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How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Westwood, Susan

  She looked at him sheepishly. “I realized, I have no way of getting home. I’m not sure where I am. Could you direct me to the closest subway station?”

  She’d figure out when she arrived there, how to get home.

  The concierge, a man in his thirties she was sure, shook his head. “Mr. Hamilton has a car you can use. I can call it.”

  She contemplated that. Would it get her before Colton woke up? Would he look for her?

  She sighed. The car would be the quickest way home.

  “The car will be fine. Thank you. We’ll wait outside.”

  “It’s a little chilly. Stay in the lobby,” he said.

  The car, not Colton’s usual but an Uber driver, arrived a few minutes later. Did rich people even use that service? Or did Colton use it for his lovers?

  The idea irked her as she climbed into the back of the car. She must be one of a long line of lovers that concierge had seen leave with their panties in their purses. Was she the only one with a child in tow?

  Thankfully, she’d probably never seen the concierge again.

  Now her focus was to get home. The driver was pleasant and chatted, but she didn’t respond. He finally shut up.

  She was plotting and thinking about what she would say to Colton. Would he call her?

  She didn’t want to say these things on the phone. What had she been thinking last night? How much had she complicated her life by spending the night with the very sexy, very capable lover?

  Her body burned with the memory. She’d have to stop thinking about it. It would not happen again.

  She hoped he would understand that.

  Halfway home, her phone rang, but it wasn’t Colton. Shalia.

  She answered. “Hey girl.”

  “Hey. Where were you last night?”

  “I, uh, had a place to stay. Long story, but please come over for coffee later. I should be home in fifteen minutes.”

  “See you then,” Shalia said.

  For a few minutes, Ellyn would be spared the embarrassment.


  Colton woke, but before he opened his eyes, he reached for Ellyn. Maybe she’d be ready for another round. He patted the bed next to him, not finding her. His eyes flew open.

  The bed next to him was empty. He could still smell her and their sex, but she wasn’t in his bed.

  The dent in the pillow from her head was still there. He listened, but couldn’t hear her in the attached bathroom. Where was she?

  He let himself wake up a little more as he pondered this dilemma. Maybe Derek had awakened and she was giving her son some breakfast. He blinked.

  Last night had been amazing. That was it. Ellyn was moving in here. She could have her own room if she wanted, but he needed her here.

  Never in his life had he ever longed for a family. Until last night. With Ellyn and Derek here, he had felt complete even without knowing anything was missing in his life. He stretched.

  Pulling on his boxers, he knew he couldn’t walk out to the kitchen dressed like that. He returned to his bedroom, and pulled on sweatpants and a t-shirt. When he wandered out to his kitchen, he realized that he was alone in his apartment.

  “What the hell?”

  Ellyn had left? She’d run away? Or, slinked away.

  What was she feeling? “Oh, crap.”

  Colton called down to the doorman. “This is Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Did a young woman and a boy leave here this morning?”

  “Yes, sir. They left about an hour ago.”

  He’d slept in? She had tired him out. “Thanks.”

  Hanging up the phone, he rubbed a hand down his face. Damage control. That’s what he needed. He’d have to do it in person. This was not for a phone call.

  She probably wouldn’t answer anyway.

  He sighed. “Damn,” he thought to himself. “Tactical error. I rushed things. I took advantage when I should have been the gentleman.”

  This was not good. Was Ellyn gone for good or could he convince her that he was genuine? That he wouldn’t hurt her. He did have her best interests at heart. He did.

  If he got a lover out of it, all the better.

  He showered, thinking about his game plan. She would have had enough time to settle her brain around what happened. Maybe she regretted running out, but she might have too much pride to call him.

  He would have to go to her.

  With his mission set, he called for his car. Paul arrived a half an hour later.

  “Sorry to bother you on a weekend,” Colton said when he climbed in the back seat.

  “No worries. Must be important,” Paul said.

  “It is. Take me to Ellyn’s house.”

  “From the grim look on your face, I’m guessing you have some explaining to do.”

  Colton laughed. “You know me so well. Yes, I screwed up and have to apologize.”

  “Should I wait for you?”

  “No, I think this might take time. I can find another way home.”

  “It’s the Bronx.”

  “I’ll use another driver. You can have the rest of the weekend off,” Colton said.

  Paul gave him a knowing smile in the mirror, then drove him to Ellyn’s apartment.

  “Good luck,” Paul said.

  Colton nodded, then looked up at Ellyn’s apartment building. She had to move out of this place. Derek needed a safer place to grow up.

  He slogged up the three flights to her walkup, pausing a moment to be sure he knew what he was going to say before he knocked.

  Shalia answered the door. “Not sure she is ready to talk to you.”

  “Well, I need to talk to her,” he said.

  He would not be denied. Not even by Ellyn.

  Shalia bit her lip. “I’ll take Derek to the park.”

  “You’re a gem.”

  She frowned. “Glad you think so. Ellyn will be pissed when she comes out of the shower.”

