Page 19
At last Kane's lips left hers and Natalie, a part of her wine drugged brain still capable of logical thought, once more tried to collect herself and bring to an end this frivolous sport so rapidly escalating out of control. She clutched feebly at her loosened bodice and struggled to move from Kane's grasp.
Anger mixed with his passion and Kane jerked her back, depositing her on his lap. "No, Judge, I'll not let you go." His voice sounded deadly. "Come to me."
Strong fingers cupped the back of her head and he forced her mouth once more to his. Natalie tried to turn her head, but the effort was futile. His lips held hers prisoner and she could not move, even though her gloved hands pushed violently against his bare, warm chest.
While he kissed her, Kane's free hand moved beneath her twisted velvet skirts and Natalie made a little strangled pleading sound deep in her throat. Kane ignored it. He continued to drink from her lips while his exploring hand moved up a silk-stockinged leg. Natalie squirmed and struggled and remembered, almost hysterically, that she was naked beneath the gown. There was no protective barrier to keep him from her.
Soon Kane knew it too.
A warm, determined hand moved above the silky stocking and satin garter, and encountered bare skin. His mouth released Natalie's instantly and his eyes flew to the exposed flesh before him.
Ashamed and afraid, Natalie said brokenly, "Please… Kane…" And her damp forehead fell against his cheek. Enthralled, Kane pulled the lush velvet skirt higher and the heart inside his chest doubled its fierce beating. The long, luscious legs, the bare moonbathed thighs, and the blazing auburn curls between them caused Kane to groan, "Jesus. Baby, baby."
Feeling as though she might perish from shame and from passion, Natalie squeezed her eyes shut and murmured, "You must think—"
"Hush," rasped Kane, toying for an instant with a shiny satin garter before seeking that tempting red-gold triangle between her pale thighs.
Natalie's body spasmed slightly when his lean fingers raked through the tight curls and moved downward. And she knew she didn't want him to stop. She wanted him to touch her there; her body was begging for it, craving it, and she didn't dare if it was right or wrong, foolish or wise.
"Yes, Kane," she breathed, and kissed his throat. "Oh, yes."
"Sit up and part your legs a little, baby," whispered Kane raggedly. Sighing softly, Natalie shivered and obeyed. Kane's fingers sought out and found that damp, throbbing nubbin of flesh protected by the dense curls. "Unbuckle the other shoulder of your dress," he commanded huskily. Willingly she did so, pushing the garment down to her waist. Her bare, swelling breasts were near his dark face, and Kane, his fingers caressing her between her legs, leaned his head back on the tall leather seat and urged her to him.
Natalie's green eyes closed in ecstasy when his warm lips enclosed her throbbing right nipple. He took only a brief second to tease at it with his tongue, licking, circling, painting, before he drew hungrily upon it, sucking eagerly, anxiously.
Purring deep in her throat, Natalie's silk-gloved fingers ran through the dark hair at the sides of his head to draw him closer, closer even as she arched her slender back, instinctively pushing her breast against his hot, loving mouth.
Kane drew on the taut, sweet nipples. He felt he would never get enough, so delicious was the taste of her, so drugging the texture of her bare, soft breasts against his hot face.
And between her legs… that slick, hot satin flesh responded so erotic ally to his eager hand. He wanted never to be free of it. He'd keep her naked and throbbing forever, his hand, and his alone, stroking, exciting, possessing her.
When both Natalie's breasts were pink and glowing from his kisses and Kane's brown fingers were wet from her surging passion, Kane picked her up and laid her upon the opposite seat. He came to her then, his clothed body moving swiftly over hers, his hand between them to release his aching, horizontal-thrusting masculinity.
Natalie felt it throb against her bare belly and almost sobbed from wanting. Kane kissed her deeply and said into her mouth, "Do you want me?"
"Then, take me. Take all of me, baby."
Natalie let out a strange little half sob and lowered her hand. Fingers closing around the naked rigid flesh, she guided him easily into her waiting warmth, emerald eyes sliding closed in rapture.
With the glorious melding of his flesh into hers, they murmured unintelligible words of passion while they moved eagerly and primitively, his thrusts deep and rapid, her response wild and abandoned. So aroused was she when he came into her, Natalie felt her climax beginning almost at once. Her eyes flew open in distressed apology. Kane's smoldering eyes were looking down at her and he whispered huskily, because he could feel what was happening to her, "Yes, baby, yes. It's okay. Let it come."
