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Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time)

Page 7

by Andrew, Saxon

  Bret knew this was his only shot and he spent the next hour attempting to change the Rover Commander’s mind. Finally he said, “I wish you’d think about it, Captain.”

  Dizzy smiled and said, “I have, and the answer is no.”

  “Thank you for coming.”

  Dizzy stood and saluted Bret and he returned it. She turned to leave the room and stopped. She looked back at Bret and said, “I’m flattered you want me so much; so I’ll not tell Admiral Kune you tried to take me from him.”

  Bret smiled, “Thank you, Captain. I know he’d be unhappy if he found out; however, I really wish you’d think about it.” Dizzy smiled and left the room. Bret pushed the communication button and said, “Admiral, she’s refused the position.”

  “Couldn’t tolerate flying a slower ship, could she?”

  “She clearly loves the Rover’s performance.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “She going to the landing bay to go back to her command.”

  “Notify me when she lifts off the floor.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “You know I can’t interview her without her requesting it. However, I think she’ll listen to her ship.”

  “Her ship?”

  “Just let me know.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Elizabeth walked through the corridor into the landing bay and saw the sailors on this ship were sharp. They were active and all of them appeared to know what they were doing. The Lieutenant in Command of the landing bay came forward, went to attention, and saluted her. Dizzy returned the salute and he said, “Sir, we’ve run a diagnostic on your ship while you were meeting with Commodore Stone and found a chip in the rear blaster was defective. We’ve replaced it and it’s good as new.”

  Dizzy smiled, “Thank you, Lieutenant. That’s really good work to have done it in such a short time frame.”

  Lieutenant Aldun nodded and said, “You’ve been cleared to leave, Sir.” Dizzy nodded and went into her ship. Aldun watched her go and shook his head; that Rover Captain had one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen.”

  • • •

  “She’s lifting, Sir.”

  Angel nodded and pulled her combat visor down as she punched the battle stations alarm. She immediately silenced he klaxons and left the lights flashing. She looked at the microphone on her visor and set it to play throughout the ship. The crew heard her when she said, “Captain Banks.”

  Dizzy’s computer said, “The Admiral is calling you.”

  “Put her on the speaker.” Dizzy heard the Admiral say her name and she said, “Yes Sir?”

  “I want to thank you for coming and meeting with us; it’s always good when different commands work together.”

  Dizzy smiled, “Indeed it is, Sir.”

  “However, I have a small request to ask of you before you go.”

  Dizzy’s eyes narrowed, “What is that, Sir?”

  “I know Commodore Stone has discussed changing some tactics with you and you don’t agree with his view. Is that correct?”

  “It is.”

  “Well, I want you to move your ship one thousand yards in front of the Wellington and attempt to escape.”


  “I’ll accept your position on the tactics and you won’t hear from me again if you’re able to move your ship further than fifteen hundred yards away from me as I chase you.”

  Dizzy smirked, “Admiral, that isn’t really a contest.”

  “Good, then you won’t mind demonstrating your skills. Just open the gap five hundred more yards and you can jump away and go about your business.”

  “Admiral, you can’t be serious?”

  “I’m sending you a countdown. We’ll start this exercise in thirty seconds.”

  The crew of the Wellington heard the conversation and everyone on board tightened everything down and buckled themselves in tightly to their chairs. The Admiral was going to try and run down a Rover. They all turned on the monitors at their stations so they could watch what happened. The Rover Pilots on board offered bets on how long it would take the Rover to escape and betting was wild and furious.

  • • •

  “Stumble, go to full power.”

  “Already there, Dizzy. This Admiral needs to be taught a lesson.”

  “Let’s not embarrass her too much; make a hard climb and then go hard left. We’ll accelerate away and not stick around to listen to her whine.”

  “Yes Sir, this is going to be fun.”

  Dizzy nodded and watched the countdown hit zero. She felt the ship go vertical and then make a hard left. She looked at the display on her panel and saw the distance between the giant Jukebox and her ship had been cut to eight hundred yards, “STUMBLES! WHAT’S GOING ON?”

  “That ship cut the corner on both turns, Dizzy. The distance is now down to seven hundred yards.”

  “Go to full speed.”

  “I already have! It’s gaining on us.”

  “I’ve got the controls!” Dizzy took the flight controls and began spiraling away from the pursuing white giant behind her. She dove, reversed course, banked right, and turned ninety degrees vertical.

  “Distance is now four hundred yards.” Dizzy gritted her teeth and savagely whipped the Rover into a flat spin and dove out of it. “Distance is now three hundred yards.”

  Dizzy continued to fly her Rover at incredible speeds and angles trying to escape the giant Jukebox Battleship stuck on its rear. Finally, she decided to try one last maneuver. She accelerated at full speed straight ahead and was shocked to see the giant close the gap even more. She made a hard right turn and came to an instant stop. She expected the giant ship to fly right by her. It stopped with its bow less than twenty yards away from her bridge window. Dizzy shook her head and heard, “Thank you, Captain; that was very enlightening. You may return to your command to fly with your Rovers.”

  Dizzy stared at the giant white ship next to her port, “Stumbles, what happened?”

