimidation Rag

  285it is never right to play ragtime fast

  it is never right to play ragtime

  it is never right to play

  it is never right to

  it is never right

  290it is never

  it is


  surface amenities aside

  we have little to

  295go on

  except violence and brutality (the long, flat light

  of this bright day comes slicing through)

  may lovewords strip

  and least a man’s bones


  prevail at

  times forevernaked

  My Father Used to Bring Banana

  My father used to bring banana

  stalks home from town

  305and place them in the chicken coop

  so chicken mites would stick

  to them

  & a few years ago we had

  a flare-up in the local

  310papers here about feeding layers

  crushed oyster shells

  to thicken egg shells

  forty years ago in Carolina

  we used to

  315bring home a towsack full

  of oyster shells every time we went

  to the beach

  and we had this big old anvil and

  big old hammer to

  320beat up the oyster shells with

  I don’t know what became

  of the roosters

  that ate them

  broke out an

  325extra set of teeth

  my father sure was a mess

  this part of my poem is

  called chicken (gravy, shit, wing, liver)

  sometimes I notice my

  330shadow and think

  there’s my father

  but I’m fifty now

  and it’s me

  Have You Seen the Severe Waters

  Have you seen the severe waters

  335(how they flow)

  have you seen the nodes of high

  glass standing or the sharp slants

  by the bank where the bank looks for


  340 I care not what is isit’s up

  what is seems is is to you

  enough for me

  I went to the brook and inquired

  what do I have now

  345how do you mean the bank bushes replied

  oh I said

  oh I said

  and the brook broke saying speak up

  so the saying of that day was not

  350said and the turn that might have been

  added to the mind turned away

  clear all day the foliage

  coloring etc. the jay loud

  the mockingbird still at it


  Early October

  Early October,

  fally, papery, yellowy,

  watery, raggedy, high

  skimmy clouds, brooky

  360(last week’s rains,

  now run off, brookly,

  cool glass flowing,

  metal over slate sweeps)

  I’m at fifty Octobery,

  365not frantic with commencements,

  preparations, seedings, searchings

  for ways of spring and not

  the rage of

  summer, clumpy fulfillingness,

  370but a throwing of the self out

  of gear into gliding’s mild astonishment,

  letting up into freefall on

  rise’s other side,

  the leaves still green or

  375holding hints hang,

  no longer feeding on light,

  an indifference to purpose,

  purpose complete, now

  color and high view:

  380inner purpose given over,

  other purposes not one’s own start to

  clear the stage:

  nothing to dwell on, astonishment right

  into startled grief,

  385the rising of settled knowledge that

  in a short time all here will

  clear and go

  why speak of that now,

  the pears

  390hard green after frost’s first smart

  and the apples

  purple-ruddy, burnt onesided:

  still one pauses

  to reflect shallow bemusements,

  395recall honey,

  the inner light of wine,

  cold’s tang and burn

  (good as ever but not as often)

  Terror of

  terror of


  (even with

  bridge-note reassurance) the slicing

  away into


  405depthless discontinuity, whorey bottom

  or bottomless horrid,

  too many intervals break up

  the road

  the sinuous continuous look

  410out for slides land snow rock

  tree blows freshets bridge-outs

  neck wires

  hair ties

  sorghum broomcane braided

  415(vines’ rising risks) down

  to handles

  log planters

  nothing necklaces

  cowtooth dangles

  420I’m in the swamp I

  must have followed

  the hogs off

  awkweird to go to bed with the

  chickens and wake up laid

  Ivy, a Winding)

  425Ivy, a winding)

  an area, specimen one can keep

  coming back to,

  a place where, as to school, one can

  try out one’s explanations

  430(exegesis is better than no gesis at

  all) but


  got me





  was that

  the leaves

  440after a season’s

  service, their span, serve

  fallen: flatten out black

  and limber wet and put a film of

  chitinous structure on the

  445ground so nothing

  not even a winding vine, can come up and

  take nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water, or

  room from the tree:

  (they say walnut shells

  450falling to the ground

  release an antiplant

  ingredient) imagine!

  writing something that never forms a

  complete thought, drags you

  455after it, spills you down, no barrier

  describing you or dock lifting you up:

  imagine writing something the CIA would

  not read, through,

  the FBI not record or report,

  460a mishmash for the fun-loving,

  one’s fine-fannied friends!

  imagine, a list, a

  puzzler, sleeper, a tiresome business,

  conglomeration, aggregation, etc.

  465nobody can make any sense of:

  a long poem, shindig,

  fracas, uproar,

  high shimmy uncompletable, hence like

  paradise, hellish paradise,

  470not the one paradise where the points

  & fringes of

  perception sway in and out at once

  in the free interlockings of



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