And she did.
Wave after wave of shuddering pleasure washed over her and she clung to his velvet-clad shoulders and tossed her head and bucked up against him and felt his silencing mouth come down on hers when her release became too vocal. And in that kiss, Kane's own release began and heightened Natalie's to near-hysterical splendor. He thrust deeply, rapidly with his hard, exploding body while his tongue thrust deeply, rapidly in cadence with the other.
And then they were over the top and into that brilliant nirvana meant only for passionate, uninhibited lovers. They clung to each other desperately until rapture subsided, and, totally sated, they lay exhausted, their mingled breath vaporing in the cold, mo on-splashed carnage.
But reality soon came rushing back to engulf them.
Passion slaked, hunger fed, each found it suddenly unbelievable—and unforgivable—that this had been allowed to happen. Broad, bare chest still heaving, Kane levered himself off Natalie, adjusting his clothes as he did so.
He moved at once to the seat across from her as Natalie sat up blushing and hurriedly lowered her gown to hide her naked belly and thighs. She struggled with the velvet shoulder buckles, pulling frantically at the bodice of her gown. And as she struggled, she felt an almost uncontrollable anger at Kane as he sat across from her, lolling lazily, quietly observing, not offering to help. The more she struggled, the angrier she became.
Kane's hooded eyes never left her, and while he sat coolly watching her labor to cover herself, a frown on her beautiful face, one breast still bare and shimmering in the moonlight, he felt his disgust and anger swiftly rising.
They were both angry. Thoroughly, unreasonably angry. Angry with themselves. But being human, they took it out on each other. Natalie was the first to speak. Finally managing to get her gown back together, she jerked her cape around her shoulders and said hatefully, "Thanks for all your help!"
Kane snorted. "A shame you're not as adept at dressing as you are at undressing."
"I beg your pardon," she said furiously. "It was you who—"
"Tell me, Judge, do you always go about naked? Is it so you'll be able to take on a man without bothering to—"
"Stop it! I don't go around naked. This gown makes it—"
"—damned easy for you to behave the harlot."
"Who are you calling a harlot, you bastard!"
"Would you prefer tart?" he said coldly. "Tell me, Judge, how many times have you brought your blond knight to ecstasy in this carnage? Does Lord Blackmore like to make love in here? How do you go about it? Seated? Lying down, or—"
"You name a position, Covington," Natalie cut in, stung by his cruel words, frantic to hurt him in return. "Ashlin is very innovative. We experiment every time we ride in the carriage." She laughed then, a low, throaty laugh, as though recalling something amusingly naughty. "I'll never forget the time we—"
"Shut up!" Kane roared. "God damn it, shut up!"
Natalie blinked her eyelashes and said innocently, "Why, Kane, I thought you wanted to hear about it. I'll be glad to relate all the delicious details of our amorous escapades."
Kane leaned forward menacingly and said in a voice tinged with cold steel, "I don't care where or when o
r with whom you spread your legs, Judge Vallance, as long as it's never again with me."
Natalie leaned forward to meet him and, looking straight into his stormy eyes, drawled cruelly, "Why, Cap'n Covington, you mean you didn't enjoy makin' love to Colonel Shelby's only niece in the back of her fiancé's carriage?"
Chapter Twenty-One
Natalie awoke with a start. Through her bedroom door came a deep, familiar voice with a hint of a Texas twang.
"Wake up, lazybones," called Shelby Sutton, knocking briskly. "Rise and shine. If you're not downstairs in five minutes, I'll be back for you." Deep, chuckling laughter followed, then the sound of his booted feet descending the stairs.
Natalie wished she never had to get out of bed. Never had to go down the stairs. She was tired, so tired. Her eyes were scratchy and her head ached ferociously. And her heart ached too.
Natalie had lain awake until the first gray smudge tinged the eastern horizon. It had been a long, agonizing night of self-reproach and soul-searching. She was confused and upset; little was clear save two things. She hated Kane Covington now more than ever. And she could not marry Ashlin Blackmore.
