Natures Fury
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The men were about 12 miles from shore at this point. They saw more people on the beach than they thought would be out today. They had binoculars with them for safety reasons. They were fighting over watching the beach and seeing what they could see. They especially wanted to see the women on the beach! Jack heard about some animal incidents on isolated inland areas, but didn’t think anything about it. They noticed some gulls circling around the shoreline and beyond. They ignored them.
Mark and Nancy Wuafed were on vacation from Illinois and they were enjoying the sunshine at the beach. They were glad to be away from the family this Christmas. They owed it to themselves to be around Tampa this Christmas. They were ready to go swimming like many people on the beach. People by the hundreds started going in the water. Mark and Nancy also went into the water. It felt good to them.
Jack and his crew were approaching the people swimming, it looked like fun. They had packs with changes of clothes to go swimming if they wanted to. They also had pagers if they needed to report back to the ship. With the pagers they could also contact the ship if they needed to. “ Let’s get to shore quick,” Zack exclaimed. “Yes,” Jack included, “ I want to swim bad also.” They revved the boat to go faster. In the process of revving the boat towards the shoreline they saw all kinds of dolphins racing around the swimmers and the boat. They thought how ideal to swim with dolphins. Little did they know that it would be something that would haunt them. They continued toward the shoreline.
Mark noticed the boat moving toward the shore. He also noticed the dolphins, hundreds of them. All of a sudden a nearby swimmer got drug under the water. Mark saw this and wondered what was doing that. Then more people were getting drug under. He got Nancy and started swimming towards shore. The boat full of men noticed this also. The men got near the people being drug under the water. They were gone. “Could it be the dolphins doing this, or was it something else?” Jack asked. “ I don’t know,” Fred yelled,”but we need to help.” “ I agree.” Zack said. More people were struggling and being drug under the surface of the water. They were just disappearing, with no traces and a little blood in the water. Now the dolphins started to hit the people and then they started being drug under.Then the men in the boat saw the culprits attacking the people harks of all kinds. There were great whites, tigers, blues, and threshers all over the place. The dolphins were hitting the people and then the sharks were dragging them under supposedly eating them. There was little blood though. Usually when sharks attack, there’s all kinds of blood. There wasn’t much with these attacks. The Zack saw a person get attacked, the dolphin hit them and the great white just clamped on and drug the person down under the water. The sharks were drowning the people, with the dolphins help!”This is too weird,” Jack exclaimed. “ We need to call the ship,” Joe yelled,”Maybe they can help us.” By this time most of the people were gone from the water. Hundreds of them drown.The men were helpless. The fish and mammals were too smart and powerful for them to help.”We better get back to the ship,” Jack said. As they turned around toward the ship they got a message from the ship that the ship was under attack from gulls in the air, and whales from the water. “This is definitely crazy.”Jack screamed as he was shaking from fear. “Top speed Zack,” Fred exclaimed. They speeded back to the battleship.
Mark and Nancy were about 30 feet from shore. They thought they would make it as people all around them were being drug under water. They were together in their effort to make it to shore. Nancy was first she was tugged on and hit by two dolphins, and then a tiger shark dragged her further out to sea until she was completely under.She was gone. Mark knew he was next, as he felt a giant blow to the stomach and then the head and he was out. A great white shark got him after the dolphins hit him. It pulled him out to shore and then under. They didn’t have a chance, they were just the last ones to be taken.There were no lifeguards working on Christmas Day. The beach here was abandoned. No people survived. The animals went down shore to the next beach.
The boat full of men was about 12 miles from the battleship.They were scared based on what they just saw. “ Can’t this boat go any faster?” Joe questioned. “No,” “I’m giving it all it’s got,” Zack explained. Then the boat felt like it went over a bump in the water. They felt it again,and again.”Shit,” Jack uttered.Then a powerful force came under the boat. It upended the boat and caused all the men to go in the water. When Jack was in the water he saw tentacles big ones. The tentacles grabbed Fred first and drug him under the water. He was gone. It was hopeless. Jack started screaming out for help from God. It was no use. Joe went next, then Zack. All Jack saw were bubbles from them being pulled under and the remains of there last gasps. Then he felt a giant tug and he blacked out. The last thing he saw was a giant tentacle wrapped around his face and the he was under.
