Royal Guard of Draga

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Royal Guard of Draga Page 4

by Emma Dean

  Adelina didn’t really want him to put clothes on, but she couldn’t concentrate with the sun making his very skin glow, bringing the eye to every muscle all the way down his chest to the seam of his pants and the ‘V’ that pointed the gaze down further, like an arrow to a prize.

  She stumbled.

  “Princess,” he murmured, suddenly at her side. His hand went to her waist to steady her and Adelina sucked in a breath. The heat from his bare skin was delicious and she could see the sweat beading on his chest. Adelina wanted to lick it and follow the trail down…

  “I’m fine,” she said, ignoring her sisters’ pointed looks. “Please, let’s continue.”

  As Alpha’s strong shoulders walked away from her, Adelina knew she was ready to lose her virginity, and now. She made a silent vow to the goddess she would no longer be a virgin by the time of her coming-of-age ball when she turned twenty cycles old. Any longer and the anticipation might kill her.

  Alpha led them through the rest of the routine and Adelina was thankful when the second hour was up. Usually she loved her ai-kuda practices, but she was so distracted this morning. She planted her hands on her hips and let out a huge sigh as she looked up to the crystal blue skies as if it held all the answers she could possibly want or need.

  Raena brought her a towel and Adelina delicately wiped at the sweat dripping down her forehead and neck. She was covered in it. “I will have time for a walk after breakfast, little sister. Would you like to join me?” Raena glanced at Alpha and gave Adelina a conspiratorial wink.

  Adelina watched Alpha take a drink of water and nodded. She had to do something or she would lose her mind waiting for him to make a move.

  Raena and Giselle left to the palace to get cleaned up before breakfast with the rest of their family. Adelina and Alpha were alone. She went up to him and brushed her arm against his as she reached for another glass set up on the table. Adelina took a long drink, staring at him over the rim of her cup.

  Alpha smiled and set his glass down. “You seemed to have difficulty today, Princess. Is there anything I can help you with?” His question was genuine and not at all flirtatious.

  Adelina tried to hide her disappointment. She smiled softly. “Yes please, the transition from fourth position to eighth has always caused problems for me. I simply don’t think I am agile enough to make the jump.”

  His eyes trailed down her body as he thought about her words. It was a completely academic inspection. She nearly growled in frustration. This male could be so dense and she was too proper. Adelina would have to step far out of her comfort zone just to remind him of her feelings and to have him voice his.

  Alpha went to the center of their practice courtyard and went through the fourth position and then gracefully leapt, twisting midair into the eighth position. He landed on his feet like a cat. She admired the way his muscles flexed and how his body moved. His jump was lower to the ground than hers. There was no wasted motion. Alpha was a work of art.

  It was a part of ai-kuda that was more for show than practicality, but it helped her immensely when it came to bodily strength and grace. Her dance lessons were a breeze thanks to Alpha’s practices.

  “Come here, let me show you,” he said, beckoning her forward.

  This was what she had wanted, a hand’s on approach.

  One of his large hands went to her waist as he positioned her from behind. She tried not to press herself back against him. Once he’d moved her body into the perfect form he circled her. Adelina glanced up at him. He bit his lower lip and studied her critically. “Perform the jump,” he said, waving his hand for her to begin.

  She did as he asked, but still stumbled on the landing. Something about the low twist confused her. He shook his head. “You are jumping too high. This is not a dance, it is a defense form.”

  Adelina laughed as she wiped sweat from her brow. “I will never use that move in my life and you know it as well as I.”

  Alpha playfully arched a brow and leaned over her with his arms crossed over his bare chest. “Perhaps that is so, but I want the show to be perfect.” His face was suddenly close to hers.

  Adelina’s breath hitched. She was about to close the distance when Alpha pulled back. “Do it again.”

  Was he teasing her? Perhaps he wasn’t as dense as he let on.

  This time when he positioned her he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close. Adelina felt his entire body against hers and couldn’t help herself. She pressed against him, feeling every lean muscle and all the hard lines of his body. Alpha ran his hand down her arm and positioned it, and then he trailed down her side, a hair’s breadth away from her breast. Then he moved her hip slightly, his fingers holding onto the curve of the bone and she imagined what it might be like if she weren’t wearing any clothes. Adelina’s chest rose and fell as her breathing quickened and her limbs trembled. Despite all this she held the fourth position until Alpha was satisfied. His hands gently moved over her body, leaving a burning trail that made her stomach clench and a fire start between her legs.

  “Now jump,” he said; his voice low and husky.

  There was absolutely no chance she would be able to manage with the way her entire body shook from his touch but she tried it anyways. The landing was even worse this time and she fell. Alpha caught her before she could hit the stone of the courtyard. They tumbled together and she ended up on top of him. Adelina looked down into his blue eyes and they both breathed heavy in the tense silence. His arms were still around her and Adelina had never been so close to him before. Her breasts pressed into his chest and the hard line of his cock was against her stomach. Her hips shifted and Alpha’s fingers tightened almost painfully on her waist.