  “Dizzy, that ship is faster and more maneuverable than me. If all of them are like this one, I may be out of date and no longer useful.”

  Play back the recording of what happened. Dizzy leaned back in her chair and watched the giant run her down.

  • • •

  Bret stood up from his Combat Chair and rubbed his neck “I was pretty certain you were going to crack the ship’s spine during that flight.”

  “The ship won’t do anything that would damage it; however, you were right; that Captain is a great pilot.”

  Bret stared at the small Rover holding station next to the bow and said, “What is she doing?”

  Angel stared at the wall monitor and said, “I hope she’s as smart as you say she is. I’ll soon know.”


  “Permission to come aboard, Admiral.”

  Angel looked at Bret, “She’ll want to discuss what just happened. That will allow me to have a talk with her.” Angel pressed a button, “Permission granted, Captain.”

  • • •

  Dizzy flew her Rover into the landing bay and exited the ship’s portal. She stepped on the floor and found everyone in the landing bay applauding and cheering her. She looked at Lt. Aldun with her eyebrows lowered, “What is this about?”

  “Sir, the crew just watched what happened and you did an outstanding job of flying your ship. All of our Rover Pilots on board are highly impressed with your skills and the rest of crew thinks you are one of the best pilots they’ve ever seen. You were fantastic.”

  “But I lost.”

  “Yeah, but the Admiral had a faster and more nimble ship than you did. It took her longer to run you down than our own Rover Pilots.”

  Dizzy tilted her head and bowed to the landing bay crew. The cheers grew louder. Angel watched her in the ship’s monitor and smiled. Captain Banks had a real sense of presence. Bret was right, she was something special.

  • • •

zy was led to Angel’s office and she entered and saluted the Admiral. She saw Angel and was shocked at how young she was. Angel returned her salute and smiled, “You can close your mouth, Captain; I’m not as young as you think.”

  Dizzy lowered her hand and said, “I think you’re about eighteen years old.”

  Angel chuckled, “Well, maybe I am. I’ll be nineteen in three months. Please, sit down.”

  Dizzy sat down and continued to stare at Angel, “I’ve seen the recording of the fight you had with the six invading ships. I don’t remember seeing any images of you in that recording.”

  “My brothers and I have been promoted rather quickly. I think my father is concerned that everyone will believe that it was done just because we’re his children.”

  “Were you flying this ship an hour ago?” Angel nodded. Dizzy shook her head, “Skills are not something you can just give someone. I guess you’re as good a pilot as your father.”

  Angel looked around, leaned forward and whispered, “Don’t tell him; I have a higher score at the Academy than he did.” Dizzy laughed out loud and heard Angel say, “You also have a higher score than he did.” Dizzy’s laugh abruptly stopped. Angel leaned back in her chair and looked out of the port for a moment. Dizzy saw her staring at her Rover. She turned back to Dizzy and smiled, “Captain, I know the things that great pilots think about. I know that you’ve now seen how good this marvelous ship is and that it’s superior to yours; now every time you see a Jukebox not being used to its full capability, you’ll wince. You’ll look at them and know if you were in the pilot’s chair you could outfly them; you’ll know that the ship is going to waste in the hands of an average pilot. You’ll never be satisfied flying Rovers again, Captain. Can you see that?”

  Dizzy stared at Angel and knew she was right. Damn her, she was right. “What is it you want me to do, Admiral?”

  “I have ten thousand brand new out the box Jukebox Battleships. I currently have four of us capable of molding them into something special. I need you to make it five.”

  “What would be my assignment?”

  “You will command one third of those ships and do your best to make them the best of the three units. You will be promoted to Commodore and work with us to find and train the pilots to fly our battleships.”

  “Commodore Stone could do this as well as I could.”

  “Yes, you’re right. However, Commodore Stone’s talents are in what he can make happen that improves all of us.”

  Dizzy’s eyes narrowed, “I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.”

  “Commodore Stone was tasked with finding another Fleet Officer that could take his place commanding the third unit. He found you. He can get things done when no one else can and that is where he would best be used. Plus, he and I working together are much more effective than either of us working alone. I fly and he operates the weapons; I want to keep him on board for selfish reasons. Quite honestly, I didn’t think he would be able to find anyone near his ability; I was wrong. You are something special, Captain.”

  Dizzy stared at the teenage Admiral and couldn’t help but like her; she was refreshingly open. “I don’t think my current Commander is going to allow me to leave.”

  “He won’t allow us to take you; however, you have enough seniority to request a transfer that he would have to honor.”

  “If you promote me, he would have to honor the transfer. Fleet regulations wouldn’t allow him to stand in the way of an officer’s career.”

  Angel smiled, “Do you know what I would do if someone offered you a promotion to go to another fleet?” Dizzy shook her head. “I’d promote you to the same rank in my unit and that would put a stop to the transfer. Admiral Kune will do the same thing.”

  Dizzy sighed, “Then if I’m promoted where I am, why would I move?”

  Angel smiled, “I have the better ships, Captain. Some things are more important than rank to great pilots.”

  Dizzy stared at Angel and said, “May I take her out for a spin?”

