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Bound by the Past

Page 11

by Mari Carr

  Night’s eyebrows rose slightly as he held up the plug. “This is a bit big for a beginner, Jon.”

  “Then you better make sure she’s ready for it.” Jon knew his tone sounded harsh, but he was holding on to his sanity by a thread. Her pussy was throbbing around him and as he glanced into her face, he could see she was tempting him on purpose. “You little wench,” he said through gritted teeth.

  She giggled then looked over her shoulder toward Night. “Do it right and I’ll take care of that with my mouth.” Her eyes traveled to Night’s ever-thickening erection.

  Night gave her the bad-boy grin Jon had seen lure one woman after another during their adult years.

  “Beauty, I do everything right.” Night waved the butt plug in front of her and Jon felt her body tense for a moment. “But I don’t think you want me to rush this job, so stop looking at my cock like that and please—dear God—don’t paint a picture of your lips locked around it for me. I’m doing a pretty good job fantasizing about that sweet mouth of yours on my own. Now hold still.”

  She tensed slightly as Night was introduced her to the butt plug. Jon had to admit it was larger than he should have bought, but he knew once he decided to take her ass there would be no going slow. She moved slightly and then he felt it. Night was driving the plug into her at a pace that would test a saint’s patience. Jon watched her face closely, ready to cry halt if he noticed the first sign of distress.

  “Jon, talk to me buddy.” Night was worried about her as well.

  “She’s fine, Night. Just fine.”

  “She’s also right here.” Her tone, though breathless, was strong. “If you want to know if I like it or hate it, Night, you can ask me.”

  “So…” Jon felt Night shove the plug in an inch or two more before he finished speaking. “Do you like it or hate it?”

  “Neither.” Jon felt Night stop and then her body trembled with laughter. “I love it. I can’t wait until it’s you inside me.”

  Her words seemed to stir up Night’s intense longings even more and both Carly and Jon gasped as he pushed the plug in to the hilt. “What did I tell you about painting those pictures, Beauty?”

  Jon felt his last tether of patience break and he began to thrust into her pussy, the plug lodged in her ass making her even tighter. He felt the bed give way slightly around his head and he saw Night kneeling to his left, driving his erection into her lovely mouth. She worked both of them like the conductor of a fine symphony. She rode his cock while sucking his friend’s deep into her throat. He had a ringside seat to both shows and while his mind longed to stay and watch every act, his body was definitely ready for the big ending.

  With two more hard thrusts, she began shuddering with her own release and his balls tightened. Jon erupted, emptying himself deep inside her quivering body. He’d just begun to come down when he heard Night’s release and he watched her throat work around his friend’s cock, swallowing every drop.

  Chapter Eleven

  Carly lay staring at the ceiling as the sound of light snoring came from both sides of her.

  What the hell am I doing?

  She was lying in bed between two men and she’d had sex with both of them. Dear Lord, she still had their butt plug lodged in her ass. She squirmed slightly and considered taking it out.

  The thought of Night and Jon punishing her for doing so almost dared her enough to do it. She shook her head.

  I’m a sex maniac. There’s something completely abnormal about me.

  Fact was, the longer she lay here, trying to work up some feeling of guilt or remorse for her actions, the more she wanted to wake the two men and get act two underway.

  She’d always suspected she had a bit of a submissive side when it came to sex. She’d read lots of books and had come across more than a few erotic ones that described domination. They’d always left her feeling needy and hot and completely unsatisfied with the lukewarm sex she and Adam had. Her first night with Jon was the first time she’d ever had an orgasm without having to help it along with her own hand. Adam sort of fell into the sexually selfish category and she’d learned early on that if she wanted any satisfaction at all, she had to take care of it herself.

  All that had changed with Jon. He could merely say a few words and blow on her left ear and she felt herself coming apart at the seams. She was completely, totally in love for the first time in her life, and overjoyed by the knowledge that he felt the same way.

