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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

Page 15

by A. M. Hargrove

  Gabby melted into Kolson’s half-hooded stare. “Just pretend it’s your nipple ring and do to me what you think would feel good to you,” he said.

  She swallowed. Looking at the damn thing nearly made her come. “I’m not sure if this is more exciting for you or for me.” She put her lips around it and softly sucked it. She lightly swirled it across the top, touching it gently with her tongue. Kolson twisted his hips into her and they both moaned, so she added more suction and pressure to the piercing.

  “Oh, fuck, Gabriella. Stop.”

  She looked up at him and his hands went to her hips as he began to thrust rapidly into her. Not taking her eyes off his for one second, they watched each other as their arousal heightened, and Gabby rode Kolson hard. Water sloshed everywhere, but neither of them cared.

  When he stopped, she started to protest, but he cut her off with, “Stand up.” He pushed her to give her a boost. He was right behind her when he told her to bend over the side of the tub. Then he drove back into her and she didn’t think she could hold on.

  “I’m going to fall.”

  He put his arm around her waist and told her, “I won’t let you.”

  He touched places so deep inside, Gabby moaned.

  “Oh my … Kolson. I’m …”

  He looked at the sight she made, with her back arched and stretched over the edge of the large jetted bath. Kolson knew that image would stay imprinted in his head for a long time. The creamy globes of her ass shimmered, and her pink pussy begged for more of him. Her dark mane hung halfway into the water, soaked and tangled, and all Kolson wanted to do was ingest everything about this moment.

  He placed his finger on her slit and ran it around her little nub, and then rubbed it as a long, slow groan escaped her.

  “Oh, Gabriella. I wish you could see how beautiful you look now. Your skin is wet, glowing, and flushed.”

  “Ah, Kolson.”

  He slid into her again and again. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You. I want you.”

  “To do what?”

  “To keep fucking me.”


  “Ah … I … ah … want you to make me come.”

  “Fuck, kea, I will. I’m going to make you come. Hard.”

  His fingers sunk into her hips and he rocked into her and she felt herself tightening inside.

  “Yes, Gabriella. Let it go.” He moved his hand back to her sex and then she cried out his name as her climax sent her reeling.

  His followed hers and afterward, he said, “You are so fucking sweet.”

  Gabby’s head spun in the aftermath and she knew she couldn’t stand on her own accord.

  “Kolson, I’m going to collapse.”

  “No, I won’t let you.” He pulled out with a sigh, set her down on top of his lap, and kissed her. “Do you have any idea how captivating you are?”

  His arms cradled her and she felt as secure as she ever had. She traced his lips with her finger and smiled. “No, but you can tell me.”

  “I’d have to show you. And someday I’m going to photograph you. I want to look at you every day, just like this.”

  “No, no nude pictures.”

  “Why? You’re so beautiful.”

  “They could get out.”

  “I would never let that happen. You’re too perfect not to look at, kea.” He leaned down and kissed her nose. “Maybe we should get out of here before we’re permanently pruned.”

  Gabby nodded, but she couldn’t have cared less. This was the first time in her life she could ever remember being truly cared for and she felt like she was in dreamland.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kolson wasn’t one to feel much emotion for others. But somehow, Gabby had managed to penetrate his barriers. Yes, he wanted her sexually, now more than ever since he’d gotten his first exquisite taste of her. But it was more than that. The sadistic fuck who was trying to get to her had better watch his back. Kolson wasn’t going to let him get near her, if he could help it.

  They sat at the counter finishing Lydia’s delicious spinach lasagna. “Tell me,” he said.

  She swallowed her bite and asked, smiling, “Tell you what?”

  “What did Danny do to you?”

  The fork slid out of her hand and clattered to the floor. She bent to retrieve it when his voice halted her.

