Royal Guard of Draga

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Royal Guard of Draga Page 3

by Emma Dean

  Alpha didn’t move for a second. His whole body tensed and then it was like he let go of everything holding him back. His arms went around Adelina’s waist and held her close. Alpha’s touch was soft and gentle – barely there – but he kissed her back with force.

  She practically melted in his arms. Adelina was so relieved. She was also giddy with a bubbling excitement close to fear. Her head felt light and her whole body trembled. Where their skin pressed together practically burned. Finally she pulled back and looked into his eyes, searching for the answers she wanted, for the feelings he rarely spoke of.

  His hand came up and touched her hair softly, tracing the line of her jaw and then her neck. Alpha’s eyes feasted on her as his hand trailed fire across her collarbone to her shoulder. The strapless gown gave him so much bare skin to touch. Adelina shivered. She let her own hands wander over the buttons and insignia on his chest, feeling the hard muscle underneath. Adelina knew exactly what he looked like beneath the fabric and she couldn’t help licking her lips at the memory of sweat dripping down muscle.

  Her simulcast chirped and Adelina muttered an extremely un-princess-like curse under her breath. She pulled the device out of her dress pocket and checked to see who sent the cast. Raena wanted to know where she was. The slim piece of plas-glass glowed with the request. With a quick swipe Adelina responded and slipped the simulcast back into her dress pocket.

  Alpha didn’t move his fingers from her skin as he studied her like she was the finest piece of art, almost perplexed in the way his brow creased. “Princess—”

  She cut him off before he could say another word. “Alpha, please, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Lina like the rest of my family does?” Her hand went to his cheek and her thumb traced his bottom lip. Adelina wanted to bite it; to taste him again.

  He took her hand from his face and held it with a sad look and she could already feel the words she didn’t want to hear weighing down on her. As if the gravity on Draga had tripled in nanoseconds. Adelina stepped back and turned to the study door. Her sister was on her way to fetch her and Raena might have the answers she needed. “I have to speak with my siblings. We will be in Ian’s lab. Can I count on you for a walk in the gardens later?” she asked lightly, redirecting the conversation so he couldn’t try and put the difference in their rank between them once again.

  “Of course, Princess, I will always be here whenever you may need me.” Alpha brushed a quick kiss across her cheek before slipping on the persona of terrifying palace guard.

  By the time Raena walked through the study door, Adelina was ready for her and Alpha was posted in the corner near the window as usual. “Sister, will you join me?” Raena asked, glancing between the two of them. There was nothing she could outwardly see, but Raena was excellent at sniffing out secrets.

  Quickly Adelina crossed the room and offered her oldest sister her arm to link with. “Thank you for escorting me,” she said politely, carefully following protocol to the letter. Raena was her sister, but she was also the crown princess and much higher in rank and dominance than Adelina. “May I ask you a personal question?” she asked in Ilashyan as they walked gracefully down the stone hallway towards the servants’ stairs.

  Raena snuck a side-glance at her. “I wave protocol,” she said eagerly. “What do you want to ask?” she responded in that musical language, keeping the topic a secret from listening ears. “Is this about your guard?”

  Adelina made an irritated noise. “Is it that apparent?” she demanded.

  The servants’ stairs spiraled down to the sub-level of the palace where all the work behind the scenes was done. None of them paid any attention to the two princesses as they made their way by the massive kitchens and the pantries. Ian’s lab was tucked away with the rest of the scientists and doctors. Their labs stretched for miles underground with multiple different access points. The soil helped keep the labs cool against the ever-present sun Kala.

  Raena stopped in front of a glass panel, separating the area that kept the palace running and the labs. Her DNA was scanned and then Adelina’s. The panel slid open to allow them access. “Welcome Princess Raena, Princess Adelina.” Even the AI’s were programmed with protocol.

  “It is not apparent unless you know what to look for,” Raena assured Adelina. “Your cheeks are still red and flushed. It is not normal for you to appear so flustered despite how much in this universe makes you blush.”

  Adelina smiled at the scientists who looked up and bowed for them. They went right back to work the second they passed, researching cures and new genetic structures to prolong their life even further. They reached Ian’s lab tucked in the corner and their genetic scan opened the door. Adelina turned to Raena, holding her back for a nanosecond. “I wanted to ask your advice. I kissed Alpha and I am not sure what to think.”

  Raena grinned. “Finally, you’ve only loved him since you were twelve cycles old.”

  Adelina restrained herself from rolling her eyes to hide her embarrassment. “Yes, but I cannot get him to tell me of his feelings, or accept that our difference in rank doesn’t matter.”

  “Hey! No Ilashyan allowed!” William protested. “Get in here and leave your secrets at the door.”

  Raena gave their brother a wink. “Let me think on it little sister. I have never been with a guard, but I believe I can help.” She swept into the room like the queen she would soon be, and then plopped on the couch as their sister and nothing more. Protocol wasn’t allowed in Ian’s lab either.

