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The Scheme

Page 13

by Dakota Black

  “What? Shit!” Rod opened and closed his hands and suddenly jerked forward, pushing through the crowd.

  Nicky laughed out loud.

  “That was perfect, girl,” Veronica said quietly, her eyes darting back and forth across Nicky’s.

  Nicky’s smile faded.

  “I don’t understand. Is that really his boss?” Mick asked.

  Nicky sighed and nodded, concentrating on the pulsing lights to calm her nerves. “He is. He owed me a favor.” A sudden chill sweeping her body, she rubbed her arms and started to walk away.

  “Wait.” Mick gently grabbed her by the shoulder. “Can we talk about this?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “This is not his fault, Nicky, it’s mine.” Veronica flanked his side. “You just don’t know how much of it is.”

  Nicky glanced back and forth between them. “As I said, there’s nothing to talk about.” She turned and walked away slowly.

  “Please, both of you, I need to tell you something,” Veronica pleaded.

  “Thank you for what you did. You mean a great deal to me, luv, but I don’t think Nicky is going to listen.”

  “I’m not angry, just upset, and right now I can’t hear anything else.” Stopping short, Nicky swallowed hard.

  “Nicky, I care more about you than you know,” Mick said quietly.

  Hearing the anguish in Mick’s voice forced a single tear to trickle down her cheek. Wiping it away furiously, she pushed the thoughts about love and romance and all things regarding the future back into its ugly, nasty little box. Pandora had nothing on her.

  Chapter 7

  Mick couldn’t stand to watch the rest of the events. While he realized that he might have to contend with going out to dinner with one of the contestants, he figured Veronica would be smart enough not to try and force he and Nicky together. There was no doubt in his mind Nicky was lost forever. Grumbling, he held the tall glass of bourbon to his head and closed his eyes. Why the bloody hell had he mentioned Tim’s name? Sighing, he allowed himself to wallow just long enough until the need for sustenance overpowered him. Pressing the glass to his lips, he took a long pull, relishing in the burn.

  Thank God, Rod Colton had gotten his comeuppance. He grinned, envisioning the insane plan in his mind. When Veronica told him that some pictures of very naked men had been found on the office terminal that Rod managed to leave unattended, he had to admit he was grateful. Then having Travis and Jonathan create a ploy, taunting Rod even before the event started was brilliant. He had a feeling Rod Colton was not going to be a problem any longer. Dinner for all involved was on him.

  The thought forced another groan. Nicky wouldn’t be there.

  “I guess you don’t want to talk to me, huh?”

  Mick heard the anguish in Veronica’s voice and knew there was no way he could be mad at her. “It’s my fault for breaking the trust you shared.”

  “When I came into that room and saw you and Nicky, I was so happy.” Sighing heavily, she padded in and shook her head. “I wish I could make the situation better.”

  “You can’t. Every bit of this shit is my fault. Obviously, now we can’t go through with the date crap.”

  Veronica placed her hands onto the desk and leaned over, giving him a mischievous look. “Wrong, my sweet man.”

  Mick was bone tired and couldn’t handle the games any longer. “I can’t do this, honey. I just can’t continue hurting her.”

  “Are you honestly going to throw in the towel now?”

  “Look, I know you mean well but I can’t keep doing this.”

  “I asked you a question.” Veronica moved in front of him.

  “I refuse to hurt her again.” Setting down his drink, he toyed with the glass, his heart heavy. Every part of him wanted to grab Nicky and shake her until she listened to him.

  “Then don’t.” Sighing, she brushed her hand through her hair and looked away. “I have to tell you something and I know that my actions are going to end our friendship.”

  Mick cocked his head and realized the girl was pale as a ghost. “I doubt that. We’ve been through too much together.”

  “Oh, I think when you hear what I did about Susi, you'll change your mind.”

  “Susi?” He couldn’t have been more confused.

  “Susi,” she muttered.

  “Okay, you have me intrigued. Tell me.”

