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Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3)

Page 3

by Fletcher, R. J.

  As he exited his vehicle, he heard her slight cries in the air and knew he couldn’t very well ignore them. Making his way over quietly, Dominic gently touched her shoulder to gain her attention and took a seat beside her.

  “Hey…are you okay?” he asked. When she didn’t respond, he assumed that maybe the rumors had been true and she was completely deaf, which left him little options for communication being that he knew nothing of sign language. Feeling like an idiot, he began to stand once more but stopped as her sniffling paused.

  “Why are you even talking to me?”

  He could hear an accent in her speech he assumed was because of her disability. “Whoa,” he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “I thought you were deaf.”

  At that, she immediately stiffened. “Why the hell were you trying to talk to me then?”

  “I’m sorry. I meant no disrespect. I honestly was just worried.” Dominic returned to his seat and looked at her fully now that her head was no longer bowed. With the setting sun warming her dark skin, he was mesmerized. It shined, completely blemish-free, in the light, accentuating the fullness of her lips and her doe-like eyes.

  “I’m Dominic,” he introduced himself.


  “Nice to meet you, Adaline. That’s a beautiful name.”

  She merely shrugged and looked away. “If you’re looking for Carla, she’s still getting ready.”

  He could tell by the way she sneered when she said Carla’s name that his girlfriend had something to do with the way she had stormed out of her home. “Well, would you mind if I sit here with you while I wait? I could use the company.” Dominic knew she probably wouldn’t be willing to talk about the reasons for her distress but knew from his own often lonely experience with the Vikhrovs that having company sometimes made things so much better, even when words remained unspoken.

  Adaline looked at him with uncertainty but paused at the comforting smile that decorated his face. Their eyes locked and she immediately felt heat rising to her cheeks as she sat mere inches away from the boy she had crushed on for so long. He had never known of her existence before but now, here they were.

  “Sure. Why not?” she responded softly, her tears drying as she leaned back on the bench as well. Together, they sat there in mostly silence, watching as the sun set in the sky.

  The memory seemed just like yesterday as Dominic cleared his throat and took a seat beside her. When her head turned in surprise, he gave her that same comforting smile and signed,

  “Hello, Addy.”

  Chapter Three

  Adaline eyed Dominic warily as he took the seat next to her. While she had been excited to see him once more after discovering Carla had invited him and his family, she had never expected him to seek her out. That was even assuming he was here right now to speak with her.

  “What are you doing here? You should be at the wedding enjoying the festivities.”

  Dominic merely shrugged. “I think Carla has gotten her point across pretty well already- she’s successfully moved on.” He laughed slightly at that. “I don’t know why I was surprised to receive an invitation. It’s just like her: petty and churlish to the end. She may have moved on from me but she sure hasn’t changed much.”

  Adaline didn’t know what to say to that. She was sure Carla wasn’t expecting her actions to be so translucent but to the people that knew her, there was no denying her real reasons for bringing Dominic to her wedding.

  “Why did you come then?” Adaline found herself asking instead.

  At that, he let out a deep sigh. “I needed to get away for a bit. Any distraction would do really.”

  It was with that statement that Adaline realized just how uncharacteristically defeated Dominic seemed to be in his mannerisms and expressions. There wasn’t the familiar brightness in his eyes she had grown accustomed to seeing when they were younger. It had seemed like an innate part of him. And it was quite disappointing to see that life seemed to have taken it away. Like always, she wanted to make him smile. She had always loved seeing him happy because it would encompass his entire features.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He glanced at her with a slight grin. “A wedding isn’t really the place to talk about my romantic failings, is it?”

  And she knew immediately that she wanted to know what exactly was blackening his spirit. “I think it is as good a time as any. Who’s to say this marriage will end happily anyways?”

  Dominic let out a burst of laughter at that. “You don’t seem very convinced of Carla’s devotion to her husband.” He paused before continuing, “I can’t say that I am either considering she did spitefully invite me. You’d think after all these years she would get over the breakup.”

