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Risen (The Firebird Trilogy Book 2)

Page 8

by Stephanie Harbon

  As I moved to leave Chara said, “There’s also a hair brush in there; you may wish to use it. And clean clothes.”

  I laughed, “When did you have time to pack all this stuff?”

  She smiled, closing her eyes. “I have bags prepared in case of emergencies. You never know what will happen.”

  Well I couldn’t argue with that.

  The springs bubbled up from the earth, beautiful and blue under the setting sun. I stared at it for a moment, uncertain of the depth of the water. If I couldn’t touch the ground there wasn’t a chance in hell I was going in. I stepped closer to the pool; steam wafted up from the hot liquid into the bitter mountain air. I could just about make out the base of the pool; it wasn’t very deep; particularly to my right.

  I glanced around and –satisfied I was alone- I quickly stripped down and shoved on the clean underwear Chara had given me; not quite ready to be completely naked in a pool in the middle of the wilderness. I stood there uncertainly for a moment, goosebumps raging across my skin from the cold. What were the chances of the rock giving way?

  Telling myself to man-up; I tiptoed closer to the lip of the pool. I grabbed hold of the wash bag and dipped my dirty hands into the lovely warm liquid. Then I carefully plunged myself in, my aching arms resisting to let go of the side until my toes touched solid ground. When they did I was half-submerged, the water spilling just above my lower ribs. Almost instantaneously a searing pain burnt all over me.

  I bit my lip as I withdrew a gasp; realising that my wounds did not mix well with water. I probably hadn’t even noticed the pain before -in the flooded passages of the caves- because I was so numb from the cold. As the pain eventually ebbed away I felt abruptly exhausted.

  I waded around until I found a makeshift seat, created by the natural lip of the pool, and sat back. I did all the necessary things quickly, washing my hair, the clothes, and the grime from my body. My feet were the worse; nearly black and covered in so many tiny scratches I looked like I’d been walking on barbed wire. Once finished I relaxed and closed my eyes, calmed by the seductive warmth of the mineral water.

  My mind started to drift then. Thinking of how I was safe again because my friends had come for me. Then I thought of Kieran and new warmth spread over me. Last time I was with him he’d kissed me.

  I imagined him here now, slowly coming up behind me and kissing my neck. My imagination wandered in my drowsiness as I thought of how his virtually-silent footsteps would become louder as they neared me. I could almost hear them getting closer. I kept my eyes closed, in a blissful daydream that suddenly felt very real.

  I pictured his breath brushing my skin as he leaned in close and delicately pressed his lips to the artery in my neck; making the hammering pulse there pump even harder. Next his lips would travel over my collarbone.

  “Dreaming of me Princess?” He mumbled against my skin and I sprung back in astonishment; eyes wide and flinching at the sound of his voice.

  Chapter Seven

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded, my heart pumping erratically as I turned to look at Kieran; trying desperately to cover myself up. People just didn’t see me this undressed. I didn’t know whether to be shocked, appalled or flattered. Right now I settled for devoutly embarrassed; while secretly praising Chara for the clean underwear.

  Kieran grinned, his gorgeous eyes flashing mischievously and his naughty mouth twisting into a mock pout. “I was just coming for an innocent dip,” he winked, making my body flush hot all over.

  “How long have you been there?” I demanded, blushing.

  “Long enough,” he said. “So, can I come in?”

  Yes, I thought.

  “No!” I exclaimed, appalled. “I can’t believe you were watching me!”

  “Was I bad?” he said, looking up with a smirk on his face.

  I felt confused by his tone but replied, “Yes; obviously.”

  “So punish me,” Kieran said silkily, placing his arms together in front of his body, both wrists forward as if he was chained up with invisible shackles.

  I stared at him, gobsmacked. “Are you kidding? Are you taking the mick out of me?” I shook my head incredulously, “What’s got into you?”

  He shrugged and I continued analysing his fathomless eyes. There was something… different about them. About the way they were looking at me. There was a rare vulnerability reflecting in those chips of emerald. He seemed… unsure. All of a sudden unconfident. He was trying to disguise it; but I saw through him like a sheet of glass.

