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Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

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by Julia Mills

  “Max was just talking about a prophecy of some sort. Is that what you mean?” Rian asked. His tone no longer that of a concerned brother, but as the leader of their clan.

  “I don’t know that you’d called it a prophecy so much as a history lesson. Homer’s not just a friend of Claire’s, he’s also the Chief of the Choctaws. Even better, he loves to talk. He told me that once every five thousand years, the Leader of the Clan of the Sun is tested. She’s given the choice of two mates; one whose magic is light and pure, and one whose magic comes from the darkness. The Chief said it’s the Universe’s test to make sure the matriarch is worthy of her position.”

  Claire Featherstone! The mystery woman has a name! And the Leader of a clan, so not a witch. Hmm...

  Rory chuckled to himself and imagined the scowl on Kellan’s scarred face. Not that he smiled very much anyway, but it was evident from how pronounced his accent had become that the Guardsman was not at all thrilled with what he’d learned.

  “Homer went on to say that Claire’s been having visions of both her suitors for more years than he can remember but had decided to let nature take its course. She never told him who or what her destined mates were, only that she knew of their existence and would wait for them to seek her out. He never doubted that she would choose the light, which was reinforced a few days ago. It was right about the time we were in Hell fighting our way out. I guess our girl went into a trance. She walked to one of the portals to the Underworld somewhere in the forest surrounding the Clan of Light’s mountain and tried to open it. Thank the Heavens she had no clue what she was doing or there could’ve been a whole lot of uglies running amok.”

  “It took the Choctaw medicine man and the Healer of Claire’s clan to bring her out of the trance. Then a few hours later, dark clouds filled the sky and the matriarch started talking about being watched. No one found any trace of a stalker, so Homer’s pretty sure her trance triggered the mating call. And now, whoever her dark suitor is has started his search for her.”

  “Wait. I’m confused,” Kyra chimed in. “What does one thing have to do with the other?”

  “I’m getting to that,” Kellan growled and then quickly added just above a whisper, “sorry ceann beag. It’s been a bitch of a day.”

  “No worries, Kell. This whole damn thing sucks.” Kyra’s voice was soft and accepting. Royce was one lucky son of a gun. Hell, they all were just to be able to call the little witch family.

  Clearing his throat, the scarred Guardsman continued, “Because Claire had been dreaming about her mates, she knew the minute our boy was bitten and her beast took over, doing whatever she could to get to her chosen mate.”

  Wait! What did he just say?

  “So you’re saying that our boy is...” The end of Rian’s comment was cut off by his laughter. Unfortunately, Max was right there to pick up the slack.

  “That is absolutely brilliant.” The chuckle in the King’s voice made Rory wish he could slug his old friend in the jaw.

  “Hold on just a damned minute!” Kell yelled over all the frivolity, making Rory laugh to himself.

  The old boy seriously has no patience.

  “There is no way to know for sure that Rory is Claire’s mate. It can be any of us. She would also be duty bound to help any of her mate’s brethren because of our blood bond.” There was a shudder in his voice, echoing the youngest O’Reilly brother’s feelings. Both were confirmed bachelors and had made a pact to stay that way for as long as they could. “All I’m sure of is that she knows her mate is a dragon and that one of our Force needs healing that only she can provide.”

  Good news is Kell thinks she can heal me. Bad news is I can tell he thinks this chickie is my mate.

  “So it could be any of us.” Declan, who was with Kellan and the others searching for Claire, added in his typical deadpan tone.

  “And that doesn’t freak you out just a bit?” Max asked.

  “Nothing I can do about it. It’s gonna happen one way or another.” Rory had to smile at Dec’s detached answer.

  Nothing gets that guy excited...not even the prospect of a mate.

  “I’m guessing you think Claire is taking the scenic route as a way to avoid her dark mate?” Rian commanded an answer more than asked a question.

  “Yeah, that’s my best guess. We’re only a few minutes behind the panthers and from the tracks she’s leaving, they’re only a bit behind her. Hopefully, we’ll all catch up at the same time and can escort her to the lair without any more trouble.”

  Kell sounded tired and frustrated. Something Rory was getting used to hearing in everyone’s voice. Laying around like a corpse was no fun, especially when the clock was ticking and he had to depend on others to save his backside.

  Speaking of that...Wake up, you useless fire breathing blow hard! I need your help! Some of us have an expiration date, ya know?

  Rory’s rant included a few mental jabs, a swift kick in the tail, and a poke in the eye, only to be answered by an obnoxious snore and a gust of smoke.

  Dumb, stupid, good-for-nothing...

  The prick of a needle in his upper arm, followed by an immediate sense of euphoria, cut the youngest O’Reilly brother’s newest tirade short. Audrey’s voice sounded like it was coming from the bottom of the barrel when she asked, “What was that injection for?”

  Niall’s answer was little more than a whisper as the medicine’s full effect began to take over. “It’s a sedative combined with an analgesic. A slower heart rate means slower spread of the poison. And then there’s his fever to worry about. Don’t want there to be any permanent brain damage since it’s been slowly rising since you lot returned from the Underworld. I’m just trying to give him enough time for Miss Featherstone to arrive and work her magic.”