  Adaline merely shrugged. She knew exactly why Carla was unable to move on. And it had to do with Dominic’s relationship to her. Or at least what their relationship had been. It had been years since they had last seen or spoken to each other and, if she were honest with herself, Adaline wanted to confront him. But she was too happy to simply have him speaking to her again.

  “Since when have you ever had romantic failings?” she asked jokingly. It was true, though. She remembered exactly why she had grown attracted to Dominic in the first place. Yes, he had been very popular in high school, the attractive son of one of the wealthiest families. But, in her solitude, she had taken the time to observe him. And, when he started to date Carla, she found for herself just how much of a genuinely charismatic person he was. It was awe-inspiring to have such seeming contradiction within one person. For all intents and purposes, he should have been cocky, arrogant, and self-deluded with the admiration he received on a constant basis from his peers and strangers. But it never changed him. The night they met, his presence alone had calmed her. And she could never forget his kindness in a world that seemed to be so cruel. Any woman would be lucky to have him.

  Dominic snorted at her question. “I thought the same thing until now.” He rolled his eyes, “But isn’t that what makes love worth fighting for? Never getting it exactly right?”

  She frowned. “I wouldn’t know.” And it was the truth. Her romantic dealings were slim to none. It had never bothered her until he had come across her path. Dominic was the first person she had ever wanted, and she knew she would never have him.

  “Oh, really? Enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Any promiscuous affairs I need to know about?” His arm bumped into her arms playfully. “Come on, tell me.”

  Adaline could feel her cheeks heat up as he leaned forward to tease her. The tortured part of her wanted to scream, ‘No, because the only man I want is sitting beside me!’ But she held back. Self-consciously fixing her hair, she looked away from him with a sigh. “Don’t try to change the subject, Dominic.”

  He gave her a smile and a wink. “I’m just not ready to talk about it. It’s the first time we’ve seen each other in years. Why don’t we focus on the positive a bit? Like, how’s your photography coming along?”

  Dominic was one of the few people who knew about her hobby. She could understand his point. It had been so long and she really did want to know everything that she had missed in his life if she were being honest with herself. But she didn’t particularly know if it was her place to ask given how their tentative friendship had seemingly ended. “Well, I feel as if I’ve captured all the could here. I’ve been thinking that maybe it is time for me to venture out and establish a place in Boston or New York.”

  “Well, if you end up in Boston, look me up.”

  “Really?” she asked with a hint of doubt.

  Dominic gave her a genuine smile and signed, “Yes, I mean it.”

  They sat there for a moment eyeing each other with the same smile. It felt just like old times, sitting on the bench together and blocking out the world around them. It was what she had loved about their relationship in high school. Sometimes, they never had to speak. They had learned to communicate in different ways and it had been during
a time that she really needed it. Despite her pride in herself and all she had overcome, Adaline could admit that there had been times she was self-conscious about her speaking. Many people assumed she was unintelligent because of it. Even now, it was one part of herself she knew might limit her in the pursuit of her dreams. But if life had taught her anything, it was to carry on. And sitting here with Dominic made her want to take the leap. In more ways than one.

  She opened her mouth and tried to suck up the courage but was interrupted by a shadow that fell over them both. Looking up, Adaline caught sight of the pregnant woman that had been sitting at the Vikhrov table only moments before. Despite her pregnancy, she was still a relatively small woman. Judging by the large smile spread across her face, she seemed likeable enough. If nothing else, Adaline was simply curious as to how the small Black woman before her ended up with Dmitri of all people. Through the few encounters she had with him, Adaline had considered him to be extremely intimidating and unapproachable. Of course, she was slightly biased. Dominic had told her many stories of fruitlessly trying to grow close to his older brother.

