The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 63

by A. R. Ammons

  475roots and moles (and grubs) (and

  a microorganism that feeds on

  carbon monoxide) live in the ground: fish and

  ribbonswale and —worms live in the sea:

  birds carrying stable mite colonies

  480and crop-worms live in the air: we, we,

  carrying fungal and bacterial residences, our

  numberless silent populations, flashy molds,

  angry, flashy molds, live, though mainly

  in the light, a fine fluid

  485fragmentation breaks into presence: (any

  high consistency, of course,

  lacks the differences to know

  itself by—hence is unheard, invisible,

  unknown, etc) so we are here in a very

  490great blackness except when the fluid

  surfs against a pumpkin, thinning willow,

  boulder (any whole thing in space such as

  earth) and the disturbance communicates

  itself dispersing through molecular

  495air, a frizzling wide static of sight,

  and then the eye’s central blackness

  none can read or follow creates a

  disturbance of color to pick up light

  disturbances: O

  500fine fluid, fluency,

  and then the

  finest highest fluids we’ve

  learned to live in on occasion or for short

  visits, the sheeting pulses of the spiritual

  505intelligence which

  when it breaks

  against & thru us

  declares its nature:

  if you would shed light upon a thing

  510smash it: or adore it, leave it whole,

  hold to it in darkness:

  who will remember us

  we cry

  yet we will forget

  515before we are forgotten

  if you would explain That Which Is by

  structure you would have to locate

  the spurs and main beams, sills, joists,

  of the put-together, whereas anything

  520worth taking apart is so put together

  it is assimilated

  beyond edge, angle, or joint:

  niche, cranny, or nookie:

  you can erect skeletons of

  525structure for their own sake and then

  analogize freely: hermeneutic


  good thing June peas

  come loose from the continuum:

  530make a moongate of an

  oeil-de-boeuf, make the frangible-invisible


  the mind buries to let lie:

  times, stations, planes

  535and overlappings of felt-events give

  base and height, structure, to feeling:

  vindictiveness, jealousy, greed, alarm,

  hostility adjust to deep

  dispositions so that reconciliations

  540and motions at a greater height can be

  released as tenderness, concern, delight:

  the error not that the deep

  feelings, found, are heaved up

  but that

  545heaving as a form destroys the

  forms of modesty, gentility, and

  modulated delight:

  at three I realized

  that my interpersonal relationships

  550considered for example as a cottonball

  of interweavings and

  closenesses (a warmth, as of a

  mother-centered, father-peripheried

  group) were going to be sheared off,

  555cut through

  and that I was going to be a bit of

  lint blowing in the irrelevancies of

  dissociation: as I grew older

  I learned this

  560more thoroughly:

  I write for those who have

  no comfort now and will never have any:

  I’m delighted that the comfortless are

  a minority and

  565that rosy tales amble otherwise for others:

  I’m not making a fuss:

  I note the determination:

  it is a strict script

  written in the injustice of

  570necessity: I forgive

  the injustice, nearly: I no longer cry

  to be another, not myself, or seldom:

  you who have no comfort

  are welcome here, here

  575with the chaff

  alongside the abundant reaping, among

  the weeds, after the gleaners:

  I am the writing of what was to be but

  did not become: your writing

  580strangled mine:

  I make seeing because I have nothing else

  & nothing to do in the seen:


  compels me

  585to roll my

  tongue and spit

  a saying

  to the loneliness of my unbecoming


  590I bring youno harm that

  no harm butis not nothing

  I bring you


  this is “lake country” too: I hadn’t thought

  595of that: indeed, “finger lake country”: see

  you top that one (has a small extra finger or

  so): course I’m country and western: I like

  music that plinks and means it: western New

  York: the poetry isn’t as good either

  The Hieroglyphic Gathered, the Books

  600The hieroglyphic gathered, the books

  numbered and shelved each

  to its interior singing, the hum

  broken in on or left in high loft

  unattended, the quill-conversions to

  605mock permanence, so many acts

  feared, committed or hoped, regretted—

  what a relief to go outside away from

  the rooms, seminars, policy-committees

  to where stability’s mode is movement, wind

  610working with leaves and trash

  across the asphalt, windings and

  scatterings, starlings flying

  into the ivyvine-skein leafless

  against the Music building and picking

  615berries, the clouds fluffy,

  pulling apart here and there into blue

  sliver-troughs: the freshness

  of breaking down, picking,

  churning through

  620versus the artifice

  ungathered after all anywhere

  except into the fluidities of currency

  forever: (that happened yesterday

  and only gathered hieroglyphics can

  625keep it):

  distinguish the long

  arm of the law from

  the member in good standing:

  it’s pouring rain but I went walking:

