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Flesh: Part Ten (The Flesh Series Book 10)

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by Corgan, Sky


  Part Ten


  Text copyright 2015 by Sky Corgan.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author.


  There is absolutely no way that I'm going to fuck in the middle of a furniture store where I regularly do business. Doesn't Lucian know that there are cameras all over the place? We'll get caught. Walter, or someone else whom I've probably met in person, will see us. That's ten times worse than being spied on by Lucian's limo driver, who has likely watched him have sex with dozens of women and paid no mind to it.

  “Not happening.” I use as much force as I can muster to push myself out of Lucian's arms.

  I'm not dumb enough to think he'll give up that easily. The man is tenacious when it comes to getting what he desires. If I want to get out of this, I need to escape.

  I take long strides to the room divider, trying to squeeze my chubby body through it before Lucian has a chance to get to me. He's too fast though. My hip hasn't even popped through to the other side before his arms are around me, pulling me back. Not just pulling me back, but picking me up.

  I want to scream, but that would draw attention to us, and I definitely don't want the cops called because he's being unruly. If Tyra caught wind of that, she'd likely cancel his contract and force me into pressing charges. A worse situation than the one I'm currently in.

  “Lucian,” I growl at him, keeping my voice low. My legs flail while I try to pry his arms from around me.

  He effortlessly throws me onto the bed. It creaks beneath my weight, and I cringe at the sound. Damn cheap, crappy bed. No wonder it's hidden behind everything.

  Lucian stands in front of me, filling the small space between the room divider and the bed. I glare at him for a split second, at the blatant predatory look in his eyes, before I realize that he's unzipping his slacks.

  “Lucian, no.” I place both of my hands over his crotch as if it will keep him from pulling his dick out. It doesn't. My palms touch hot smooth skin, and my face turns about ten different shades of red in the blink of an eye.

  Lucian roughly grabs me by my hair, tugging me forward. I gasp at the force of it. “You want to please me? Then start sucking.”

  My mouth falls agape, and I'm honestly surprised that he doesn't take advantage of the situation and shove his dick down my throat. He's usually pretty good at acting on any opening he can find—exploiting any weakness in my exterior.

  The smell of his sex invades my nostrils and perks my hormones, but this isn't the place or time for being aroused. My eyes dart to the gaps in the room dividers, then at the visible corners of the ceiling and columns to look for video cameras. For the briefest of moments, I consider giving in to desire, but then I remember how much is at stake. I would lose my job if we got caught. There's no doubt in my mind about that.

  “Not right now, Lucian,” I say gently, hoping that by being calm, it will make him reconsider. Being upset and panicked just seems to turn him on more, to make him act out against me.

  “I can't think of a better time.” He strokes himself lazily. There's not even a hint of concern on his face that we might get caught. His expression is all lust and expectation.

  “I can think of a thousand better times,” I grumble.

  “You want me to buy furniture, yes? This is how you're going to get me to do it.” There's a wicked gleam in his eyes as if he knows he's got me right where he wants me.

  “That's a low blow to strike. Threatening my job for a blowjob.” I glare at him. This assholery definitely doesn't make me want to suck him off. Would he really back out of the contract if I don't give in to his sexual demands?

  “I'm just trying to give you motivation.” He smirks.

  “The only thing you're motivating me to want to do is bite your dick when it's in my mouth.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Oh, come on, Amy. It will be fun. Live a little.”

  I'm starting to wonder why his idea of me living a little always seems to involve compromising myself or something important to me.

  I bite my bottom lip and suck in a breath, looking around the room again before zeroing in on his cock. It's not hard yet, somewhere in between. His hand moves back and forth, pumping blood and life into it. I bet my mouth would get it hard a lot faster.

  In truth, I have been wanting to suck him off—have thought about it several times. Not like this though. I wanted the moment to be intimate and private and something I could enjoy. If I do it now, I won't be able to focus on giving him the pleasure that I want to. I'll be way too paranoid.

  “How about we buy the furniture and then I'll blow you in the limo?” It's the best compromise I can come up with. He gets what he wants. I get what I want. We're both happy. My job isn't at risk.

  “That wouldn't please me, Amy.” He shakes his head.

  “Ugh. You're so difficult.” I throw a miniature fit, slamming my hands down on the bed and sighing in disgust. This only seems to amuse him, because his smirk broadens and he nudges my head closer to his cock. “Fine. But it's going to be a quickie, and afterward you're going to behave.”

  I expect him to agree with me, but he doesn't answer. Instead, he guides my mouth to his tip. I grind my teeth together, the thought of biting him still at the forefront of my mind. He would deserve it, but I think we both know that I wouldn't actually do it. Even though he's being an asshole right now, I do still care for him.