  “Hi, I’m Sasha again,” she stated cheerfully. “I’m sorry to interrupt your conversation.” She turned to Dominic. “We were just wondering if everything was okay. You sort of disappeared on us.”

  Dominic simply shrugged. “I wanted to catch up with an old friend.”

  Sasha’s mouth opened in an ‘o’ of surprise, looking at the two of them differently. Just as quickly, a mischievous smile spread across her gentle features. Taking a greater interest in Adaline, she responded, “Oh, yes, of course. Please continue getting reacquainted. I’m sorry for interrupting.” Just as quickly as she had appeared, Sasha scurried away with a hand on her rotund belly.

  At her departure, Adaline couldn’t help but laugh. “She seems like a character.”

  Dominic nodded his head in agreement. “Oh, she is. She’s like a little sister to me, and I was beyond happy when she ended up with my brother. She really changed him for the better.”

  “I’m guessing your relationship with him is better?” Adaline slightly hesitated asking the question, unsure of exactly where she stood with him. A part of her wanted to just jump back into the disclosure they had in high school but that was so long ago. She had to be patient. And so she guarded herself against his rejection of her question.

  At that, Dominic looked at her more seriously. “You know, I actually haven’t spoken to anyone about this. But, yeah, my relationship with Dmitri has grown phenomenally. I don’t know how but…” A boyish grin broke out as he continued, “I consider him to be my best friend now. Isn’t that weird?”

  “No, I’m happy to hear that. I remember when you two seemed like you hated each other.”

  They both laughed at the memory. Closing themselves off from the festivities behind them, Dominic and Adaline continued to reacquaint themselves. They laughed and joked as if years hadn’t separated them from each other and Adaline felt the same warmth envelope her heart as she once again longed for her first love.

  And every time Dominic heard her laugh, he felt his body respond. He didn’t understand the feelings that began to stir as he watched her. When she walked down the aisle, he had been taken aback by the way she had glowed. Carla definitely wouldn’t appreciate that Dominic found her cousin to be more visually arresting on her very own wedding day. But Adaline had stolen the show for him in more ways than one. Not only did he begin to feel lighter with the many concerns marring his emotions, but also he found his eyes searching her in ways that were more than platonic. Because even though hey laughed with one another like old friends, Adaline was not that high school girl anymore. She was a woman now, and his eyes couldn’t help appreciating that.


  Sasha smiled blissfully as her husband Dmitri swayed her to and fro on the dance floor. Her cheek resting against his firm chest, she listened to his heart and leaned into the warmth of his body. Dmitri’s large palm rested against her lower back, caressing the material there and soothing her. Eventually, they wouldn’t even be able to do this as Sasha grew bigger with the pregnancy and so they were determined to enjoy the moment.

  “Do you know anything about Adaline?” Sasha asked out of the blue.

  Dmitri looked down at his petit e wife with a raised brow. “No, I don’t really know much about my brother’s old friends. Why? Do you like her?”

  Sasha’s grin widened. “They look cute together, don’t you think? I haven’t seen him with anyone and so…it wouldn’t hurt to just encourage them in the right direction.”

  He frowned in response. “Sasha, don’t interfere.”

  She pouted at his retort. “Why not? I want to see Dominic settled and happy. He deserves someone that is going to love him back and…I don’t know about you but I’ve noticed how withdrawn he’s been. It’s not like him. I’m worried.”

  “You’re only worried because you’re trying to distract yourself from the pregnancy.” At her look of surprise, he continued, “I know you’re scared, Sasha. This will be our first baby and given both of our histories when it comes to family dynamics, maybe you are right to be a little bit nervous. But we have a healthy love that will be more than enough for our child as well. We’re going to be great parents. And you’re going to be the most beautiful and wonderful mother. So strop trying to distract yourself by interfering in my little brother’s love life.”

