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The Scheme

Page 11

by Dakota Black

  “Then don’t touch Nicky if you still aren’t sure. She’s been through too much in her life.” Veronica sighed. This was getting way out of hand. She huffed when Mick hesitated. “As I thought. Just leave her alone.” When he held up his hand, the look on his face troubled, she was taken aback.

  “I know and you might not believe me but I crave that woman, body and soul. When Nicky enters a room, she lights up the joint like no girl I’ve ever known. The first time I met her, when she almost slapped me across the face, I knew then she was the one that might drag me out of my dregs of hell, but I ran screaming away from the idea. I fought it because of Susi. I became what I was accused of, the persona of a playboy.” Mick closed his eyes.

  As a single bead of perspiration slid down the side of his face, Veronica shivered, thinking about her part in the duplicity. You have to fix this. You have to confess. Not now. She could lose both of them. “What changed? Why are you ready to try now?”

  He shrugged. “I could swagger about a lot of things but it boils down to the fact I can’t have Nicky and be a playboy at the same time. I long for a woman in my life, not just in my bed. I just want to be with her. I won’t be perfect at a relationship but I want to try.”

  She brushed her hand through her hair and realized it was shaking. Nicky had confided in her one night after a watching a romantic movie together what had happened in her past, with Tim, the wretched ex. Nicky had sworn that she’d kill Veronica if she ever opened her mouth to anyone. She had to take the chance. “I have to trust you, Mick. You need to know why she flipped out.”

  “You mean other than the fact she thought I was married?”

  “That played right into everything and I should have guessed. Look, I’m taking a huge chance with this, but if you really want to be with the woman, then you need to make her feel like the only one in your life.”

  “I’ll do anything.”

  “Famous last words,” Veronica said as she paced the floor. “Okay. Several years ago, Nicky was engaged to a man she thought was the love of her life. He meant the world to her. She was so much in love. Anyway, on the day of their wedding, they were already in the fucking church and at that stupid part where the minister asks if there is any reason the two shouldn’t be married and well…” Shaking her head, just saying the words filled her with rage.

  “I don’t like where this is going.”

  “Well, a lovely lady came from the back of the church and smiled, telling the entire congregation of about four hundred well-wishers that the dashing groom was already married, to her.”


  “And I don’t mean the divorce wasn’t final. He was living a double life.”

  Mick gripped the edge of the desk. “Sweet Jesus. How in the bloody hell will she believe I’m not married?”

  “That’s for you to figure out.” Veronica could tell by his haunted look how much he cared about her. Tell him now or tell him later? Her little voice screamed at her to wait. This could still all work out. “So big man, are you up for what could be a huge gamble?”


  “Well, Candy and I already had something in mind and now, I think it’s imperative that I play this out. However, I need your help.”

  He tipped his head and grinned. “I know you well enough to know you have your heart in the right place. If this means being able to explain to Nicky, I’ll do anything you ask.”

  Veronica smiled, sensing more truth coming from the man than she had ever dared imagine. In the beautiful moment, the final piece of her plan came together. “Let me tell you a little secret about what’s really going to happen at the event. Then you, my man, have some planning to do of your own if you want to keep her.”

  Chapter 6

  Mick wrung his hands and paced. Damn, when had he ever been so nervous? He glanced down from his office perch into the restaurant and sighed. The first seating of dinner was well underway and he couldn’t believe how jazzed the crowd was. Lucifer had prepared almost an entirely new menu of Caribbean spicy seafood including flying in Conch from Florida. The combination with the Texas style ribs seemed odd at first but dinners were flying out of the kitchen. He had tasted everything and had to admit, even the alligator gumbo was particularly delicious. Why the surly chef was in such a good mood, Mick would never know but Lucifer’s happy demeanor was going to make for a much more pleasant evening.

  Everything was in place including the sand-filled riding pen and the girls were just finishing with the last decorations. Even the majority of the entertainers had arrived. He had to admit the selection of rather kinky costumes was a hit with the customers. The reporter from Channel 12 was having dinner and her cameramen and had taken some pre-show footage clips of the staff and the restaurant. After this event, The Flamingo Rustler was going to be a raging hit. That is if the county didn’t shut him down.

