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Love Burned Deep

Page 2

by Nickie Nalley Seidler


  His kisses trailed up my body from invading my sweet spot. He licked my stomach, and then as he reached my breasts, he took one nipple at a time into his mouth. He swiftly sucked on both, giving them equal care before he made his way up to my lips.

  “God, you’re so sexy,” Cody growled softly under his breath and continued on his pleasure trail.

  I moaned into his neck, and he made his way up to my face. His toned chest lay bare over mine, and I grabbed his arms and slid my hand over every muscle, giving every tattoo attention. I started to kiss his neck and gently nibble on it, teasing his skin, claiming him.

  He pressed his length into me, and it made my toes curl with wanting him so badly. I spread my legs wide and moved my hips up into him, grinding on him. He grew harder for me, and desire pooled deep in my core.

  I threw myself on top of him and gently let myself slide down onto his cock. I grinded into him as his hands helped guide me up and down slowly. I could feel every inch of his shaft pump in and out of me, making me so wet for him. I leaned down and trailed kisses up his body toward his sweet lips as I pressed hard.

  “Fuck yes, baby. Just like that,” he moaned as he helped me go faster and harder.

  I came down hard and fast and made him go deep inside me as he made my muscles convulse around his pounding dick.

  I noticed a shadow out of the corner of my eye, so I looked up quickly. What I saw made me jump off of Cody and slide the covers around me.

  “What, baby, what happened?” Cody looked at me, shocked.

  “Someone’s at the window! Someone’s watching us!” I shrieked.

  “What?” he yelled and grabbed his boxers off the floor as he ran to the window. “It’s too dark—I can’t see, damn it!”

  “It was Angie, Cody. I saw her. I’m calling the cops.” I quickly put my bra and shirt back on and tugged my sweatpants up.

  “How do you know it was Angie?” His gaze fell back on me as I was picking up the bedroom, furious that he would lie straight to my face. He had to have seen her too.

  “I saw her. I didn’t say it was her because I wanted you to see it for yourself. She was there, Cody. I am calling the cops and pressing every charge that I can, if I can.” I looked at him and left the bedroom as I picked my cell up and dialed the non-emergency number.

  Cody stomped after me into the kitchen and took the phone from me, right out of my hand. “Stop it! Rachel, you can’t accuse her if you can’t prove she was really watching us!”

  I looked at Cody, and anger flooded my veins that he would stop me from trying to put an end to this. It just made my blood boil even more. “How do you know? What if they ask her and she admits it? She’s sick, Cody. She comes up to us right in the open for anyone to see, so why wouldn’t she do this?”

  He flew his hand over his head and rubbed it. “I told you that I would handle this.”

  “I’m not waiting for you to handle it anymore! I’m going for a drive.” I tossed my purse over my shoulder and stomped out of the door, not even looking back at Cody, who I knew would be leaving any minute to go to the station. I hated when he went to work before we were able to settle an argument, but I needed my space. This was an ex-girlfriend forcing her way into our life and creeping me the fuck out. It had been six years since they’d been together. Now she was a stalker and a peeping Tom, and he stopped me from telling the police. Saying he’ll handle it? I couldn’t let him think he was going to handle something when he hadn’t for fucking years.

  Chapter 3

  I heard it come over the walkie that I kept in the car. Cody gave it to me for Christmas one year so I could hear the things going on while he was at work. There was a structure fire reported in town in a clothing warehouse. I knew that Cody would be on his way there now. I quickly raced over there to at least give him a hug and apologize for my behavior before I wouldn’t see him for another twenty-four hours. Once I arrived, unfortunately, he was already in the building. Larry advised me to stay back since the fire was a bit out of control and they needed everyone to take precautions. I stood in the distance and worried as I watched the smoke-filled building. That was all I could do—worry. After waiting what felt like hours, I finally saw Cody walking someone out of the building. To my surprise, the person was all too familiar to me. It almost made me sick. That bitch. I darted off toward Cody, who immediately saw me and placed his hand in front of me as if to tell me to back off. I ran at her, but Larry grabbed me and held me back from attacking Angie.

  Larry knew the stories we’d told him, and he knew exactly who Angie was because he helped tear Cody away from her six years ago.

  “She did this! She was just at our house! She’s tearing our world up, Cody, when will you fucking see it?” I yelled.

  All I had wanted was to come there and make amends with him, and then I saw this. I knew it was his job to save her, but now it was really not going to end. Something had to give because I was so sick of her. She could be brought up on criminal charges if she started that fire.

  I took off in my car and headed home. I sent Cody a text. “I’m sorry I freaked. I’m done with Angie and her bullshit. I’m finding a way to make this end. It’s ruining us and it’s the last thing I want. I luv u.”

  He texted back, “I love you, too, baby. She’s crazy, she claimed she just had to see me. We’ll figure it out together. I’ll get her admitted and off our back. Good night, sweet dreams.”

  I wanted to believe so badly that he was going to help get her admitted, but he seemed to think it would be easy to get her admitted somewhere—I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t think for a second she was stupid and wouldn’t catch on to what he was trying to do. I could be wrong, but I guess we’ll find out. Once he was home from his shift we could talk about this some more, I hoped.


