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Charity's Warrior

Page 7

by Unknown

  As if on cue, a yellow button begins blinking on the taskbar that said "JenniferC" on it. When I opened it, it read, "JP REALLY IM'ED YOU?"

  So, Jennifer is not bashful and does not beat around the bush!

  I smiled and typed back, "If Lynda is still there with u, tell her that was impressively fast."

  "She says sorry :( club code."

  "LOL, I get it," I sent. "Yes he did IM me, but it was not impressive."

  "No details?" she asked.

  "None to give, but if it happens again I will tell u as long as it gets me into the club?" I sent back.

  "Oh hell yeah!" Jennifer typed. "If u get through that door, I want details. I've been wanting to knock on his zipper for years."

  I actually did laugh out loud, with my signature snort.

  "Haha we heard u from down here," she sent.

  Okay, I was still in good with them, maybe even better. I relaxed, realizing my insides had been all twisted up.

  There was another yellow box flashing on the taskbar.


  "Ur not planning on staying late on ur first day, are u?" he asked.

  "God no! Don't want to be labeled an overachiever too soon," I replied.

  "Good girl, lol," he sent.

  "I have to ask," I typed, "do you ever chat with any of the other girls from the office?"

  "Honest answer?" he asked.

  I replied, "Of course."

  There was a pause, and then he sent, "Almost never. Only for work. Why?"

  "I didn't know that," I typed. "I mentioned to Jennifer that you had sent me a welcome."

  "LOL, I bet that went over like a fart in church," he sent.

  I had to cover my mouth to stifle the laugh, not wanting the girls to hear me again.

  "Ya think? I had to cover my tracks and tell them it was just a professional welcome." I tagged that with a winkie.

  He replied, "Sorry about that. It's pretty funny though."

  It was my turn to be a little bold and not beat around the bush. "So, if that's not ur normal thing, y did you IM me?"

  There was a longer pause this time.

  "Since I know u like the honest answers, there's no point in twisting it," he sent. "When Lena sent your resume I was impressed and intrigued. And when I told u earlier I jumped on the security camera, I failed to mention it was with the intention of seeing you, not just checking in. Once I saw u, I had to get to know u."

  Holy shit, that’s flattering!

  "I'm flattered," I sent, sincerely.

  "Good," he sent, "otherwise that could have been a little embarrassing lol."

  He had me smiling again, even if he couldn't see it. My new life was starting out so much more interesting than my old one.

  I sent, "Okay, I'll be a little honest myself. I am deeply impressed with what you've done with the company, the girls have already told me that ur very attractive, and ur answers have been a huge success with me."

  "I'm totally loving this honesty thing!" he sent, making me smile even more. "I'm going to quit while I'm a winner. U should get outta there b4 the other kids on the playground tease u for trying 2 hard."

  "Lol. Ok, chat with u 2morrow?" I asked.

  He replied, "Absolutely!"

  THANK GOD, TRISHA WAS working when I got here. The tables were beginning to fill up, but it was early enough that I didn't have to wait, and Trisha had quickly ushered me to a chair once she saw my face. She knew before I told her, and she was smiling but compassionate at the same time, holding my chair out and touching my shoulder softly.

  No one around us noticed or cared about the extra attention. They all look the same, as if they all came straight from work looking for a drink and to blow off some of the day's steam. I suppose I look like that to them. I wasn't the only one that was alone, but I was the only woman, and that seemed to invite some of the guys to look at me, maybe in interest, maybe in pity. Either way, I was not concerned.

  "Vodka and Red Bull?" she asked, remembering.

  "God yes," I breathed.

  The Lumineers’ "Ho Hey" was playing softly above everyone, making my foot tap uncontrollably, even when I was distracted by the bartender racking clean glasses to be ready for the growing dinner crowd. While he worked, he was talking to the manager, the same one from my first night here. It looks like he has the same shirt and tie on.