  Eventually he sighed, his features dissolving into an open, honest expression and his arms dropping limply to his sides. “I guess…” he trailed off thoughtfully; then shook his head. “I guess I’ve just thought a few things over in the last few days.” He paused again, running a hand uncomfortably though his thick black hair, “Things just weren’t right without you, Ruby. Things weren’t… just weren’t right at all.”

  I stared at him; my heart pounding. I wanted to tell him how much I missed him, but the words never surfaced. Even now, I couldn’t let myself sound so weak. But still I couldn’t help but ask, “Do you mean that?”

  He smiled sadly. “Yeah,” he said, earnest and sincere. “It’s been so quiet. And hardly anyone nearly died.”

  His lips spread into an unanticipated grin and I glared at him; feeling slightly disappointed. “Funny,” I muttered; annoyed that I’d actually thought he was being serious for a change.

  “I know,” he agreed, then began tugging up his shirt.

  As he pulled it over his head and absently tossed it onto the snow-sprinkled grass, I couldn’t help but stare at the marble contours of his chest. I wished that the sight of Kieran’s body didn’t affect me like it did, but there was no stopping the rush of fire from spreading in pulses across my skin. The novelty had yet to wear off. I did what I usually did in such a situation; I glanced away and hid my expression over a mask of irritation.

  “You’re not coming in here if that’s what you’re thinking.” I huffed.

  He completely ignored me and I could see from the corner of my eye that he’d pulled off his shoes and jeans; standing there in nothing but a pair of boxers. I turned around and closed my eyes, pretending I was somewhere else. Pretending I was someone else. This was the sexiest, most terrifying thing that had ever happened to me. And I had no idea what to do.

  My eyes opened as I felt a rush of water spill higher over my stomach; astonished that he’d actually come in. “What if someone comes?” I protested.

  Kieran raised one eyebrow in that frustratingly-cocky way. “They won’t,” he said. “Adrian and Nik would never voluntarily have a bath, Jayson’s high on human drugs and Chara’s not far off being asleep. No one will come.” He glanced down at my raw arm and said, “I do actually need to sort out your mangled body as well, while I’m here.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Kieran,” I said seriously.

  “Don’t tell me what I don’t have to do,” he snapped.

  I looked at him curiously, taking in his features and realising that something was wrong. “What’s the matter?” I breathed softly.

  He just grunted and avoided my eyes, instead concentrating on my injuries. He roughly took my hands in his. We could both see that the gaping cuts were oozing a grotesque yellowish liquid. It was disgusting; triggering my gag reflex. Kieran seemed unaffected; beginning to cleanse the wounds with the mineral water and some cloth he’d carried over. He stung my skin with each careful touch; making me flinch intermittently.

  When I thought he’d done cleaning I said, through painfully gritted teeth, “There’s more you know.”

  He looked up in surprise, “More?”

  I nodded and stood up, displaying my naked, mutilated side.

  His eyes widened, transfixed by the words inscribed into my flesh. “Who did this to you?” he demanded, horrified.

  “Briseis,” I answered.

  His face hardened and I could see that he was visibly
trying to contain his anger. He practically radiated uncontainable animosity. His jaw clenched and unclenched until he managed to mutter something unintelligible. He closed his eyes, then opened them and looked seriously at me. “I’ll kill her.”

  I said nothing, knowing that he meant it. He concentrated on cleaning my other cuts; these fresher and redder than the ones on my arms.

  He spoke as he worked, reading each symbol as he cleaned, “Pathetic… Liar…” he shook his head, “These words are a million miles away from describing you Ruby. I can’t believe she did this.”

  He’d done cleaning and stood up opposite me; looking deeply into my eyes with a fierce intensity. He lifted his hand to gently touch my cheek; where it was stitched and healing well. “Did she do this too?”

  I nodded, “She wasn’t supposed to, but I… irritated her.”

  “How?” he asked.