  Magic? But...not

  “I’ll get her there.”

  “You do...” Rian’s response was cut short by the sound of silence. Kell had already disconnected.

  Rory worked hard to stay awake, not wanting to miss any detail of his condition, but the medicine Niall had injected into his vein was too strong for his toxin-ridden body to fight. Feeling no pain for the first time since losing his battle with the hellhound, images of a crimson-haired beauty with eyes the color of storm clouds and lips so perfectly bowed his mouth watered from his desire to taste them invaded his mind. Instantly, he knew this was the woman who could save him. This was Claire.

  Her long red curls flowing behind her like dragon fire as she rode across the countryside made his palms itch to see if they were as soft as they appeared. Long sleek legs held tightly to the coal black seat of her Soft Tail as it hugged the curves and sailed over the hills like it was riding the rails. Rory’s skin tingled with the need to feel the touch of her long, beautiful fingers that just as easily could’ve been playing Mozart’s Requiem in D Minor as manning the throttle of her Harley.

  This woman was real, not just some fantasy his drug-induced stupor was making up. He could feel her strength. See the determination in her every movement. She was used to being in charge and took her responsibilities very seriously, but there was also a softer, gentler side Rory could see in the depths of her eyes.

  Claire Featherstone was tired of being alone. She had a clan. Had good friends. Had distant relatives. Had all the things any other living being would’ve been content with. But even in a crowd, she was alone. Maybe even kept herself apart. It’s who she was. How she’d been raised. But it was the part of her she was readiest to lose.

  Rory had no clue how he knew all this about his savior, only that it was as clear as the nose on his face. He watched Claire look at the dark clouds chasing her, that looked like a winged beast, and shake her head. He expected her to frown or become agitated by the image, but as he was quickly learning, Miss Featherstone was anything but ordinary. Instead of doing as he expected, her lips curled into a knowing smile just as her hands gave a quick twist to her throttle and she shot down the road, laughing like she had
n’t a care in the world.

  I think I could like this one...

  The thought had barely crossed his mind when Claire looked up. Their eyes locked. He could feel her awareness of him like they were standing face to face. Not only could he feel what she was feeling, but now, he could see into her mind. Rory was sure he was dreaming and damned if it wasn’t just too good to wake up from.

  He felt a mingling of kindred spirits, a familiarity he didn’t want to feel but was helpless to stop. Not only could Claire save his life, but there was no doubt in Rory’s mind she was going to irrevocably rock his world to its very foundation. She was everything he’d spent all his adult years avoiding and she was careening toward him with no signs of stopping.

  Not willing to out a name on what he felt—what he knew without a shadow of a doubt— Rory searched for a way to sever their connection. Instead, he was thrown into a sea of memories...Claire’s memories...with one taking center stage....

  An old man with deeply tanned skin and long ebony hair bounced an adorable freckled-face girl with long red curls on his knee. The little girl’s giggles were contagious, making everyone around them, especially the elderly gentleman, smile and laugh along. The little girl begged again and again until the man finally relented and began to speak...

  “Long ago when the gods still roamed the earth and spoke to their chosen disciples, Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun, bestowed a precious gift upon your ancestors, banphrionsa beag. He saw a greatness, a strength in the women of your clan, and right here on this very mountain he gave them the power to heal and to rule. Many thought he was crazy. Women were not meant to lead. Women were meant to take care of their husbands and to have many children, but the Sun God knew what he was doing. The men had taken advantage of their positions long enough. It was time to set things right.

  “He explained to the angry male leaders that the women of the Clan of the Sun were the stronger of the sexes. They were to be revered, not treated as second-class citizens. He pointed out that the women were the ones who had always protected their homes and kept their families safe, while the men did little more than spend their days hunting and creating wars.

  “You see, over time Lugh had come to love the women of the Clan of the Sun like a father loves his children and decreed that each daughter born into the clan from that moment forward would indeed be a child of his. He said his blood would flow through their veins and each would be imbued with a fraction of his power. Not only would they be able to heal with their tears, but they would also be given the power of flight and the ability to change forms. It was the largest blessing any clan had ever received from their god.

  “Your ancestor, Emmaline Featherstone, became the first matriarch of the Clan of the Sun. She was fearless and sought to see her clan grow and thrive. But the men resisted. They didn’t care that everything she was doing had been decreed by Lugh and was for the betterment of their people. They wanted things back as they had been and when that didn’t happen, they packed up and left the mountain, leaving only the women and their daughters to fend for themselves.

  “The Sun God foresaw the extinction of his beloved clan and refused to stand idly by. He asked the Universe for favor upon his chosen daughters that they may find mates from other clans. That these strong, vital women be given a chance to thrive and live out the destiny he had planned for them.

  “In Her infinite wisdom, the Universe granted Lugh’s wish, but with a condition that every five-thousand years, the matriarch be given a test. That her loyalty to the light be challenged. It would be the one time she would have a choice of mates and her choice would determine the way of the world. Lugh was confident in the goodness of his daughters so without a second thought, he agreed to the Universe’s terms.

