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The Guardian

Page 9


  The plane touched down at the airfield in Pau, France, and rolled to a stop in a private hangar. Marie was already finishing up her postflight checks and gave the all clear sign. She pulled the lever and allowed the air-locked door to open, releasing the stairs to the tarmac below where a car was already waiting for them.

  Father Vin was about to follow Anna out the door when Hale stopped him. He tapped Father Vin on the shoulder and asked if he could speak to him for a second in private. Father Vin stepped back into the main cabin and placed his shoulder bag on the seat.

  “What is it, Hale? Is everything okay?” Father Vin asked.

  “Well, it may be nothing, Vin.” Hale had somewhat of a frown on his face. “I just wanted to tell you that we had a blip on our radar. It was about two hundred miles back.”

  “What do you mean a blip?”

  “Another aircraft. It may be nothing, like I said. It just kind of popped out at me. You know?”

  “Yes, Hale. I appreciate your being on top of things. Do you think it was following us?”

  “It seemed to be. I even changed course a couple of times to see if it would follow.”


  “And … it seemed to just stay with us. I don’t know how they would be tracking us. I certainly don’t think that they could have radar as sophisticated as ours. You know our stuff is NASA level. It’s probably just a coincidence. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you, Hale. Whether or not it was, it’s good to know about it. I’ll make sure that Anna and I are careful.” Father Vin shook Hale’s hand and headed off the plane. He told Hale that they may, or may not, be leaving tomorrow. Hale said they would be ready either way.

  Father Vin hurried to the waiting car. He tossed his bag to the driver, who put it in the trunk with Anna’s, and then got in the backseat.

  “What was that all about?” Anna asked.

  “Nothing. Hale just wanted to know when we would be leaving. That’s all.”

  Anna looked at Father Vin dubiously. “You know, it’s a good thing that you became a priest.”

  “Why’s that?” Father Vin was puzzled. “Because you can’t lie worth a darn!”

  The car pulled away from the tarmac and headed toward their hotel. Father Vin had used the satellite phone to book them a room at a hotel in Pau for the night. Tomorrow they would make the short drive to Oloron-Sainte-Marie.


  Mad Jack’s Irish Pub, Rome

  Cardinal Joseph McCoy hadn’t stopped asking questions since they got into the cab and headed away from Vatican City. It reminded Cardinal Wickham of a child asking, “Are we there yet?” Only Joseph kept asking, “What do you mean, a friend? Who is this guy? What does he want with me?”

  Finally, Wickham had had enough. Thank goodness he had never had children. “If you don’t shut up, we’re going back home!” That seemed to keep the young cardinal quiet for a few moments at a time. Inevitably, though, Joseph would start back up with his questions.

  When the cab finally stopped in front of Mad Jack’s, Louis told him that this was their stop.

  “What are we doing here?” Joseph asked. “Louis, we can’t be seen in here! We’ll be excommunicated! They’ll throw us out! What will we do then?”

  “Joseph,” Wickham said, “shut up. Do you honestly think the type of people that frequent this establishment are going to recognize you? Look at you!” He held his hands out in front of him. “You’re wearing a baseball cap and blue jeans. You’ve got a sweatshirt on that looks like you slept in it last night. You’re not exactly looking like a man of the cloth. Wouldn’t you say?” “Yeah, I guess. But still—”

  “Still, nothing! I come in here all the time. No one has ever said anything to me. That’s why I come here. No one says anything to anyone. It’s a safe place.”

  “Okay. I just think we should be careful.”

  “Why don’t you let me worry about that. Come on. We’re going to be late. Believe me, you don’t want to keep our friend waiting. He can be very impatient.”

  The two cardinals walked into the pub and made their way to a table in the rear of the bar. No one was there waiting for them, even though it was the table they were instructed to be at. Louis told Joseph that they should just wait here. He assured Joseph that the man would be along momentarily.

  The waitress asked them for their order. Louis ordered for them both—two Guinness drafts. She wrote the order down on her little note pad and disappeared as quickly as she showed up.