  A few days later, I had a doctor’s appointment for my annual. I also had a bunch of errands to run, and I wanted to repaint the bathroom since plain white was getting old to look at. I loved being an interior decorator especially because it allowed me some down time in between clients. My business had been going pretty well, but in the past month I hadn’t had many jobs. I figured since I was so slow it was a perfect time to fix up our fixer-upper house. Cody loved to help me, but he respected my love for completing my own projects.

  After my appointment, I got a call from Cody wanting me to come to the firehouse for lunch. As much as I wanted to get things done, I couldn’t resist. I enjoyed going to the firehouse for lunch because those men knew how to cook! I arrived shortly after noon, and Cody must have been waiting for me because he walked outside as soon as I stepped out of the car.

  He came up and opened his arms, and I gladly walked into them. I hugged him tightly and leaned on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  “I’m sorry for fighting. The guys are cooking, and it smelled so good I thought you had to be here.” He laughed and took my hand, leading me back into the house.

  “I’m sorry, too,” I said as we entered. All the guys cheered and were happy to see me. They all greeted me with welcoming hugs and thanked me for the drinks from the other night. The guys were making stir fry, and it smelled phenomenal.

  I sat at the table and, imagine that, they actually served me. I never thought I’d get fine dining at a firehouse.

  “How did your doctor’s appointment go?” Cody sat down next to me with his huge plate of food.

  I looked at him, a little surprised he asked since usually he forgets when I have one. Since we were in front of a lot of men, I kept it short and sweet. “It went well.”

  “Good, glad to hear it. Are you painting the bathroom today?”

  “Yeah, I plan on it after I leave here. What are your duties for the rest of the day?”

  “Well, we have to clean a lot in the house today. It’ll keep us all busy until a call comes in.”

  I looked at him and smiled. I loved, just loved how he had to clean at his job, but the second he got home, it didn’t con
cern him. Ah hell, I guess that’s typical.

  Cody was my world, and seeing him right at home at his place of work with guys who loved him like a brother made me feel happy. Even though I worried about him a whole hell of a lot, I knew he was in good hands.

  “Well, honey, I’m going to head home and get the bathroom started. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” I kissed him gently on the lips. “Thanks for lunch. I love you.”

  I thanked and said goodbye to the guys, and Cody returned my kiss and walked me to my car. Once I was home, I prepped the bathroom for paint. I got it all set up and taped off and then mixed the paint. I couldn’t wait to splash my walls with it. After about an hour into my project, the doorbell rang. I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror long enough to see I looked a mess. I wondered who it could be. I opened the door to find my best friend Laura standing tall with the biggest grin slapped silly on her Barbie doll face. She was holding a bottle of wine and, to be honest, I was shocked to see her. We didn’t have anything planned, but this was a great surprise.

  “Hey!” I yelled and went to give her a hug, but she backed away, laughing.

  “Not before you change! You’re not hugging this outfit.” She moved her head up and down her body to clarify her statement.

  “I’m sorry, Laura, I started painting the bathroom and didn’t know you were stopping by! Come on in, make yourself at home as always, my love.” I giggled as I closed the door behind her. “Let me put some clean clothes on.” I ran to the bedroom and got out of my grungy clothes. I pinned my unruly hair up in a messy bun and put on some sweats and a T-shirt. It was just Laura, after all, the friend that I’d had for fifteen years since grade school. In fact, I was really glad she stopped by.

  “So what’s the occasion?” I plopped down on the couch next to her.

  “Actually, I was stopping by to see how you were. Haven’t seen you in a while, and thought I’d poke my head in. Cody at work?” She played with a loose strand of her long black curly hair.

  “Yeah, he comes home in the morning.” I sighed, stressed at the tension in our relationship.

  Laura sensed the angst, and I knew lots of questions would be coming my way.

  “Okay, spill it. What’s going on between you two?”

  “Is it that obvious?” I rolled my eyes at her.

  She snuggled closer to me on the couch and leaned in to give me a hug. “I love you, Rach—I can tell when something is bothering you. I’ve known you far too long to not be able to read you. What’s wrong, sweetie?”

  I accepted her warm hug and decided just to vent. After all, I hadn’t been speaking to anyone about this Angie shit lately, and I needed to tell Laura the newest events.

  “Things between Cody and me are just rough right now. Between him, his job, and coming home to deal with Angie, more frequently than not, lately, it’s a fucking nightmare.”

  She looked at me, and I swear her look could have shot daggers. “You’re kidding, right? This bitch is still coming around? What’s up with that girl? Cody was supposed to fix that a long time ago!” She got heated, and I couldn’t help but get heated too.

  “I know! I don’t know what’s going on with Cody and why he won’t just put an end to this. It pissed me off so much, and it hurt more than I wanted to admit to. I know she only started things for the attention, but it’s like she’s really getting to me now. I always seem to believe her, if only for a split second.” I shook my head, upset.

  “Stop. You can’t believe a word she says, Rachel. She’s sick and needs help.”