  For a brief moment, Colton thought about joining her. His dick agreed, but agreeing with his dick had gotten him in this mess.

  Shalia ushered Derek out.

  “Hello, Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Hello, Derek. Enjoy the park,” Colton said.

  “I will.”

  Colton settled on Ellyn’s lumpy couch to wait for her. He didn’t wait long and her face spoke volumes about how she felt about him right now. Her lips were a thin line.

  “We need to talk Ellyn. The sooner the better.”

  “And you charmed Shalia into taking Derek so that could happen?”


  She sighed, then sat on the only other chair in the place. “Here’s how I feel. I don’t want to call it a mistake, but I don’t think it should happen again.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you own the company I’ll be working for. Assuming you still want me.”

  “Yes, I still want you, but I think we can juggle it.”

  She shook her head. “My initial decision to not get involved was the right one. I want to go back to that. Can we be civil?”

  Colton’s heart ached. Why did he have feelings for her in such a short time? “Uh, do I have any say in this?”

  She frowned, deepening the lines in her forehead. “I’ve made my decision. I need to think of Derek. I need to be successful at what you’ve offered me so that I can make his future better. I want to do that on my own. I’m sorry Colton. That’s how I feel.”


  Ellyn entered the office building where Colton’s talent agency was, not having seen him since he left her apartment on Saturday morning.

  He hadn’t been mad, but he hadn’t been happy, either. Her meeting this morning, to her relief, was with the Human Resources Department. If she had her way, she would get in and out without seeing Colton.

  She wasn’t sure she could face him again. She was just not up to it.

  The HR person was a young, perky woman with her blonde hair up in a messy bun. Not v
ery chic for a New York Talent Agency, but who was Ellyn to judge. She wasn’t New York chic, either.

  “I have one more form I have to print out. I’m sorry, I’m not as ready as I should be. Usually I have a few weeks between hire and this meeting, but this one happened quickly.”

  “No problem. I have time,” Ellyn said.

  They sat in the woman’s office, which had a picture of a toddler on the wall. He had blond hair like his mother and no teeth in his grin. A cutie for sure.

  The printer next to the desk whirred, and then Alice Kean, as she’d introduced herself, pulled a sheet of paper off it. “There. I’ll explain what everything is and how you’ll get paid. Mr. Hamilton probably didn’t mention it, but I’ll need a voided check so we can directly deposit the money into your account when you get your payment issued.”

  “No, he didn’t mention it. I can get that to you another day.”

  “You can fax it, or scan it in and email it to me.”

  As if she had a computer. This woman had no idea just how poor Ellyn was. “Uh, I’ll drop it off in a day or so.”

  “Did Mr. Hamilton tell you that we might already have your first job booked? A client liked your portfolio and is eager to meet you.”


  “You had pictures taken?”

  “I did, but I haven’t seen them.”

  The woman’s mouth formed an “O.” “I would bet Mr. Hamilton has that. I think he wants to meet with you after this and go over some things.”

  So much for getting out without seeing him. She sighed. “I guess I’ll see it then.”

  She signed her name to more papers than she thought possible, then was whisked up to Colton’s office.

  His secretary smiled at her as she approached. “You must be Ellyn. He’s on the phone, but he’ll see you as soon as he’s done. Can I get you some coffee, tea or water?”

  “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Have a seat and I’ll announce you when he’d ready.”

  The woman went back to her typing, her face lit up by the computer screen. Ellyn’s nerves were a little frayed and she didn’t want to have to deal with Colton. She had feelings for the man and the less she saw of him, the better.

  Colton’s door opened and the man himself stood there in his tailored suit, looking better than he had a right to be. Ellyn’s heart leaped in her chest. Damn. Maybe this would be the last time she’d have to see him.

  “Hello, Ellyn. Come in.” He looked at his secretary. “Hold all my calls.”

  Ellyn strode into Colton’s office. He closed the door behind her.

  “Have a seat, Ellyn.” He sat behind his expansive desk with his back to the Manhattan skyline. He folded his hands in front of him, seeming to drink her in for a moment. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine.”

  She wasn’t going to reveal that she hadn’t slept last night thinking about today. Or thinking about him.

  “Good. I trust you got everything squared away with HR?”

  “All but the direct deposit. I’ll take care of that later in the week.”

  “Do that because I think I already have a job for you. It’ll begin next week.”

  “Next week? I have shifts at the restaurant.”

  “You haven’t quit there?”

  “Not yet. I need to have an income and I didn’t know when I’d get paid so I didn’t want to quit yet.”

  “I see.” He frowned. “The client really wants you next week. Can you work that out? We can provide you with a loan until your first paycheck comes. It’ll be three weeks or so.”

  Three weeks? “Uh, I can’t go three weeks without getting paid.”

  “Let me work this out. Figure out how much you need to live on and we’ll fill in and then you can pay us back out of your first payment. Does that sound okay?”

  She gulped. “I guess it has to.”

  “I promise you, this is worth it. If this cosmetic company likes you, you’ll have a lot more work. And you won’t have to travel since you’re doing just face work,” he said.