  Tonight, though, after that strange man Reilly had left, she had seen a look in Jon’s eyes that nearly crushed her. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that by asking her to give herself to Night, he’d hoped to push her away. He was afraid of something—they both were—and she wished she could figure out what it was.

  Her heart had ached as she’d looked at them. For a moment, they had seemed very much like two frightened, lost little boys. She’d longed to wrap her arms around both of them, to reassure them they were safe.

  Unfortunately, that wasn’t true. Something evil was lurking in the background, she could feel the chill of it even in her toasty cocoon between these two incredibly hot, naked men.

  She didn’t care. She’d face whatever it was while standing beside Night and Jon. Carly refused to hover in shadows anymore.

  She’d spent too many years of her life settling for companionship instead of love. Wasted too much time lying to herself, claiming she was content when really she’d been miserable, too frightened to step outside her safe bubble.

  She wasn’t going to be that woman anymore. And tonight, she’d taken a big step away from that dull person. Hell, she’d hopped in her car and driven about a thousand miles away from boring.

  Grinning, she recalled Jon’s words. He’d wanted everything from her, and everything included allowing Night into their bed. The look on Jon’s face when she’d agreed was priceless. Jon had set all her sexual fantasies free these past few days. The fact he’d offered it with Night—a man she’d felt an instant attraction to—was simply too good to question or refuse.

  She stretched her arms above her head and felt a slight pinching in her ass. She wondered what it would feel like to take Night or Jon there. She knew it was only a matter of time. Regardless of how big the toy was, she also knew from personal experience it didn’t come close to stretching her enough for these two men.

  Her men—Night and Jon. Something told her they could be hers, and a feeling of possessiveness crept inside her heart. But only if they were able to offer the same trust they’d requested from her.

  She sighed, exhausted. That was yet another problem to solve, but she handed that worry to tomorrow as she gave herself up to the sleep that finally beckoned.

  * * * * *

  Carly awoke to the sound of water running. She attempted to roll over but was held in place by a muscular arm around her waist. Night, she realized without opening her eyes.

  “Morning, Beauty.” His voice was rough from sleep and she looked over her shoulder into his sky-blue eyes.

  “It can’t be morning already.” She felt as though she’d only closed her eyes for a second.

  “Actually, I think we’re far enough into the day that we could call it afternoon.”

  She turned within his hold until they were facing each other. He brushed a light kiss on her lips, but made no attempt to deepen it. She could see his face was serious and she wondered how long he’d lain awake beside her.

  She teasingly kissed the end of his nose. “It’s okay, Night.”

  He seemed surprised by her playful action and words. “What’s okay?”

  “This.” She gestured at the two of them naked together in the bed. “I spent a lot of last night thinking. Trying to convince myself this was wrong.”

  He frowned at her words. “And did you? Convince yourself?”

  “Not even a little. It would seem you and Jon have taken in a scandalous woman.”

  He laughed. “Scandalous, eh? Well thank God for that. I always did hate those holier-t
han-thou types. Give me a bad girl any day of the week.”

  “Ooh, I like that.” She giggled. “Never in my life have I been referred to as a bad girl.”

  “Mmmm. Even better. Means Jon and I get to keep all that naughtiness for ourselves.” He leaned forward and kissed her hard. His arms tightened around her before his hands decided to do a little roaming. “Feel like being bad right now?”

  “What about Jon?”

  “Bastard’s had you all to himself for a year and a half.”

  “Night, you and Jon…this isn’t…I mean, you’ve shared women before, haven’t you?” She was aware her question sounded more like a statement and she wasn’t even sure why she’d asked.

  He nodded. “Ever since we were teenagers. Carly, I don’t suppose Jon has told you much about our childhood?”

  “Nothing at all,” she confessed.

