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To Wed A Viscount

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by Adrienne Basso

  Books by Adrienne Basso















  Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation





  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

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  Mayfair Manor

  Hampshire, England

  Spring, 1784

  A muffled female scream from above stairs startled the two gentlemen, father and son, waiting restlessly in the drawing room. Echoing the cry of distress, the younger man leaped from his chair and started forward, but his father held him back. The son protested briefly, then rubbed his hand blearily over his face before distractedly gulping the contents of a glass of whiskey.

  They settled back to wait in silence, the constant tick of the clock on the fireplace mantel the only sound breaking the quiet.

  “This is madness. Whatever was I thinking, Father?” Fletcher Linden muttered with obvious self-loathing. “My wife is far too old to be going through such an exhausting ordeal. I fear her heart will break if she loses this child, and I know with certainty that mine shall shatter if Dorothea dies.”

  “ ’Tis in God’s hands,” Montgomery Linden, Baron of Aston, replied, awkwardly patting his son’s shoulder. “All that we can do now is pray.”

  Suddenly, the drawing-room doors burst open. The surgeon, ever mindful of the worried looks of Lord Aston and his son, wasted no time in making his announcement.

  “I am most delighted and relieved to report that Mrs. Linden is safely delivered of her child. You may see her after her maid has removed the birthing-bed linens. Your daughter is very tiny, Mr. Linden, but appears healthy. When I left, she was squalling loud enough to hurt my ears. A good sign, I believe.”

  “God be praised,” Fletcher mumbled. He staggered back as if his knees were too weak to support him and sank down onto a chair. The emotions overtaking him were almost painful. “Faith. My wife and I agreed if we should be so blessed to have a girl, we would call our daughter Faith.”

  “ ’Tis fitting. Faith.” Lord Aston beamed. He called for his servants and announced the birth of his granddaughter with great fanfare. The baron carried on so much that one would have thought he was the first man on earth to ever become a grandfather.

  The news was greeted with shouts of good cheer and exclamations of astonishment. Feeling slightly dazed, Fletcher accepted the hearty handshakes and pats on the shoulder from several of the male servants and an emotional hug from the housekeeper, Mrs. Craig.

  At long last the surgeon gave his permission and bade the anxious Fletcher to go upstairs and meet his daughter. He needed no additional urging. He bounded up the stairs two at a time and burst into the chamber just as the maid was leaving, her arms ladened with dirty linens.

  Fletcher closed the door behind him. For a moment he didn’t move or speak. He just stared at the woman who lay so quiet and still on the bed. Fear clutched at his heart. Surely the surgeon would have told him if there were any complications?


  Her eyelids fluttered, then opened. She smiled broadly when she saw him and roused herself from the pillows.

  “Come closer my darling, and meet your daughter,” Dorothea implored, drawing back the blanket from the tiny bundle nestled by her side.

  “Oh, Lord.” He swallowed tightly and moved forward slowly, taking small, reverent steps. “What a wonderfully clever woman you are, my love. Look at her. She is beyond perfect.”

  “Faith,” Dorothea whispered, lifting the baby and cradling her tightly against her breast. “We have a child, Fletcher. After fifteen long years. ’Tis truly a miracle.”

  “I can scarcely believe it,” he muttered, “even as I stare at the proof with my own eyes.”

  He knelt beside the bed. Joy and love and awe filled his heart to near bursting. Meeting his wife’s watery eyes, Fletcher saw that she shared his wonderment and elation. With a trembling hand he stroked his finger along the baby’s cheek, then bowed his head and pressed his lips lightly on her forehead.

  The infant squirmed and cooed, then opened her mouth and yawned daintily. It was the most exquisite thing Fletcher had ever seen.

  “It brings tears to my eyes just to look at her,” Dorothea sniffed.

  Fletcher smiled at his beloved wife through his own tears. He really should leave and let her rest. She was clearly exhausted and overwrought with emotion. He could hear the weariness in her speech. Yet he could not tear himself away from his wonderful, brand-new family.

  “Shall we spoil her, my dearest?” Fletcher whispered. “Lavish her with attention and love, indulge her curiosities, encourage her spirit of adventure?”

  Dorothea laughed. “She will become a terror.”

  “Nonsense.” Fletcher gazed down at his child and felt a fierce stab of protection invade him. No one would dare think his child spoiled. Not as long as he was there to defend her.

  He ran his finger again over the satiny smooth skin of her cheek. She blinked, then opened her eyes and stared at him fuzzily. With a small grunt she awkwardly thrust her fist into her mouth and sucked noisily. Another rush of tenderness invaded Fletcher.

  Then a burst of panic invaded. What did he know about being a father? This tiny, innocent creature was now wholly dependent on him. Could he provide her with everything she needed to lead a happy, carefree life?