  Giselle was already curled up in an arm chair with a cup of tea talking with Ian. His lover P’draic was nowhere to be seen. Their half-brother must have asked him to leave for this meeting. Adelina sat next to Raena and slipped her shoes off and tucked her legs under her skirt, getting comfortable. Occasionally she wondered if their parents knew of these little meetings. Ian handed them both a steaming cup of sweetened tea with milk and sat with William on the opposite couch.

  They waited on Asher as usual. He was different from the rest of them. He was always so moody and reserved. Adelina wished they could be closer, but it could be difficult to relate to him. Finally Asher walked in with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face. He hadn’t said much since the news of their father’s health had become official. It had hit them all hard. Asher perched on one of the desks, apart from them but attentive.

  Raena began the conversation. “Father has decided he will retire this cycle, before the third moon disappears from the sky.”

  “So soon?” Giselle exclaimed. “That leaves little time for preparations. Six months at most. Do we know how much time father has left?”

  The topic had been too difficult for their mother to go into detail on. Few specifics had been released to the public and there had been no official announcement regarding Raena’s ascension to the throne much earlier than anticipated – nearly a hundred cycles early. She would be the youngest queen in history.

  Raena nodded sadly. “Father has a cycle left if the three-faced goddess favors him, maybe more. He would like to enjoy a little retirement with mother while he still can. It’s an enormous burden to bear, but this is what I was born for.”

  They were all silent as they processed her words. This would change things and quickly. Adelina thought she would have the next few decades to spend with her sisters but Raena would be so far removed from their lives Adelina wouldn’t be able to share in the little moments she had looked forward to. Small things such as advice with her love life. Raena would have a vested interest in who Adelina would wed and her words would be weighted differently.

  Adelina wasn’t only losing her father; she was losing one of her sisters as well. She couldn’t help the tears and felt ashamed despite the privacy of Ian’s lab. She was not supposed to cry. Emotions displayed so blatantly were frowned upon, but Adelina couldn’t help herself. She loved Raena and she loved her father.

  “What do you need from us sister?” Giselle asked.

  Everything sh
ifted once more. Giselle would now be the heir of Draga. She was second-born, but as soon as Raena was crowned Queen, Giselle would be the crown princess until Raena had a child. This was all happening too quickly. They were supposed to have time; time to find love, time to find a spouse, time to have their own offspring. How far would their mother push to ensure the Draga throne was safe from their cousins?

  Adelina looked at each of her siblings. There were six of them in total. Their cousins should never see the throne, but tragedy struck hard and fast with no mind to mercy. Could their favor from the gods be deserting them?

  Raena finished her tea and set the cup down. The tinkle of priceless china was loud in the lab. William’s face was pale and wan. Change was not easy for any of them, the realization of how drastically things would alter and how quickly was apparent on all of their faces. Even Asher looked sad. The way he studied the ground in silence broke Adelina’s heart.

  She scooted over on the couch. “Asher, come sit with me?” Her younger brother looked relieved and took her offer graciously. Adelina held his hand as they waited for Raena’s reply.

  Tears streamed down her oldest sister’s cheeks and Adelina knew Raena saw the end to their closeness as well. “I would like for us to spend as much time together as a family as possible over the next six months. Father included. I know once the announcement is made public I will have to separate myself somewhat. Protocol and family don’t mix well as a ruler.” She wiped away her tears furiously, angry at them.

  Raena was beauty incarnate, even when she cried. Her raven hair, golden brown skin, and dark aubergine eyes were the talk of the galaxy. She made everything look exquisite. “Because of this I would like to ask you now to tell me what you would like from me as Queen. This is something none of us expected. You will be serving me instead of father and I know this will be difficult.”

  Adelina had much to say on the subject, but kept her thoughts to herself. She would serve Raena however she needed. Her hobbies would not interfere with her work as a royal. No one ever had to find out about how she actually made a business out of the art she supposedly dabbled in. Her second hobby would serve Raena well. Ever since her lessons as a child she’d been interested in the people of her galaxy, what they did, how they did it, and the ever intricate and complicated relationships. Ever since she’d visited Khara Prime she’d wanted to go back, to travel the universe, and to use what she’d learned to help her people and her family.

  “As you know I’ve been training since I could walk,” Giselle began. She was always the one who took the first precarious step, brave and strong. “I’m an excellent fighter and trained for war despite our centuries of peace. I want to protect our galaxy and keep us safe.”

  Adelina couldn’t help thinking of the rumors and whispers surrounding the Neprijat. A sick feeling hit her stomach and she couldn’t stand the idea of her sister going up against something as depraved as that.

  Raena nodded. “I’ll do what I can. It may have to wait until I can produce an heir. You will be too important until then.” Raena grinned and tugged one of Giselle’s curls. “Though you know you’ll always be important.”

  They laughed and Ian spoke up, shocking them all into silence. “I’d like to work on a cure for hypomalarya. I'm nearly done with my training as a physician, but I’d like to extend it to the specialty of diagnosis and cures. If there is anything I can do to try and save our father, I’m going to do it.” His Draga eyes flashed but the rest of his appearance set him apart from the queen’s children. Despite his sandy blond hair the same color as their beaches, he had the air of a Draga. The royal blood in his veins made him more dominant than most, but he was still considered a submissive among them. He was a bit higher than Adelina, which may have been hard for anyone else in the royal family to swallow, but Adelina adored Ian and it had never bothered her.

