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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

Page 26

by A. M. Hargrove

  He got off the bed and undressed. Then he stared at her.

  “I rather like you this way. Maybe if I would’ve done this earlier, you wouldn’t have run off like you did.”

  “Kolson, I …”

  “Hush! I didn’t give you permission to speak. Now, Gabriella, are you ever going to do anything like that again? Anything so dangerous you could get killed? Yes or no.”

  Does he want me to answer him?

  She kept silent.

  “I asked you a question. Are you ever going to do anything like that again? Answer me.”

  “I don’t …”

  “Yes or no, Gabriella.” He flicked the flogger he held and she felt the sting of the leather strands as they flayed her ass cheeks. She hissed.

  “I said, yes or no.”

  He hit her again. And again.


  She moaned as the pressure in her belly intensified and sent it straight down between her legs. Each time the leather strands came in contact with her skin, currents raced through her body, centering on her sex. She wanted to squeeze her thighs together to ease the burgeoning ache but knew it was impossible. She writhed and moaned again.


  Gabby clamped her mouth shut. It was with extreme difficulty that she stemmed her moans as he continued to flog her. He ran the end of it around her breasts and swatted her nipples with it. Gabby hoped he didn’t mind if she came because an orgasm was fast approaching.

  “As punishment, I’m not going to allow you to come.”

  He whisked the strips across her ribs and beneath her arms. And then he took the handle of the flogger and ran it along her slit. Gabby came. Hard.

  “Ahhh,” she cried out.

  “Oh, now you’ve done it.” He clicked his tongue and she knew she was in for it.

  He left the room. When he returned, he massaged her behind with something thick and oily. She knew where this was going.


  “No to this?” he said as he slid his thumb in her. She moaned. His other hand splayed across her hips while his pinky reached down to tease her clit. Then his cock entered her. She was stretched so full, and wide, she wanted to scream.

  “I love having my thumb in your ass, Gabriella. I can feel my cock moving inside you.”

  He thrust against her and she backed into the motion. Their rhythm synchronized, she arched into him as he rocked into her. It was exquisite.

  “Tell me you’ll never leave me like that again. Ever,” he growled into her ear.

  “No, never,” she whimpered.

  “Ah, Gabriella. Tell me who this pussy belongs to.”

  “You. It belongs to you,” she eked out the words.

  “And who owns this ass?”

  “You do,” she moaned.

  “Don’t you ever think about putting this in danger again. Understand?”

  “Uh, ah …”

  “Look at me, Gabriella.”

  Their eyes met in the mirror and all action ceased. Time stood still as unspoken words passed between them. He suddenly untied her and spun her around in his arms.

  Gripping her by the shoulders, his voice hoarse with emotion, he said, “Goddammit, don’t you ever do anything like that again. Do you hear me?”


  “Swear to me!”

  “I swear, Kolson.”

  “You could have fucking died today. Christ, do you have any idea how much danger you were in? Do you even know the risks you took? Jesus, you scared the life out of me, kea.”

  Then his lips crushed hers, and he brutally kissed her, crushing her body to his, bruising her. But she wanted him. She needed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, digging her hands into his hair. He reached between them and slid his cock back into her, their mouths still latched. They fell on to the bed and he sank into her, burying himself. It was as if neither of them could get enough, as though they had to prove to each other they were safe and sound.

  Sweat clung to Kolson’s forehead, their bodies slick with it, but they didn’t notice. They were lost in their passion. He found that spot, the one that made her scream, and he used his fingers on her clit until all her muscles, inside and out, clenched and squeezed his own orgasm out of him.

  When they were finished, he rested his head where her neck met her shoulder, catching his breath. Then he nipped her with his teeth. “Look at how beautiful you are, all stretched out for me. So responsive, so fucking passionate. I’ll never get enough of you, kea. Never. You’re all mine. This is mine.” His hand covered her sex. “No one else will ever have this.” He rotated his hips into her again and her breath left her body. Hands slid under and cupped the cheeks of her ass. “This is all mine too.” Everything in Gabby’s body sizzled with heat. Her heart pounded harder with his every word and her blood flamed with every touch.

  “I love you. Everything about you, Kolson. But sometimes you’re freaky.”

  “I’ve been telling you that for a while now. If there’s any doubt in your mind about how I feel toward you, I hope I’ve cleared it up. You are my world, Gabriella. Keeping you safe is paramount. Remember that.”

  They held each other for a while longer. “Kiss me. Long and hard. Like you mean it. Like you’ll never walk out that door and do what you did to me today ever again. I never want to get another one of those phone calls, because my heart wouldn’t survive it.”

  Crawling on top of him, she started out slow, exploring every bit of his beautiful mouth, inside and out. It was a kiss that was meant to be savored, a kiss meant to convey what was in her heart.

  “I didn’t do it to scare you. I did it to protect you. Because each and every day I worry that he’ll not only hurt me, but you too. And if that were to happen, I know I wouldn’t make it. I’ve persevered through a lot, but that would be my undoing. Kolson Hart, I love every single inch of you, even the parts that ripped my favorite pants to shreds and that tied me to your bed just now. I don’t ever want to leave you or be away from you.”