In the distance the battleship was sinking from attacks from above and below. Gulls had flown into the windows and machinery causing the ship to lose control. Sperm whales below were knocking holes into the ships hull. It was doomed to sink one way or another. There were fires on deck and underneath. It was gone.Other ships were dispatched to it’s area, but it was too late. It was under water within minutes. The ships got to the area and they were attacked also, with the same fate. The area was unsafe. Officers made sure that no other boats came into this vicinity.
December 25,2012 Mariana Trench in the Northern Pacific 12:00 P.M.
The nuclear submarine Black Bolt was on patrol in the MarianaTrench in the northern Pacific Ocean this holiday. The Black Bolt was a sub of 200 feet. Captain John Cebzay was in command. He was a man in his 50’s and close to retirement. This was a standard routine and he’d been on many before. He was feeling really good about the routine so far. His second in command Arnold Brokman was a good companion to have on these missions. He was a little older with a ton of experience. The sub was just ready to do some survey work off the Mariana Trench when the navigator signaled the captain. “ Sir there’s something big on the sonar,”Tom the navigator exclaimed. “Let’s take a look at it,” John said. They were both on the first deck where all the important equipment was in a sub. They were traveling at 20 knots. It was relatively slow.They weren’t in any hurry, it was standard routine and they were gone from their families this holiday. So, they weren’t in a rush to get what they had to get done. The blurb on the sonar was getting closer and it was big. They were about ten miles from it.The crew seeing the blurb tried to analyze it. They couldn’t it was too strange. Tom said, “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” “Well, our mission down here is to investigate,”John yelped,”So let’s investigate.” “ Full ahead,” he commanded. In the area of the Mariana Trench they had to be careful not to go too deep. The sub could withstand only a certain depth. The Mariana Trench went down to a depth of 37,000 feet which was about seven and a half miles. They were at about four miles deep.The Black Bolt could withstand about five miles.The water pressure would crush them if they got deeper than their limit. The blurb was coming at them from underneath from depths they couldn’t reach. They still pressed on. They were only two miles from the blurb now. They kept looking at the blurb. It kept getting bigger as they got closer to it. “It’s too big to be any craft,”Tom said. “It’s like it’s undulating,” Arnold whispered to John. Their minds started turning to determine what it was.They still couldn’t figure it out.
It definitely was ascending in the depths of this area. Being as big as it was, some of the crew were nervous and scared especially because Tom had never seen anything like this before, and it was unknown.” Well, gentlemen we are almost upon it, whatever it is,” John barked. “So prepare yourselves for the worst.” “ All hands all stations,”John exclaimed over the sub intercom,”Be ready!” Some of the crew were looking out the reinforced windows to see if they could see anything. They were almost to the blurb now. They were about 100 yards from it now.One of the crew members on the floor said,“Tentacles!” Then it hit them with a force so powerful it knocked eve
ryone down.It was many tentacles. It was a mass of giant squid hundreds of them.The sub got hit again.This time it caused ruptures in the hull.The squids were bringing them to the lower depths.”Surface,full power ahead,”John yelled. Tom didn’t bother looking at the sonar anymore. The squids were powerful and beginning to drag them down.”Mayday,Mayday,”John yelled over the radio.”Any ships or subs in the area we are under attack.” Tentacles were flailing all over, and the crew were no longer looking out any windows.They were fighting for their lives! The sub was slowly starting to sink.The squids were continuing to pull the sub down.The hull was starting to buckle and holes were starting to form where the squids first hit the sub. The water pressure was too great.The crew in the engine room were trying the best to get full power to get to the shallow depths. The engine rooms starting filling with water. Two giant tentacles were also in the engine room. They slipped in through the wholes. Bud the chief engineer saw the tentacles. He kept working on the engine. The tentacles started getting close to him, he still kept working and barking orders. Slowly his crew in the engine room started getting knocked out by the tentacles and the water. He looked up at the water level, critical. He then got knocked out himself by a giant tentacle.He was out and started to drown.‘What’s going on down there,Bud,”John screamed. The sub kept sinking. They were at five miles deep now. The squid kept pulling them down.The crew kept struggling to lift the sub.The water pressure was getting critical. Water kept seeping in through the engine room. The squid kept hammering at the wholes. More tentacles were getting through, knocking out key men in the engine room. A few minutes passed, now all the men in the engine room were out and drowned. The sub kept sinking. They were at six miles now.The pressure was so great most of the men were passed out. The only ones on the control floor that were left were the captain Arnold, and Tom. The radio was dead.They knew it was evident that they were going to die.They took their last breaths and passed out. The squid kept pulling the sub down. When it sank on its own they left it and moved on.The sub eventually hit bottom at 37,000 feet.It just sat there.
