The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 76

by A. R. Ammons

  the weather may improve: she says,

  6585you know those sunny rooms,

  enclosed porches, that lie

  off the sides of kitchens,

  those long rooms with

  lounge chairs and hanging green

  6590blades and tongues of

  cactus and big-eared begonias:

  that is what you have caught,

  has caught up with you: come

  in: the afternoon sweeps

  6595through here on a good day:

  madam, I say, the long

  boxes of empty afternoons, I

  had anticipated fierier affairs:

  come, she said: you

  6600thought you saw something:

  it was nothing:

  I, he said, going in, am

  barely able to conceive . . . or

  concede belief

  One Desires the Cutting

  6605One desires the cutting

  glassy edges of

  nearly-wordless poems

  but one yearns

  for the openness of context,

  6610too, so as to tell

  what urn or bottle broke:

  restore nothing:

  we want nothing back:

  contexts (enclosures) show

  6615what ruin we’re wrecking in

  or passing by,

  passers-by or guides

  the flawless evidence favoring

  death leaves us


  and we’re ready

  on no evidence

  to believe we live forever



  in long views

  even great traditions

  are often bulges

  from a main line

  I Wonder if Pagan Is

  6630I wonder if pagan is

  unfairly defined in the dictionary,

  a shade too much lean to bacchic

  as if it were not serious or moral, or

  as manifested by early man,

  6635nature-boy innocence, not true:

  look it up:

  suspicions confirmed!

  oh, well, it takes a while

  to turn or bust up

  6640a current

  (without affecting the climate)

  here is room

  in this long poem’s thickets and byways,

  flybys, big timber, high marsh, and

  6645sea lane, for one to turn the wrong way

  around this hedge, streamfork

  or that, boulder,

  pavilion ledge

  and take on

  6650unnoticed a different coloring

  as if one had come

  surprisingly suddenly from

  a pure place or belief:

  if you cannot choose,

  6655here I will lose (hide) you,

  wind and unwind you till you

  will be a found astonishment: you

  will be sitting on a stump

  by a brook and a beautiful woman will

  6660come by and say, who are you,

  and you will say, I am a new man:

  (then you will have completed

  pilgrimage, and begun):

  let us not patch up anything:

  6665let us have it or tear it out:

  one or two will get lost

  perhaps in a ravine and

  forget it is not Eden:

  they will concentrate

  6670one on the other: nature

  will align its major

  forces through them and every

  morning shove itself into

  their mouths, a fresh


  my outrage, my anger is

  oceanic: it is free as

  my verse: lovingly I empty

  myself of it: lovingly I write

  6680out my loathing:

  I would sell my book to

  millions to find one to love

  slender willowy

  in a waterfall

  Rage Spells More of My Words Right

  6685Rage spells more of my words right

  than any other feeling

  the big red sun just set

  under two vapor trails that

  diverge from a crossing in

  6690the sky, the planes so high

  they can’t be heard—but

  I have found, I think, a

  copy of the northern hermit

  thrush and I’ve been trying

  6695to read it—a frailer, less

  fluid, less crystalline-breaking sound

  than the southern woodlark

  but still plaintive,

  liquid bell-clarity, glade music:

  6700my crazy rage, depression,

  my insulted silence, along

  with all my dissolving talk,

  my playing tensions out while

  others twist believable

  6705tensions tight:

  all nothing! when it goes it


  behind inexpressible beauty!