Natalie pushed the cascading auburn curls off her pale face and sat up. She would wait until Uncle Shelby left town, then, as gently as possible, she would tell Ashlin she could never be his wife.
Natalie had faced some hard facts during the long, sleepless night. She had admitted to herself that she was not and had never been in love with Ashlin Blackmore. A woman in love with one man did not make love to another.
Ashlin was a kind, charming man and she was fond of him. He had come into her life at precisely the appropriate moment. For years she had been forced to use her will alone to determine the course of her life. Weary of the constant loneliness, starved for the company of an intelligent, cultured man, longing to have children, she had easily convinced herself the relationship with Ashlin was one that would grow into a deep and abiding love. But it had not happened.
Her feelings for Kane Covington were just as clear. She hated him more than ever. He was a callous southern bastard with a heart of stone. A dangerous devil who possessed the power to bewitch her. One heated kiss and her bones had turned to jelly, her body had dissolved into his. And afterward, he'd called her a harlot!
After dressing in a colorless day-dress of drab gray wool, Natalie tiredly went downstairs. She would say nothing to Uncle Shelby of her decision not to marry Ashlin. He would be in Cloudcastle for only a short visit, and it had been so long since he had been here. She'd not spoil their time together. She would pretend all was right with her world. Then, after his departure, she would go at once to Ashlin and tell him of her decision.
As for Kane Covington, she'd never, of course, speak of the tawdry tryst they had shared, but she would not hesitate to tell her uncle just what she thought of the miserable Mississippian!
"There she is!" exclaimed her beaming uncle when Natalie stepped into the dining room. Swiftly he rose and planted a kiss on her cheek.
"Morning, Uncle Shelby." She tried to sound untroubled.
"My God, child." Her uncle's alert, gray eyes were on her pale face. "What is it? You look terrible."
Natalie smiled weakly and took the chair he pulled out. "A bit too much champagne, I believe."
Her uncle reclaimed his chair and quickly poured her a cup of steaming black coffee. "It's my fault. I should have insisted you eat your dinner at the Eureka last evening." He shook his head. "Then when we came back here, why… neither you nor Kane ate a bite."
Natalie took a sip of the dark brew, placed the thin porcelain cup back in its saucer, and said, "Uncle Shelby, I'm thirty years old. You're hardly to blame for my not eating properly. Or drinking too much champagne." Or, she added silently, for making love to your unprincipled friend in the back of Ashlin's carnage.
"Honey, you'll always be a child to me, don't you know that?" He gazed at her fondly and she could see the worry in his warm gray eyes. "You look so peaked, so drawn."
"Uncle Shelby, you actually approve of Kane Covington?" She hadn't meant to blurt out the question. "Nat, I think a lot of the boy. I sure do."
"He stole my land?"
Shelby passed her a platter of crisply fried bacon. She shook her head no. He set it back on the table and said evenly, "Natalie, Kane stole nothing. He won that land, fair and square."
"You too?"
"Me too what, honey?"
"You're taking his side against me. How could you? Can't anyone see that the man is… is…" Natalie saw the puzzled expression in her uncle's gray eyes, and stopped speaking.
"Natalie, I would never take anyone's side against you on anything. Surely you believe that."
Contrite, Natalie reached out and patted her uncle's strong, bronzed hand. "I know. I'm sorry." She made an effort to smile.
"That's better," said Shelby. "Darlin', that land up on Promontory Point, the acreage Kane won, is worthless. Besides, I know Kane, he'll be gone by spring. He's a wanderer, a vagabond. He never stays in one place very long."
Natalie sighed wearily. "I hope you're right. Uncle Shelby, your fondness for the man truly puzzles me. You two are such opposites. You're kind and caring and brave, while Kane is hard and heartless and a coward."
"Coward?" Shelby's silver eyebrows shot up incredulously. "Kane Covington a coward?"
"Yes, he's cowardly. He let the town bully scare him out of the Gilded Cage Saloon. Everybody in Cloudcastle laughs about it."
Shelby Sutton laughed himself "Do they, now?" He opened the gleaming silver biscuit box, took out a light, fluffy biscuit, and laid it on Natalie's plate, urging her to butter it. "I'll wager they do their laughing when Kane's not around, don't they?"
