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Risen (The Firebird Trilogy Book 2)

Page 30

by Stephanie Harbon

  What did this mean? That my entire life -even before I knew of Lynk and my affinities, even before I died- Lynk had been aware of everything I’d done? He must have always known exactly where I was, exactly how I lived. Alex must have been hired just to feed information and weapons back to him.

  But I’d grown up with him. He’d been a child when I first met him; maybe eight or nine at most. How could he have truly understood what was happening at that age? Were his parents in on it too? They must have been.

  Then I remembered a conversation I’d once had with Kieran, when he’d explained how he became a High Protector at the grand old age of twelve. I guess children must grow up a lot faster here than at home.

  But still; how could he?

  I felt betrayed. I felt like my entire life had been planned for me behind my back. I must have been watched and analysed constantly; and I’d thought I was free? I had never been free, I realised, I was just somebody’s pawn.

  But if Lynk knew where I was then why didn’t he bring me back earlier?

  Unless he was waiting until he thought I was old enough to survive death; until I would be strong enough to use my voice and control it.

  Until he could use me for his own benefit.

  “Ruby,” Blaze said, pulling me back to reality. “We need to go, now. Get into the car.”

  “What about Alex?” I wondered, my lips moving but barely any sound coming out. I made the connection with his name then. The High Elder had given a name to me when she’d explained about Lynk’s supplier. Alynigh J Grenex. That must be Alex’s real name; which he’d translated into English.

  Alynigh J Grenex. Alexander James Green.

  Blaze stared at me uncomprehendingly; then glanced towards Alex in a moment of inspiration. He glanced back at me, “Do you know him?”

  Anger bubbled in my stomach. I glared at Alex -or whatever his stupid name was- and said curtly. “No. I do not know him at all.”

  Then I walked over to the car that we’d arrived in, swung open the door, and slammed it shut behind me.

  The journey back was long and uncomfortable.

  My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Lynk and Alex; and also what would happen now. For example, would I be Bound to Jayson first and then have to kill Acheron, or the other way around? Would I get a chance to see Chara and Ebony soon? I missed them greatly, particularly Chara, who I needed advice about Kieran from; especially after what happened earlier with me healing Adrian.

  It seemed that Adrian was also thinking about that; as he couldn’t seem to stop staring at the gash in his trousers and the perfectly healed flesh underneath. Blaze kept making rude comments from the driver’s seat and Collette, who unfortunately had also survived, was busy battering herself for not being able to find the Eternal Light. I didn’t feel the need to tell her that I heard Lynk saying he’d already moved it. I thought she should suffer a bit first.

  I suppose it had been a successful trip, despite the missing artefact. Nobody had died; well, not anyone I cared about. We’d caught the guy we wanted to and returned unscathed. However I still wasn’t quite satisfied that the situation had progressed. Lynk was still out there, with the Eternal Light, and he was apparently frequently sending Daemons to my future home; for reasons I couldn’t imagine. Plus getting that home meant inheriting an extraordinary debt.

  So all in all it was still a pretty shit situation.

  When we finally arrived at the other end of the tunnel and in that old, seemingly abandoned building, I was the first to get out. I’d done my end of the bargain. I didn’t need to do anything else. Adrian quickly followed but Blaze called out to me immediately as other cars carefully entered the room.

  “Don’t worry Ruby,” he said sarcastically. “We’ll sort out the prisoner.”

  “Good,” I replied, not even glancing over my shoulder as I made my way up the broken steps and onto the ground floor of the derelict building.

  Adrian seemed to be just as eager to leave and was right on my heels as we exited the building. It was dark outside now, night had fallen; it was probably quite late. The weather was bitter, the wind howled and lashed at my face and clothes; sending a chill straight to my bones.

  As we eagerly made our way back to the flats -as I liked to call them, to Jayson’s utter dismay- I thanked Adrian for coming with me. He said that it wasn’t any trouble, though I could tell his mind was occupied by something else. He glanced over at me and his black eyes were unreadable.

  “What happened back there…” he said carefully. “I think we should keep it between just us for now. It’ll only cause harm if the others find out.”

