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The Scheme

Page 5

by Dakota Black

  He was on edge and unsure why. Maybe music would help. Flipping on the satellite radio, the 80’s station did nothing for his increasing snarly mood. There was something about hearing Bon Jovi singing so early in the morning that raked his last nerve. The song also reminded him of Nicky. He had seen her dancing to one of their hits more than a time or two as she partied with the girls at the bar. Then again, there was little he hadn’t paid attention to over the last six months from her form fitting dresses hugging every curve perfectly to her long legs that moved seductively when she swayed back and forth. “Damn it girl!” Mick rubbed the bulge in his pants, the tight denim sending a jolt of pain directly into his bloodstream.

  As he drove toward the restaurant, he contemplated what he could do to garner her attention, if anything. Hell, she thought of him as nothing but a playboy. He hated to admit the realization to himself, but she was right, at least given his game-playing attitude he portrayed. Mick knew damn good and well he could have his choice of women, but when he left Australia over a year before, he was determined to do to things differently with women. And then he fell back into his old ways.

  Cringing, he thought about Susi and shook his head. The relationship had been difficult at best and when she ended it, he’d nearly destroyed himself with booze and dating one girl after the other. Nicky had witnessed part of that wretched moment of his life. No wonder she was leery about dating him. He was determined to show her he’d changed.

  Mick also wanted to honor his grandfather’s dying wish that he make something out of the old biker bar. Perhaps that’s why the county official frustrated him so much. Shaking his head, his mind drifted back to thoughts of Nicky. Damn it, he craved settling down with one woman. He eyed his haunted look in the rearview mirror and sighed, the past and the wonderful woman he allowed to get away remained like a burning echo in his heart. Even though they both realized the combative relationship was highly combustible, the agony had been excruciating. Nicky was the one. He knew it in his heart.

  Granted, he wasn’t sure that he was a white picket fence and baby carriage kind of guy, but he longed to have the feel of a woman in his arms and his bed permanently. He knew in his heart that Nicky was the one that could destroy the bindings that continued to strangle him. How in the bloody hell was he going to show her that he was no longer just a game player? “Think down under, boy. What does a lady like?” Smiling, he realized that he needed to treat her exactly like a lady. Mick pulled into a parking lot. Picking up his phone he checked the internet, selected a vendor and dialed the number, grinning like a kid in a candy store.

  Placing the order, he snapped his phone shut and jerked back onto the busy road, tapping his foot to It’s Raining Men as he pressed the gas pedal to the floor. Damn, sending her something special made him feel better. As he rolled down Route 10, nearing The Flamingo Rustler, he had another idea and one he thought was fairly brilliant. Skidding to a stop in the middle of an intersection, he was met with copious amounts of blaring horns. Maneuvering the sports car, he did a quick U turn and rolled up the interstate. There was a mall just close enough to find what he was looking for.

  Twenty minutes later Mick was back on his way, grinning like a Cheshire cat. One way or the other he was going to convince the sexy, little woman that he was the real deal, even if it killed him. As he cruised into the parking lot of the Rustler, he frowned. The news hadn’t even gotten out about the snazzy event and there was the zoning inspector eyeing the building. Mick snarled and realized he was staring at the neon sign that still had the words, dancing, drinking and saucy fun planted right in the center “Shit!” He’d asked Froggy to take the words off the marquis after the man’s visit the week before. The last thing he needed was the jerk breathing down his neck.

  Mick parked in his usual spot in the back of the restaurant and climbed out, wondering what the little creep wanted this time. As he sauntered toward the front as slowly as his long legs would allow, he reflected why he hated the pompous jerk. Hell yeah, he remembered. The man had made it his vendetta to shut the Rustler down. While Mick had no idea why, he figured the short man with wiry glasses and a paunch belly simply didn’t like him. Why? He was a charming enough guy, right? Mick chuckled as he rounded the corner. “What can I do for you, Robbie?”

