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Game On: Alien Space Adventure

Page 21

by R. E. Rowe

  “The shark sisters?” Jayden asked. “The purple hair girls at your last briefing, right?”

  “How’d you know?” Lorcan asked with a crease in his forehead.

  “Just a feeling.” Jayden gazed at Lorcan and squinted. A very faint, golden glow radiated from the older boy. “You’re not really from Seattle, are you?”

  Lorcan glanced at Ruchbah9. They both smiled.

  “Not exactly,” Lorcan replied. “Strange Universe we live in.” He smiled. “My people live on the fourth moon named Uraeus, orbiting a planet that goes by the Earth designation of Gliese581g. It is roughly twenty light years from Earth. We share a common ancestor, your people and my people. Star travelers journeyed across the space between the space long before the Ga claimed it as their Golden Way. Our ancestors sprinkled their DNA across many worlds over five billion years ago. There are many human-looking species across the Milky Way and some along the outer regions of Andromeda. In many ways, my friends, we are truly one family among the stars.”

  “You’re from a moon?” Jayden asked with a smirk, and then groaned when Nora kicked him under the table.

  “Yes, it is not as uncommon as you might think. There are quadrillions of civilizations spread across galaxies, planets, moons, and asteroids. I’m sure there are many more we do not know of.”

  “Lorcan?” the emperor’s voice boomed. “You did not confess to them?”

  “Confess what?” asked Nora.

  Lorcan smiled and cleared his throat. “Rhea2 will be my wife when we both come of age in two of your Earth years.”

  Jayden’s mouth dropped.

  “This young man was Leader Nuk’ana’s first officer for a time,” Emperor Ruchbah9 said with a grin. “I planted him personally.”

  The three of them remained silent for a few moments.

  “First officer?” Jayden asked.

  “Emperor Ruchbah9 placed me on Earth. I was picked up by a Space Command bus and did my best to blend in until I was taken to Dione for training.”

  Lorcan’s plan sounded familiar, thought Jayden.

  He continued. “Posing as a Seattle kid from your world was my cover. Nuk’ana believed I was from Earth.

  I worked hard and followed orders. He selected me to establish training plans and strategies for Earth recruits.

  The kids Nuk’ana recruited listened to me. They hated him.”

  Lorcan swallowed hard. “When I took a group with me to start the masons, Nuk’ana found out about my cover story and learned my true identity.” He lowered his eyes and softened his voice. “Nuk’ana had my family executed. My grandmother was the only one to survive.”

  “So the masons know you’re not from Earth?” BBgun asked.

  “Some do,” he replied.

  Altair3 burst into the room and patted the emperor on the shoulder. His magenta and red eyes beamed as he grabbed a chair from against the wall and slid it next to Lorcan then sat in it.

  Jayden couldn’t help but smile. He noticed a new tat on his lime-green neck—some furry animal with fangs and eagle wings. Its eyes shimmered when Altair3 moved.

  Lorcan continued. “Only Altair3 and his brothers know about my future marriage to their sister. It will unite our two galaxies.”

  “Altair3 and Rhea2 are related?” BBgun asked.

  Emperor Ruchbah9 smiled at him. “Yes, of course.”

  “Unbelievable,” Nora said. “Why all the cloak and dagger if Nuk’ana already knows about you?”

  “It is easier for Earth recruits that become masons to believe I’m from Seattle. For new Earth recruits it’s difficult to comprehend so many life forms beyond Earth.”

  “True story,” Jayden said.

  Lorcan’s face reddened. “Nuk’ana throws away lives like he throws away his smoking sticks when he’s finished with them.”

  “Nuk’ana’s words are snake. But the evidence lacks,” Altair3 said.

  “The leader thinks the Atilla will eventually tire of the war,” Lorcan said. “Then the murderer plans on controlling the Golden Way everywhere in and between the galaxies of Milky Way, Andromeda, and IC1101.”

  “How’d you meet the emperor?” Nora asked Lorcan. “After all, he’s from Andromeda and you’re

  obviously not.”