  While he’d given strict instructions that this was not a dancing event, Mick knew in the back of his mind Rod Colton would find something else to complain about. Yep, everything was right on track except Nicky hadn’t arrived and he had a terrible feeling she wasn’t going to be able to face him. There was a plan B if she didn’t show, but it would have to wait until tomorrow. Damn, he felt sorry for himself.

  “Stop whining. What would granddaddy say?”

  “Now you’re talking to yourself?” Froggy chuckled.

  “Sometimes I make more sense,” Mick grinned. “Whew, I didn’t think you were performing.” Gazing at Froggy’s leather chaps and open vest, he knew the muscular man was going to give the ladies a show tonight.

  “It’s called tips, big man, and you should talk. You look like a Chippendale boy toy.”

  “Don’t remind me. Whaddya need?”

  “Lurch just asked me to tell you that there is a line outside already.”

  “Shit, I hadn’t expected this.” Thank God, Mick had gotten the burly man to watch the door. Needing a bouncer was invigorating.

  Froggy laughed. “That’s good news, guy.”

  “Think about what you’re saying. It’s barely five.”

  “You’re thinking the county guy?”

  “Hell yeah. Tell our hulking door man that if he sees anything out of the ordinary to get his ass in here.” Mick had a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “Will do,” Froggy said and leaned forward. “Boss man, stop worrying, she’ll be here.”

  “I hope so.” Mick followed him to the door and gazed across the perimeter. If Veronica’s plan worked, by this time tomorrow he and Nicky would be locked in a room. If her ridiculous scheme failed, he had a feeling she would be planning a move—to another country. He couldn’t hide any longer. Mick looked down at his outfit and cringed. Damn if he didn’t look like the western version of a stripper. Why he’d allowed Veronica to select his outfit, he’d never know.

  Mick glided down the stairs hearing catcalls from the back of the restaurant. Waving his hand, he chuckled as he saw the garish outfits the ladies scattered throughout the restaurant were wearing. “Hey Marge and John, nice to see you guys tonight. Staying for the show?”

  “You bet. I heard that sweet community manager of ours is performing. Wouldn’t miss the sexy event for the world,” John said, winking. “She looked hot in that newspaper article. Managed to get all the rowdy men on the golf course talking.”

  “Watch your mouth or you’ll be sleeping on the couch!” Margie punched him.

  Mick laughed and patted the white-haired man on the back. “That’s the spirit, John.”

  “I’m just saying, honey!” John whined.

  “You know he’s incorrigible, Marge. Enjoy your evening, guys,” Mick said quietly as he watched another large group coming in the door. He milled through the dining room, saying hello to the regular customers before heading toward the kitchen. While Lucifer was cursing in Italian, everything seemed to be in order. Finally satisfied he wasn’t needed, he walked back toward his office.

  Mick had no ide
a how long he’d been going through computer files, but when he glanced at his watch, he exhaled, his nerves on edge. It was ten minutes before eight and show time. Maybe she was waiting, avoiding him. Mick couldn’t get down the stairs fast enough. Panting, he saw Veronica near the door, greeting the customers with Jonathan and Travis. He raced toward them. “Is she here?”

  “Nope and before you ask, I called her,” Veronica said as she shrugged.

  “Shit. I knew she wasn’t going to attend.” Mick stared past the crowd into the parking lot.

  “Don’t panic yet. Just go get ready to announce that it’s show time.”

  “Don’t you think it’s time you told him the truth?” Travis nudged her.

  “What, now?” Veronica hissed. “No!”

  Mick turned toward her. “Tell me what?” he asked, sensing she was holding something back.

  “Tell him or face our wrath, too. He needs to know.” Jonathan urged.

  She stamped her foot. “Fine.”

  “What are you talking about?” Mick eyed all three.

  “Come with me. Well, there are some things you need to hear,” she said sheepishly.