  I nodded in agreement, starting to walk away, but Adrian continued speaking.

  “I heard you and Jayson were getting Bound,” he said. He spoke as if it was a statement, but it was really a question.

  I stopped and looked over at him, wondering why he was interested, and then replied, “I need someone to go onto the Council with me, otherwise the Elder will revoke my position. I knew she never liked me, and she’s not given me much time. Jayson seemed the best option.”

  “So you asked him?” Adrian asked.

  I nodded. Why did he care all of a sudden? “Yeah.”

  “And he agreed? Just like that?”

  I frowned at this unexpected interrogation. “Yeah. Why, do you think he’s out of my league?”

  Adrian pulled a face at my sardonic response, “No, but.” He paused.

  I glanced at him, “But what?” For some reason he seemed ridiculously uncomfortable; avoiding my eyes and fixing his vision downwards.

  “What about Kieran?” He asked finally.

  Oh, so that was what this was all about. Somehow that irritated me. Okay, so Adrian had been told, or had guessed, that me and Kieran had previously had a bit of a thing, and he suddenly thinks I’m the bad guy? How was that fair? He knew nothing about what happened, how dare he judge me.

  “What about Kieran?” I repeated angrily.

  “Well,” Adrian struggled, flustered; searching for an answer.

  “Well nothing,” I cut him off before he could reply. How dare Adrian feel sorry for him. “Kieran is fine; having plenty of fun with various girls. Some apparently at the same time. So what’s my Chosen got to do with him?”

  Adrian looked away awkwardly, muttering in a dull hard voice. “Nothing. Sorry I asked.”

  We parted our separate ways as soon as we reached the flats, not saying another word to each other. As I climbed the stairs towards Jayson’s quarter, I realised my legs were aching like mad. I knocked on the door once, as I didn’t have a key, and it was Jayson who answered, despite the late hour.

  “Ruby,” he gave me a massive hug before releasing me. “I’m so glad you’re back. I thought you’d be gone for days though. And you didn’t say goodbye.”

  “I did,” I said, relaxing slightly at his calming presence. “You were still drooling though.”

  He laughed, then grew serious. “How did it go? Did you get the supplier? Is Adrian okay?”

  “Fine, yes and no,“ I answered curtly, rubbing my throbbing head.

  “Adrian isn’t okay?” Jayson demanded, genuinely concerned.

  “No, he’s as grumpy as usual,” I murmured.

  “Oh,” he sighed in relief, then wondered. “Are you going to tell me about it then?”

  I shook my head, “No, I feel broken. I’ll tell you in the morning.”

  “We’re with the Council in the morning.”

  I huffed, “Fine, I’ll tell you in the afternoon then. I need to think a few things over first, and sleep for a long time.”

  Jayson smiled understandingly, but there was a worried look in his eyes, “As long as you’re sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine,” I replied. “I just need to go to bed.”

  “Okay,” Jayson said slowly.

  I walked towards my bedroom and painfully undressed and got under the covers. As I closed my eyes I drifted off immediately.

  I felt strange, I wasn’t in my own body; I was larger and stronger.

  I swam, feeling the muscles of my arms aching. My kicking legs were finding it difficult to continue through the strong current. As I swam I could hear the deadly vines streaking through the water after me. I didn’t panic, I knew that panicking would only worsen the situation, but as the vines began wrapping around my legs and pulling hard I couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

  I managed to suck in a quick breath before I was yanked underwater, then I twisted, suddenly facing the beastly mass of thriving, wriggling Forkarna Lakeweed. Its deadly vines were the twice the circumference of a drainpipe and guaranteed to try and drag me to the bottom of the lake and drown me. I hated flesh eating plants.

  My lungs were itching for oxygen now, so I reached down towards my weapons belt, but another slippery bundle of vines attacked me, curling with a bone-crunching tightness around my arms, wrapping around my chest. I choked, seeing bubbles form before my face as a vine clutched around my neck like a snake. I couldn’t move. I tried desperately to reach towards my belt, but unconsciousness was gripping me now, I could feel myself slipping.