  Sasha stopped moving to the music and stepped away from Dmitri. “I’m serious, Dmitri. Something is wrong with Dominic and I see it in his eyes. Yes, I am nervous about the pregnancy. I won’t lie to you about that. I’ve never given birth before and I am…scared that I won’t be strong enough but…we can’t simply forget about all Dominic did to get us together. I want him to be just as happy as we are.”

  “And what makes you think that Adaline is the one for him?”

  She winked up at him. “You didn’t see them together like I did. They’re perfect for each other!”

  Dmitri sighed, knowing there was no use trying to argue with her. With the pregnancy, she had become even more stubborn and strong-willed. And he had learned that it was sometimes simply best to indulge his wife. Smirking at how cute she looked with the devilish and calculating look in her eyes, he chucked her beneath her chin gently before leaning down and taking her lips with his own.

  “Okay, baby.”

  Sasha squealed happily. She loved getting her way with her husband.


  Adaline watched in silence as Carla and her mother double-checked her baggage before allowing the maids to take them down to the limousine awaiting the bride and groom’s departure. Carla had since taken off her beautiful wedding dress and changed into a slim-fitting party dress that accentuated her slim hips and voluptuous chest. Her hair was still straightened and fell silkily, draping her face. Adaline knew her cousin looked beautiful but after speaking with Dominic she was satisfied to know that he had been unaffected.

  “So, I saw you talking to Dominic again,” Carla stated nonchalantly once her mother had left the room to see her Louis Vuitton luggage out.

  Adaline’s eyes narrowed at Carla. She was doing that thing again- purposely looking slightly away so that Adaline was unable to read her lips. Adaline knew it was purposeful on her cousin’s part; it made Carla feel superior forcing Adaline to ask her to repeat herself. “What?”

  “I said,” she finally faced Adaline properly, “I saw you talking to Dominic. What was that all about? You know there was a reason he stopped talking to you once he graduated.”

  Adaline rolled her eyes at Carla’s statement. “Get over yourself, Carla. You are a married woman. What Dominic and I do is none of your concern and frankly, we’ve all moved on from high school. Why can’t you?”

  Adaline turned around to leave the room, not in the mood for Carla’s whining but was stopped by a hand on her arm. Carla’s face was a mixture of confusion, dislike, and hurt. It was rare for Adaline to see her so vulnerable,
making her pause.

  “You know you’ll never be with him in the way that you want. It’s all over your face- the fact that you want him. But, trust me, that is not a road you want to travel down.” She sighed and let go of Adaline’s arm. “I’m married now and still I sometimes think about how things could have ended differently between us. Look at me, Adaline.” Her hands swept down her body. “He let me go. Imagine what he would do to you. He’d break your heart and spit it out with no problem because there are a line of women waiting to be with him and you are just a bleep on his radar.”

  Adaline took a step back from her cousin. She crossed her arms so that Carla couldn’t see how her hands were shaking. She could deny it all she wanted but there was a certain truth in her cousin’s words; Carla didn’t know it, but she was reiterating Adaline’s own doubts.

  “You’re not on his level, Adaline. That’s just reality.” With that said, Carla shrugged her shoulders and muttered a good-bye before walking out of the door.

  Adaline stood there in the now empty room and tightened her hands into fists. She knew the way Carla described Dominic as a callous man-whore was wrong. But she couldn’t help but again question the way their friendship had dissolved so many years ago. She had adored him and had yearned for the day to finally reveal her feelings. But that day never came, or at least not the way she had imagined it as a naïve girl dealing with her first crush.

  As her mind began to go down memory lane she felt the familiar stirrings of regret and anger. Before it could completely envelope her, she quickly shook her head and reminded herself to keep the past in the past. Even if she could never be the woman on Dominic’s arm, she could find satisfaction with having her best friend back. With that last thought, she took in a deep breath once more and walked out of the room to join the group of guests saying goodbye to the bride and groom.

  Playing the part of doting cousin, Adaline joined the crowd and hugged Carla and her new husband before they entered the limousine and were whisked away to the airport.


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