  630the first rain on Dr. Ensworth’s dog’s

  grave, now mounded among the hedge shrubs:

  whiff of earthworm

  (I almost said earthroom), puddles

  fragrant and in the puddles ornaments,

  635stars of green weed bottom-clear:

  from every needletip of spruce

  bough, bough on bough, spruce on spruce,

  hung a drop-bulb, gray lit:

  will equanil and elavil replace the

  640trances and spells of religion, philosophy,

  art, and madness, theories of depth

  psychology or depth theories of the deep:

  for, altogether, miltown can do more than

  Milton can: luncheon muncheon: more

  645than fluff and(l)anguish

  less than effluvium: milk is white


  clouds giving way, the sun broke

  out and turned up the voltage

  650in the bulbs: my fingers are so

  cold from the walk (another one) I can

bsp; hardly type: chez fuck’n’suck: also no

  book like a frigit: and no poem

  with a bush you could fly your bird in:

  655forecast for today

  were snows and blizzards

  but we may

  have a mere

  high, empty with glory:

  660would a collection

  of clarities

  be clearer than a clarity

  or as the collection

  grew would the

  665single clarities remain

  clear and

  a great darkness commence

  to surround

  or would opposite lobes of clarity

  670annihilate themselves

  into continuum emptiness:


  I don’t like any bush

  water won’t drip off

  675except the

  two-legged bush, of course, how happy, and

  the golden bramble-bush in whose

  branches the Sumerian goat’s horns, vexed,


  680desert crows,

  picky, and the deep desert hawks and

  flight-lean eagles, but

  walking predators, too, cautious,

  big-eyed, and “possessed of a gnawing

  685hunger to destroy and ingest” as we

  artists, so to speak, would create &

  dump, only the hunger remaining likewise

  stuck in the bush

  and mama goat gone and papa off:

  690leaves fall from the thornbush,

  hair and meat from the

  goat: skeleton, branch,

  the slackened-free entanglement:

  the goat thrashes and bleats at midnight

  695and overhead the desert stars,

  big brights (not helping)

  and oil underground, the

  goat chafing with sharp hooves to

  peel and worry down the bush:

  700the good of images is

  that they make no

  statement and the bad

  is that they make (evoke)

  numberless statements:

  705(or is that good, too:

  meanwhile, the statement

  makes one statement: except

  in the clump, thicket,

  or cluster of statements

  710is the image again)

  I could write forever, I mean, I could:

  I never would

  because boundaries, terminations,

  determinations give class to held and holding:

  715but the imagistes should have

  known that the Golden Calf

  narrows, confines, straitens,

  identifies, and lessens the Spirit

  too much which is shape without

  720shape, timeless time,

  visible and never to be seen:

  poems should imitate the spirit’s motions from

  the fabulous limitation, so

  golden because so

  725striking off temptation, of

  the means, uh:

  I can speak big and high

  (but to which end?)

  I can hone the severe metric,

  730incision’s incendiary:

  but honing misses broadcast:

  anyway, who would have one around

  speaking big and high:

  over dishes: filling the vaporizer:

  735emptying the trash:

  prefer chitchat to

  swales of the austere unknown:

  neighbor down the street stakes

  his dog out on the lawn, chain

  740twenty feet, pretty

  good run: I notice a path of peripheral

  lawnwear, a ring of loss

  where the chain, run out, runs

  round: the central self unattended,

  745unworn while the untouchable

  other, far and away calls forth

  the bark, the slaver, slobber,

  scenting: to pull up stakes!