December 25,2012 Nimitz oil rig offshore the Big Island of Hawaii,2:00P.M.
Reports were coming from all over the oceans and seas about marine life attacks on the shorelines and abroad. Rick Albred the main person in charge, had heard most of the reports on the radio or on the television. He was worried that his precious rig was next. Most of the workers were off for the holiday.Rick was in charge of this bad boy. Rick just had a skeleton crew working today. There were about 100 people on the rig. Usually, this rig housed 5,000 on a work day but not today.It was the size of a small town. It was just routine maintenance today. Al Morris and Tom Frank were on the main deck and noticed some pelicans flying onto the rig. They were flying onto the main deck just sitting there. They didn’t think anything of it and went about their maintenance duty.There were an extra amount of mosquitoes today. Rick just sprayed more insecticide on his body.
The pelicans started to get close to the equipment. Al was watching them carefully and had a few other men with him. The mosquitoes were starting to get thick. Tom was on the edge of the rig just taking a break and he noticed some dolphins and killer whales in the water below. He’d seen them before, but never this many. Rick was getting reports from all the men that there were tons of mosquitoes all over the rig. He was also getting reports of hundreds of pelicans around the rig also. Rick gave the order, “ Kill everything not human.” He didn’t want to lose money to animals. Some of the men started attacking the pelicans with tools they just flew off. The rig only had a few firearms on the rig. Rick didn’t think they would need any. Rick made a distress call out to anyone that could hear it. The mosquitoes were now swarming and choking some of the men by flying into their mouths and suffocating them. A few men died on other decks than the main ones. Rick,Tom,and Al were on the main deck of the rig. They noticed the pelicans flying into equipment and the swarms of mosquitoes on other decks. Men were scrambling to kill anything and getting forced off the rig. The dolphins and whales were drowning the men that were off the rig into the water. One of the men hit the electrical transformer in his losing fight with mosquitoes and a huge explosion took place. The mosquitoes were too overwhelming and Rick knew the outcome was predictable. He ordered everyone off the rig. There were lifeboats to the sides of the rig. They were on the edge. The helicopter was destroyed on the heliport by gulls. They got in it and messed up the controls. Rick,Al,and Tom were fighting off mosquitoes as they lowered into the water. The mosquitoes were thicker on the rig than around them. The mosquitoes had overtaken the rig. The pelicans were starting to fly off. All the men except the three in the boat were dead from either suffocation or hazards from the pelicans.
Rick started to see the water more clearly. There were killer whales and dolphins all around. They were about ten feet from the water. A killer whale swam ten feet up out of the water to clamp its jaws on their boat. The men were crushed and fell into the water. Rick was gasping for air. “ I knew it,” as he was drug down into the water by another killer whale. Al and Tom faced their fate at the fins of hundreds of dolphins. They all drowned in their despair. The oil rig was left standing aflame and burning. The distress call never made it anywhere.
December 25,2012 Nile River Delta region Egypt 5 P.M.