  She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, something she’d always wanted to do. It was silky. Almost like raw spidersilk. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his, eyes closing as the sensation of him swallowed her whole. One of his hands buried in her hair and he kissed her harder, his other hand pressed against her lower back. Adelina squirmed at the feeling of him against her and the ache between her legs made her lose all sense of what was proper. She wanted him so badly she couldn’t control herself.

  She sat up and pulled him with her, raking her fingers over his bare shoulders and he groaned into her mouth, setting her ablaze. Alpha cupped her ass with both hands and squeezed, lifting her up and repositioning her right against his cock. The taste of his lips and his arms around her was everything she’d ever wanted.

  Her hands trailed down his chiseled chest to the seam of his pants and he stopped her. “Princess,” he said. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  His words were a slap across the face and she felt like someone had poured freezing cold water over her. Adelina pulled back instantly and yanked her hands out of his as she got to her feet. She didn’t even bother to look at his face to see what he might possibly be thinking. Her cheeks were so hot with embarrassment she thought she might die.

  Adelina pulled her wrapped shirt back into place and straightened her pants. “I understand.” May the goddess help her, she was such a fool.

  “I don’t think you do,” Alpha said, taking hold of her arm and turning her towards him. “I didn’t intend for you to think I meant you.” He tugged her closer until he could hold her against him, burying his face in her neck as he breathed deep. “I did not think taking you here in the courtyard for anyone to see would be appropriate,” he murmured against her skin.

  His words made her shiver and she held on to him almost desperately. Adelina wanted to say the rest of the galaxy be damned and that wasn’t like her. That thought alone had her nodding in agreement despite her body’s loud protests. “I need to go,” she told him, ripping away without warning.

  Quickly she walked to the palace, nearly jogging as she made her way to her rooms. It went against everything she wanted, but two more seconds and she would have ripped off her own clothes. The sexual desire shocked her. Adelina had
never had issues controlling herself before. Finally she reached her room and slipped in. Adelina closed the door and leaned back against it, breathing hard. This must be the living fire the courtesans spoke of.

  She needed a shower, preferably a cold one. Stripping out of her exercise gear she walked naked across her rooms to the private bath. With a touch of a button the water started to fill the large tub and Adelina still felt feverish, like her skin itched to be touched. The ache between her legs made her entire body feel tight and rather painful. Adelina let down her hair and the soft strands against her skin made the tingling worse. She had to get in the water before she burst.

  Was this a normal reaction, or was this part of her coming of age? It was about six months early but Adelina didn’t know as much as she thought she was supposed to. Mother was to educate them on the matter, but as the third-born her education was left to tutors and no one had seen fit to teach her what to expect when it came to her own body. The books on the subject were rather lacking.

  Stepping into the warm water eased some of the sensation across her skin and Adelina slid down to let the water soothe. Something had to be wrong with her. The water against her pussy made the ache worse as if it taunted her with how empty she was and reminded her how much she still needed to be filled. Courtesans were the ones who normally had this problem, not someone like Adelina.

  The image of Alpha shirtless was stuck in her mind. The detail of his warm, honey-colored skin couldn’t be erased or the way the sweat rolled down his defined muscles. And his arms, the goddess help her; those arms would be the end of her. The way he’d surrounded her with them, held her close. The feel of him against her had been her undoing.

  Adelina closed her eyes and let her hands wander. The feel of Alpha was branded in her memory. His cock had been hard for her, he’d wanted her and by the feel of him he would fill her to the breaking point. It would be a pain she would relish. Her fingers teased a nipple and traced the sensitive skin under her breast as the other traveled lower. Her left hand trailed over her belly down to the ache between her legs she couldn’t ignore.

  Two fingers slid over her clit and brushed against her opening. The sensation made Adelina groan out loud as she imagined her hands were Alpha’s. His were large and callused, but still gentle as they teased her, slowly rubbing in a circle. The pressure built and Adelina’s hand moved faster as she massaged her own breast. Goddess, what she would give for Alpha to be the one touching her. She should have dragged him to her rooms and taken him like she wanted.

  Her back arched as the ache seemed to grow. The pleasure mounted but it wasn’t enough. The water sloshed against her breasts as she moved her other hand down. She slid one finger inside and then two. Adelina felt herself stretch and the sensation was glorious. Her fingers moved furiously, one hand moving in and out and the other still teased her clit. The sensation grew and she felt as though she might explode.

  She wanted Alpha to hold her as he had before, his two large hands on her ass as he moved her against him. Adelina would ride him hard. His large cock would fill her and finally she would be satisfied. She was so close, only a little more. She pressed down harder and her entire body shuddered as the orgasm hit her. The ache intensified right before it burst, washing over her in waves of pleasure. Adelina moaned and then went limp as she rode the intensity.

  Heaving a huge sigh she ducked down under the water. She felt sated, but the ache had only been briefly abated. It was still there, begging to be completely eradicated and that was something Adelina couldn’t do alone.

  She wanted to ask Giselle or Raena if they had any experience with what was going on with her, but the conversation would be difficult to broach. Both of them had already gone through their training at the House of Kismet, but neither of them would talk about it. Adelina wondered what could be so secretive that her sisters wouldn’t tell even her.