  “Leave it,” he said as he wrapped his hand around her wrist. “I think you know by now that you can trust me. Gabriella, I know what he did to you was awful. But know this. I’ll believe everything you’ll tell me.” He slid his hold from her wrist to her hand and squeezed it. She felt his warmth flow into her and inhaled past the knot in her chest.

  “I’ve never told anyone.” Her voice trembled. “Other than my parents and brother,” She clamped her quivering lips between her teeth. She hated thinking about this, much less talking about it. “My psychiatrist too, of course.”

  “You can tell me. I won’t judge you; I’ll only support you. That’s my promise.”

  Her brow furrowed, she drilled him with her gaze. Raw honesty stared back at her. His hand still held hers as he nodded in encouragement.

  “He started raping me when I was thirteen. It continued until I went to medical school. Of course, after I left home for college, it was less frequent. He obviously was much stronger, bigger than I. The first time took place when he was babysitting me. He said he would really hurt me if I told. I was so …” She bent her head in shame. “Afterward, I was bleeding and he forced me into the bathtub and scrubbed me down there. He made me watch him do it.” She shuddered.

  Kolson had to force himself to remain calm. Danny was a perverted fuck who’d not only molested a young girl, but also performed lewd acts on her afterward.

  “When my mom and dad got home, I wouldn’t come out of my room the rest of the night. Danny told them I had been rude to him so he sent me there. They believed him. Then two weeks later, he was back, babysitting again. And guess what he did? But this time he was smart and tied me up so I couldn’t scratch him. Or leave any marks. He told me if I said anything, he’d hurt me worse the next time. So I didn’t tell. It continued for two years before I said anything. He threatened to kill my mom. The only thing she ever cared about was getting her next drink—she’s an alcoholic. My dad only cares about appearances—what people think about him and the family. He’s covered up my mom’s problem for years. So when I finally got the nerve to tell my dad, he told me I was liar and a troublemaker. Danny and my brother were always close so my brother thought I lied too. And Danny won. My dad basically gave him license to continue. And he did. Repeatedly. He did all kinds of awful things to me.

  “He ruined my life and I still have no idea why. Why he singled me out. What I ever did to him to make him hate me so much. He’s three years older than I am and he told everyone I was a whore. Word spread at my school, because everyone knew him. All my friends abandoned me. I became withdrawn and depressed. That’s when I did this.” She held up her arm.

  “What did your doctor say?”

  She let out a muffled laugh. “I told my doctor the truth. But I also told her that if she made a big deal out of it, I would deny it all. But that’s how I ended up in med school so I could learn how to help people who were abused like I was. I know how terrifying it is to go through life feeling frightened all the time. Feeling afraid of your own fucking shadow. But the worst part was when my family sided with him. When they didn’t believe me. The scars they left on me were way beyond this.” She held out her wrist. “So that’s why I don’t trust anyone or share this terrible secret, because if my own parents and brother didn’t believe me, why would anyone else?”

  “I do. I believe you, Gabriella. I don’t know why they didn’t, but I do. So help me God, I swear I do.” Then he lifted her arm, turned it over, and kissed her scars. “If you ever feel unsure of yourself, you come to me. How did you do it? I mean, study to get into med school if you were so depressed?”

  The s
mile that spread across Gabby’s face took Kolson by surprise. “It was my salvation. I made it my life’s goal. I was determined to do it so I could help others who were in my shoes. So I put everything I had into it and it took my mind off of what I was going through. My psychiatrist was the one who suggested I do it. Of course I was on antidepressants, too. But I dove head first into my studies and it paid off. I was always a book nerd though.”

  Kolson looked at her in awe. “You are such an inspiration. You need to be a motivational speaker.”

  “Nah. I just think you can do anything if you put your brain to it. But you have to remember it’s my passion. And it became the family I didn’t have.”

  Gabby’s expression turned somber.

  “What is it?”

  “He scares me, Kolson. I don’t know what he wants from me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then tell me, because I want to know. I want him to stop.”

  “You. He won’t stop until he has you.”