  the happiness of lingo

  On This Day Noteworthily Warm

  6710On this day noteworthily warm

  fossil fuel is 3¢ a ton or vat

  the tough sweet element in

  man . . . the newsman, no matter

  how he feels, comes up

  6715with news, the weatherman

  with weather, the

  bread&milk man doesn’t come anymore

  the forecaster for today


  6720einen thunderstormen may

  blusterbufferoomen through:

  gossamer-in-the-wind glint,

  (three sheets)

  trees-in-the-breeze sneeze,

  6725spruce worms, little greenies,

  dangling, squirming

  say it was 93 downtown

  yesterday: about as hot

  today: but I think

  6730there’s cooling

  in the evening breeze

  Some Nights I Go Out to Piss

  Some nights I go out to piss

  among the big black scary shrubs:

  the tinkling stars

  6735don’t seem to mind:

  cruddy crudestars & stones

  ruddyrudesilent & naked

  odd that where no one is to have

  anything, not even his

  6740own life,

  having is the game:

  that where no one is to win

  but indeed lose losing


  6745the game is winning:

  and where not a single love,

  mother-child, lover-girl, man-son,

  is to hold,

  love settles in:

  6750odd, odd that as the days go

  by so rich, so lost, one fool, trying to save it,

  wastes the day

  contradiction is a center

  turning around makes

  6755another place to go

  nasty century! whose


  fills the air with smoke,

  darkens the day

  My Structure Is, Like the

  6760My structure is, like the

  bug’s, external:

  rubbing up against others, I

  acquire form: mingling

  my speech with that of others,

  6765I annex scaffolding:

  like a man in a well, I kick

  one wall, brace my back

  against the other, to work my way up:

  inside, I am too soft to point

  6770a piling, my hard walls

  wet sheets on a line:

  Phyllis and John

  have gone off

  for a few days,

  6775which they need, I suspect,

  and I am,

  alas, alone:

  (terror, my pet lion)

  the catkins

  6780(small lions)

; hard-sharp have

  lengthened fluffy-long and waggly:

  it’s better to be tough

  and free than

  6785to bawl and chain

  I notice on my

  walks that when

  I move everything


  6790so much seeming

  to the one motion!

  pollen burn

  had a voice and

  couldn’t place it

  6795my neighbor’s dog (big shaggy

  black&white) died late last

  fall in cold’s fringe

  and was buried in a

  small clearing in the hedge:

  6800this spring

  I’ve expected the ground

  to spew, corruption

  work up,

  but the mound has given

  6805notice neither outward nor inward:

  there’s a slope-lawn down by

  the brook whereon a young

  birch frilly in early-girlish

  leaf seems to have been caught

  6810raining, catkins icicle long and thick:

  girlish or boyish, in case one

  is one and the other, other:

  up the street a bit, a man

  has set out two birch, one

  6815three-trunked and the other four-

  sometimes I twist out a roll

  of nearly-dry white snot and it

  unwinds some in my fingers

  so disgusting

  6820star stump stone stare stub stem stob

  post oak

  white oak

  ghost oak

  so much works flawed

  6825it makes you think

  perfection not one of

  nature’s hangups: the

  crow gets by with a feather-gap

  or so in his wing,

  6830the robin is full of worms, and

  I have teeth missing trailertrucks

  ride through: still, nature

  doesn’t lose count: it puts


  6835everything it brings to life—

  to perfection:

  You Think of the Sun That It

  You think of the sun that it

  burns to burn

  and that the soul for its own

  6840brightness burns

  but the sun burns right to

  the brim of necessity,

  its floes dipping and

  plunging to averaged effect,

  6845sun spots, flares, in-feed

  of interstellar trash, outflow of

  radiance through whatever

  cloth of radiance, an

  historical burn, one-way,

  6850out with surrounding

  accidence wide open, stray

  chunk pulled in, suns

  driving to meet at a fast

  sharp point, so many necessities,

  6855so many sides

  that the sun cannot burn for

  a reason for any reason but

  to burn

  as the soul burns

  6860to show and shed its brightness

  being is the summary

  of incalculable interpenetrant



  6865itself is the fine

  tuning by which the earth

  flies neither into space

  nor the sun:


  6870fine and open the adjustments


  the structures of motion

  exceed all strength of steel

  woven, stainlessly wound:

  6875rock whereon much

  is founded will

  split but motion


  polished by millions of years

  6880(the foundation

  in nothingness, deeply

  based, towers highest)