  Veronica shook her head and hesitated before she spoke. “She did contact you after that last huge argument.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I remember that day so clearly. The doors had just opened to The Flamingo Rustler and we were having that grand opening, remember?”

  “Yeah, you pulled in a great crew to help me.” Mick also remembered the constant long-distance arguments around that time as well. His relationship with Susi was all but gone. “What does that have to do with Susi?”

  “You were fighting, a lot, and you weren’t sleeping.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Well, then that… that last argument you told her never to call you again,” Veronica said quietly, her voice skipping.

  “Yeah, I know. The whole thing was painful as fucking hell. I didn’t mean it but she pissed me off telling me the bar was going to be a huge failure.”

  “You told me that. You also said she screamed over and over again that you would come crawling back to her and maybe she would take you in.” She clenched her hands together.

  Mick grunted. He’d forgotten about her hateful statement. “I don’t think she meant the words or the nasty thoughts. I don’t think so anyway.”

  “I did and I didn’t want you to have to deal with that so…” Kicking the leg of the chair, she breathed in deeply and looked him directly in the eye. “So, when Susi called back twice I took the message and never told you.”

  “What?” He sucked in his breath.

  “Yep. I’m a terrible person.”

  “You did that for me?”

  “You mean to you, don’t you?” Veronica looked away.

  “Interesting.” Mick wasn’t surprised. From the minute Veronica had taken him under her wing, introducing him to all her friends and helping him with setting up the business, she had been his champion. “I can tell there’s something else.”

  “Well, I kinda told her that you had moved on to someone else and that you never wanted to talk to her again.”

  While the words sunk in, Mick had to play them over and over in his mind. “What?”

  “I know. I thought at the time my impetuous decision was best for you and that I was doing the right thing. I hated that you were hurt so many times and you’re such a good man and…” Breathless, Veronica took a step forward.

  Mick held out his hand. “Wait. Let me get this straight. You told Susi that I was with another girl?”


  Mick remained quiet for a full minute before bursting into laughter.

  Veronica jerked her head up. “I… you are… what, I mean…”

  He shook his head and took her hands into his. “Look girl, I loved Susi and when we broke up and I thought she left me, I was devastated and I fell into a terrible place, but everything happens for a reason. I still have that wretched feeling in my heart knowing that so much of the issues were my fault. I wasn’t a good man for her.”

  “Yeah, but you might have worked it out.”

  “No. I don’t think so. For what it’s worth, she did call back and we talked.”

  “She did?”

  Mick nodded. “Yep. It was about three months later. She never mentioned calling before and by then I was seeing girl after girl. We talked for several hours and we came to the conclusion that we weren’t right for each other. We’re both in much better places now. I think that if you hadn’t done that, Veronica, she and I would have mentally beaten each other to a pulp. During that time, I was drained and losing sleep. She wasn’t working as much as she needed and we were slowly dest
roying each other.”

  “So, you’re not mad?” Veronica’s lips quivered.

  “Well, I must admit I wish you would have told me sooner, but I realize why you did what you did. Hell girl, you heard every word of the bitter arguments time and time again. You watched me wallow in my depression and anger. No wonder you did what you did.”

  She fell against the desk and groaned as she rubbed her temple. “God, I’ve felt so damn guilty.”

  “That’s why the big push with Nicky, right?” Everything made sense. He smiled and realized how many people cared about him. Mick was a lucky man—except with Nicky.

  “Yeah. I know it sounds crazy but I really think Nicky is right for you.”

  “Too bad she doesn’t think so,” Mick murmured. “She doesn’t know about this?”

  “I didn’t think the ugly information mattered. Maybe if I would have come clean before, the outcome would be different. I don’t know. We have to make this work. You can’t stop now, you just can’t!”

  “Is this about Nicky or about you?”

  Veronica pulled her hands from his and grinned. “I guess a little of both. You both trusted me and I betrayed both of you. I owe you and if I can show her what a wonderful man you really are, I’ll do it. Even if it means losing her friendship.”

