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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

Page 28

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Yes. You’re a fucking tease.”

  “You tortured me all night in this sexy dress. Call this payback. If you want to come, you’re going to have to do it yourself while I tongue you, Gabriella.”

  Her hand moved to her sex and she flicked her clit while he flattened his tongue and bathed her with it. Then he stood back as he watched her. He pulled his cock out and stroked himself as she masturbated.

  “Put your fingers inside yourself.”

  She moaned as she did it.

  “Don’t come yet. I don’t want you to come.” He spun her around so her head was now hanging off the end of the table. “Suck me while you play.”

  She took his cock deep inside her mouth. Tongue licking and swirling around his piercing, she worked his head and then took him in as far as she could take it.

  “Oh fuck, Gabriella, that’s so damn sweet.”

  She sucked his cock as she played with herself. But when he grew closer to his release, he wanted inside of her. He pulled out of her mouth and spun her back around. He grabbed her hand away from her sex and took her fingers and sucked on them.

  Gabby wanted to squeeze her legs together but couldn’t because he stood between them. She writhed on the table and said, “I need you inside me. Now, Kolson.”

  Releasing her hand, he clutched her around the waist and in one swift motion picked her up and thrust his hips into her, burying himself deep inside. She put her arms around his neck and wrenched his hair as she called out his name. His hands wrapped her legs around his waist and slammed her into the wall as he drove into her over and over, until they were breathless.

  Every single thing about their joining was violent … their passion, their touching, their emotions. The air around them was charged with it. Her hands held on to him, gripping his shoulders with a singular strength, and her heels dug into his ass. Her mouth sought his skin, tasting everywhere she could reach, biting and licking him. When they kissed, it was with the ferocity of two people desperate for each other. She bit his lip and tasted blood, and when her orgasm hit, it was like a cannonball crashing into her and ripping her apart. Everything in her body tensed brutally, pulsating, bringing his own on, milking him until he was bone-dry.

  When it passed, they stood together, wrapped in each other, trying to collect themselves. They sucked in air, trying to replenish lost oxygen. Their gazes were locked, but neither spoke, trying to assess what had taken place between them.

  “You bit me,” he finally said, licking his lip.

  “Hmmm. You crazy fucked me.”

  “That I did. And you liked it. You crazy climaxed on me.”

  “That I did.” She gave her head a little shake. “Are we good here, Kolson, because that really was crazy.”

  “Yeah. I’m good. I’m real good. What have you done to me, Gabriella?”

  “The same thing you’ve done to me.”

  He grabbed her lower lip with his teeth and gently tugged. “I lose myself with you. I’ve never done that before. I don’t ever lose myself. Lose control.”

  “Good, because I’m lost in you and would be lost without you.”

  “Every time we fuck, I lose more and more of myself to you. I gotta say it worries me.”

  She tightened her legs that were still around his waist and rubbed her cheek against his. “Oh, babe, you’re not losing anything. You’re sharing. And the part that you’ve given me is the best part of all … the part that I’ll treasure.”

  He rubbed his rough cheek against her softness. “You don’t understand. I’m different with you. My urge to control isn’t here. Well, maybe a little. But I want more with you. I want it all. Including the future.”

  “So do I. And we can, someday. But you know what has to happen first, right?”

  “Yes. And I’ll tell you one day. Soon, perhaps.”

  “I’ll support you, the same way you did me.”

  His lips brushed over hers, stroking them lightly. “I love you more than I can tell you. Let’s get some sleep, kea.”

  “Walk me to bed, babe, ’cause I don’t think my legs are worth a damn.”

  # # #

  On Tuesday, the news broke regarding Gabby’s parents. Most of the media reported the following: A civil suit had been filed against Mr. and Mrs. John Anthony Martinelli by Dr. Gabriella Martinelli for child abuse, child neglect, and aiding and abetting the act of rape of a minor. The charges go back sixteen years. Dr. Gabriella Martinelli, a psychiatrist practicing in Manhattan, is the daughter of the plaintiffs. Dr. Martinelli was also part of the manhunt for Daniel Martinelli, which had been ongoing for the past month. Mr. Martinelli had been charged with rape, attempted rape, attempted murder, assault, attempted kidnapping, aggravated assault, and battery with a deadly weapon. Mr. Martinelli’s body was found late last week. He allegedly took his own life to avoid a lengthy prison sentence. A suicide note was found in his possession admitting his guilt to the aforementioned crimes.