  Before I could even continue, the doorbell rang. I looked at Laura and then the door and got up to answer it. The second I opened the door, I wished I hadn’t.

  “Cody’s leaving you. He wanted me to tell you that.” Angie stood there smiling at her statement. I could have heaved knowing that she was standing two feet in front of me. Her hair was washed for a change, and she was covered, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. For once in her life, she looked a bit healthy. Why was she here? Why was she telling me these things?

  “Oh yeah, Angie? Why wouldn’t he want to tell me that himself?” I tried to keep calm, and now Laura was standing behind me resting her hand on my shoulder. She must have known I was getting angry.

  “He fucking hates you. You’re a controlling, conniving wife and bitch on a stick to him. He loves me, Rachel. He’s going to marry me. He told me.” She started rocking herself back and forth from one foot to the other. My assessment of her being healthy finally faded.

  “You need to leave now. Get the fuck away from my house and my husband!” I screamed at her. I was about to shut the door, but Angie stopped it with her foot.

  “Make me leave. After all, this is going to be my house soon,” she snapped.

  Laura butted in and stepped in front of me. “Look bitch, leave now before I call the cops. See, I’m a witness to this madness you’re causing, and I’m not afraid to knock you the fuck out if you don’t leave right now.” Laura got in her face, and I held her back because a fight was the last thing I needed.

  “You might not want to hit a pregnant lady,” Angie cautioned. “Cody would be pretty upset if something happened to his baby.”

  “You’re delusional!” Laura added.

  I backed away from the door, and Angie yelled over Laura, “He’s leaving you, Rachel! It’s his baby, and it’s our life now!”

  Laura kicked the door shut swiftly and ran after me. I crashed on the couch and just began to sob as I let the emotions get the best of me. She sat down next to me to console me, but nothing was going to help. I knew what Angie said couldn’t be real—it just couldn’t. I had to shake that out of my head. She was trying purposely to tear me apart. I couldn’t let her win.

  “Oh sweetie, don’t let her get to you like that.” Laura rubbed my back and held me while I had my moment.

  “It’s getting to me because I’m the one who’s pregnant, Laura.” The words rushed out of my mouth so quickly, but I had to tell someone as I wasn’t ready to tell Cody yet with all this mess going on.

  “What?” She grabbed my hand gently “Are you serious? That’s great, honey! I’m so happy for you! I’m going to be an aunt! Does Cody know?”

  “No.” I didn’t know how I was going to tell Cody, but my plan was to do it when he got home. I was just so scared he was going to freak out, since we weren’t really planning this pregnancy, but I knew how badly we both wanted a child. I knew I was probably freaking out over nothing, but sometimes that’s what people do, right?

  “Honey, you need to tell him. How far are you?”

  “Seven weeks.”

  “Oh honey, it’s going to be fine. Don’t let her get to you, please. She’s psychotic,” Laura said in her calming voice.

  “What if she’s telling the truth? What if an inkling of what she says is true?” I let out more sobs as I tried really hard not to think about the latest developments, but I felt like there could be a one percent chance she could be telling the truth.

  “Why would Cody cheat on you, much less with Angie? Oh my goodness, don’t even think that! He would totally not go there. He loves you, Rachel, very much.”

  “I know. I’m stupid, I’m sorry I shouldn’t think like that.”

  “Damn right you shouldn’t.” Laura sighed. I doubted she realized she was getting herself into such a messy night with all this crap going on with me. “I’m going to pour myself a big glass of wine and we’re going to watch a chick flick and enjoy the rest of our day. I’m going to cook you dinner, too. You need some time to just relax, sweetie. What are best friends for, anyway?”

  The night was extremely—just as Laura promised—relaxing. Laura made my favorite dinner, spaghetti, and we totally gorged ourselves on garlic bread. I was happy and full, and the baby definitely had an amazing meal tonight. Laura drank enough wine for the both of us, since baby and I weren’t drinking. Laura spent the night on the couch, and I went up to bed later than usual. I knew I had a busy day the n
ext day, and on the top of the list of things to do was tell Cody he was going to be a father.

  Chapter 4

  I was in design consultations all day, and I tried to focus but my mind was wrapped around Angie telling me she was pregnant. I had gotten past the point that it was likely not Cody’s baby, but the fact of the matter was that no matter who the father was, I needed to do a lot of praying for that baby. I felt so bad that she would bring a baby into this world when she couldn’t even take care of herself. For her sake, I really hoped she got herself help and made herself a better person, maybe not for her own sake, but for her unborn child.

  I finished my last meeting and realized I was starving. I needed to get to the fast food joint as quickly as possible—otherwise I would end up ordering the whole menu just for me. Before I got to the drive-through, I opened a sweet text from Cody saying he was going to make me dinner that night. Looked like my plans had changed. It made me smile. With this mess that had been happening with the two of us, it would be nice to have a romantic night in. I headed to the store to grab a few things for later. I wanted to wear something sexy for him, so I walked into the popular lingerie shop in town. I picked a deep red silky nightgown that had lace around the bodice but was see-through the rest of the way down. I chose a matching thong and push-up bra to go with it. I wanted to make tonight just right for him, especially with our exciting news.


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