  Fletcher felt momentarily light-headed as the enormity of what lay ahead struck fear in his heart. He wasn’t a wealthy man. He and Dorothea lived comfortably, not extravagantly, here at Mayfair Manor with his father. It was a quiet, uncomplicated existence.

  They were landed gentry, a lower rung on society’s ladder. Respected within the rural community where they lived, yet hardly leaders of even this small society. Would this simple life be enough for his darling Faith?

  He glanced down again at the baby. She had stopped sucking her fingers and fallen asleep. Her arms were held closely against her body and her face was scrunched up in a serious expression. She was so beautiful, so dear. The queer tightening in Fletcher’s stomach eased.

  He could not give his daughter boundless riches, high social position, or noble stature. He had neither a grand title nor an endless fortune. But he had something far more valuable to bestow so generously upon her. Love. And he vowed he would love and protect his little girl until the end of his days.


  Charleston, South Carolina

  Early April, 1809

  Captain Griffin Sainthill lay bac
k against the soft pillows with a contented sigh and closed his eyes. The nimble lips and searching tongue of the most sought-after courtesan in all of Charleston was at this moment making a sensual journey downward over his naked body. Boldly the moist, hot strokes traveled across his bare chest, curving ribs, and flat abdomen until finally descending on the stiff erection between his legs.

  Griffin groaned loudly as his body became lost in pure sensations. He and Suzanne had been indulging in all manner of bed sport for most of the day, and although darkness was beginning to fall, his appetite for this lush female remained strong.

  Teasingly, she pulled her mouth off him and began nipping at the flesh of his inner thighs. He shifted his legs restlessly, but allowed her to direct their love play, confident her enthusiasm and expertise would bring them both to fulfillment.

  Though not precisely a harlot, she was the type of woman he preferred—experienced and skillful in bed. She was beautiful, too. Graceful and exotic, with smooth olive-colored skin and thick, straight midnight-black hair that hung to her waist.

  After nearly a month at sea he felt he was more than entitled to this day of pure decadence. Thanks to calm seas and a strong wind, the journey from the Bahamas had taken less time than usual and profits had exceeded expectations.

  Griffin was well pleased with the run. It had been years since he traded along this southern route, and his latest success had him thinking it was time to include it as a regular route. Especially now that the shipping company he had put so much backbreaking work into for the past ten years was starting to show a handsome profit.

  “You taste delicious,” Suzanne purred. She rested her head against his flat stomach, and heat pooled in his lower body. He could feel her warm breath on his upper thighs, and a raw urgency began to climb.

  He buried his hands in her dark, silky hair, guiding her downward. Understanding his need, she cupped him gently in her hands and swirled her tongue around the tip of his throbbing erection. He squeezed his eyes shut and bucked his hips. Suzanne laughed merrily. “Do you like that, my lord?”

  Despite the fire she was building low in his belly, Griffin pulled back. “I’ve asked you not to call me that, Suzanne,” he lectured gruffly.

  “But why?” She lifted her head to look at him, pushing her hair back from her face. “The letter came from England before you set sail for Nassau. Everyone knows of its contents. Are you not pleased with your new circumstances? The unfortunate death of both your father and older brother have left you with a noble title. You are now Viscount Dewhurst.”

  “English titles are a ridiculous pretension in the Colonies,” Griffin insisted. “I shall not be using mine.”

  Suzanne’s expression was disbelieving. Griffin sighed with frustration. He had told her numerous times he did not wish to be addressed by his newly acquired title. That was part of the life he had left back in England long ago. It had nothing to do with the man he was today.

  “I think you are being exceedingly foolish,” Suzanne declared. She slid her body against his, her lush breasts pressing against his side. Purring into his ear she added softly, “But I do not wish to argue.”

  “Nor do I.” Griffin flashed her a sensual smile. Placing his large hands on her hips, he swung her around and lifted her in the air. She gave a little scream of surprise that turned to a low moan of delight as he positioned her across his lap.

  Their eyes met. Without any warning, Griffin pulled her sharply downward, entering her in one swift motion. She gasped, but not in pain, for her moist body readily accepted his length. Immediately she began rising and falling upon him. He squeezed her hips and urged her to a faster, deeper rhythm, and she eagerly complied.

  In the wake of their sexual delight Griffin’s previous anger faded. He could not really fault Suzanne for being so impressed with his suddenly discovered nobility. She had lived all of her life here in Charleston, rising to her current occupation through cunning and skill. Though it was rumored that she slept with some of the most influential gentlemen in town, none of them were of the English aristocracy.

  Griffin acknowledged it wasn’t just Suzanne—everyone had been acting differently toward him since he had received the news of his inheritance. Even some members of his crew had given him strange looks as he stood at the helm and guided the ship. Yet what initially began as a nuisance was fast becoming an annoyance.