Plenty of boats on Christmas Day in this region of the Mideast. People were enjoying the great outdoors on a clear day. There were boats as far as the eye could see. There were yachts of all kinds and tourist boats.There were at least 500 to 1,000 boats on the delta this day.Jan and Richard were enjoying themselves out here on vacation away from it all. They had heard reports on the television of animal attacks on land, so they thought they were safe out here on the water. There were no bugs which was odd around the Mideast this time of year. There was a cool breeze coming off the sea and river region. “ Animal attacks who needs them,” Richard snarled. Jan just smiled and looked at the other boats. Everybody out on the sea probably thought the same way they did, unafraid of animal attacks. Little did they know there time was up soon. There were scattered marshlands and islands around the whole delta region. Their boat was passing by both. They noticed plenty of crocodiles and hippos around the whole region. They were just sunning themselves around all areas. It was beautiful to Jan. It reminded her of the shows she would watch on the discovery channel in her earlier life. She never thought she’d ever experience it herself. She was fascinated. “ Beautiful,” she exclaimed. Richard just smiled and yelled at the hippos. “ Stupid animals,’ he barked. “ That’s not nice, Jan replied. “ So what who cares,”Richard said. “Whatever,” Jan barked. Jan continued to look at the other boats.She was amazed and stunned at the scenery. Richard kept poking fun at the animals. Jan laughed later realizing she still loved Richard even if he did stupid things occasionally. She grabbed his arm and hung on while they were sailing in the boat they were on.
The captain of the boat they were on, The Silent Force, was a big sailing boat. It was about 50 feet long. It had a huge cabin underneath and had all the comforts of home. Jan and Richard paid for the whole day 500 dollars. They thought it was worth it. When did they go on vacation? They very rarely did this, so they figured, what the Hell. The captains name was Nevar. He was a native from Egypt and had a degree in engineering. He had a crew of six on board.There were 20 passengers. He was amazed at all the boats on the sea especially with all the reports of damage. He had a standard radio and had everything on board. He was fluent in English and four other middle eastern languages. Jan thought he ought to be living in the unstable Mideast. Jan noticed some of the other boats starting to move more. It was like they were being hit underneath by something. They were further out to sea now. They were still in eyeshot of the marsh areas, but there were no animals on them now. Some of the boats that were close were definitely getting hit by something underneath. It was small at first as if they were being tested for their durability. Now it was more. Some of the boats in the distance looked like
they were experiencing it also. Jan was starting to get an uneasy felling in her gut. Suddenly the fear of the animal attacks they had heard of earlier, started looming in their minds. Nevar started to radio the other boats. The other captains replied with static and garbled messages of hippos and crocs under the water in the thousands. It dawned on Jan, the animals are gone and in the water! That’s why they didn’t see them on land! Now Jan and Richard started to panic. They told the captain. He said,”I know.”and I fear the worst!” That didn’t make them feel any better. Jan started watching the other boats.
The other boats started to get hit violently.In the distance the other boats were starting to sink. They could hear the screams of the people on those other boats. Even in the distance the screams were loud! Jan feared they would know what was to come. They started to see gulls and vultures circling. It looked like a horror movie coming to life! Then their boat started to get hit. Hundreds of crocs were in the water under their boat. The tens of hippos were also around about 100 feet away. Normally crocs and hippos were enemies, not today! The hippos started moving in. They finally started to hit the boat hard. It knocked a few other passengers off. The crocs just dragged them under and drowned them. They didn’t eat them, just drowned them. The boat was hit again harder, the captain lost control. A few more passengers fell off. This time the hippos got them in their wide mouths and crushed them to death! “ We’ve got to get to land, “Jan screamed. “Impossible,” Nevar replied. “We’ll never make it this far out!” Jan held onto Richard with all her might. Then they got hit a few more times, harder and harder each time. This knocked out the remaining passengers. All that was left was Jan,Richard,and Nevar. They were struggling to hang on. The boat was riddled with holes from the hippos, and they were sinking slowly. It seemed all they could do now was hang on. They kept getting hit multiple times. When the boat was almost in the water Richard started swimming. A 20 foot croc dragged him under. Other crocs were circling Jan. All she could do was pray and cry. Then a hippo crushed Nevar in it’s jaws. He had one last gasp before he died. The Jan got drug under by a few crocs. She had her eyes open enough to see the sky one last time before her last breath. Then she was under the water. The crocs and hippos moved on to the next boat. This was one of the last boats. All the boats were sunk. Not one made it to land. Any calls inland were in vain. The animals went back on to the marsh areas and rested.