  “Yeah, well.” She watched the same walls Jon erected anytime the past was mentioned fly up around Night as well. “Let’s just say it sucked. Jon was the only person I could rely on. He was more than my best friend. He was like my brother. Shrinks would probably have a field day with our psyches and I know Jon struggles with the fact that we’re different from most men. For some guys, a ménage is just a sex game to play.”

  “But it’s not like that for you and Jon?”

  “It’s hard to explain, Carly. The way I was raised on the commune, the things I saw the adults do…”

  “You mean sexually?”

  “Yeah…it wasn’t exactly what you’d call normal. I met Jon when we were both eleven. Before he came…” He paused, clearly frustrated at not finding the right words. “Shit. None of this is going to make any sense. Sometimes it felt like my soul had been ripped out as a baby and all I was left with was this hollow shell of a body. Then Jon came along, and it’s like he gave me half of his soul. There are times when it feels like we’re different sides of the same coin. Does that make any sense?”

  She considered his words and then she thought about Jon. For nearly a year and a half they’d been friends, but she didn’t really know anything about him. She’d always felt as if there were huge gaps in her knowledge of him. Those gaps hadn’t closed when they became lovers, either. In fact, they’d seemed to grow larger. Last night, when Jon had looked at her, when he’d held her, she’d felt as if she was seeing him complete and whole for the first time ever. She wondered if the same hold true for Night. “It does.”

  It hurt her to realize how terrible their childhoods must have been. How much pain they must have endured. The strength of their unique bond had been their lifeline and she suspected neither would have survived without the other’s presence—in or out of the bedroom.

  “Are you ever going to tell me about your childhood?” She asked the question, despite the fact she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. If she found out they’d been abused, it would devastate her.

  “I have a feeling everything is going to come out eventually whether we want to talk about it or not.”

  His bizarre answer left her confused until he continued, “You remember Mrs. Thomas, the lady you met at the retreat?”

  She nodded.

  “Her real name is Cassandra Walker. She’s Jon’s mother. She’s also the devil in disguise.”

  Jon came out of the bathroom in time to hear Night’s final words—and his temper exploded. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Night started. Jon realized his friend hadn’t intended for him to hear his confession.

  Carly quickly sat up. “Jon, stop.”

  He was heading toward the bed, a towel draped around his hips. The only thought in his mind had been to beat Night to a pulp. She must have read his intent because she scrambled out of bed and placed herself square in front of him.

  Night’s cocky laugh came from behind her. Jon’s vision clouded an even deeper haze of red.

  “Got myself a fierce little bulldog here, don’t I, Jon? Beauty, much as I appreciate the gesture, I can take care of myself.” Night rose from the bed and stood beside her. Both of them were still naked, but clothing didn’t seem to be on anyone’s minds.

  “What the fuck were you telling her?” Jon’s anger refused to abate.

  “The truth. You know, bud, that stuff you avoid?” Night’s fists were clenched and he dared Jon to make the first move.

  “Enough!” Carly’s voice was loud. Jon was surprised to see her place herself between them again. No woman had ever dared stand between them when they were in the midst of a fight. It was a foolish move, and some of his anger turned toward her. Silly woman continually put herself at risk. Night must have felt the same frustration.

  “Dammit, Carly!” Night was yelling now. “Get out of the way. Hell, get out of this room before you get hurt.”

  “No.” She crossed her arms beneath her chest. The movement pushed her breasts higher. Jon groaned and she grinned. She knew exactly what she was doing. Clever girl intended to fight fire with fire.

  “Christ, woman.” Night ran his hands through his shaggy hair when she turned sideways so he could see her position as well. “You are a bad girl.”

  Jon laughed, and as quickly as his anger came, it left. Night was a part of this evolving relationship as much as he was, and lies and deceit would never sit well with his friend. Now that they had her in their bed, Jon’s fear of her desertion was almost unbearable. A large part of him knew there was no way this happiness could last. Not with his mother back in town, not with the past nipping at his heels like a pit bull.

  “I’m a cold and lonely bad girl. Come back to bed.” She glanced at him. “Both of you…please?”