  No! I screamed at myself –or was it myself? I wasn’t in control of my body, I realised, and this wasn’t my body.

  Something changed then, and I awoke a little. Pushing my arms that last little bit my fingertips just grazed the pommel of my Gaborah blade. I grasped it, twisting my wrist as I cut through the vine trapping my arm. With my arm free I sliced my way through the rest of vines snaring me; kicking my legs frantically.

  I swam upwards. Raising my neck, I broke through the surface of the water, gulping air. More vines were locking around my ankles but I hacked them away. I continued swimming, I was close to the shore now, but the monstrous vines kept grabbing me. I was exhausted from fighting them.

  They were dragging me down again.

  I dropped my blade.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  I could hear myself screaming in terror and panic. I was thrashing about wildly and forceful hands were grasping my shoulders, nails digging into my skin, abruptly awakening me. My eyes shot open to see Jayson’s shaking me. “Ruby!” he yelled, “Wake up. It’s just a dream. Stop screaming.”

  “It’s Kieran,” I burst frantically, my internal panic reflecting in the golden chips of my eyes. “He’s in trouble.” I gasped, “He’s drowning.”

  “What?” Jayson wondered sceptically. “Kieran’s a good swimmer; he won’t drown in the strongest of currents.”

  “No,” I shook my head frantically. “It’s this plant, this weed stuff. It’s dragging him down. He’s drowning.”

  Jayson continued to frown at me, “Ruby, it was just a dream.” He repeated, his eyes serious and sincere.

  “But it felt so real,” I said, looking down to my lap and trying to think it over. “It was like I was in his head, experiencing it too. And you don’t understand, we’ve been having really strange dreams recently, both of us-”

  “I think you’re panicking for no reason,” Jayson stated factually, interrupting me. “Kieran’s been off on his Garatourii. He’s perfectly fine. He’s a big boy, Ruby, he can handle himself.”

  “But-“ I began.

  “No buts,” he said, “Kieran is fine. He should back by now anyway. Just calm down. Breathe. You’re overreacting.”

  I did as he said, breathing slowly. Eventually my heart stopped racing and my breathing normalised; sense took over my mind. Jayson was probably right. He must be okay; I would have known if he wasn’t. I’m sure I would.

  After a moment Jayson let go of my shoulders and enquired, “Better?”

  I nodded.

  “Good, now get ready, we’ve got another wonderful day with the Council,” he said sarcastically.

  I huffed, but stumbled out of bed to get dressed. As I moved away Jayson opened my bedroom door. As I was just entering my bathroom he called after me, “And Ruby, eat something! You’re getting so thin you won’t fit into this.”

  Hearing the smile in his voice I turned back to him and my mouth dropped open in surprise. He stood in the threshold holding up the most gorgeous, floor-length silk dress I had ever seen in my life. It was corseted, with a lace up back that elegantly directed the onlooker’s attention to the draping folds of red material underneath. It was truly a Disney Princess dress.

  “I got the measurements from the dress you wore to your High Flight,” he explained. “But you’ve lost weight since then. I know it’s a bit early, but it’s a gift for your birthday and our Binding Ceremony.”

  I stepped closer, amazement filling me up like a cup of hot chocolate; making me feel warm and tingly. “You really got that for me? It’s beautiful.”

  He smiled softly, his eyes slightly sad. “I know it’s not a real ceremony, but I want it to be done right. I managed to book a Binder for the day after your birthday. There wasn’t anything any sooner.”

  “It’s perfect,” I said, overwhelmed by his kindness. “Thank you.”

  He smiled again, then frowned, “But seriously, go eat something; you look like you’ve been starved for weeks. And have a shower. You smell.”

  My gratefulness rapidly soured and my smile turned into a frown. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” he grinned lopsidedly, leaving the dress on my bed and shutting the door behind him.

  Once he had gone I stood and stared at the gown for a long time. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it; about everything.