  “She’ll come around about you.”

  “I don’t know. Nicky’s one stubborn woman.”

  “You’re right about that!” Mick laughed. “Hell, I have to give you kudos for cooking this up. Planning a sensational event and making a bet with your two men that you would finally succumb to them in bed and out is amazing.” He grinned, relishing in the surprise on her face.

  “Oh shit! How did you know what I craved?”

  “Course I know what you have wanted all along, girl. Jesus Christ. It’s not easy for you to hide anything from me, remember? ‘Bout time the three of you figured all this out.”

  She smiled, her face flushing. “Well, the actual event was Candy’s idea. I just took the rest when I saw Nicky at the bar that day. Then the scheme kind of snowballed and got away from me.”

  “I’ll say.” His eyes darted back and forth across hers. Could they make this work? Could they convince Nicky that they belonged together?

  “Will you do it? Can we finish this together as a team?” Veronica grinned mischievously.

  Mick grabbed his drink and took another long gulp. He realized the alcohol was only dulling the wonderful thoughts about the kiss and the taste of her that somehow continued to linger in his mouth. He licked his lips and imagined burying his tongue deep inside her luscious twat. “I’m fucking certifiable, but what do you have in mind?”

  The near screeching down in the sandbox forced Veronica to smile. “Okay. Last ditch effort. I already think I lost my friend, but damn it, Mick, I won’t give up on this. Not when we are so close. Go. It’s time to end this and tally the winner. Well, that is after we watch Nicky take a ride.”

  “She’ll never do this.”

  “She will. She’s a pro. The one thing I know about Nicky is that when she gives her word, she won’t back out.”

  Mick drained the rest of his glass and stood, lowering his head. “I’ve never felt like such an idiot in my life.” He eyed the single piece of paper on the printer and shoved it in his pocket. Maybe this would help, if she gave him the time of day.

  “I know. Trust me.”

  “Said the spider to the fly.”

  Veronica wrapped her hand around his arm. “Whatever happens, just go with it, okay?”

  “No more lies.”

  “Cross my heart and hope to die.” Grinning, she blew him a kiss.

  “Uh-huh. I have a very bad feeling about this.”

  “Tell me this, if she wins, will you go out on the date with her?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Not going to add fuel to the fire. The meddling has to stop and the truth needs to come out. You should realize that.”

  Veronica grumbled. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “You know I am.” Mick stood on the landing and stared down at the melee. “Shit! This is going to take days to clean up.”

  “Yeah, but I tell you what, from what Froggy told me, the bar sales have been out of this world and you won’t believe this, but there are over fifteen thousand votes.”

  “What? You mean as in fifteen thousand dollars?”

  “Uh-huh, told ya this was a good idea.” Veronica chuckled.

  “What am I doing again?”

  “All you have to do is read the card Candy hands you. We’ve got everything tallied so far so it will take about five minutes after Nicky is through.”

  “How the bloody hell can you get it done that fast, luv?” Mick watched the flying remnants of whipped cream foam all over Jonathan’s face. “And why are you missing your boyfriend’s shameless performance?” He had never seen an electric horse ridden backwards. “Damn, the boy’s a natural. Shit! Maybe we ought to make this a regular gig.”

  Veronica sniffed. “I won’t ask him to quit his day job and um… you have to remember my sexy Aussie friend, I get to see the real horse and pony show. If ya know what I mean.”

  “Too much information, girl.”

  “Come on. Let’s see if we can salvage this.” Huffing, she grabbed his arm.

  As they filtered through the crowd, Mick could see Nicky hugging the back wall as if trying to claw her way into another planet. The haunted and anguished look on her face told him so many things. Very slowly he sauntered toward her, watching her doing everything she could to avoid his gaze. He stopped directly in front of her and for a solid minute had no idea what to say. “You still gonna do this for us?”