  “Stick your tongue out,” he tells me as if I need instructions.

  I inhale deeply and close my eyes before doing what I'm told. The soft ridge of his glans touches the flat of my tongue. Lucian's grip softens on my hair when he presses himself forward and fills my mouth. A wave of lust rolls through me as I taste him, my lips almost instinctively closing around him. I've dreamed about this moment for quite a while. If only we were somewhere that I could cut loose on him, sloppily lick and suck and use my tongue the way I want to. Here in the furniture store, the only sound to drown us out is the soft classical music flowing from the speakers—not loud enough to drown out much of anything. I need to be muted. We both need to be muted.

  I can control my own vocalization. I can't control him though. All I can do is hope that he doesn't moan or make some loud noise that would draw attention to us.

  “Good girl.” He brushes a strand of hair away from my face before rounding his fingers down to hold my chin while he thrusts into my mouth.

  I can feel his cock expanding to its full girth. It's such a strange feeling, like holding a long, fleshy balloon in my mouth while someone blows it up from the other end. A balloon doesn't get this hard though. A balloon doesn't have thick bulging veins that I want to slick my tongue down. A balloon doesn't taste like this.

  Lucian groans softly and closes his eyes. He looks strangely peaceful like he's actually enjoying the blowjob despite my lack of effort. I'm letting him control the whole thing, barely sucking as he probes in and out of me. My mind is caught between wishing I could do more and just wanting it to be over. While I'm turned on, it's hard to gain any pleasure when I'm constantly worried about the threat to my job if we get caught.

  Thankfully, he doesn't make me blow him for long. Oddly, my body feels at a loss when he finally pulls out. There's a hungry part of me that wants to keep sucking him, to see him to completion. That would mean that I'd have to swallow though, and I'm honestly not sure if I'm up for that. It has always seemed like such a dirty thing to m
e. But I have a feeling that he'll eventually make me do it. He's that kind of man.

  I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, trying to look upset as I wait for him to put his toy away. He doesn't though. Instead, he pulls something out of his pocket. My eyes go wide as I realize it's a condom. I'm not sure if I'm more shocked that he actually bought a condom or that I now know he's not going to be satisfied with just a blowjob.

  “Take off your underwear,” he tells me before tearing the foil wrapper open with his teeth.

  “Lucian, no.” My voice elevates from shock.

  “Come on, Amy. You don't want us to get caught, right?” He unrolls the condom over his length before shoving the empty wrapper back into his pocket.

  “Lucian, there are cameras.” I gesture towards the ceiling.

  “Then I guess we're going to give security a show.”

  The way he's being so nonchalant about it infuriates me. Doesn't he realize that I could get in major trouble for this? The kind of trouble that could destroy my entire life.

  “You put that thing away or I'm going to break it.” I point to his dick, trying my best to sound threatening.

  “You're such a funny girl.” He takes a step back.

  For a moment, I think he's going to let me go, but instead, he bends slightly, grabbing my legs and spinning me around on the bed. I stifle a cry, swallowing hard and choking on my own breath.

  Lucian is on top of me before I have a chance to recompose myself, his hands shoving up my skirt and wrapping around my underwear. I try to stop him from pulling them down, but it's no use.

  “Lucian, God dammit. This isn't fun and it isn't sexy.”

  “Do you really think there are cameras watching us?” he asks as he tugs my underwear over my heels, balls them up and shoves them into his pocket.

  “Yes.” I squeeze my legs together, trying to bar him access to my naked parts.

  “Don't you think that if anyone could see us, they would have come to rescue you by now?” He pulls me toward the end of the bed by my ankles, his dick bouncing crudely. If I wasn't so caught up with trying to resist him, I'd probably be blatantly staring at it.

  “I like how you know I need to be rescued from you.” I spit venom at him, hoping it will make him back off.

  He's right though, if someone was watching the cameras, I can only assume they'd call the police or send security to intervene. Nothing that's gone on between us since we walked into this area would look consensual to an onlooker.

  Lucian lets go of me and stands there for a moment, his eyes scanning over me curiously. “Do I frighten you, Amy?”

  It seems like a strange thing to ask. I'm obviously not pleased with what's going on. If we were somewhere else, somewhere not related to my job, I might actually enjoy this though.

  “No, Lucian. You don't frighten me.” I shake my head. “I just...There's too much at stake here. If I get caught...”

  “We're not going to get caught.” He hikes up my skirt, the seriousness of the situation obviously eluding him.