  There was no hint of rancor in his voice. Colton was all business and that relieved Ellyn. She didn’t want to talk about them anymore. She wanted to work and get paid and make her life better. More importantly, make Derek’s life better.

  “Okay. I’ll let you know my expenses when I bring in the check for HR.”

  “Sounds good.”


  Colton could not take his eyes off Ellyn. She looked even more beautiful to him. She seemed calm and was taking in what he had to say. Taking it all in stride would help her in her new career.

  “This client is a cosmetics company, as I said. They are looking for a new face and to expand their reach into the African American community. That’s where you fit in.”

  “They want me to be the new face of their company?”

  “Yes. You are not the only one in the running, but I got the definite impression that the owner wanted you.”

  Not every model did this well on the first job, so Colton was excited for Ellyn. She’d get some real money right away. Which she needed. He knew. He’d seen where she lived.

  The next part of this conversation would be tough. He wanted her to move out of that apartment as soon as possible. She may not want to, but he wanted her and Derek safe. Her neighborhood was not the place for them.

  He tapped the folder in front of him. It held her pictures and they were fantastic. “I have your portfolio. I’m really impressed and the photographer enjoyed working with you.”

  She licked her lips as he held out her small body of work. She took it then opened it. He wanted her to like it. She was beautiful. “So, this client is in Manhattan?”

  “Yes. There would be no traveling. I know that would be a problem with Derek.”

  “Not sure I can depend on my babysitters to take care of him overnight,” she said.

  “I understand. This is a great place to start. What do you think of the photos?”

  She let out a noisy breath. “They are interesting. They don’t look like me or what I think of as me.”

  He laughed. “Not even the ones without makeup?”

  “No, not even those. I guess the photographer saw something I don’t see when I look in the mirror.”

  “That’s because you underestimate yourself,” Colton said.

  She waved a hand. “That may be.”

  “Is there anything you’re nervous about?”

  She bit her lip. “No.”

  He didn’t believe her, but he’d let her go on that subject. He had a more important one to bring up. “I’d like for you to move into the company’s condo.”


  “For several reasons, including the fact that you aren’t safe where you are.”

  Her back straightened. “We’ve done well.”

  “No, you’ve survived. Look, the condo is empty most of the time. It’s across the street from Central Park so you have a place to take Derek. He needs open space.”

  “What do you know about what a boy needs?”

  “In case you don’t remember, I am a boy. Or was at one point. I remember days of running around outside.”

  She cocked her head. “How much will this cost?”

  “You get it for free. When you make more money, you can move out and get your own place. No lease. Move out anytime. There’s a cleaning service so you don’t even have to do housework. The food is stocked on a regular basis and you’ll have control of that. It’s a win-win, Ellyn. Just take my offer. No strings attached.”

  His dick wanted to see Ellyn. He wanted to kiss her and taste her body again. Hopefully, this itch would go away, but he doubted it. This sucked for him.

  She showed no signs of being affected by his presence. Damn.

  She licked her lips again, drawing his gaze to them. Did they taste as good today as they had over the weekend?

  She spoke and he shook himself out of thinking about her body parts. “What?�

  “When can I move in?”

  “Immediately. There’s room if you need to bring someone with you to take care of Derek, or we can find him a preschool in the area.”

  “I’ll have to think about the preschool,” she said.

  He nodded. He had to tread lightly when it came to her son. She would be stubborn if he pushed too hard.

  “I also would like to spend time with Derek.”


  “Because he has no male adult influences in his life and I’d like to be one. I have no children and I love kids. My sister can be my reference if you need one. I’ve taken care of her kids more than once overnight. No one has died.”

  She eyed him, and he bet the gears were whirring in her mind. She was trying to figure out his angle. His motives were simple. He wanted to spend time with Ellyn and Derek. He liked the kid and frankly if he could, he was willing to make a difference in his life. He put his hand under his desk, his fingers crossed, hoping she would agree.

  “Okay,” she said finally.


  Ellyn arrived at the studio for her first shoot five minutes early. She’d wanted to be even earlier, but Derek had been difficult about her leaving. She had no idea why of all days he would be clingy today. As if he knew this day was important.

  Taking a deep breath, she blew it out, trying to settle herself before she opened the door on her new career. When she did, the whole place reminded her of a beehive she’d seen on a field trip years ago. Everyone was moving. Her eyes grew large just watching them.

  Her heart raced. She could not figure out who was in charge. Finally, someone noticed her. A young skinny girl came over. “You Ellyn?”


  “Come with me.”

  She followed the girl to a room with a rack full of blouses and tops.

  “Put the first one in line on, then come out and find me.”

  The girl didn’t close the door behind her so Ellyn did it instead. She put her purse down on a chair then took off her blouse to put the other one on. Now dressed, she returned to the room that was the hub of activity.

  She looked around for the woman, but didn’t see her. A stool was set up in front of white sheets just like her first shoot.

  A man with a camera in his hand came up to her. “You the model?”


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