  I thought, to water the bees,

  hornets, wasps, &c., I would

  6885put a bucket under the faucet

  outside that leaks so little:

  but I thought if I set it flat

  I will have a full bucket,

  the brim brimming wet all

  6890around: so I thought I must

  slant the bucket (but not

  enough to exclude the drop) and

  leave a part of the

  brim-arc dry so the things can

  6895light: but what, I thought,

  will hold a bucket at 45 degrees:

  everything hassles me: the truth

  is I do not know

  how to water wasps: a good

  6900try, though, would be the

  slightest slant, a mere lean,

  to dry off a crescent, a

  fine moon; then,

  the things could land on the

  6905high rim and walk as deep as

  need be into the refreshing

  flood: intricacy has as many

  ins as outs:

  (the good part about leaning

  6910the bucket is that if the bee

  fell in he would gradually

  mosey over to the lip-spill

  where his legs would catch

  rimbottom: then he could loft

  6915and shake his wings and

  tiptoe to safety)

  if people who can think of

  nothing to do would

  water bees

  6920they would find themselves

  working with the principles

  of the universe, a mind-blowing

  and consciousness-raising

  experience, I suspect)


  short-winged swallows


  using round nails

  6930turkish birds

  enslaved turkish birds

  ain’t that purty


  longing for deconstruction

  some other time


  if I could write a poem a

  thousand pages long my point

  would be established: every line

  delightful but all you wd have

  6945to do is lift it to discover

  its weight and irrelevance!

  6950unevenness had begun to

  establish itself in my lawn

  when I got out the mower

  and, for the small, let

  a lot of room in from the top

  6955(so much for income tax)

  sweet clarity

  reconciled at

  great depth

  regular rational

  6960discourse is good for

  taking care

  of highways, pick up the trash,

  trim the hedges, oil the

  cracks, while the imagination

  6965works on giving birth to some

  other form of travel

  am I law and outlaw, pope and

  pensioner, sage and fool,

  writer and reader, male and

  6970female, am I, sir, a small

  town (in microcosm) where

  this one and that one is

  sometimes mayor, where at

  any rate, government

  6975concerns all:

  it’s five o’clock, brightly

  cold and somedeal chilly: I

  have just awakened, having,

  after cutting the grass and

  6980getting sweaty, fallen

  asleep, sweat-chilled, in the

  big chair: I am hungry: I

  do not know whether I will go

  downstairs and scramble a

  6985couple of eggs, then have a

  bite at Neil’s later (where

  I’m invited to be with Harold

  and others at 7:30 but where,

  since I was too nervous to

  6990attend the afternoon sessions

  of lectures, I may not go) or

  go to McDonald’s for a Big

  Mac (I think I’ll do that)

  and have a b
ite later at Neil’s

  6995or not have anything till I

  get to Neil’s—most unlikely

  I already came home at 2:30

  and fed my city a fresh

  banana dunked milky in frosty

  7000flakes: I should not be

  hungry: but it is cold and

  I cut the grass: and Phyllis

  and John are not here, and I

  feel the need of something it

  7005is so bright:

  I do not care what anybody

  thinks of anything, really:

  that is to say, I have not

  found the flavor of orange

  7010juice diminished or increased

  by this or that approach to

  Heidegger or Harmonium: I

  believe the constituency of

  water has remained constant

  7015since the Pleiades:

  I don’t think that any

  attitude I take to spider webs

  will faze flies: have you seen

  Stanley Fish in the flesh:

  7020words sweep around but then

  just miss to form their own

  world: think what a

  caterpillar thinks: he holds

  the universe between his

  7025horny toes and eats it in

  worky swatches!



  not only can we not look into

  7030the sun but it sweeping out

  its light as if eliminates

  what it illuminates: that

  the center of light

  should be blind! well, I

  7035must go off hamburgerward:


  on full alert

  massive layoffs

  hurt his chances (a strong

  7040case for continuing its


  positive developments

  (receptive to such a move)

  normalize relations

  7045totally fallacious allegation (lie)


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