  “So you see, my little Claire Bear, you are the first to be faced with this choice. When the time is right, you will know. I know in my heart of hearts you will make the right choice. You, my sweet girl, are destined for greatness.”

  The memory ended there and Rory was flung back into the present. No longer in Claire’s mind but still able to see her racing across the countryside. He watched the confident smile on her face fade into a determined scowl as she glanced at the dark clouds getting closer, growing darker, dropping lower, dogging her every mile. They’d taken the shape of a great winged beast with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion. The darkness he’d seen in her thoughts had become a reality, and it was gunning for her.

  A smoky contralto that could only belong to Claire drifted through his mind a single heartbeat before the engine of her Soft Tail roared with renewed vigor and the mysterious matriarch disappeared in a blaze of fire.

  “Hold on, dragon man, I’m on my way.”

  Chapter Two

  Claire couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of her situation. Here she was racing across the countryside trying to beat the poison threatening her mate’s life, while a madman hell bent on world domination, who by the way, thought he should be her mate instead of Rory, was hot on her heels. Oh, and the asshole only wanted her for her power. Thought he could steal it from her or, even sillier, make her use it to harm others.

  Guess I never have done anything the easy way. Why start now?

  She’d known of the existence of both her mates for quite a while; one dragon, one griffin. One the representation of everything good and right in the world. The other a power-hungry, megalomaniac with serious mommy issues who represented the worst the world had to offer. It was the classic struggle of good and evil. The one she’d been trained to conquer from birth.

  The Leader of the Clan of the Sun often wondered if this was what Lugh had envisioned when he created his race of exotic birds in his own image. Claire knew they were born to be leaders, born to create not destroy, born to shine the light into the darkness, born to be the Celtic God’s likeness on earth. It was common knowledge that throughout the ages the phoenix had been responsible for restoring balance in times of evil and destruction. That they and they alone had been given the power to heal through their tears and would always know where they were most needed. He’d given them incredible power with incredible responsibility, and the matriarch had to wonder if he’d known even after making her decision that she would be faced with a race for her mate’s life.

  Wouldn’t surprise me. God or not, he’s always one step ahead.

  From the first spark of recognition the choice had been clear. Claire had been walking along her mountain, enjoying the sounds of children playing floating on the light breeze that kissed her freckled cheeks, when a feeling of pure and utter bliss filled her being. It was unlike anything she’d ever known, and with too many centuries to count under her belt, that was saying something.

  Pure unadulterated joy, followed by a happiness that made her feel complete, exceeded all the tales she’d either been told while growing up or read in the chronicles of their clan. It was as if she could fly without her wings, could see the path she was meant to take and the future that was meant to be hers. It was all crystal clear for the first time in her very long life.

  Lost in thought, Claire walked aimlessly for hours, enjoying the visions of her imminent happiness. Hours passed before she finally found herself in the sacred Meadow of Peace—the place that held the ashes of her ancestor. Making her way to the stone bench surrounded by the orange and red blossoms of the Firebush plants her mother had planted for Claire’s grandma, the matriarch sat in silence, enjoying her newfound feelings.

  She could see her mate with his deep brown eyes and curly red hair just as vividly as if he were standing before her. He was tall—at least six-foot-four—which was perfect since she stood almost five-foot-ten inches in bare feet. She ogled his broad chest that she couldn’t wait to rest her head upon. Her body tingled thinking of how his muscled biceps would feel wrapped around her.

  The image shifted and she could see him walking along a mountain pass. Claire had to fan herself as she watched the muscles of his well-toned thighs push the l
egs of well-worn jeans to their limits. As if that wasn’t enough to make her heart race and her palms sweat, the phoenix damned near lost consciousness when he turned around and she saw his bum perfectly encased in denim. Her fingers flexed at her sides with the need to explore every inch of his magnificent body.

  The sounds of bees and hummingbirds flitting from one blossom to another in a game of hide-and-seek pulled the matriarch from her thoughts of deep brown eyes and curly red hair to thoughts of a darker nature. Wanting to stay with Rory just a bit longer, Claire let her head fall back and her eyes slide shut. She reveled in the all-knowing power of the Sun and sighed as it called to the other half of her soul; the being who longed to soar on its fiery rays just as the phoenix of old had done.

  One creature called to the other and from one heartbeat to the next, the hard body of the man of her dreams was replaced by the brilliant shimmer of royal blue scales and an ancient strength that stole the breath from her lungs. As the image crystallized in her mind, Claire could feel the raw power of Rory’s dragon as he blazed across the sky. Every dip and turn of his massive body gave different perspective to the perfection of the creature designed to protect all that was right and just in the world. Her phoenix pushed against the restraint of her mind wanting...needing to fly alongside the mate of her heart.

  Her skin tingled as soft tufts of down replaced the hair on her arms and her fingers stretched toward her phoenix’s natural talon shape. Claire didn’t resist the change as she’d done when she was younger or push it as she’d had to do when in battle earlier in her reign as matriarch. No, for the first time she simply let the thrill of embracing the one with whom she shared her soul rush over her. She could feel the heat of her fire building within and looked forward to painting the sky with its flames.


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