"I don't know… I… well, yes, but—"
"Natalie, if Kane Covington let a man run him out of a saloon, it was not because of fear. It was because he didn't care enough to fight. Kane doesn't care about much of anything anymore, but I assure you, he's no coward. I fought by his side in the war, remember!"
Seeing how passionate her uncle felt on the subject, Natalie shrugged slender shoulders and let it drop. But she found herself continuing to question him, as casually as possible, about Kane.
"So you two served together in the war? Were you stationed at the same place?"
Relieved to see her mood softening, Shelby bobbed his silver head up and down. "Bravest damned soldier ever under my command."
"Really?" she murmured, lifting her coffee cup.
With little prompting, Shelby Sutton spoke, with great affection and admiration, of Kane Covington. And Natalie caught herself leaning forward with interest, hanging on to every word, intensely absorbed in the revelations.
Shelby told her that Kane Covington was a wealthy southern aristocrat whose happy youth had been spent at his family's Mississippi coastal plantation on the Gulf of Mexico. Educated at Harvard, Kane had read for the bar before reaching his twenty-second birthday. Not a year later, the War Between the States broke out and Kane, heir to vast land holdings and hundreds of slaves, valiantly volunteered.
"Kane was under my command in the early days of the war," mused Shelby, "and from the beginning I was impressed with the mannerly Mississippian. He was smart, industrious, and always cheerful, a truly remarkable young man. And when we went into battle… well, Kane was all a commanding officer could hope for in a soldier."
"He was sharp and daring, and closely escaped death more than once." Shelby suddenly stuck a long arm behind him and with a forefinger stabbed at his spine. "Kane has three deep scars that go all the way across his back. Got them from a mounted Yankee's saber slashing him down on a hot August day in Virginia. Kane's horse had been shot from under him and his musket was empty of ammunition."
Natalie hoped her face was not flushing. She knew, all too well, of the ribbon-white scars that marred Kane's back. "Was Kane discharged then? Did he return to Mississippi?" Natalie prodded.
"No, honey. He lay in the field hospital near de
ath for several days, not making a sound though we had run out of supplies and the doctors had nothing to ease his pain. I'd go by and see him and give him an awkward pat and say, 'Don't let go, son. Hold on, hold on,' and Kane would smile bravely and say, Don't worry, sir, I'm going to live, I have to live for my sweet Susannah.'"
Shelby fell silent and Natalie realized she was practically holding her breath.
"Go on," she prompted, refusing to ask who Susannah was, but hoping he would reveal it.
"Kane did live, of course," said Shelby Sutton, "and went on to become a decorated officer. He was taken from my command the next year and sent to Tennessee; still, we kept in touch. He was wounded twice more and awarded medals for bravery. When the war finally ended, it had been more than two years since he'd last seen his Mississippi home." Shelby sadly shook his silver head. "He had nothing to go back to. Kane's daddy, also a Confederate officer, died at the bloody battle of Shiloh. His mother and baby sister, fleeing the Yankees, took refuge in a small Alabama town, caught the yellow fever, and died in the sweltering summer of sixty-three. The big plantation on the Mississippi coast was occupied by Federal troops and when they no longer had a use for it, they burned it to the ground."
"No!" Natalie was. horrified.
"They did," said Shelby. "Destroyed a thirty-room mansion that had been standing for fifty years on the peaceful shores of the Gulf A shame, a damned shame."
"It is," admitted Natalie.
"Kane didn't stay long in Mississippi. After the war he took to drifting… wandered all around the country, not caring much where he went or what he did. He punched cows on a big ranch in West Texas for a while; he went to Europe and lived for a time in a castle with a rich widowed duchess. Kane soon tired of her, came home and gambled on the riverboats one summer, then… hell, he even lived among the Comanches for a year."
"He lived with the Indians? Did he take a squaw?" The words were out of her mouth before she thought.
Shelby laughed at the wide-eyed expression on her pale face. "No, a squaw took him. I ran into Kane once back in those days in a Texas saloon. He insisted I ride with him up to the Comanche camp in Palo Duro Canyon. He assured me my scalp was safe long as I was with him, so I accepted the invitation." Shelby's face broke into a wide grin. "The prettiest little dark-eyed gal you ever saw was living with Kane, and I could see she fairly worshiped him."