  “Yes. It will sound strange, but a boy with a black raven introduced me to the emperor.”

  “A raven?” Jayden asked.

  “Yes, I met the raven in one of the game simulations I played when I was a young boy.”

  The emperor sat back in his chair with a satisfied expression but didn’t say a word.

  Jayden flashed back to the strange raven they saw during the online game that started this entire nightmare.

  It felt to him like a lifetime ago.

  “Aren’t you a little young for marriage plans?” Jayden asked him.

  “Yes. I suppose if we lived on Earth,” Lorcan said. “But such arranged marriages have always been the way to unite people, worlds, and, well, galaxies.”

  Nora crossed her arms and shifted her gaze. Jayden could see she wasn’t impressed.

  Lorcan continued. “With the emperor’s help, we formed the masons to rebuild our worlds and to destroy Nuk’ana. Just like spring tide on Earth. Extreme high tide or extreme low tide. When the sun, moon, and earth are in alignment. It is our goal to stop the buzzard and his shape-shifting army.”

  “What about the Atilla?” Jayden asked.

  “Yeah,” BBgun added, “how are you going to stop them?”

  “A good question indeed,” the emperor said. “We are hopeful to find a peaceful end to the war, but we are far from such a goal. Our objective at the moment is to grow the masons and take power away from Nuk’ana—


  “I think I know where he’s holding Parker and the others,” Nora said.

  “Zilon?” Altair3 asked.

  Nora’s eyes widened. She nodded slowly.

  “Truth confirmed,” Altair3 said. “That marble is a bully prison, summer camp, and diamond ring.”

  Jayden’s face tightened. “We need to rescue Parker.”

  “I understand you are worried about your friend—,” Lorcan said.

  “He’s my brother!” shouted Nora.

  Lorcan softened his voice. “I am truly sorry, Zeekmo . . . I too am worried about the lives of all the captured masons.”

  Nora groaned.

  “Your brother plus eleven souls float within,” Altair3 said to Nora.

  “This is why I’ve asked Altair3 to join us,” Lorcan said. “Please show them.”

  Altair3 took a small sphere from his pocket and put it in the middle of the table. He switched it on and a hologram of Zilon appeared.

  Lorcan leaned in and pointed. “We know they are being held in Singze prison. It is five hundred snaps from the largest miner city on the planet named Gotah.”

  Altair3 used the motion of his hands to change the hologram from the planet, to a view of the city, to the prison, and then to a close-up. The last motion changed the hologram to a large, flat, city square. The square included a giant stage area extending outward thirty feet from one of the two hundred story buildings that surrounded the square.

  “Nuk’ana plans on zapping the prisoners onstage in the square city,” Lorcan said.

  “It is trash,” Altair3 added as his hands moved. Hologram images of the captives appeared one at a time.

  When Parker’s image appeared, Jayden and Nora sucked in their breath. His face appeared bruised and bloody, but he was still alive. “They’re going to kill him!” Nora said.

  “Their defenses are impenetrable,” Lorcan said. “We wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  “Can’t we just fly a UFO over and yank them out of there?” Nora asked.

  “No,” Altair3 said.

  “Along the top of each of the buildings are Zepar robo pods,” Lorcan said. “They will blast anything from the sky that gets within three snaps. They do the same to anyone entering the square that doesn’t
belong. Two hundred miners and world leaders from around the galaxy, along with Space Command recruits, will witness the executions,” Lorcan said. “They plan a huge broadcasted event.”

  “Why do these aliens enjoy watching people get zapped?” BBgun asked.

  “It goes back to the planet’s history,” Lorcan said. “It’s why Nuk’ana selected the planet for his prison.

  People who have broken a law, anywhere in the galaxy, are shipped to that prison. There are no trials once a world chooses to send a criminal to Singze prison. For centuries, their people used the city square to eliminate crime and reinforce laws. They have a one strike and you’re dead policy.”

  “No trials,” Altair3 added.

  “A form of Russian roulette, as you might say on your world,” Lorcan said. “If the accused is randomly chosen, they are blasted into atom dust on Saturday night under the lights.”