  “But …”

  “He wants to possess you, Gabriella. In his own sick way, that’s what he wants. Think about this. You’re the expert here.”

  “So you really think he’s a true stalker?”

  “I believe he is.”

  “Then I need to call the police.”

  “But there’s a problem with that. Because you never reported a crime when it all started happening and your parents never did their due diligence, the police are pretty helpless here. We can call them and let them know, but they really can’t do much at this point. It’s your word against his.”

  Her shoulders sagged as she listened to him. The truth speared her but she knew he was right. Kolson stood and went to pour her a glass of whiskey.

  “Here. Drink this.”

  “I don’t drink brown liquor.”

  “Well, since I’m fresh out of Sugar Tits, this is the best I can do.”

  His line brought a slight smile to her lips so she took the glass and sipped.

  “Down it.”

  Holding the glass, she tossed back the contents and nearly choked on its burn.

  He patted her on the back to ease her cough, and she sputtered, “That stuff is wicked!”

  “First timer, huh?”

  “Uh, yeah, and a last timer, I believe.”

  “I don’t think so.” He refilled her glass and handed it back to her. “Now, this is the one you’ll sip.”

  Her gut burned from the first glass and she rubbed a circle on her stomach as she reached for the glass. “What is this?”

  “Evan Williams 23. It’ll take away your angst. Guaranteed. The first one was just a run-of-the-mill bourbon. But this one is in a class all its own.”

  This time, the sip eased down her throat and created a soothing warmth laced with hints of dark chocolate and plums. She swirled it around her mouth and as it coated her tongue, she found herself wanting to moan.

  “My God, this is lovely!”

  A hearty laugh ripped out of Kolson. “You should see the expression on your face. It nearly matches the one you had as you came when I was deep inside you.”

  Her head whipped around and her eyes met his. Another belly laugh escaped him.

  “Now your cheeks are the color of poppies.” He ran his finger across the apple of one cheek. And he dipped his head, touching his lips to hers for a second. In a gruff voice, he added, “And your lips are warm and inviting.”

  “They should be hot after that drink. But this really is delicious.”

  “Yes, it’s my favorite bourbon. And it should be. It’s been aged twenty-three years and sadly, they only produce a limited amount so my stock is very limited as well.”

  “So I will sip this one and savor it indeed.”

  “Like a very fine wine.”

  She was silent for a moment. “I have this friend. A very close friend. He’s a former cop but is now a private investigator.”

  “Case Russell?”

  Gabby’s mouth dropped open. She set her glass on the counter and didn’t answer him.

  “I’m a high-profile, fairly wealthy single man. My security team investigates everyone I come into contact with. Not just you. You also ran a check on me. Which, by the way, was smart, particularly with what you’re going through. Unfortunately, you came up empty-handed. My background is … buried, you might say.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I have good reason.”

  “How do you keep your information off of Google?” She was suddenly mortified that she’d asked it.

  Kolson looked at her and chuckled. “You Googled me?”

  “Well, yeah. I mean, after Case investigated you, he said he couldn’t find anything so I Googled you.” She tried to hide her embarrassment by turning away from him, but he grabbed her arm and forced her back around.

  “So, what did you learn?” His eyes crinkled with mirth.

  “Nothing. I even Googled how to keep your name off Google!”

  Now Kolson laughed. “You are a curious one, aren’t you?”

  “Well, yeah, because it seems it’s all but impossible to do that.”

  “Gabriella, listen. I employ a top-notch security team that keeps my name out of the news and the gossip pages. I avoid the press and the paparazzi. That’s why I use a security crew. I’m very careful who I associate with, which is why I investigated you.”

  “I know very little about you and you know everything about me. All my darkest secrets.”

  Gabby heard the air rush out of Kolson. “Gabriella, I …”

  “You don’t trust me.” It wasn’t a question; it was a statement.

  “I do. Surprisingly enough. Which, for me, is unusual.”

  “Then why won’t you tell me?”