  And for the first time since she was fifteen years old, Dr. Gabriella Martinelli broke down and cried.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kolson wasn’t quite sure what to do. Gabby’s tears kept flowing. That proverbial dam had ruptured and the force of the water behind it was unprecedented. To make matters worse, he was inexperienced at comforting people. He’d gotten so little of it in his formative years that he wasn’t sure what words to use or how best to soothe her.

  So he did the only thing he knew and held her close, murmuring a whole lot of nothing because he doubted she was processing anything anyway.

  The tears continued for hours, soaking the skin of his chest, running down his sides and on to the bed sheets. He never knew human beings could produce that much fluid from their eyes. When her sobs began to ebb, he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed tissues for her. She blew her nose and shuddered.

  “Can I get you anything? Water?” he asked.

  “No. I … I haven’t cried …”

  “I know, kea. You never cry. But you needed to. And I’m glad you did with me. This is about healing. And maybe you’re finally shaking free of the hold he had on you.”

  Her hands balled up and she rubbed her eyes with them. “I feel so yucky.”

  “You look beautiful. You always look beautiful.”

  “You’re just saying that.” She sniffed; he handed her more tissues.

  “No, I’m not.” He brushed her tangled hair away from her face. “Did I hurt you? When we had sex?”


  “I want to make sure it wasn’t my actions that brought this on.”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “Your silence is making me uncomfortable.”

  “It wasn’t what you did in the bedroom. It’s how you acted when we got home that upset me. You were scary, Kolson.”

  “Gabriella, I …”

  “Let me finish, please.”

  He nodded

  “I was shaken. Maybe my plan wasn’t so good, but this has to end. Some way, Kolson. I decided that I could flush him out. And either I would have to kill him or he would kill me.”

  Kolson squeezed his eyes shut. The muscles in his jaw twitched.

  “One way or another, I decided it was going to end. He’s controlled my life for too long and I’ve allowed it. And then there was your safety I was worried about. So that’s how I ended up meeting him. And when I didn’t shoot him, it crushed me. I wanted so badly to kill him, I could taste the victory. Do you understand me? You said I would have to live with the guilt. There would’ve been none. The things he’s done to me, and how long he’s played me, it would’ve been nothing for me to pull that trigger. Danny said I didn’t have the nerve. He was wrong. The reason I didn’t pull the trigger was because of what it would’ve done to you and what you would’ve thought about me afterward. I was afraid of what I would see in your eyes every time you looked at me.

  “Then when we got back here, you were so livid and all I wanted was for you to …” She tried to force back the tears but couldn’t. “All I wanted was to feel your arms around me, comforting me. But instead I got the brunt of your anger.”

  His arms tightened and he showered her hair with kisses. In a husky voice, he said, “I should apologize, but I can’t. I was angry because I almost lost you. I didn’t give a shit about Danny. If you had shot and killed him, I wouldn’t love you any less. I was terrified that you would end up in prison, but I would still love you with everything I have. You need to understand something. I don’t only love you for the good. I love you for the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, but most of all, I love you for the in-between. Because that’s where most of our lives will be spent. Not all our times together are going to be stunning or monumental or magnificent. Most of our days will be just so-so, and in those times I will still love every bit of you.”

  She grinned at him, then sighed.

  “And that smile was worth a whole helluva a lot to me, Dr. Martinelli.”

  “I love every bit of you too, Kolson Hart.” Then she made a screwed up face. “Try not to get freaky on me, please.”

  “I’m sorry my behavior upset you. I’ll do my best to rein in my temper on occasions such as those.”

  “I hope we don’t have any more like today.”

  His expression turned grim. “Same.”

  # # #

  That evening, Kolson called Case.

  “Do you know anyone who’s good enough to track Danny Martinelli?”

  “Yeah. One guy. Name’s Drexel Wolfe. He’s pricey, though,” Case said.

  “Tell me more.”

  “He’s a PI, but the rumor is he used to be Special Forces. Some even say he ran Black Ops missions. He’s good. The FBI uses him. Rumors also say he’s connected to the CIA.”

  “How hard is he to get?”

  Case laughed. “Depends on how much money you have.”

  “Come on, Case. This isn’t a laughing matter. Gabriella is walking on shattered glass right now.”

  “I didn’t mean to make light of this, Kolson. What I meant was Drex Wolfe can be had for the right dollar at any time. He’s in your class. Look him up. Company name is DWI Inc.”

  “You’re shitting me. As in Driving While Intoxicated?”

  “No, but that is kind of funny, now that you mention it. Stands for Drexel Wolfe Investigations.”

  “Hang on.” Kolson Googled DWI Inc. and a load of information popped up on his screen. “Damn, how have I never heard of this guy?”

  “Beats me. Let me know what you want me to do. I know him from a couple of past cases so I can put you in touch.”

  “Make the call. I want him in New York yesterday.”

  An hour later Kolson’s phone rang. It was Drexel Wolfe. He would be arriving in New York in the morning. Case passed all the information along. Wolfe and one of his men would be personally tracking Danny. Once they found him, they would call Kolson with a location.