  “That’s Mr. Colton, Rod Colton.”

  Of course, Mick knew his name. He just liked fucking with the short wise ass. “Some new ordinance you need to tell me about like all my wait staff is required to wear denim instead of hot pink spandex or perhaps that straws are no longer allowed in drinks because they’re too dangerous?”

  Rod gave him a look of disdain and pulled out a tiny notebook. “I see you didn’t follow my last orders and are continuing to allow lewd dancing in this restaurant.”

  “Lewd dancing?” Now this one was a new tact. “You're completely aware that this is a family restaurant with a snazzy bar that is frequented by a lot of regulars including a significant portion of the community leaders from Leopard’s Pointe, who wouldn’t tolerate any type of scandalous joint near their precious little community. So cut the crap. You’re just pissed because the words are still on the marquis.”

  “What walks like a duck.” Rod began making notes.

  “Un-fucking-believable. I don’t know what got up your crawl, slick boy, but me and your boss are gonna have words.” Mick realized this was no longer fun and games. While he didn’t mind toying with the little prick during the off hours, if this was getting serious then his business would suffer and that he couldn’t allow to happen.

  “I don’t think that mouthing off to me, Mr. St. Simons is a good idea, especially when I can shut you down completely.” Rod pulled out a camera from his pocket and took shots of the sign.

  “You wouldn’t?” Seething, Mick fought the building rage. He could take the little man out in a heartbeat but that wouldn’t bode well for the six o’clock news.

  Rod turned his head slowly, the grin laced with evil. “Oh, I would.” Sniffing, he shoved the camera back in his coat pocket slowly and finally nodded. “Tell you what, you take the lettering off the sign and make sure I don’t hear any new complaints about noise and shameless activities and I might give you a break. But, you’ll have to come by my office once a month to give me some updates about your activities.”

  Mick narrowed his eyes and walked closer to the conniving man. He had the distinct feeling the guy was sizing him up and not for a toss in the ring either. While the antics were getting out of hand, what the hell else could he do? He had to get off the radar before the next weekend or he was doomed. He knew damn good and well that Candy Cane was already getting the word out about the festivities. He only prayed to God she was putting the right spin on it. Tapped out of his personal funds, he had serious doubts he could get a loan from anyone given the economy. Garnering an idea, he sucked in his humility and broke out in a toothy smile. “Works for me. Would you and the missus like to have dinner on me one night so you can see what my family-style atmosphere is like?” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Froggy standing in the doorway, grinning like a little rat.

  Rod flushed and took a step back. “No. Are you trying to bribe me?”

  “Why of course not,” Mick said, watching Rod’s expression go from embarrassed to nervous as hell. Somehow, he didn’t think that the inspector was worried about bribes. As Rod undressed him with his eyes, he knew exactly why the man was after him. Sex.

  “Good then. I'll leave you to your business, but take the lettering down.” Scuttling backward, Rod slammed against the side of his car, fumbling to try and get the handle open. He gave Mick one last long glare before starting the engine.

  That’s interesting. Rod pulled out of the parking lot, tires squealing. Shaking his head, Mick burst into laughter.

  “Family-style atmosphere?” Froggy asked, chuckling.

  Mick shrugged. “Well, I had to say something, especially since we are planning a hot event.”

  “Tell me, why is h
e bustin’ your balls again?”

  “Hell, if I know,” Mick hissed.

  Froggy slapped him on the back. “I think he has reasons.”

  “You know, I think he just propositioned me.”

  “As in sexually?” Froggy choked.

  “You know what else?” Mick nodded. “I think our scheming inspector is hiding something and I think we might be able to use that against him.”

  “You better be sure about that.”

  “Don’t worry, maybe we can dig up some dirt.”

  Froggy nodded. “I like your attitude.” He nodded as Mick walked past him. “So, what about Nicky? You guys gettin’ married or what?”

  Mick gave him a savage look. “Do not go there, but…” He grinned. “I’m not going down without a fight.”