  Their phones did not stop ringing. The media wanted to interview Gabby. Exactly like the attorneys had predicted, she had become an instant sensation. The perfect scenario for a psychiatrist. Now she didn’t want to go out for an entirely different reason. Kolson surrounded her with a team of bodyguards just to keep the nosy paparazzi at bay. The phone at the office rang nonstop. People called from all over to get an appointment with her. If they had any instance of sexual abuse, they wanted to go to the doctor who had dealt with it herself.

  “What a damn monster this has created.”

  “It’ll pass.”

  “I hope so. This is a much bigger crazy train than I thought it would be.”

  “Gabriella, you know I’m here, if you need me for anything.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, her phone rang again. She looked at the number and gasped.

  “What is it?”

  “My parents’ number.”

  “You’re not supposed to talk to them. Stan will shit a brick if you answer it.”

  Gabby hit the record button and put it on speakerphone. “Hello?”

  “What do you seek to gain by all of this?”

  Her father’s voice, the one that used to addle her so much, filled the room. This time, however, the effect on her was more of a bother than anything.

  “Hello, Dad. What I seek is the truth. I’m tired of being called a liar. For years Danny terrorized me while you and the rest of the family stood by and supported him. You gave him carte blanche to rape and beat your daughter. You accused me of being sexually promiscuous. I was raped, for Christ’s sake, and as my father, you were supposed to protect me. But what did you do? You threw me right back into my rapist’s arms. Do you even know how many bones that disgusting piece of filth broke? Do you? Don’t bother to answer because of course you don’t. You didn’t care enough to notice. You never came into my room to check on me. You never once came to find out why I tried to kill myself. What kind of a man allows that to happen to his child? What kind of a shit parent does that?”

  Silence hung in the room. For a moment she thought he’d hung up on her.

  But then she heard him clear his throat and say, “He was such a great kid.”

  “A great kid? Do you want to know what that great kid would say to me? He’d call me a cunt and would tell me if I ever spoke a word of what he did to me, he’d hurt me even worse the next time. Shall I tell you all the things he did to me? I tried to before, but you and Mom wouldn’t listen. Do you know how many nights I’d curl up in my bed, trying to breathe through the pain of cracked ribs, but I was afraid to tell you, because I’d end up getting punished for lying?”

  “I … I didn’t know.”

  “Yes, you did. You wanna know how I know? Danny told me. He told me the truth about you. That you’re his father. And he blackmailed you. And you didn’t have the goddamn balls to stand up to him because you were scared he’d tell everyone. So instead, you let your daughter get raped. Over and over. And beaten. Over and over. You knew. But the only thi
ng you cared about were appearances. And mom only cared about her booze. And then you’d tell me that I was a difficult child. What the hell did I ever do to deserve that? Was your pride that important to you? Maybe you should’ve thought about all that before you fucked your brother’s wife.

  “Goodbye, Dad.”

  She ended the call, lost in her thoughts, high on adrenaline, until Kolson’s voice brought her back to present.

  “You clearly surprised him. He never expected you to come at him like that.”

  When Gabby glanced at Kolson, she was surprised to see the admiration written all over his face. A contagious smile spread across his face and she felt herself respond to it.

  “Yeah, I believe you’re right. And you wanna know something? That felt really good. I felt damn strong when I was talking to him. For the first time in my life, he didn’t make me feel browbeaten.”

  “The way you spoke to him, I don’t think anyone will ever browbeat you again, kea.” And there was that gorgeous smile again.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, you’re going to have to take your clothes off.”

  “Hmm, tempting as that sounds, I’m late as it is. I’ll see you tonight,” he said.