  A tall, good-looking man wearing a dark pin-striped suit walked through the door. He made his way over to the bar and spoke to the bartender. The bartender handed him three drinks, two Guinness drafts, and a brown-looking liquid in a tall glass. The man laid a few bills out on the counter and picked up the drinks. He turned and walked toward Louis and Joseph. He set the drinks down on the table and took a seat.

  “Gentlemen, and I use that term loosely, how are you this evening?” He pushed the frothy beers at the two cardinals. “I went ahead and picked up our first round. I hope you guys are thirsty. Cheers!” He held up his glass, waiting for the others to do the same. Joseph and Louis picked up their beers and clinked them against the man’s glass. “Here’s to the future!”

  Louis chugged his beer. Being around the man made him nervous, and he needed to take the edge off. After he set down his empty glass, he gestured toward the man and said, “Joseph, this is my, ah, friend.”

  The man stuck out his hand. “You can call me Prince.”

  “Your name is Prince?” Joseph lifted an eyebrow.

  “It’s more of a title, so to speak.” The man smiled and shook Joseph’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  The men talked and drank for the next couple of hours. Louis explained to Joseph that Prince was responsible for the start-up of the Brotherhood. He told Joseph that he and Prince were basically working together. Prince laughed and cheerfully corrected Louis. “You work for me, my friend.”

  Louis felt a bit ill. He watched Prince exude more charisma than he’d ever seen from the man before. He watched Joseph become totally captivated by the man when he spoke. He knew only too well what was happening inside the other cardinal. Everything Prince said would somehow touch a nerve inside. By the end of the two hours, Joseph would want nothing more than to do whatever this Prince wanted. And there was nothing Louis dared do to prevent it—and he wasn’t sure he wanted to.

  It was getting late and the pub was about to close. The men were finishing up their final round of drinks when Prince finally got down to business. He leaned in close to Joseph and looked him dead in the eye.

  “Joseph, my friend, I’ve known about you for a long time.”

  “How do you mean?” Joseph slurred his words.

  “Well, let’s just say that I find you very interesting. You know? Louis wouldn’t be where he is today if it weren’t for me. I put him in the secretary of state position. I could do you one better. I could make you pope!”

  “And how could you do that?” He suddenly looked much soberer.

  “Ah, that’s where it gets tricky!” Prince leaned back in his chair. He folded his arms and placed his hand under his chin. “What are you willing to give for such power in this world, Joseph?”

  Ah, here it came. He would spring the trap any moment. Louis felt half in awe watching it unfold. Prince was truly a master of manipulation.

  “Provided you can deliver, I’d say just about anything. No more archives for me, right Louis?”

  Louis rolled his eyes. Joseph was almost too easy a target. Prince must be thoroughly bored by the entire thing.

  Prince spoke softly now. He looked intently into the eyes of the young cardinal. “Take my hand, Joseph. Let me show you what you could have.” He reached out his hand.

  Joseph hesitantly took the outstretched hand that clasped his. Like a trap. Louis shuddered.

  Prince smiled triumphantly. “What do you see, my friend?”

’s eyes glazed over as if his mind had left his body. “I see a man standing at a podium addressing a huge crowd of people. It’s me. I’m standing on the papal balcony. I’m dressed as the pope, holding the pope’s staff. Thousands of people are below, applauding as if I’ve done something miraculous. I’m waving and blowing kisses out to the mass of people.”

  Prince let go of his hand, and Joseph’s eyes lost the vacant sheen. The place was now empty, except for the bartender and a few waitresses. Louis couldn’t help smiling. It was all so neatly done.

  “That was amazing! How did you do that? Who are you?” Joseph studied Prince.

  “I am the man who can make you pope, Joseph. I already told you that.”

  “What do you want from me?” Joseph asked.

  “I want you, Joseph. That’s all. Just you.”

  “Well, if all you want is for me to work for you, then count me in. As long as I get to be pope, I don’t care.”