  I didn’t want to tell Kieran that it was because of him that Briseis had felt the need to inflict such pain on me. That it was when I’d said Kieran didn’t love her that she’d butchered my face. I could tell he felt guilty enough already so I just shrugged and avoided his eyes.

  Eventually I couldn’t help but look at him though as he caught my chin in his fingers and gently lifted my face up to meet his.

  “Ruby,” he spoke my name with a soft clarity; remorsefully apologetic. “I am so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am.”

  “It’s not your-” I began.

  He shook his head, “No, I know it’s my fault.” His eyes were heartbreakingly sad. “I shouldn’t have let this happen. I will never forgive myself for letting this happen.”

  He clasped my wrist with his long slender fingers, twisting my arm gently so he could see my wounds again. “I’ll try and heal them.”

  I winced and Kieran muttered, “Relax. When your muscles are tense, it’s harder to repair the damage. I would know, having plenty of muscles myself.” He grinned then, lightening the suddenly intense ambiance.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I enquired. Every time Kieran healed me there was a larger risk of consequences. And who knew what those consequences would be.

  Kieran looked up and smiled. This smile was not his normal smile –usually poisoned with a mean, arrogant twist- it was softer, kinder; more of the Kieran I only saw on rare occasions; usually after a long session with a joint. “No, Ruby, it’s not a good idea,” he whispered. “That’s why I trust it.”

  Then he bent down, swiftly moving his fingers over my arm. His forearms were suddenly coated in black tattoos and slowly a heat radiated from his palms; intensifying across my skin. He smiled gently before delicately pressing his lips to my arm; narrowly avoiding the first symbol; his lips touching mere millimetres from the deep gashes.

  An amazing sensation tingled through my forearm and as he drew back I saw that all remained of the first symbol was a smattering of pink scars. He then lowered his neck again and touched his mouth next to the barely-healing skin of another mark. A shudder rippled through me as he began kissing his way from my wrist, past the intricate mapping of narrow veins, and up my arm, his lips following his fingers in a feverishly hot trail.

  In mere seconds my arm was perfectly recovered again; though my stomach was doing amusing little flips of its own. Then he was heading south and my eyes widened in shock; he was suddenly kneeling down in the shallow water and continuing his hot trail across my stomach.

  His hands swept down my sides, healing and burning simultaneously. It was so sexy, I didn’t have a clue what to do. Kieran was used to this sort of thing; too used would be my only guess. But me; no, I lacked even basic knowledge in such matters.

  He looked up at me, his eyes dancing cockily –as if guessing my thoughts- and he stroked his fingers over my scarred, but otherwise perfect side; making my heart race ecstatically. “At least now you taste like me rather than some random healer who probably gave you HIV.”

  “Ah,” I laughed nervously. “So you were jealous that somebody else healed me.”

  “Shut up,” he said.

  My smile stretched into a wide grin as he stood up straight.

  Before I forgot I unclasped his gold chain from around my neck and passed it him. “This is yours.”

  He nodded sharply, taking the chain and putting it on. As he did I wondered where my mother’s necklace was. Was it still at the Palace? Or had Lynk stolen that too? After all it was very similar, nearly identical, to Kieran’s.

  I shrugged off the thought and leant forwards, tucking myself neatly against his warm body. I could feel every rise and crease of his hard muscles, his digging hipbones; his wet skin. I inhaled deeply, smelling that wonderfully familiar aroma of dirt and spice. He wrapped an arm around me and though he didn’t say anything, he lifted my face with his free hand and gazed deeply into my eyes. His were dark and tired, but still beautiful.

  He leaned forwards and delicately brushed his lips over my bruised eyes and cut cheek; so gently I barely even felt the kiss hidden under the healing gesture.

  “Thank you,” I said politely, then thought; “We’ll have to put a bandage over my arm though, so the others don’t find out you healed-“

  He interrupted me mid-sentence. “Why must you always talk when I want to kiss you?” he murmured; gently tugging a strand of my wet hair.