  “She has no idea that she has a tiger by the tail, does she?”

  Mick shook his head and thought about the electric bull, er horse. “No, but she’s going to learn real fast.” If it kills me.

  Chapter 3

  Nicky found it difficult to concentrate at work. Thank God, today was Friday and she could get out of the office late in the afternoon to go on site. Granted, the last thing she was in the mood for was an encounter with a nasty homeowner, but the shit went with the wretched job. She closed her office door and stared out the expansive windows, shaking her head. Finally resigning herself to the fact that she wasn’t going to figure out the status of her relationship with the sexy man any time soon, she sauntered around her desk and pulled out several files.

  Two hours and fifteen phone calls later, she rubbed her eyes as she sipped on her warm bottle of water. Her thoughts continued to drift back to Mick and the hurt look on his face that morning. Sighing, she wondered if they could possibly have a relationship. He was a nice enough guy but she knew he had several women. Didn’t he? He had to because of his stunning good looks and the suave attitude. Then there was that picture. Damn it. There was no date on the photograph and it certainly could be from another time and another place. Why was it nagging at her? One word. Tim. The sad thing was that Nicky knew very little about Mick’s past. She had asked once and he smiled and told her that his life had begun the day he came to America. What if the truth was…

  Mick wouldn’t do that to you. No, Mick was kind and sensuous and sexy as hell. A tiny smile curled across her lips as she thought about his minty fresh kiss that morning. Get a grip girl. Whew! But it was difficult not to think about his gorgeous thick cock. Closing her eyes, she remembered the way his cum had tasted, musky. The sharp knock on the door dragged her out of her reverie.

  “Yes?” Nicky called out, shaking away her lust.

  “Something arrived for you.” The perky blond bounced in, wearing a mischievous grin on her face.

  Her assistant, Tina Harper, was young, fresh faced and gullible but a hard worker. “I’m afraid to ask what this something could be.” The last time Tina came into her office bearing gifts, it was a case of beer and a note begging her to stop the foreclosure process. Nice touch.

  “You’ll like this one,” the girl giggled as she ushered in a deliveryman.

  Nicky stood, blinking furiously and the sight of the huge bouquet of red roses forced a slight whimper to escape her mouth. Squelching the sound, she slowly walked around her desk. “Okay, now this is what I call a bribe.” Hearing her nervous laugh, she swallowed and glanced at Tina. “Any idea?”

  “Nope, but there is a card.”

  “Where would you like them?” the twenty-something year old boy asked.

  “The table over there is fine. Let me get you a tip,” Nicky grabbed her purse.

  “Nope, the guy was very clear and paid me very well. No tipping.” The boy set the flowers down and nodded before swaggering out of the office, giving her a long once over.

  “I think someone has a crush on you,” Tina giggled. “And I don’t mean the delivery boy. Open the card.”

  Nicky gave her a look of disdain and realized she didn’t need to open the card. The dazzling flowers were no doubt from Mick. Her hands shaking, she pulled the note off the plastic stick and fumbled to open the envelope.

  “What’s it say? Come on!”

  “Give me a second.” Nicky’s eyes opened wide as she read the words to herself.

  Your beauty and intelligence amaze me

  Your grace defines who you are

  You are everything I’ve ever wanted

  Have lunch with me…

  Perhaps more

  “Shit,” Nicky gulped. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Tina jerked the card out of her hand. “Mystery guest, eh? That’s sexy as hell. Whew, any idea who sent you these?”

  Only the most scintillating and delicious man from down under I have ever known and one that fucked me hard and fast like a wild pony in the middle of a crowded restaurant. Nicky closed her eyes, her pulse racing. That’s exactly what she had done like a stupid teenager.

  “Okay, I won’t push it right now, but you have some explaining to do. I can tell you’ve been holding out on me.” Handing Nicky back the card, Tina turned on her heel, her giggle echoing as she walked down the hallway.