  “Don’t involve the police. I have something else in mind for him,” Kolson said.

  “Whatever you wish. I don’t get involved in that end. And I prefer to be kept in the dark regarding those details.”

  “Mr. Wolfe, I’m only hiring you to find Danny Martinelli and then to let me know where he is.”

  “Fine. You can deposit half my fee in my account and the rest of it when the job is finished. I’ll text you the account number and bank information you’ll need.”

  “Sounds fine. And thank you for taking this on such short notice.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be well compensated.”

  “I’m sure you will. And what’s your time estimation on finding him?”

  “I’ll have a location in two days at the most after I get there.”


  Kolson ended the call and stared at his phone. What he was going to do next was so abhorrent to him, needles pricked him everywhere and caused him to shudder. Soon, his gut would be burning like he’d swallowed a gallon of hydrochloric acid. It didn’t matter. Gabriella was more important than anything … more important than his feelings toward his father.

  Tapping the numbers with much more force than necessary, he cringed when the phone started to ring.

  “Langston Hart.”

  “Dad. It’s Kolson.”

  Stunned silence greeted him momentarily. “Well, well, well. What a surprise. To what do I owe this honor? A phone call from the great Kolson Hart?”

  Kolson didn’t respond to his father’s goading.

  “I need a favor.”

  Another moment of stunned silence ensued. “Son, you’re about to give this old man a coronary.”

  “Dad, stop trying to fool everyone. You’re far from old.”

  “You are fully aware of my policy on favors?”

  “Oh, am I ever. I know it well. Too well, in fact.”

  “Then it must be important for you and I to be having this conversation.”

  “It is.”


  “Before I begin, I need your oath that this conversation never goes beyond you and me. No matter what happens. Are we in agreement?”

  “I can do that.”

  “I also need your oath on something else.”

  “My, aren’t you needy tonight?”

  “Yes, sir, I am. This involves something very important to me.”

  “I should hope so or you would never have called. In fact, I would go so far as to say you’re desperate.”

  “The parties involved shall remain innocent and outside of your reach.”

  “Hmm. Now I’m intrigued,” Langston said.

  “Of course you are.”


  “I need to have someone, for lack of a better term, disposed of.”

  “Go on.”

  “The man’s name is Danny Martinelli and he’s been threatening Gabriella for years.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  “No, you can’t possibly see.”

  Langston said, “Be nice, Kolson. I hold the power in this conversation. Now, I want you to think long and hard about something. When I do a favor for someone, I always expect something in return. That means you’ll owe me.”

  “Understood. One favor, one debt in return.”

  “Yes, but it will be a debt of my choosing.”

  “It cannot involve Gabriella.”

  “Why, Kolson, I believe you’re in love with the good doctor.”

  “That is none of your business.”

  “You asked for my oath. Now I need yours in return. You’ll pay your debt or there is no favor.”

  “The debt must be reasonable.”

  “Kolson, you’re asking me to murder someone for you. The debt will match the favor.”

  Kolson winced. “This cannot have any negative ramifications on Gabriella or any of my employees.”

  “You’re not listening, son. You’re not in a position to make demands.
Now, do you want me to take this person out or not?”

  “Yes,” Kolson gritted out.

  “Then, what’s it going to be? A debt for a favor or is the deal off?”

  “The deal is on.”

  “Oh, and Kolson, I can call in this debt whenever I see fit. So, where is this Danny Martinelli?”

  “I’ll have a location for you in a couple days.”

  “Good. And one other thing. Since summer is winding down, your mother wanted to have some people up next weekend. I’ll expect to see you and Gabriella there as well. Saturday to Sunday. Plan to spend the night. It will be an intimate group. Kestrel will be there. And four other couples. Your mother will be thrilled you’re coming.”

  The call ended and Kolson had a burning pain in the pit of his stomach.

  # # #

  The next day, Kolson made a call to his attorneys. He discussed important business matters and legal issues that needed attending, to the shock of his legal team. Then he told Gabby about the weekend at his parents’.

  “What? An overnighter?”

  “I’m sorry. It was unavoidable. I hope you’re okay with it.”

  She chewed the inside of her cheek. “Well, yeah, if you are. But after last time, I’m totally surprised.”

  “I want my mom to get to know you,” he said, his tone curt.

  Gabby put her arms around his waist. “Babe, are you okay?”

  His body relaxed. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Okay.” She held him for a bit before she released him.

  “Kestrel will be there too, and I think he’s bringing a date. So you’ll have someone to hang out with.”

  Gabby found that to be an odd thing to say. “Won’t I be hanging out with you?”

  “Well, yeah, but I thought you might want another girl to talk to.”

  “I’d rather not talk. I’d rather do other things with you.”

  “Oh yeah? What kinds of things?”

  “Like have you tie me up and take naughty liberties with me.”

  “Hmm. Naughty liberties?” He grinned. And then the atmosphere in the room charged as his gaze darkened. He hitched her sharply against him and breathed, “I think I may have to do that right now, kea. I have an urge to explore all sorts of naughty ideas with you. Are you game?”


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