  “Mick, time to open the show.” Candy grabbed his arm. “Come on. We have to do this.”

  “Later, okay?” Mick asked Veronica.

  She nodded and turned away, her face ashen.

  Mick shook his head. Why did he have the feeling he wasn’t going to like what she had to tell him? As he sauntered toward the sandbox area, he said a small prayer and grabbed the mike. The flashing neon lights slammed him in the face, instantly blinding him. Suddenly, the music began blaring from the speaker system. He laughed. Candy’s selection of It’s Raining Men seemed far too appropriate. As the crowd began cheering, he sidestepped the now shimmering light show and grinned, finally realizing that there were hundreds of people in his bar. Wall to wall, standing room only and he was pumped seeing the crowd. He waited until the third chorus before nodding to Candy to turn down the music.

  “Go, big boy.” Candy pushed him.

  “Welcome to The Flamingo Rustler and our sizzling event for the evening.” Mick’s booming voice floated through the crowd.

  The crowd whistled and clapped.

  “Are you ready for a good time?” Mick roared. Suddenly feeling in his element, he turned in a circle as the crowd responded loudly.


  “You bet!”

  “Bring on the performers!”

  Mick shook his head. “Well, we do have a rowdy bunch! Let’s see if you're ready to Ride the Wild Pony.” He waited until the crowd calmed down before continuing. “We have twelve male and ten female performers tonight ready to ride the electric pony. Now, the rules are a bit different. Not only are you voting for how long they can manage to stay on the horse, but also how they handle the ride. And this ride is going to be wicked and wild. Candy, why don’t you tell them what they’re playing for?”

  Candy sauntered toward him, taking the mike as she winked. “Gladly.” Waving at the crowd, she turned in circles as the whistles became wolf calls. “Down, boys. I’m not your prize. Now, it’s a dollar a vote, boys and girls, with all proceeds going to the local Women’s Shelter so vote constantly. Here’s the deal, whoever has the most votes get an all-expenses paid date, complete with dinner, at a secret and very sensuous location.” She waited until the whistles died down. “Just who does the winner get a date with? If it’s one of our luscious ladies, then she is going on a date with our illustrious host and resident sexy bar owner, Mick St. Simons!”

  Mick winced as the spotlight flowed around him. He waved, feeling a flush creep up from his neck to his cheeks.

  “Let’s see that hot ass.”

  “Let’s see some skin!”

  “Take it off!”

  Candy chuckled into the microphone. “Now, now ladies. Calm down. You’ll get a chance to see a bit more of him later. I assure you. We’ll have him stripping by the end of the evening.”

  Mick glared at her. That he hadn’t agreed to.

  “And if a yummy man wins…” Candy eyed the crowd, pursing her lips and blowing a kiss into the glittering light.

  Mick sighed and squinted, staring at the entrance. Nicky wasn’t coming. He was officially a freaking idiot. What had he done?

  “The lucky man will win a date with one, very hot and very sensuous woman,” Candy continued, purring as she pumped the crowd. She glided toward the other side of the sand box and stared toward Lucifer’s Lair. “The lovely Miss Nicky French!”

  The crowd roared and the lights went out completely.

  “What the fuck?” Mick snarled.

  A single light popped on, shimmering across the back of the sand box. A second light, dancing in aquamarine flashed back and forth across the entrance to Lucifer’s Lair.

  Mick inched forward, his breath catching and felt Candy’s hand wrap around his arm.

  “Gentlemen, may I present our last performer of the evening.”

  Nicky inhaled deeply and her pussy tingled the moment she saw Mick’s lust filled face. Undressing her with his eyes had nothing on the way he was looking at her, hunger raging through his system. For a moment, no one existed in the restaurant except for the two of them and it took everything she had not to race over to him and throw her arms around his neck. She hadn’t been able to get him off her mind no matter what she did. She’d been determined to banish him from her life, but there the six-foot-five-inch God stood wearing tight leather pants and a flowing peasant silk shirt. All she could think about was ripping his clothes off. Forget the electric ride, he was the real thing.