  “Ah, but I didn’t say I wanted your services, Joseph. I said I wanted you.” The man raised his eyebrows and tilted his head.

  “Yeah, whatever.” Joseph dismissed him. “As long as I get to be pope.”

  “Good!” Prince stood and motioned for Joseph and Louis to do the same. “Let’s take a walk. I’d like to show you something else, Joseph.” He put his arm around Joseph and led him out the back door. “Louis has already seen this.” He smirked at Louis. “Why don’t you take care of our tab? We’ll meet you out front.”



  Anna and Father Vin sat in the backseat of the car as it drove along a small road. Anna could still taste the honey butter from this morning’s breakfast. There was a small restaurant outside the hotel where they had stayed. Anna wanted to have croissants and espresso since she was in France. Father Vin had readily agreed. It was one of his favorites, as well.

  Once again, the hotel that they had stayed in, the Minotel de Gramont, was a luxurious one. Once again, she had been listed under a fake name. And once again, she didn’t get to cash in on the personal staff option. They had quickly taken showers, eaten breakfast, and gotten on the road.

  The drive to Oloron-Sainte-Marie was a short one, filled with spectacular views of the Pyrenees Mountains. It was clear why this town was such a big tourist attraction.

  The city was alive with vendors and small shops that lined the streets. There were a few chocolate shops that boasted they carried the world-famous Pryénéen chocolates, which happened to be made right there in Oloron-Sainte-Marie.

  As they wound their way through the city, the cathedral came into view. The driver turned on the little road that led up the hill to the front entrance. Anna and Father Vin got out and told the driver that he would be called when they were ready to be picked up. He took a business card from the driver and stuck it in his billfold. The driver sped away as they headed up the stairs to the beautiful cathedral.

  “I can understand why my grandfather wanted to surprise my grandmother with this,” Anna said. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Yes it is,” said Father Vin.

  They opened the front doors and stepped inside. In the front of the great hall, a man was polishing a golden cross that stood to the left of the altar. A custodian of some sort, they assumed. Walking toward the man, Father Vin spoke. “Pardon. Do you speak English?”

  “Oui,” came the reply. “I do.”

  “Wonderful,” Father Vin said beaming. “I am Father Vincent Marcella, from the Vatican.” He showed him his credentials. “We are visiting your great city! Would it be all right if we looked around in this magnificent structure?”

  “Oui,” the man said, uninterested. “The schoolteacher and I, we two only are here at the moment. Make yourselves welcome. But please do not touch anything. I have spent the morning polishing and cleaning. I am about to go, but the doors … they stay open for the schoolchildren. Just let yourselves out.”

  As the custodian took his polishing tools and exited, Father Vin scanned the area for a staircase that led downstairs. Not seeing anything, he told Anna that they should split up and look for it. Anna agreed. They each went in separate directions, Anna to the left, Father Vin to the right.

  As Anna made her way down the hall, she noticed a small room off to her left. She could hear voices, the sounds of children. She followed the noise until she was standing outside a door with a glass pane to look through.

  She could see several rows of little desks occupied by children. At the front of the room, a very handsome young man, probably about her age, was pointing to a chalkboard where a bunch of words were written. The words didn’t make a sentence. They were just random. Anna could hear the man say each word in French, then in English. Must be an English class.

  He must not be a priest, since he wasn’t wearing robes or a little white collar. He was dressed in a pullover shirt and khaki pants. She found herself staring at him.

  Suddenly, the kids became aware of her standing outside the door. They started giggling and pointing. When she realized she was causing a disturbance, she quickly moved along. As she was leaving, she saw the man turn around from his chalkboard to see what the commotion was.

  Father Vin cut across the sanctuary toward her. “Anna!” He waved his hand at her as he spoke in a whisper. “Come! Quick. I think I’ve found it.”

  Anna followed Father Vin to a big wooden door. He opened it and stepped inside, Anna right behind him.

  They walked into what Anna could only assume was a confessional booth. Father Vin closed the door behind them and pulled back a curtain. There, along the back wall, was a staircase that led down.