  “A ball game and pop jolly,” Altair3 said.

  “That’s disgusting,” Nora muttered.

  “True, but it has been effective for Nuk’ana and the people of Zilon. Their diamond mine is the richest in the galaxy,” he said. “And their defenses are protected by quantum encryption that is beyond our capability to hack.”

  Altair3 moved his hands to change the hologram to one of Leader Nuk’ana sitting at a desk with a flag behind him. Nuk’ana had a smile on his face, showing off his perfect white teeth. Altair3 gestured again, prompting a video hologram to start.

  “Leaders of the Milky Way,” Nuk’ana’s hologram said with a slight smile that almost looked kind. “We invite you to the year’s most incredible spectacle. Come to Zilon, all expenses paid by Space Command, to witness the execution of twelve rebels who have committed the highest crime against our way of life: treason.

  These twelve terrorists have attempted to destroy Space Command resources and have killed innocents . . .”

  The video switched from Nuk’ana to a video of the battle at the hub when Parker had been captured. “Our Zepar army is protecting our way of life as Space Command fighters battle the evil Atilla invaders . . .”

  The video had been edited, appearing as though Space Command was kicking the Atilla’s butts. All lies, thought Jayden. The stream switched back to a close-up of Nuk’ana, his jaw extended and his alligator eyes glistening.

  The leader’s eyes narrowed and lips thinned. The alien’s look had morphed into pure evil. “Come for the celebration. Pre-event executions start at six MWP time. The main event will be at nine. Twenty lucky Space Command recruits will be vaporizing twelve terrorists. I will join you for the event in person.”

  The video ended.

  “Zilon square bubbling with leaders,” Altair3 said. “Party on.”

  Silence filled the room.

  BBgun broke the stillness. “MWP?”

  “Milky Way Pulsar time. Standardized time throughout the galaxy,” Lorcan said.

  “If we can get inside, can you provide backup?” Jayden asked Lorcan.

  “Nuk’ana’s ego is bigger than the galaxy,” he replied. “He’ll have extra security. It’s a suicide mission.”

  Jayden retrieved the tablet and handed it to Nora. “Can you use the tablet to crack their passwords and hack into their city systems?”

  “What kind of device is that?” the emperor asked.

  “It’s a long story,” Jayden replied.

  She held up the tablet and turned to Lorcan. “Does the city system use encryption similar to Space Command’s website encryption that I hacked back on Earth?”

  “Yes.” His eyes widened. “Hang on. You hacked into Space Command?”

  Nora nodded.

  Lorcan grinned. “Nice . . . But unfortunately, the prison will require on-site access.”

  “It’s a hardline system?” she asked.

  “It is indeed,” Lorcan replied. “The Zepar integrated the Ga encryption tech into all their city systems. The system at the square is in an isolated cloud. You’d need to hack the main hardline under the square. That’s where their control systems are located for the Zepar robo pods and shields. If you disable the security systems and weapons, one of our masons would be able to slip in with a spacecraft and transport everyone out.”

  Jayden turned to the emperor. “Can you make us fake credentials?”

  The emperor smiled. “Yes, of course.”

  Jayden turned back to Lorcan. “Can you plant masons in the square?”

  Lorcan took a deep breath. “Do you have a plan, Killgeek?”

  “Of course he does, right, Jayden?” BBgun said.

  Jayden hesitated. “Where’s the nearest exit off the stage?”

  “The butt,” Altair3 said, displaying a hologram of the stage. He zoomed in and pointed. “There. At the rear.”

  Jayden continued. “We need a distraction. If I can communicate with the UFO pilot, I’ll give them the signal to start blasting the robo pods. We need enough of a distraction to get the firing squad to hesitate. BBgun and I will jump onto the stage with your masons and escort the prisoners off the stage. Can you plant some of those wearable weapons under our seats?”

  BBgun looked worried as Lorcan rubbed his chin. “I’ll do one better,” the mason leader said.

  “I’ll have laser triggers taped there.”

  “That’ll work,” Jayden said.