  Angel smiled and put on her combat helmet. “All hands to battle stations. We will start high Gee maneuvers in two minutes.” Dizzy walked out of Angel’s office and on the bridge and Angel nodded toward the command chair.

  “All stations report ready, Sir.”

  Dizzy looked at Stone and said, “They moved to battle stations that fast?”

  Stone nodded, “They would have been four seconds faster but battle stations were announced rather than sounding the alarm.”

  Dizzy looked at Angel, “You have a good crew, Admiral.”

  “I know it and they know I know it. They never stop trying to amaze me and they constantly leave me shaking my head in wonder at how really good they are.”

  Dizzy sat down in the command chair and looked at the controls, “These are very much like the ones on my Rover.”

  “The main difference is the two pedals under your console. You use them to turn left and right. The main wheel controls up and down as well as acceleration and braking.”

  Dizzy nodded and used the wheel to lift the nose of the ship. It jerked up abruptly before she made a smaller input. She looked at Angel, “These controls are tight.”

  “Start slowly until you get a feel for it.”

  Dizzy moved the ship forward and began a series of spirals, climbs, dives and stops. She was smiling and Angel knew she had her. Dizzy said, “Let’s see what you’ve got old girl.” The Jukebox exploded forward and Dizzy pulled back on the wheel and the ship instantly went vertical. She pressed the right foot petal and the giant ship instantly turned right as it continued moving vertical. Dizzy screamed and said, “This is incredible.”

  Angel looked at Bret and he slowly shook his head. He had failed to land the fish; it required a better angler to do it. The Wellington flew through space and the scream of the gravity compensators sounded like screams of joy to Dizzy. Two hours later, Angel gave the transfer forms to Dizzy and she signed them. An hour later, Admiral Kune was screaming at Admiral Gibbs.

  Chapter Six


  Gibbs saw his old friend was absolutely furious. “Kunny, I didn’t go over your head on this. Admiral Arvolo requested someone to work with their Rovers and I sent the highest rated pilot to assist them. Your officer requested the transfer.”


  “Well, you know what to do to stop it.”

  “I’ve already offered to promote her two levels and she has refused the offer. What happened to cause this; I know she was happy commanding Rovers?

  “You need to ask her. Admiral Arvolo has sent in papers to promote her to command one of her Jukebox squadrons. I can’t delay acting on them much longer.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “She’s with Admiral Arvolo.”

  “Don’t sign anything until I speak directly with her.”

  “You have twenty four hours, Kunny.”

  • • •

  Bret looked at Angel, “Admiral, we have a problem.”

  “What is it?”

  “Fleet Admiral Kune is arriving in twenty minutes and asks that his officer be available for a meeting at that time.”

  Angel sighed; you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. “Contact Captain Banks and have her waiting for him in the conference room.”

  “Don’t we need to be there?”

  “No, if her heart isn’t sure; she should leave.” Bret looked at Angel and lifted his communicator. The bridge crew hoped the new Commodore wouldn’t leave; they had already grown fond of her.

  • • •

  Dizzy waited in the conference room and stared out at the stars. Some of them were so far away that their light had left before Earth was a planet. Such a huge universe. “Captain, would you mind telling me why you’ve chosen to betray me!!”

  Dizzy turned around and saw Admiral Kune. She came to attention and salu
ted. Kune returned her salute and said “Answer me!”

  “I’d rather show you, Sir.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I know you like taking a good bet…”

  “Only ones I know I’ll win.”

  “Well then, this one should be one you’ll take. Are you here in your Rover?”

  Kune’s eyes narrowed, “I am.”

  “If you will take your ship a thousand yards from this ship and increase the distance three hundred yards while I chase you, I’ll turn down this promotion and return to your fleet.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Dizzy.”

  “Admiral, I really hope you can win this bet.”

  “It’s a fool’s wager; you stand no chance.”

  “Then let’s do this so I can get back to work.”

  Kune activated his communicator, “Admiral.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “My officer wants to chase me in this ship; does that meet with your approval? It shouldn’t take long.”

  “Yes Sir, my ship is always available for you, Sir.”

  Kune looked at Dizzy and smiled, “Is your Rover on board?”

  Dizzy’s face showed her sorrow, “Yes Sir.”

  Kune wondered what was making her so sad but he laughed as he left for the landing bay. An hour later he was back in the conference room with Angel, Bret, and Dizzy.

  • • •

  Kune stood at the viewport staring out at the stars as Angel, Bret, and Dizzy sat at the table in silence waiting for him to turn around. Bret looked at Angel and she shook her head. He was going to say something but saw Angel wanted him to remain silent. Dizzy felt awful. She had just destroyed Kune’s confidence in his ships. She knew how it felt. The emotion was still raw from the drubbing Angel had given her.

  Kune continued to stare out of the port and said, “Gibbs has been trying to get me to move to the Jukebox fleets; I’ve told him no for years; I commanded the best ships in the Realm and would not take a step backwards.” He lowered his head a moment and turned around and looked at Dizzy, “I’ll approve your transfer.”

  Dizzy sighed, “Sir, would you approve bringing my squadron to be the Defense Rovers on my ship?”


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