  “I think we’ve been a bit neglectful of our woman, Night.”

  Night nodded. Jon could see the evidence of his friend’s desire for her hadn’t dimmed a bit. His erection was long and hard and like a compass, pointing due north straight at her.

  “Put your hands on the bed, Carly, and bend over.” Night moved to stand behind her while Jon climbed up on the bed. He sat in front of her so that her lips were poised right above his raging hard-on.

  “Do you want me to leave the toy in or take it out, Beauty?”

  They’d left the thing inside her all night. Jon imagined taking it out and replacing it with something a little larger.

  “What?” Her question came out in a gasp of hot breath that teased Jon’s cock.

  “I’m going to fuck that sweet pussy of yours from behind while you try to suck some of the meanness out of my buddy there. Do you want me to leave the plug in or take it out?” Night asked again.

  “Leave it in.”

  Night’s breath came out in a groan. Jon understood the feeling. What on earth had they ever done to deserve her? She was the last piece in their puzzle, the perfect fit, their ideal mate.

  The sound of a condom package unwrapping jarred Jon from his thoughts. Gripping her head softly in his hands, he pushed her face lower until he felt her tongue dart out to tease the slit of his cock. As she licked up and down, he felt her breath hiss around him as Night started to slide into her wet, hot cunt. Glancing up, he watched Night’s penis disappear inch by inch and she hummed with pleasure around his cock when Night was fully seated.

  Running his fingers through her lovely hair, Jon whispered, “Ready, sweetheart?”

  She nodded her assent and they both began fucking her, their movements timed perfectly. She quickly picked up the rhythm, pushing against Night as he thrust forward before moving down on Jon’s cock as Night retreated. The speed and power of their movements grew slowly, faster and stronger as each of them reached for their release. Jon’s eyes rolled up in his head as Night shouted and Carly began to tremble between them. She finished swallowing his come only seconds before her own orgasm shook her.

  Night supported her weight as the last waves passed through her. Reaching under her arms, Jon pulled her into the bed and felt the mattress sag as Night joined them on her opposite side. Minutes later, he heard their soft breathing and it wa
s obvious both of them had fallen asleep. Jon silently wished he could join them in oblivion. Wished he could share in their peacefulness.

  Instead, his own worries wouldn’t let him rest. He couldn’t shake the idea that all of this was simply too good to be true. Fate, under the guise of his mother, was waiting to play her hand and once it was laid on the table, he feared—once again—he would go broke.

  Chapter Twelve

  Carly looked up at the sound of knocking on her office door. Reilly stood in the doorway.

  “Hello.” He smiled at her. “I was in the area and thought I’d stop by.”

  She returned his smile, although something inside her stirred uneasily. After Night’s confessions about being born on a commune and the revelation about Jon’s mother, she’d begun connecting the dots regarding their childhoods, but the men had refused to discuss the subject any further.

  Here before her stood a man who could answer, if not all, most of her questions regarding their past. The problem was her conscience—knowing how they would feel if she did—didn’t seem willing to ask.

  “Come on in. I’m afraid Jon’s teaching right now.”

  “Oh, I didn’t come to see Jon.” Reilly glanced over his shoulder and gestured at the open door. “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” Her brain went into overtime as she tried to figure out why he would want to meet with her behind closed doors. She knew Reilly hoped she would consent to return to the center to help them expose whatever was going on, but since she had learned who Cassandra Walker Thomas was, she was leery to participate.

  “I’m sure you know why I’m here.”

  “Yes, Mr. Reilly, I am, and—”


  “Pardon me?”

  “My name. It’s just Reilly. No Mister.”

  “Oh. Okay. Reilly, I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to help you. I mean, I’m just a secretary and the idea of going back to that place undercover seems more than a little bit out of my range of abilities. Besides, I can’t believe you would ask Jon and Night to help you, considering it’s Jon’s mother you’re hoping to expose.”


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