  As a second son he had always known he would have to make his own way in the world. As a child it had disturbed him greatly, knowing his older brother, Neville, would one day inherit the family titles and lands, yet as he grew to manhood, Griffin learned to appreciate the freedom his birth order gave him.

  Their father had expectations of a career in the military for his second son, which the independent-minded Griffin scoffed at, and he had laughed outright when his father next suggested the clergy. Viscount Dewhurst was therefore more than pleased when his younger son decided to strike out on his own, asking only for a modest stipend with which to found his shipping business.

  The life had suited Griffin. He kept an infrequent correspondence with his two younger sisters, but that was the extent of his family relationships for ten years. He had felt sadness when receiving the news of his father’s and brother’s deaths, yet was more dismayed to realize he now had duties and responsibilities awaiting him back in England.

  He had chafed at the notion of returning home, knowing once he went back, his life would forever be changed. And not necessarily for the better.

  “Harder,” Suzanne whispered, biting his earlobe. “Faster.” Her hips lifted, and he could feel her body contracting around him. Lord, she was a lush little piece. Griffin lay back and closed his eyes. The room was now pleasantly silent, save for the erotic slapping noises their bodies made as they came together.

  The sensual mood was suddenly shattered by a loud, persistent pounding on the bedchamber door. Fearing danger, Griffin abruptly disengaged his body from Suzanne’s, moving so fast he pushed her off the bed.

  She shrieked with indignity as she fell, but he ignored her, reaching instead for the loaded pistol he always kept at his bedside, no matter where he slept.

  “No need to shoot, Captain,” a rusty voice declared. “It’s just me.”

  The bedchamber door was slightly ajar. The brave soul who had initially opened it was now wisely hiding behind it. Yet Griffin recognized the voice of the intruder. It was Harry Dobbins, a member of his crew.

  “What’s wrong, Dobbins? Is there a problem with the ship? Or one of the crew?”

  “Not exactly a problem, Captain,” Dobbins replied. “I suppose you could say it is more of a ... a situation. But I need to see you. Right away.”

  “Come in, then,” Griffin commanded. When it came to matters concerning his ships there was never any question of the importance.

  Suzanne shrieked again at his words. She scrambled to her feet and dove for the bedcovers. Then she picked up a pillow and threw it at his head. Griffin caught it and grinned.

  Still smiling, he watched Dobbins, a tough-looking, bald-headed sailor, poke his head around the bedchamber door.

  “I’ve got someone here I think you need to see, Captain,” he explained nervously.

  The seaman then opened the door completely, and in a most uncharacteristically gentle manner, ushered in a young mulatto woman and a small boy. The woman was dressed as a servant. However, the child clutching her hand was wearing clothes that were a little small and a little worn, but of costlier material.

  Griffin stared at the pair for several long moments. He was fairly certain he had never before seen either of them.

  “Explain yourself, Dobbins,” Griffin commanded.

  The seaman shuffled his feet. “I didn’t know what else to do, Captain. She came to the ship and said she needed to see you right away. I knew you were here, so I brought her over.”

  “It could not have waited until morning?”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “Well, young w
oman—” Griffin paused, as the servant’s blushes and averted eyes reminded him he was reclining in bed without a stitch. With a casual air, he pulled the sheet up higher, slightly above his waist. “What precisely can I do for you?”

  The girl glanced down briefly at the child by her side, then looked beseechingly at Dobbins. Astonishingly, the seaman flushed to the top of his bald head.

  “She came to the ship, sir, looking for you,” Dobbins repeated. “She brought the lad, along with this letter.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded parchment.

  Griffin noted the letter was unsealed. With a grave air, he accepted the paper. “I presume you read it?”

  “As best I could.” Dobbins ran his hand over his bushy side-whiskers. “I never took much to reading and writing. Most of the crew’s onshore, enjoying themselves. Those that are left read less than I do, so I couldn’t ask anyone for help.”

  The sailor leaned closer and added in a gruff whisper, “Besides, what I did understand made me realize that this is your private business, Captain. I thought it best not to let anyone else see it. It concerns the boy.”

  The two men shifted their eyes to the small child clutching the woman’s hand. The boy made a small sound of distress and shrank behind her skirts.

  “Are you his mother?” Griffin asked the young woman.

  “I am his nursemaid. His mother is dead.”

  Griffin frowned. He hadn’t gotten a very close look at the child, yet there was something disturbingly familiar about him.

  Turning his back on the trio, Griffin swung his legs over the side of the bed and read the note. He felt Suzanne shift restlessly beside him. Griffin angled his head toward her absently, and she gave him a saucy grin only he could see, running her tongue suggestively along her front teeth.


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