  Adelina got out of the tub, dripping water across the marble floor. Once the tub sensed her absence it began to drain on its own. She looked in the mirror that covered the entire wall and noticed how red her cheeks were and her eyes were much darker than normal. She had always wanted Alpha, but her feelings for him had never caused her problems before.

  She stepped under the nila and waved her hand. Instantly she was dry and with another selection her hair was up and styled to perfection. Adelina crossed to her closet and selected the day’s dress. The choice was perfect. She was pleased the program she had tinkered with was so effective. Every week she uploaded her schedule and choices were made based off of the day’s activities.

  Adelina slipped it on and stepped into comfortable, yet elegant shoes. She took a deep breath, knowing without a doubt Alpha would be outside her door and it would take every bit of protocol to keep her from skipping breakfast and tearing his clothes off. A touch of makeup and she was done. She squared her shoulders and reminded herself she was a princess. Adelina would hold herself to the highest standard without fail, no matter what her body and mind wanted.

  Chapter Four

  The Palace

  Planet Draga

  Breakfast was quieter than normal. Father was missing again and the reason why was heavy on all their minds. Their mother mentioned an announcement to occur the following day, unscheduled and public. It brought terrible nerves to Adelina’s stomach and she hadn’t been able to eat much. There had been hope from the physician’s they could stabilize the king for a few cycles, but Adelina was no longer sure it was possible.

  “May I be excused, Queen Adele?” Her mother glanced up from the fruit bowl she wasn’t eating and focused her gaze. Protocol allowed Adelina to make the request despite her mother not being finished, but it made her grandmother’s predatory gaze swing over to focus on her.

  Her mother nodded and went back to staring at her fruit bowl. Adelina wished she could do more to help her. She stood and the men stood with her. Adelina nodded at her brothers and sisters and left the dining room as quickly as she could. As soon as she made it into the hall she took off running. Her entire family was in the dining room and there was no one to see her break protocol so badly.

  Adelina burst through their private garden doors and stopped when the sun hit her face. Her skirts glittered in the light and she breathed deep. It wasn’t that their dining room reserved for the royal family was small. It took up nearly the entire length of the east wing and was wide enough for a full staff of servants to serve up to thirty family members. No, Adelina felt everyone’s sadness like it weighed her down in waters so deep she would drown in the blackness and never see the sun again.

  The summer-berries were blooming and the black roses covered the garden. Adelina picked a rose and breathed the spicy scent in deep. She crossed the garden to the small stone temple in the center for the three-faced goddess. Adelina knelt on the hot stone, lifting up her skirts so her bare knees rested on the ground. She placed the rose at the goddess’ feet and bowed, hands splayed on the ground until her forehead touched the rose petals.

  Adelina said a silent prayer for her father and begged the gentle god of death to watch over the king and to hold off only a little bit longer. She wasn’t ready for her father to go.

  “Lina?” Raena asked quietly from behind her.

  Slowly Adelina sat up and then stared into one of the goddess’s sweet faces. If the Dragas were really favored why would the gods and goddesses take her father from her so soon? “Have you spoken to the king recently?” she asked her sister.

  Raena knelt next to Adelina and offered a white rose before paying her respects. The two of them stared at the statue in silence for a moment. “I spoke to him. He is announcing his abdication tomorrow.”

  Adelina’s stomach dropped and she knew things weren’t going as well as they all had hoped. “So soon?” she asked. Raena’s shoulders fell and her sister looked tired. The transition would not be easy for her. Adelina turned and gave her sister a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  Raena held on tight and then took a shu
ddering breath. “I will be okay. Like I said earlier, I was born for this. I will be all right, really,” she promised Adelina. Raena smiled and then got to her feet. Adelina followed her as they walked through the garden. “I’d like to speak on something more positive,” Raena said. “How did your conversation with Alpha end?”

  There was still sadness in the air, but Adelina understood the desire for a distraction. She would do whatever her sister needed and if talking about the man she loved would help, so be it. “We didn’t actually have much to say.”

  Raena frowned and then caught Adelina’s shy smile and laughed. “Well that is certainly progress!”

  Adelina shook her head. “I still don’t know what I am doing.” Should she ask her sister about what happened? Perhaps she had experienced something similar. “There is some hesitation from him, and I believe he is keeping an emotional distance due to our difference in position.”

  Raena linked her arm in Adelina’s and they enjoyed the small garden together. It was still early. The royal garden was small because it was private. No one but the royal family was allowed and it was a grateful escape.

  “All males hesitate when it comes to feelings,” Raena told her. “It has nothing to do with you specifically, I am sure. You have known him your entire life, Lina. There are definitely feelings there. It can be difficult to remind him of the chance you present though, as he is your personal guard. There is no time you spend together when neither of you are who you are. He will always be your guard, and you will always be his princess.”

  Raena stopped walking and turned to Adelina. Her face was sad and she lifted a delicate shoulder in a small shrug. “It is something to consider. Ask him before you fall in love with him completely if he would give up his position to become a prince. He may not want this life, and it is not something you, dear Lina, can give up. Your blood will be royal no matter where you go or what you do.” Raena bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You cannot escape that.”


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