  Sauntering forward, the howling crowd filtered into her periphery vision first, stopping her in her tracks. As she glanced around the entire room, she swooned, placing her hand over her mouth. “Holy fuck.” How was she going to do this?

  Mick broke free of Candy’s hold, walking toward her slowly.

  “Ain’t she something guys? Give it up for Nicky French. What do you think hot contestants?” Candy encouraged the twelve men to step forward.

  Nicky heard the crowd screaming, calling out her name, but the closer Mick came, the less she heard. Every part of her body trembled from anticipation but her condition had nothing to do with the event or the date she might have to go on. Still, they had to talk and be honest with each other. She owed him the opportunity, if nothing else.

  “All right guys, calm down. We’ve drawn straws and our first performer is Travis Hunter!” Candy squealed.

  “I didn’t think you were coming,” Mick said as he closed the distance.

  “I wasn’t sure I could but it’s for two good causes.” Swallowing hard, Nicky smiled but her heart was racing

  “Giving to the shelter is a wonderful idea the girls had.”

  “My performance is because of you, too. I mean the restaurant.” She lifted her hand, hovering her fingers close to his cheek for a few seconds. This was almost too difficult.

  “Mmm. The restaurant. Of course.”

  “You’re in the way, lovers.” Veronica guided them toward the Lair. “There are very few people in here. Go talk.” She eyed Mick, giving him a nod. “I have to get out the whipped cream.”

  Nicky shook her head. She wasn’t a chicken shit normally and had admonished herself earlier for almost backing out. Confronting him was the only option. That would help ease the pain. She eyed the myriad of burly men and headed toward the darkened back of the room, hugging the wall. The sound of the electric horse and the screaming was an interesting backdrop.

  “We need to talk, luv.”

  “Not sure what else I can say. Let’s just get through this night.”

  “I’m not who you think I am.” Mick palmed the paneling on either side of her head as he crowded her space.

  The exotic scent of his cologne mixing with the hint of spearmint became gasoline on the fire that smoldered down below. Barely able to breathe, she brushed her hand over his chest, thinking she was going to push him away
. Instead, she gathered his shirt in her hand, kneading the sensuous material. “Mick, I know what you’re hiding.”

  Slowly he lowered his head. “No, luv, you don’t know anything. I want you to understand that the moments we’ve shared together and especially the incredible event in the storeroom means more to me than almost anything.”

  Swallowing hard, Nicky heard a ring of sincerity and longed to trust him. Unsure of what to say, she played with his shirt, entwining the silk in her hands. As her nipples scraped against the corset, sending a wave of quivers dancing into her pussy, she struggled not to run. “This is difficult for me.” Her fingers slipped past the material, feathering over his chest and her pulse skipped. Unable to stop her shameless actions, she slid her all the way inside, cupping his chest. “Mick.”

  Placing a single finger under her chin, he lifted slowly until he gazed into her eyes. “I would never hurt you intentionally. You need to listen to me, hear my words.”

  “I want to trust you.”

  Mick brushed his thumb across her cheek. “You can. I promise you.”

  Did he mean that? Could there be an explanation? “I don’t know.” Absently she rubbed her hand back and forth across the heat of his skin, her hunger for the man nearly consuming her.

  Mick growled, the timbre low and husky as he lowered his head. “I do.” Capturing her mouth, he dragged her body to his as he pressed his tongue past her lips, tasting her as if for the first time.

  Nicky struggled briefly until his rogue actions drove aside her demons. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she breathed in his masculine scent, moaning into the passionate kiss. The feel of his hard cock throbbing against her belly sent a wave of rapture coursing through her system. Her heart raced sending tingles down the length of her legs.

  Mick slid his hand down to cup her ass, kneading her flesh through the tight skirt. The kiss became manic as he explored the dark recesses of her mouth.

  As she opened her eyes, she grazed her hands up and down his back as vibrant shards of stars filtered around her eyes marring her vision. The twitching in her cunt became a series of quivers, startling her into the realization that she could orgasm without being touched.


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