  Asher shrugged when they looked to him. He was still young and had time to figure out what he could do to help Draga. He would serve, but Raena may have to decide for him. Adelina squeezed Asher’s hand and he leaned into her. She wished they could talk about these things.

  William shook his head. Normally he was the one always laughing or smiling. He always had a joke to tell and could make anyone smile, even Asher. He ran his fingers through his hair and made it stand up straight. “This is absolutely insane. I’m supposed to be deployed for a few months. Is that going to change?” he asked Raena. William had enlisted in the Draga Army the second he turned eighteen cycles.

  Raena shook her head. “I honestly don’t know, Will. Your military career shouldn’t be affected, but you may not be deployed as far away as you’d like. During the transition I’ll need everyone here for support, to show solidarity to our people and give them an example to follow. We do not abandon each other during difficult and trying times.”

  William frowned but nodded. “I have my sights set on Attorney General, but I plan on a lifetime of work and service. I’d like to go to the outer rim, but it can wait.” He shrugged as if it didn’t matter.

  It did matter. Every single one of their lives would change and the weight of their position would increase as the entire galaxy looked to them during this unprecedented change. Each ruler was supposed to spend the first hundred cycles or so of their life training and enjoying themselves, apprenticing to the current ruler. Then they would rule for a hundred cycles at which point they would retire and hand over the crown to the eldest born child. The remaining hundred cycles would be spent in retirement, enjoying their family, and their grandchildren. King Orion was barely into his fifth decade as king.

  Raena turned to Adelina. All their eyes landed on her and she cast her gaze to the floor out of habit. Protocol and submission was such an innate part of her nature it allowed her freedom. Her mother never had to worry about her as she did with Giselle. Adelina followed the rules perfectly and therefore was mostly invisible. Her siblings were the only ones who truly saw her, and even then only in private moments such as this.

  “I will serve you however you need. My art was never a priority.” It made her more money than she cared to admit. “As you know I’ve expressed interest in the guilds. This can wait. I can be whatever you need me to be, Rae.” Adelina picked at the folds of her skirt. She hoped her sister would make her an ambassador. It would give her the freedom to come and go; the freedom to see the galaxy.

  Raena smiled at her. “Thank you little sister, I will think on it. I’d love for you to consider drawing something for me. We’ll have so many events this year.”

  “Oh, me too!” Giselle exclaimed. “You always have the prettiest dresses and jewelry.”

  William rolled his eyes and got up to retrieve the pot of hot water on a portable warmer. He poured everyone more tea and then leaned against Ian’s lab table. “Might as well design something for us all, Lina, these are so drab.” William twirled in his uniform as though he wore skirts and planted a hand on his hip. “I mean, really.”

  Adelina couldn’t help giggling at her brother, covering her mouth to try and hide it. Raena threw a piece of fruit at Will and they all laughed. Asher even smiled.

  “Do it,” Rae demanded. “Design everyone an outfit for each event, and make them match.”

  William narrowed his eyes at Raena. Ian sighed in exasperation and started cleaning up the tea. “Is that a command?” Will teased.

  Raena sipped her tea delicately, her smile wicked and cunning. “Careful or I might.”

  Adelina looked back down at her skirts, enjoying the moment. She would gladly design her siblings whatever they wanted. At least she would be able to help them in some small way.

  Chapter Three

  The Courtyard

  Planet Draga

  “Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly as you move through the first position into the second,” Alpha instructed.

  The morning was chill and bright. Adelina’s bare feet slid across the cold stone as she moved gracefully through the positions. Alpha walked arou
nd the courtyard, studying the three princess’ forms as they lifted their arms and balanced on one foot, the other knee high in preparation.

  “Now a high kick and flow into third position.”

  Adelina followed his commands, letting every thought she had go as she let out her breath slowly and evenly. The high kick was fast and hard. Her transition was smooth as she turned and crouched in preparation. Ai-kuda was the perfect mix of balance and grace. It didn’t require brute strength and therefore was perfect for most royals. It could keep her alive. Ai-kuda would give her the chance to survive if trouble occurred. She would never take advantage of that.

  During her grandmother’s time females of Draga were not allowed to perform ‘male’ activities nor have masculine interests as it was not considered attractive. Adelina would have lost her mind long ago if that were the case. If she had been common-born she could do anything she pleased with her life as long as it put food on the table.

  “Concentrate, Adelina!” Alpha snapped. It was the only time he was allowed to use their first names. As their instructor he ranked higher for a brief two hours every morning. “Clear your mind and do your katas right. Your life may depend on it one day.”

  She pushed aside her thoughts and followed her sisters through the katas. The gear she wore was loose pants and a flowing shirt. Adelina relished the freedom of motion. Perhaps she could design a gown with hidden pants. She tried not to sigh as she caught her mind wandering again. If she didn’t think of something else all she would be thinking about was how much she wished Alpha would put a goddess-be-damned shirt on.


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