  Trisha had left me to get my drink, and I study the menu. I shouldn't be so hungry after the lunch I had, but I am. I think my excitement and nerves are contributing to that. I want to keep it tame, so I find a chopped, grilled chicken salad that sounds delicious. I closed the menu and waited for Trisha to come back. I see her, in her usual black uniform, on her way from the bar. The manager stops her for a second as well, getting everyone ready. With him watching, I know my conversation with Trisha is going to be broken into short bits.

  "So," she started when she reached me, "it was incredible, wasn't it?"

  "Oh holy shit, yes!" I squealed, quietly. "I had no idea, I thought I did, but no, I didn't have a fucking clue. He was amazing, but not just with that."

  "It’s how he treats you, before and after, like you're made of glass and he could break you, but he thinks you're so beautiful that he never would," she said.

  "Exactly!" I barked.

  Her eyes darted towards her manager, not intentionally, and she slid her check pad from her apron. I ordered the salad so her manager could see that she was working.

  While she was writing my order, I said, "He's just the right mix of gentleman and caveman."

  "Yes, yes, yes," she whispered, swinging her pen like a club to put some emphasis in her words.

  We both giggled.

  "When did you see him?" Trisha asked.

  I fixed my hair away from my face. "Friday night."

  "And nothing sense, right? Not even a text?" she asked, even though it was more of a statement than a question.

  I nodded.

  "He sucks for that." She touched my shoulder again. "I'll go put this in. I'll be back in a few."

  Four guys at the bar raise their voices just slightly higher than their glasses and toast to something I can't hear from this far away. They downed their drinks and laughed, and the bartender was right there grabbing their empties for refills. Trisha had dipped into the kitchen, I'm guessing to put in my order. When she came out she went directly to the bar where a tray of drinks was waiting for her. I watched in amazement as she picked it up one-handed over her shoulder without spilling a thing.

  She brought the tray to a table that was near me, lowering it and passing the drinks around effortlessly. They were a table of four girls and two guys. One of the guys is clearly interested in the girl next to him; they secretly play with each other's hands under the table. The other guy is clearly interested in the four men at the bar.

  Trisha and her now empty tray stopped at another table a little further away, and from there she jogged back toward the kitchen. When she emerged again she was holding an even bigger tray full of food. She passed it all out to the smiling faces at the table she had spoken to a few moments ago. Then she came back to me.

  "Don't bother calling him, I know you're wondering about that," she said. "And don't worry if he's going to call you. There's no point in getting wrapped up in that. You have to look at it this way, it isn't that he got what he wanted—you got what you wanted. You didn't do anything wrong, and neither did he. Everyone had a great time and it ended on a good note."

  "You're right," I said. "I went into this wanting exactly what I got and it was incredible. If I tried to make it more than that, I would be the one fucking it up."

  Trisha smiled, "Now you got it, Girl."

  I suddenly felt empowered. I went after him and I got him, and anytime I wanted to, I could close my eyes and be right back there with him.

  Trisha went to help her other tables while I threw some Red Bull down my throat. My eyes found their way back to the couple near me having the secret affair in time to see that she
was no longer playing with his hand under the table. Her hand was right on the crotch of his pants, and by the looks of it, she has his cock squeezed in her hand right through his clothes. I could see her hand slowly tightening and then relaxing over and over.

  The old me would have been too embarrassed to watch, and would have been praying for them to stop. The new me is rooting for her to make him cum in his pants right at the table in front of everyone. I almost laughed out loud, so I looked away and left them to their business.

  Somewhere in the middle of watching everyone in the bar, I finished my Red Bull and vodka. Trisha noticed that when she brought my food, and quickly got me another from the bar. We had a few minutes where I caught her up on the new job. When I told her about my bosses messages she got giddy on me, insisting it had been flirting, no matter how much I argued. I thought that as well, but didn't want to admit it to anyone.

  I'd just finished my salad when my phone began to ring. I struggled it free from my pocket and saw that it was Justin. I smile, picturing him on the other end. I'm shocked that he's calling me, but that's not why my heart is suddenly galloping.