  Fondling the velvet petals, Nicky glanced at her phone, once, twice and a third time before she grabbed it. She had all his numbers programmed into her phone. Should that be telling her something? Hesitating, she dialed Mick’s cell phone and made it to the second ring before she ended the call.

  “You're pathetic,” she hissed. Dialing again, this time there was a third ring before she pressed end, gingerly set the phone down on her desk and pushed it out of her reach. Nervous Nelly high school girl. Nicky shook her head. Like he wasn’t going to see she called twice. “What is so wrong with you?” Frustrated, she stamped her feet and stared out the window into the bright late morning sun, daydreaming and wanting.

  “Hmm, now roses and calling yourself names could mean only one thing,” Veronica said as she sauntered into Nicky’s office.

  Nicky turned and smiled. “That transparent?”

  “Uh, yeah.” She folded her arms and walked toward the roses, taking a long whiff. “Wonderful. From Mick?”

  “Oh course. I kinda…” Nicky rubbed her eyes. Why was this so difficult? “I blew him off this morning.”

  “Why? Good God, girl, seeing the two of you finally taking a step forward is wonderful.” Veronica craned her neck, her eyes darting back and forth across Nicky’s. “Oh, the classic case of guilt. I can see the raw emotion shimmering in your eyes.”

  “You got it. I don’t know why I was so impetuous and uninhibited.”

  “Because you’ve had the sinful hots for that man since the day you laid eyes on him and you know it. So, you fucked him in the middle of the storeroom like a wanton vixen. So what?”

  “A little louder so my entire office can hear you!” Nicky chastised then laughed. How could she not giggle at the mere thought of riding him like a wild pony? “The moment was the most incredible experience of my life and yet I can’t seem to face what I did. What am I, thirteen?”

  “No, silly. You're happy, so enjoy.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I do, so shut up,” Veronica chastised. “I’ve never seen you as happy as when you’re around him and the same goes for Mick.”

  “He has too many women.”

  Veronica huffed. “No, he acts the part, flirting for customers. He’s a private man and one you need to get to know. Promise me you won’t shut him down.”

  Nicky groaned, the promise wavering in her mind. “I promise.”

  “Good girl. Now stop being a ninny and let’s talk for a few minutes about the ideas Candy and I came up with.”

  “Okay. I could use a break. What are you two cooking up?” Nicky stole a gaze at the flowers and read the words again. Did he mean the lovely sentiment or was this just another method of getting her into bed? Then again, if that was the case, was there anything so terrible about having another delicious moment with him? She could hear Veronica
prattling off about the event, but couldn’t get her mind off Mick; his eyes, his carved ass, his thick erection. Flustered, she fanned her face and tried to control her ragged breathing. A shameless magical tryst was okay between consenting adults, right? Nibbling on her bottom lip, she weighed the pros and cons. On one hand, she could have glorious nights of sex with no strings and on the other hand…

  “You and Mick are the prizes. If a guy wins, he goes out on a date with you and if a girl, then Mick.”

  Then again, if she did have a night or ten with him, that might… “What did you say?” Nicky snapped her head to glare at Veronica. “What? There’s no way I heard you correctly.”

  “I figured that would get your attention and we are serious. It’s just a date so don’t worry and wipe that look of horror off your face!”

  “Any other tidbits you haven’t told me?”

  “Let me think.” Veronica sucked her finger as her eyes danced. “Nothing except you’re both required to be there that night and I think you need to dress up. Yeah, I have the perfect costumes in mind.”



  “As what?” Nicky remembered part of the deal with Mick was performing that night. Suddenly her blood ran cold. There was no way in hell she was dressing up like some wicked tart and climbing onto the horse. The only thing pseudo electric she was interested in was another tasty moment with her vibrator.

  “Something wild and wicked. Hey, come to think of it, Halloween is right around the corner. Perhaps you could go as a naughty she-devil.”


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