  I can talk big: I come

  750from a land of bigtalkers and

  big talkers: what one needs is

  the address of relief (relief of

  address): (King Kong is on—

  Thanksgiving classic): summer

  755for dogs is a conflagration of

  smells while winter is the ashes

  (snow), a sprig of smoke

  rising here and there:

  all this poetry

  760in Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving

  Your Full-Service Mover, Madam

  Your full-service mover, madam:

  your full-service madam, mover:

  arouse, attract, specify,

  identify, concentrate, propel

  765and release unmixed, mixed

  emotions: I can package

  reactions, lob, locate, and lure

  centers, keys, knobs,

  slots and play upon you as with

  770or upon an organ:

  go off to a

  country, you see things done

  different ways: you distinguish fashion

  from nature, an educational

  775distance: but, educated, you’re

  into fashion more than nature,

  a change loosening, shallowing:

  overcast forecast a

  true cast but this afternoon is

  780to open sunny periods, dashed

  dashes, clearing exclamation

  points, followed by

  colonic etceteras:

  we need a basis for argument,

  785argument always we have enough of,

  although probably never more

  than we need, but though we have

  experienced tugging

  this way and that

  790and though we have chipped, honed,

  polished, dug and double-dug,

  we have failed to find

  the single, the first, not to mention

  mountain or continent, grain (tiny mew) of

  795unyielding reality:

  what a pity, many will sigh,

  having argued at length over nothing:

  but many will be grateful,

  locating the necessary recalcitrance

  800in the unyieldingness to explanation, that

  is, finding centers of operations

  where, as with juggling, nothing is,

  and in contrary motions finding

  balance’s informed harmony:

  805explanation explains nothing away: get

  up the next morning and recalcitrance

  has shaded up to opacity again:

  think of the medium, the medium’s

  malleability, explanation works in,

  810wordy nothingness: then how reassured

  we are to risk castles only air and how

  delighted to know

  that explanation changes just itself,

  an arrived-at nothing: whereas,

  815the work of art (here come the boss)

  establishes an empty-centered space,

  spiral stabile, wordless where words

  may not go,

  a recalcitrance of a kind explanation

  820can only sharpen itself against:

  lukewarm stand to reason

  the elm I write of is

  not the doomed elm, the dutch,

  but the siberian,

  825small-leaved, resistant: the two doomed elms

  I had were cut down

  and hauled away: just now,

  a snowbead shower: the beads fall,

  springing, on the greenroofed garage

  830and roll off the eaves some

  but when fall pauses

  melt scrubs the white away

  (somedays a mist

  too fine

  835to form drops

  at the eaves

  or shine the highway)

  darkens things a

  little, though

  When in

  840When in early

  December everything should be


  except spruce, cedar, yew,

  here and

  845there down the side

  of a hill or in

  a hill’s hollow

  will be found

  a willow’s fragile clothes,

  850yellow dress dropped,

  showing the green slip’s


  of hidingsnow rhymes

  soundwise but

  855 contrariwise

  (being alike incolorwise

  one set ofwith crow

  terms and

  unlike in the other

  860make oh, my father, you

  one whole formsaid, “someday

  overmastering your mouth will

  the one polarget you in trouble”

  unlikeness)you were (I’ve

  865 made you)


  the sheet ofand you said,

  snow, thin,“you’ll be a preacher,

  missing,like your uncle,”

  870mingled with loft,close enough, in that

  under cedars andI try to give the

  such word life:

  under the mailbox oh, my father,

  a wind-mingled I am one of the few

  875thinning left to miss you

  I do not miss you much

  mostly representing the reachable or

  available sky

  like sky like ground

  880except for interruptions:

  snow’s itself’s scripture

  but in addition

  written in it

  accumulate actions

  885reading re-enacts—

  the pigeon-toed pheasant,

  a hen, I think, walked across the driveway,

  short toe inward, long toe, you know,

  one foot almost in front of

  890the other—a mystery and

  contemplation, the beautiful, plain hen

  color-coded, her signs

  our door mouse

  houses between the concrete

  895step and a bottom shingle: every now and

  then I catch him streaking for

  concrete crack or door crack: yesterday

  morning, there was an inch of snow,


  900just enough the mouse could nuzzle under:

  he inscribed eventuality on the lawn,

  a limber line of snow-collapse showing

  behind him: and today, little snow left,

  there is the dribble of his feet

  905over the white blacktop: if it doesn’t

  warm up more

  the paperboy will see

  his yesterday-afternoon, snow-pressed,

  delivery bike trail

  910after snow

  when evening clears and

  night settles

  cleared and cold,

  crisp forms

  915on the snow


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