  She sat back and watched him leave the room. She hoped he would let his burden fall off his shoulders soon. The weight of it was showing. He tried to hide it from her, but he wasn’t doing too well. The lines around his eyes and the increasing tension were all the evidence she needed. He was playing off the upcoming weekend at his parents’, but it was eating at him, gnawing him up inside. He thought he could hide these things from her, but she was an expert. She’d lived that life for so long so she knew his game. If there was one thing she wanted to do, it was to free him, like he freed her. She knew how life changing it was. When the time was right, she’d be there for him, ready to help him in any way that he needed her.

  She heard a buzzing noise and realized Kolson had forgotten his phone. It vibrated on the bedside table. Reaching over to grab it, a text popped in from his dad. Gabby was surprised to see it, but not too much since they were going there on Saturday. But when she read the words, she puzzled over them: Looking forward to Saturday. Favor is done. Now the debt is owed.

  The End …


  FREEING HIM (A Hart Brothers Novel #2)

  If you enjoyed Freeing Her, please consider leaving a review wherever you purchased this ebook. If you could help spread the word, that would also be appreciated. Tell your family, friends, aunts, cousins, uncles (well, maybe not your uncles—not unless they like romance novels!),hell, tell your frenemies. Whatever. We Indie Authors appreciate any kind of buzz, so I’ll even take that, as long as it doesn’t come with a drive-by egging. And illegal substances. Just saying. ;-) This author thanks you in advance for doing so.


  The idea for this book was born from one of my other novels, Dirty Nights. When I was writing it, as soon as I created Gabriella Martinelli, M.D., I knew there was a story within her. She had serious issues buried inside of her that would take another book to uncover. Enter a Facebook conversation between Kristie Wittenberg, Krista Tangora, and me and well, Freeing Her was born in my brain. Kolson’s story evolved rapidly from a taxi driver into a man with a freaky father and the rest is history. It’s amazing what happens on Facebook. So thank you Kristie and Krista for the inspiration for Kolson—at least with the beginning. Oh, and to Lesley, too, for her visual inspiration!

  This road I’m travelling wouldn’t be what it is without the phenomenal friendships I’ve made so I’d like to thank my writerly friends for all their help, advice, and support. They always know what to say when I need it the most. Michele Leighton, Lila Felix, Rebecca Ethington, Mary Smith, Quinn Loftis, just to name a few. I could go on but this would take too long to read!

  And now for my incredible beta readers. There aren’t enough words I can write here that can adequately express my profound gratitude I have for these wonderful ladies. So, I’d like to thank Terri Thomas, Kathryn Grimes, Megan Bagley, Heather Carver, Hetty Rasmussen, and Kristie Wittenberg. I couldn’t do this without you lovelies. You ROCK it to the max!

  This book would never have gotten published without the mad editing skills of Jennifer Sommersby Young. Boy does she ever keep me in line and I honestly don’t know how she does it! Thanks Jenn!

  Finally, I’d like to thank my family, just because they’re so awesome. And I’m proud to mention that we have a new member to the Hargrove household. I’m now a happy mother-in-law! Thanks Hargrove Family!

  Please stalk me. I’ll love you forever if you do. Seriously.



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  And now for a brief glimpse into FREEING HIM (A Hart Brothers Novel #2)

  Anticipated release date October 2014

  *Note—This excerpt has not been edited. Upon release, this scene may change.

  The bed shifts under his weight as he slips in beside me. I’m not alarmed, even though I should be. It’s been days since I’ve seen him, touched him, smelled him, and tasted him. This isn’t something I should want. I should be shouting at him to get out. Push him away now, my mind screams. I can’t. Because my body yearns for him, reacting so wickedly as I feel myself getting wet. His arm slides around me, pulling me into the curve of his side, and I hear him inhale as he nuzzles my hair. My breath hitches in my lungs as his hand inches higher and takes a hold of my chin. Lips graze my cheek and I sense something raw about him, about the way he touches me. He’s different. Edgy maybe. It’s hard to pinpoint.