  I froze. “Erm… I don’t-“

  And my words were lost as he kissed me. My heart leapt in my chest and my insides tightened as I gasped for breath. Kieran moaned against my mouth, sending a shock of pleasure straight through my body. I lost my balance almost immediately; tumbling onto the makeshift seat behind me.

  This didn’t stop Kieran. He grabbed my hips and hauled me up onto the grassy bank that surrounded the spring; wrapping my legs around his body in the process. I was on fire, overwhelmed by excitement and desire. I didn’t know how far we were going, where exactly his thoughts were heading, but I wasn’t going to be the one who stopped his hands from running down my legs in a dangerously hot way. His mouth moved against mine with a frantic desperation, his body lowering onto me; pushing against me. It was a release from something built up in our time separated. At any moment we could be torn apart again. It was only now we had.

  Kieran pulled back suddenly. “I want you, Ruby,” he told me, his voice thick and his eyes light. “I need you right now.”

  My stomach lurched and I was suddenly unable to speak.

  Instead of answering my instincts took over and I ran my hands across his stomach, feeling the hard wet muscles there; etched into his flesh through the years of running and fighting. My mind and my body were two opposing forces and my body was taking control. His lips moved down to my collarbone, biting gently there, sending a thrill chorusing over me.

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. I didn’t want him to ever stop.

  And then I heard a sound that made my stomach clench in terror.

  “Ruby?” somebody said confusedly. “Kieran? What are you doing?”

  Instantly I froze, my joints interlocking in synchrony with Kieran’s as his arms clenched protectively around me. We both looked up, our faces still dangerously close together, towards the direction of the voice.

  Chara’s face was a mask of furious incredulity. At first she still looked sleepy, but reality was rapidly dawning on her. In a sharp, angry motion, she wrapped her arms around her body.

  “Get up.” She said through gritted teeth.

  Reluctantly Kieran surrendered his hold of me and stood up; finding his jeans and shoving them on. My clothes were wet and Chara’s clean ones were far away, so Kieran threw his own shirt towards me. I quickly stood and pulled it over my head. The wind gnawed at my face and I realised that the temperature had dropped as night had fallen. Thunderous clouds lingered above.

  We were in a lot of trouble; this much was obvious. I swallowed nervously, glancing over at Kieran. He didn’t look at me; his face was hard and set. My hands began to shake.

  Chara was gazing off into
the distance. Mountains stretched out before us beautifully, so breath-taking that I could almost forget that I was about to be crucified by my dearest friend.

  Chara said nothing initially, instead tightening her arms around herself for warmth, but when she did talk; I found myself not wanting to hear her words. She turned; hazel eyes shifting directly to me. “You can’t be serious.”

  I looked down at the nearby snow, shuffling my cold feet. “I’m sorry Chara.” I sounded like a child being told off by their mother, but I couldn’t help it. She shook her head disappointedly; then turned on Kieran.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she yelled at him. Chara, who is never angry, never lets anybody see past her calm exterior, yelled. “Ruby is new to all this, I don’t expect her to know just how serious this is, but you,” she lifted her hands in exasperation, pointing an accusing finger at him, “You know better. You can’t do to her what you do to every other girl who catches your eye. It’s not fair on them, but to her it’s a death sentence!”

  “I know what I’m doing Chara,” Kieran stated defiantly.

  “Do you really, Kierakai?” She questioned bitingly. “Because I’ve seen you do this before to many girls. Do you think this is the same thing? Do you think you can just get away with it?” She shook her head flustered and mad. “Ruby is not just some girl you can mess around with!”

  “It’s not like that,” Kieran began defensively, “It’s-“

  “No,” she whispered, abruptly sounding deflated. “It is. It has to be.” She was speaking slowly and earnestly now, “They’ll kill you, or worse, they’ll curse you. You can’t talk yourself out of this, Kieran.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” Kieran demanded.

  “It seems like you don’t!” Chara shouted, tears pooling in her eyes. She looked honestly upset; it made me feel really guilty. “You’ll kill her, for what? For kicks? Isn’t she worth more than that?”


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