  Nicky sighed and refused to look at him. “A deal’s a deal. I, for one, keep my promises.”

  Mick reached out, longing to touch her and yet he yanked his hand back. “Well, if it’s any consolation, Veronica just told me that the shelter will receive over fifteen grand.” He watched as a slight smile curled on her face. “Look, I know you don’t want to hear this but…”

  “And our last performer of the night is none other than the sexy, scintillating and very wicked Nic…ky French!” Candy screamed into the microphone.

  “You’re on, luv.”

  Nicky shook her head and patted down her outfit, giving him a sideways glance.

  Mick winced as Nicky stumbled forward. Gripping the rope that surrounded the sandbox, he could see her closing her eyes. “Come on girl, you can do this.”

  Throwing her head back, she sauntered toward the electric ride, her smile plastic. Yet the moment she slid her hand down the length of the wood and metal beast, she was in her element. Sashaying around the horse, she blew kisses into the crowd as she strutted in time to Donna Summer’s Bad Girls. Her hand brushed over the horse again then she patted the fake head as she yawned.

  “Holy fuck!” Mick breathed. No one had ever seen this side of Nicky before. While she wasn’t conservative, this was not her usual persona.

  Nicky placed her hands on her hips and gave the entire room a long slow look that screamed seduction before pointing toward Travis and Jonathan, beckoning them close.

  “This is new.” Mick raised his eyebrow.

  “Trust me, this was all her idea.” Veronica eased in behind him. “I think a star is born.”

  Mick gazed in utter fascination as Nicky picked up one leg, holding her arms out and the two men grabbed her, placing her gently on top of the horse.

  Nicky leaned over and planted a hot, wet passionate kiss on both men’s lips. When she eased back, she gazed directly into Mick’s eyes and the look almost turned him into ashes.

  “God damn, she’s pissed,” Mick hissed.

  “A woman has no fury…”

  He snarled and kept his gaze locked onto Nicky. As she nodded to Travis, he started the horse. The slow speed pulsed her up and down and around in gentle motions. She gave him a tsking finger moments later and Travis grinned, turning the control.
  “She’s playing with fire,” Veronica said.

  “She’s making a point.”

  Nicky gripped the fake mane of the horse as the gyrations threw her around in wild frenetic motions. The rhythm was random but she quickly learned the basics and when the horse slowed momentarily, barely pulsing up and down, she took one hand and slowly untied her corset.

  The screams and whistles in the room kicked into overdrive and suddenly there was a slight rush toward the sandbox.

  “Is she doing what I think she’s doing?” Mick snarled. Out of the blue, a bolt of jealously ripped through his system. Clenching his fists, he longed to rush the staging area.

  “Down, big boy. It’s all for show but I better grab Lurch. This might get out of hand. Behave yourself.”

  Mick inched forward, forcing his way through the rowdy crowd as the music got louder, the horse faster and his nerves more frazzled. With each passing turn, he could clearly see inertia was unraveling her top. How the bloody hell she was able to hold on he’d never know, but the girl was actually damn good.

  The next few minutes played out like a raging sporting event with the crowd inching closer and closer, chanting. The effects of time, the prize and copious amounts of alcohol were making them unruly.

  Mick pushed through the swaying revelers until he was just on the outskirts of the swinging rope, the only nearly imaginary border separating the customers from the riders. Swallowing hard, he could see Nicky was starting to lose her grip at the same time her corset was dangerously close to falling off. Barely tied at the bottom, there was no way for her to hold the piece in place.

  Just then a net holding thousands of balloons broke free, sending the vibrant floating obstacles down over the bank of customers, egging them on.

  Out of the corner of his eye he could see his huge bouncer trying to gain control of the crowd, but they were hungry for flesh. He heard Nicky exclaim and managed to see that she’d lost her grip with one hand and was about ready to with the other. He motioned for Travis to turn off the machine, but the crowd had pushed in to the point that Mick couldn’t see a damn thing and doubted Travis had seen his motions.


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