  After a while I shook myself and went off for a shower. Jayson was right, I realised as I glanced in the mirror after undressing; I had gotten far too thin. I could see my hip and collarbones jutting out. With that in mind, I made sure I ate a massive breakfast before heading over to the Tower.

  “Morning everyone,” said Katrina once we were all seated in preparation for the hearings. “Our first trial is Regan Skyline. He’s been accused of suffocating a girl to death using his natural affinities. This is his third trial with us and has been punished twice for similar attacks, but now he’s killed, and I believe that our punishment must be more severe. I’m thinking we should bring in Alvira.”

  “I agree,” said Niteni. “Guards, fetch Alvira and make her wait outside, and also bring in the accused.”

  When the guards forced his struggling form in, I saw that Regan was a tall man with white skin and cold grey eyes. His head was shaved, or perhaps his transparent hair was cropped so short it was invisible. He looked like a vampire, I swear even his teeth were pointed; he just had an evil, bloodthirsty look about him. I took a deep breath as Garnha began the interrogation.

  “Do you deny that you killed Mariska Skyline a day ago; using your gift?” Garnha demanded, her eyes intentionally cutting.

  “She deserved it, she was a dirty Phoenix with a false superiority; not unlike yourself,” he glowered at Garnha, his voice strangely scratchy.

  Her expression didn’t falter and she remained icily indifferent. “This isn’t your first attack on someone with your gift either, is it?”

  He didn’t even look sorry. “No.”

  “Well at least this makes things quicker,” said another Earthbird. “You have had enough chances, Regan, today we’re bringing in Alvira.”

  His confidence shattered then and I saw his eyes widen in sudden terror. “No!” he cried, horrified. “You haven’t heard my side of the story.”

  “Go on,” urged Katrina apathetically. “Not that it’ll make any difference.”

  “She threatened me constantly, threatened to take my children away.” He stared at Katrina pleadingly.

  Now the notorious Alvira had been mentioned he’d completely changed his attitude and was begging for mercy? This only made me wonder what this Alvira could possibly do. I remembered when Acheron had said I should be given to her; the reaction from my friends had also been horror.

  “She was your Chosen,” stated Katrina, “and you were being abusive; she had a right to take your children away for th
eir own protection.”

  “I wouldn’t have touched them, and she knew that!” he growled angrily.

  “What about the previous attacks?” questioned Acheron; joining in. “You’re not helping your case when you have a violent past. Your Chosen wasn’t the first woman you attempted to suffocate, just the first who died.”

  “Everyone has a past,” he said.

  “That’s a pretty pathetic excuse.” I muttered, speaking for the first time this morning. Since me and Jayson had arrived all that had happened was that we’d been told to sit down and keep our mouths shut.

  Regan heard me, and the other Council members looked at me as if to say ‘if you have something to say, say it’. Then Regan turned on me, “I’ve heard of you. You’re Ruby Swartette. If anyone you’re proof that people can change. How is it fair to condemn me and forgive her for all her wrongs?”

  “Ruby has done nothing wrong,” Katrina growled obnoxiously, I could see her getting very angry. “And it’s you on trial here. I’ve had enough. Are we all in agreement that Regan should receive the Ultimate Curse?” She looked around as everyone nodded; except me and Jayson, as our opinion didn’t matter anyway. “Good. Bring in Alvira.” Katrina said.

  “No!” screamed Regan, lashing at the guards who were restraining him.

  I worriedly glanced over at Jayson and he was deadly white; his knuckles balled into fists on the arm of his chair.

  I swallowed and watched as the door swung open and Alvira walked into the room. I shivered like I had the first time I saw her. She was a thin, shockingly-tall woman with plaited translucent hair, wrapped in a white fur coat which looked as if it was made of baby snow leopards. She walked with an awkward clumsiness towards the front of the room.

  “You summoned me.” Her voice was empty.

  I watched Regan, who now sat in terrified silence on the floor. I could see his hands were shaking. There was even a tiny amount of liquid pooling in his bloodshot eyes. It was amazing to watch someone who’d previously been so defiant and confident be suddenly stripped away of everything. Now I saw what this murderer really was; a weeping child.


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