  "Hello Handsome," I answered.

  "Warrior, how was your weekend?"

  I laughed. "Very good, how about yours?"

  "Mine was fine, started off wonderfully," he answered with a hint of flirt in his voice. "So I'm guessing, by the way you look, that your first day went well."

  "The way I look?" I asked. I quickly looked around the room, but didn't find him until I looked out through the windows. His face was smiling in at me, and I felt my pulse race faster. The last time I saw that face he had given me the three biggest orgasms of my life, and one little glimpse of him and I wanted it again.

  He was laughing into the phone.

  "Are you coming in or what?" I asked.

  Justin hung up and grabbed the door. He wasn't at my table yet, and I can already feel him pulling my hair and sliding his hard cock into my wetness.

  "So, tell me," he said, easing his muscular body into the empty chair at my small table.

  Behind him, Trisha had watched him come in and sit. She waited to catch my eye and then motioned an okay sign and for me to attack him again.

  "I loved it," I answered. "I got to spend some time with John, my boss, but because of his schedule it wasn't enough. We're picking up on that tomorrow. I made a few new girlfriends and got started with my functions."

  I didn't feel any reason to tell him about the friendly chats with the company's owner. That was my business!

  "I'm happy for you," he said.

  His smile kept pulling me in, and all I can think about is kissing those lips again before I have them all over my body.

  "You did forget something, though," he added.

  I looked at him, puzzled, trying to remember something. My twisted mind was wondering if he somehow knew about the owner's chatting even though I hadn't mentioned it.

  "The apartment," he said at last.

  "Oh shit!" I breathed.

  Justin laughed; even his eyes were smiling at me now.

  "Oh my God, I completely forgot," I said. "I was so focused on the job."

  "Of course you were, that's why I called them for you," Justin said, still laughing.

  My jaw dropped so far I think it hit my plate. "Shut the front door!" I snapped. "Did you really?"

  "Ninth floor, exact same apartment size as mine, eighteen hundred a month," he said.

  "Holy shit, Justin! That's half what I thought," I said, shocked and stunned.

  Sarcastically, he said, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I told you that. They put a twenty-four hour hold on it for me. If you go tomorrow, sign the papers, and make the deposit—it's yours."

  I quickly leaned over the table and thrust my hand out at his face, grabbing his chin and pulling him into my mouth for a quick thank you kiss. Deny it if he wants to, but when I sit back in my chair I see that he is blushing.

  I'm trying damn hard to follow Tricia's advice about him, but I can't help feeling there's something more here.

  "I'll go over on my lunch tomorrow. Wow, I'm still not over that price," I said.

  Trisha came over with drinks for both of us even though we hadn’t ordered. She knew us well. "Everyone behaving themselves," she joked.

  "Unfortunately," Justin said, looking at me as if he was about to bend me over the table and have me from behind.

  I gave the look right back. I had absolutely no reservations about him making me cum again tonight. We had really only scratched the surface, and I wanted to know what else was in his mind, what other things he could do to me.

  Trisha let us alone again, tending to all her tables.

  "I should actually run to the bathroom before I try to drink that," I said as I motion to the glass Trisha had just brought. "I'll be right back," I said, excusing myself.

  The hallway seemed a bit ominous. My last time down here I was attacked. This time I made sure to stay aware, glancing backward over my shoulder. That didn't help keep my nerves under control. My arms turned to gooseflesh, the hair stood up on my neck, and my pulse was a loud WHOMP in my ears. Down here you could still here the music and voices from the bar, but it dies off surprisingly quick, so much that the clap of my shoes overpowered it all.

  I found the door handle safely this time, pushing it on its squealing hinges. The relief washed over me as the heavy wooden door began to close behind me.

  That was short lived, though, because before it was shut it began to swing back open again. Bracing myself the best I could, I waited to see who was following me in. The sound of the hinges was ear piercing inside the tiny, tiled room, and it reminded me of the pool of violin strings in a horror movie right before a victim is taken.