  “Once Jayden gives the signal, I’ll shut down their shields,” Nora said. “Then your UFOs can destroy the robo pods.”

  Lorcan tapped his fingers on the table and peered at Nora. “For this plan to succeed you realize it depends on one thing?”

  Nora nodded. “I’ll hack into their lame system. Don’t worry about it.”

  Lorcan frowned. “My best hackers haven’t been able to get through their encryption. You think you can do it so quickly?”

  Jayden raised his voice. “We’ll do our part. But can you deliver the support we’ll need?”

  Lorcan’s serious face grew into a large smile. “Consider it done, my friend.” Lorcan turned to Altair3.

  “What are the best extraction points?”

  Altair3 changed the hologram to show locations in and around the city center.

  “Once prisoners are on vacation, get them to surf here, here and here,” Altair3 said.

  “I will provide you with portable map devices,” the emperor said. “Altair3 will set it up.”

  “Yes, father,” Altair3 replied.

  Lorcan smiled. “Zeekmo, there’s a green door you’ll be looking for in the concession area. It’ll provide access to the lower levels where Nora can access their system hardline.”

  Altair3 changed the hologram to show the route from the stage to the underground network router room, and then back up to ground level outside of the square. “Extraction points. Far side of the scrapers.”

  “When can you be ready?” Jayden asked Lorcan.

  Lorcan turned to the emperor.

  “The transport shall be refueled and ready for launch soon,” the emperor said with a smile.

  Jayden jumped to his feet and marched to the door. “Let’s go.”

  BBgun and Nora didn’t hesitate. They followed behind him.

  “Wait just a moment, please,” the emperor said. He turned to one of the guards and made a hand gesture.

  The guard brought over an ancient looking wooden box and opened it.

  Jayden peered inside and saw pairs of earplugs similar to what had already been installed in his ears.

  The emperor nodded at another guard who came over and stuck his finger into Jayden’s right ear, causing his implanted translator ear plug to fall out into the guard’s hand. The guard replaced it with one from the box, and then did the same for BBgun and Nora.

  “These are entangled comms. You will be able to hear and speak to each other as well as the UFO pilots,”

  the emperor said. “It uses the Ga’s communication network but is encrypted using our algorithms. Pull on your right earlobe to speak to each other. Pull on your earlobe twice to co
mmunicate with other masons. I suggest the team break up into small groups and ride Zepar shuttles from different moons to prevent detection.”

  Good idea, thought Jayden.

  The emperor turned to Lorcan. “You and the masons should meet up with the Killgeek and his clan inside Zilon’s capital city square."

  Lorcan winked at Jayden and nodded.

  Off in the distance a horn sounded.

  “It is time,” the emperor said. “May the beings of energy illuminate your path.”

  Jayden straightened, and then threw back his shoulders.

  Game on!

  Chapter 25

  The intergalactic transport from Andromeda punched out inside Zilon’s star just long enough to send Jayden, Nora, and BBgun on a smaller UFO to a Zilon moon. Each of them wore freshly pressed Space Command uniforms with special ID credentials provided by Emperor Ruchbah9.

  The credentials consisted of a half-paper, half-electronic gizmo that affixed to the Space Command uniform breast pocket. “VIP” flashed in three-dimensional red letters and a small hologram of the person’s head rotated three hundred and sixty degrees. Jayden thought the animation of his head was cool, even though it made him look possessed as it rotated in a complete circle.

  Jayden, Nora, and BBgun boarded a Zepar shuttle on Zilon’s moon and blended in with other Space Command teens, then flew down to the planet’s city square destination. They moved with the crowd from the shuttle docks through a long polished limestone tunnel, which led to an outdoor mall area in front of towering golden skyscrapers. The tall buildings reminded Jayden of the gold skyscrapers in the pink-bug city.

  A video display the size of four billboards combined stood at one end of the mall area nearest the skyscraper. Talk about high-def, Jayden thought. Seriously cool. The massive display replayed video scenes of previous executions in what he assumed was a pre-execution telecast. When it played images of Parker’s bruised and battered face, his pounding heart nearly knocked the wind out of him.


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