  “Perhaps one day.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Kolson placed his hands on her face and lifted it so he could look into her eyes. “My past is every bit as twisted as yours and one day, when the time is right, you’ll hear it all. But not now.”

  His voice was wracked with an emotion Gabby understood well—she had lived with it for years. Pain.

  “The psychiatrist in me is screaming to get you to open up, but I make it a point not to psychoanalyze my friends.” Then she held up her hand. “But I want you to know I understand your reticence in digging up a fucked-up past. Look how hard it was for me to tell you about mine. I should be seriously pissed for how you manhandled the truth out of me. But I’m not because I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my chest. I also want you to understand I’m here for you when you’re ready to talk. And I won’t judge you, Kolson.” She placed her hands on his. “Will you tell me something about yourself?”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Anything. Tell me about your company. Hart Transportation Service. How did you start out?”

  He chuckled. “You don’t read the tabloids or the financials, do you?”

  “Afraid not.”

  “I started with one cab and one limo. I worked my ass off night and day until I could afford another limo. And so it went. I’d hire drivers when I could afford them and soon I had a fleet and was vying for contracts. Honestly, the speed at which the business grew surprised me. I knew how to negotiate from working with my father’s corporation, so getting the business was the easy part. But I never thought it would blossom the way it did.”

  Gabby looked at him with admiration. “Impressive. And I actually did know some of that. But why did you leave your father’s business? In the report Case ran on you, it said your father has a huge corporation too.”

  “That’s a story for another day. But let’s say we didn’t see eye to eye.”

  “Far be it for me to judge you on your relationship with your father when mine is nonexistent.”

  Kolson knew he had to switch gears. A discussion about his father was off limits for now. “Did Danny ever hit you?”

  Gabby stiffened. His question fired from out of the blue. Her head dippe
d before she answered. “Yeah, he did.”

  “Tell me,” he growled.

  She backed away, but he caught her and said, gentler this time, “I have to know, kea. How bad was it?”

  “Why is this so important to you?”

  “It just is.” Kolson wanted to hurt Danny. He could feel his hands around that bastard’s neck, squeezing the life out of him. And Kolson knew he would take pleasure in that act.

  “I don’t want …”

  “Gabriella, please tell me. These are things that we may need, in case the police need to be involved. And your friend, Case.”

  “It happened a lot, but the worst time was when he pushed me down the stairs after he punched me in the nose. I broke my wrist, arm, and several ribs. Of course my nose was broken too. He told my parents I tripped and fell and he found me crying at the bottom of the steps. They believed him, of course, because he was perfect Danny. He took me to the hospital and on the way, he continued to beat me. The doctor knew I was lying. He tried to get me to tell the truth, but I knew if I did, it would be worse for me when I got home. By then, my parents were convinced I was clumsy, because I had bruises all the time. And those were only the ones they saw. They never saw the ones I hid.”

  “Fuck. All this went on during your middle and high school years?”

  “Yeah. I thought it would stop when he went to college, but he stayed close and would come home all the time. There was no escaping him.”

  “What the fuck kind of parents do you have?”

  “Obviously ones who don’t give a shit about me.”

  Those words ripped through Kolson, words that he could relate to wholeheartedly. Except for Kolson, his case was different. His father had a motive and his mother was clueless. “I’m so sorry. For everything you’ve been through.”

  “You sound as though you can relate.”

  His brows shot up, but he said nothing. Turning away, he reached for his glass and she noticed how his arm tensed as he stretched it on the counter. She stepped behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder blade.

  Somehow, this man had managed to take her perfectly constructed fortress of protection and tear it down, stone by stone, until she stood fully exposed and naked before him. Not only that, he had achieved the unachievable. He had wriggled the truth out of her. Every secret she’d ever had, every mystery had been revealed and exposed to him. She’d dragged the last skeleton out of her closet, dressed it up in all its finery, and willingly displayed it for him to see.


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