  “Old churches like this one,” Father Vin explained, “usually have their basements under the priest’s private chambers. When I couldn’t find one there, I tried here. Go figure!”

  There was a single bulb hanging from a string over the entrance. Father Vin pulled on the little chain, and the stairwell came into light. “Here we go!” He took a deep breath and let it out again. “I’ll go first,” he said. “Who knows how long it’s been since they’ve reinforced these old wooden steps.”

  Father Vin made his way down the rickety stairs with Anna trailing close behind. When she reached the bottom, she could make out the outline of a light switch in the dim light. Father Vin flipped the switch, and another single bulb hanging from the ceiling illuminated the small cavern. He motioned for Anna to join him.

  “Okay. So now what?” Anna asked.

  “So now we look,” said Father Vin.

  “Look for what?”

  “Well, Thomas, in his letter, said we would have to study the stone wall. So, I guess that’s what we do.”

  “Okay. You take that one,” Anna pointed, “and I’ll take this one.”

  They went to opposite walls and started to carefully study the sides. Neither one had spoken for nearly two minutes when Anna let out a big sigh.

  “Vin, I have no idea what we are looking for.”

  “I know, dear. We just have to keep looking. Maybe something will jump out at us.”

  Anna pushed away a small cobweb. “I sure hope not.”

  They scrutinized every piece of stone they passed. Still nothing. Vin was about to start over when Anna suddenly shrieked.

  “Anna, what is it?” he asked.

  “Vin, come over here. I think I found something.” Father Vin rushed over to where Anna had her hands placed on a piece of stone that was at least a foot wide and eight inches tall.

  “This stone looks like it’s been removed recently,” she said.

  The mortar around the stone was a different color from the rest of the stones. It had more of a gray hue to it, whereas the rest of the wall had a worn-out, brown look about it.

  “I think you’re right.” He took out a small pocket knife and began to test the area around the stone. The mortar crumbled as soon as the small blade was applied.

  Anna held her breath. They had found it.

  Father Vin began work
ing on the stone. Inch by inch, the dried cement began to fall away like dust. Within a couple of minutes, the entire stone was loose. He placed the blade under the bottom to give it some leverage. Anna grabbed the stone and tried to pull it out.

  It only moved an inch or so, but it was enough to get a better grip on it. She let go and grabbed the stone again. This time she was able to pull it out a good six inches. Father Vin put his pocket knife away and helped her pull it out the rest of the way.

  The stone was pretty heavy, and when they tried to set it down, Anna lost her grip. The big piece of rock fell to the floor with a loud thud and shattered.

  “I guess we won’t be putting that back,” Anna said.

  “No, I guess not,” Father Vin agreed. “I just hope no one else heard that.”

  He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a tiny flashlight. He shone it inside the dark hole left by the stone that they had just removed. Bending next to him, Anna saw the outline of a box pushed back inside the cavity. Anna reached her hands inside and felt the wood against her fingertips. Once she had a good grasp on it, she pulled. Out came a box, not unlike a shoe box, except this was much more elaborate.

  The box was beautifully finished, a hand-carved dark mahogany. Etchings on the side looked like ancient Greek. Father Vin read the writing to her. “For the keeper of the Word of God.”

  “That would be me.” Anna whispered.

  Father Vin placed his hand on Anna’s shoulder. “Yes. You are the rightful owner of this scroll. I hope this task brings you the same happiness it brought Thomas.”

  “Thank you, Vin. What say we open it?”

  “You go ahead. I’m going to go wait upstairs for you.” Father Vin turned around to leave.

  “Vin, wait!” Anna said urgently.

  “What is it, dear?” Father Vin spun back around.

  “All these years. You’ve been protecting the protector of this box. Do you really not want to see what’s in it?”

  Father Vin stood there with a grin on his face. He folded his arms and let out a sigh. “Well, I must admit.” He paused for a moment. “No. I really don’t. It’s not my job, Anna; it’s yours.”


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