  Nudging him, I roll over and squirm my way beneath him and then grab his face with both hands. In the dim light, that’s when I notice it’s lost its fullness. It’s all angles and shadows. My hands instantly slide to his body, reaching for the beauty and symmetry I know I’ll find. Unyielding steel is what my hands discover instead. Hot and smooth, but again, all softness has vanished. Not that he was ever truly soft, but now ... what’s happened to him that caused this drastic change?

  He doesn’t give me time to puzzle it out. My shirt is shredded as he growls in my ear. He’s all tongue, lips, and teeth as he sensually assaults me, spiking my desire. Lust fills my veins as I reach for him, aching to feel his cock in my hand. He violently shoves my hands away from him, but doesn’t speak as he continues to invade my body with his tongue. When he gets to my sex, I cry out his name, which spurs him on. He spreads my legs further and drives his tongue deep into my tunnel, then circles my clit as he slips first one, then another finger inside me. My orgasm approaches and when he doesn’t stop, I clench his fingers with my muscles as I come all over his hand and mouth. When my spasms pass, he climbs on top of me so he’s positioned for me to suck him off. I gladly give him what he wants. He tastes like nothing I’ve ever had and, oh, how I’ve missed this. He’s hesitant at first but I hook my arms around his thighs and pull him into me, sending his cock straight to the back of my throat. I moan and that tiny vibration sets off a series of deep groans. That sound, that only he can make, is a near orgasm in itself. I double my efforts just to keep hearing it. His sack weighs heavy in my hand and I squeeze it exactly like he loves it, pressing my finger on the place directly behind it. I can tell he’s close by the way he tenses when he pulls out with a vicious jerk. He scoots down, and still straddling me, he teases my clit with his cock. Around and around, up and down, but then he stops, grabs my arm, and pulls me up so we’re face to face.

  “Put your arms around my neck and don’t let go.” Those are the only words he’s spoken to me thus far, and they make my weak hold on the tears I’ve been forcing back loosen. They bubble past my lids and leak down my cheeks as he enters me with an aching unhurried pace.

  His tongue catches the glistening drops as he slowly pulses back and forth, back and f
orth, and the heat burgeons in me, coursing through my veins, setting me on fire. I’m full, he’s so deep, kissing me where no man has, and I’m reeling with emotions.

  “Don’t,” he murmurs as he licks my tears again. The last thing I want to do is break down in front of him, but he’s making it damned difficult.

  My breath is ragged as I inhale. “Love me, kea. Just ... just love me.”

  A whimper escapes me; one I’ve tried to hold back, as my heart stammers. I shudder as he fills me deep. My thoughts fly back to the day he confessed how he thought he wasn’t good enough for me and my hold tightens around him. Then his mouth slams against mine. His tongue pushes past my slightly parted lips as he kisses me roughly, thoroughly and savagely. He seeks something, but I’m not sure what. Reassurance? Security? I wish I knew, but those are things I could use right now too.

  “God, I’ve missed your sweet mouth. No man should be allowed to live without ever tasting something like this.”

  Our tongues swirl and meet, twisting together, taking, and giving and we fuck we other’s mouths. Intense. Moving. Sensual. All the above rolled together. That’s what Kolson Hart is. And I’m not sure what’s going to happen next.

  As we kiss, he his pelvis tilts in and out of mine, until he decides to take it faster. His piercing slides over my g-spot, hitting it, teasing it, stimulating it until I quiver in his arms and suddenly climax, my sex clenching his cock in a series of potent seizures.

  “Ah, ah, ah, Gabriella,” he cries as he comes. I feel his warm fluid bathe me and when he’s done, we gaze at each other. Is this when the awkwardness sets in?

  Once more, Kolson has the element of surprise on his side. He shocks the hell out of me when he says, “I love you, kea. I was right all along when I said you were too pure for me.” He rests his forehead against mine. “There are things you need to know. Things I need to tell you. But I can’t tell you all of them right now. I’m so sorry. Sorry I had to leave you the way I did. The reasons are so complicated.”


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