  Justin stepped into the bathroom with me, a devilish smile on his face that was sexy as hell.

  "Justin, you can't be in here," I said to him, smiling, despite the fact that I was trying to catch my breath.

  "I've been dying to kiss you for three days, that's long enough," he said.

  Before I could say anything else, Justin grabbed my face in his hands and was kissing me passionately, exploring my mouth with his tongue. Three days was too long to wait for this. My legs wobbled, and I threw my arms around his waist to keep me up. I let myself forget about the entire world.

  After a few short minutes, his right hand moved off my face and down my neck to my chest, and then the waist of my pants. I realize he is fumbling with my belt, and I say nothing. He pulled the belt free and is working on the button, and I let it happen. When my button was open, and his fingers were grabbing my zipper, I thought I should protest. Anyone could walk in here at any moment and catch us. I moved my face back from his a little, but he stopped me, pressing my lips harder on to his. I understood the message. Relax, stop thinking, and stop worrying. I need to touch you now, and it can't wait any longer.

  Justin pulled my zipper down and slid his hand under my pants straight into the wetness dripping out of me. I moaned into his mouth. My clit swelled under his finger, enjoying the circle-like motion he is using. He put his hand in deeper, and I feel two fingers slide into me easily.

  He moaned this time, ending our kiss but putting his forehead against mine. "You're so wet it's going to drive me insane," he whispered.

  His fingers are sliding in and out of me in a quick pace, making me wish it was his cock. I no longer care where we are, I just need him to make me cum. Deep bursts of his hot breath are blowing down my face and chest as his excitement built.

  He pulled his fingers out of me, out of my pants, and he rubbed my wetness on his lips and puts his fingers into his mouth to taste me. He sucks them dry and puts them back down my pants.

  "You taste so fucking good," he growls.

  His fingers glide back into me, wetting themselves again, stroking that spot that made me want to go out of my mind again, and again, and again. Suddenly, I feel the start of an orgasm and he takes his fingers out, pressing firmly on my clit. I don't
know how I didn't scream. The pressure and sensation went right to my soul, and his hard strumming brought my orgasm right to the edge.

  I have to lean back against the counter, no longer able to hold myself up. My hips are thrusting against his fingers on their own while my thighs are just quivering muscle, and as I think I can't take anymore, he presses even harder.

  "I don't know what it is about you, but I can't seem to get enough. I can't make you cum enough. I can't get you out of my mind, or satisfy my thirst for you," he says softly.

  His lips touch my lips lightly while his nose rubs the side of mine. The thumb of his left hand runs lightly back and forth across my cheek.

  "I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum," I chanted in the closest thing to a whisper that I could manage. I locked my eyes into his, wanting to be staring into him as I came. Somehow, I managed to throw my arms around his neck, holding his face and eyes on me.

  Not for a second did his finger stop swirling around the tip of my clit, pulling it out of its hood to expose the sensitive part. I was so swollen that my clit would pop up from under his finger when he circled far enough to the tip, sending a convulsion through me.

  The convulsions took over. My hands dug into his shoulders, but I wouldn't let either of us look away. Justin stares into my core and takes me, wave after wave, until I am a twitching mess. My body pumps the fluids out of me into my soaked panties.

  His hand slowed as I worked to catch my breath and stop the vibrations in my legs. When I felt strong enough, I pushed myself off the counter and Justin slid his hand from my pants. I pulled up my zipper and fixed my clothes and belt, seeing the huge bulge in the front of Justin's pants. I grabbed it hard and tugged on it, smiling at him.

  Desperation was riddled throughout his face, needing to be released. He growled and kissed me while he stopped my hand.

  "That was just for you," he said softly at my ear.

  "I know you want to cum," I whispered back.

  "Absolutely," he said, "but we can take care of that later. Insurance that you will come home with me."


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