  I close my eyes, knowing that there's no stopping him. All I can do is try to relax as I feel the cool latex of the condom nudging at my folds. His glans slips between them and then finds my waiting hole. I'm embarrassingly wet, despite my complaints. That mostly happened when I saw him step out of the limo looking like a movie star though.

  I bite the inside of my lip as he plunges into me. The sensation of being spread by his generously-sized manhood makes me gasp. Will I ever adjust to how big he is? I'm beginning to wonder.

  The paranoid part of me wants to remain ever vigilant. The woman in me though is losing herself to the feeling of having such a beautiful, powerful man between her legs.

  I want to reach around and grab his ass, to draw him to me and pull him into me. But I don't want to make it seem like I'm enjoying what he's doing. I refuse to give him that satisfaction when I'm still so angry at him.

  Lucian keeps his thrusts short and controlled, and I can tell that he's concentrating on not making a lot of noise, which does relieve me a bit. Even though he's taking what he wants, pressing his thick cock into me over and over again, he's being careful.

  My body is heating up, my clit pulsing with the potential for an orgasm. The danger of the situation has every nerve in my body on high alert. I'm excited and aroused and frightened all at the same time. It's a strangely exhilarating feeling.

  “I told you it wouldn't be so bad,” he says, perhaps noticing that I've relaxed a little.

  “I hate you,” I bite back though I don't mean it.

  “It feels good when you hate me.” He bends to kiss my stomach before pulling me even closer, his hips moving with a bit more fervor. The bed starts to give protest, but it's not loud enough to draw attention. He needs this leverage to build the friction that will drive us both over the edge.

  I curl my fingers into the comforter below, closing my eyes and allowing the pleasure of his fucking to distract my mind from everything else. It feels so incredibly good, his swollen cock pistoning in and out of me, stretching me and filling me and completing me. The taste of his pre-seed lingers on my tongue, the small bit he leaked into my mouth before he pulled out and decided to move on to other things. I swallow hard, drinking him in, his body and his pre-ejaculate and everything going on right now. Just being with him.

  The excitement of how forbidden what we're doing is helps to take my pleasure to a new place—the thought of being caught. It turns from a fear to a challenge. I know that he's almost done. I can hear it in his heavy breathing. Just a little bit longer, and we'll have gotten away with it. That thought is thrilling, somehow.

  I let out a soft moan, relinquishing all of my cares in one breath. I'm so close to the edge. Lucian's pubic bone grinds against my clit with each thrust, sending tiny throbbing contractions through me that are counting down to the finale. I shudder as I reach the summit, knowing I'm about to rocket over. Right before my release, I open my eyes.

  All the pleasure that was swirling through me only seconds before comes to a screeching halt when my gaze falls on the split between the room dividers. Walter is standing there. He's watching us with his mouth agape, and there's no question in my mind that he knows exactly what we're doing.


  “I'll take twenty of your children's beds,” Lucian tells Walter when we're done with our business and are both decent.

  By some miracle, instead of intervening, Walter walked away from what he saw. That made me equal parts nervous and relieved. Relieved because he saved us from the embarrassment of having to explain ourselves. Nervous because he could have spent the five minutes it took for me and Lucian to finish up to go call Tyra and tell her that he caught me sleeping with a client in their store.

  I fidget nervously as the two men talk, my eyes darting to Walter's face every few seconds, my expression innocent and pleading. I'm far from innocent though. Lucian and I just fucked on one of their beds. That's not something an innocent person would do.

  To try to do damage control, Lucian told Walter that he wanted the bed that we had sex on too. Not something from back in the warehouse. That particular bed. The one on display.

  “Twenty children's beds, sir?” Walter looks at us as if he's assuming that Lucian just knocked me up with a litter of children.

  “Yes, twenty beds. I want them shipped to Habitat for Humanity. If you don't have their address on file, I'll email it to you when I get back to my office.” Lucian pulls a business card out of his pocket and hands it to Walter.

  Walter looks it over for a moment, and then his eyes go wide. “Of course, Doctor Reddick.”

  “I apologize, but you'll have to hold the furniture that I bought today until this lovely lady can schedule for me to receive it. She's been an absolute blessing through all of this.” He smiles down at me before returning his attention to Walter. “If everything goes smoothly, you can expect a big bonus.” He emphasizes the word bonus.

  Walter seems stunne
d for a minute, then he shakes his head, holding out his hand. “Oh, no sir, we don't take bonuses here.”

  “No one has to know about it.” Lucian puts his arm around Walter's shoulder to lead him away a few feet. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they're talking about what happened upstairs.

  I wring my hands together as I watch them, my palms sweating profusely, hoping that everything will be alright. I keep forgetting that Lucian can buy his way out of almost any problem. In light of being caught, it's kind of a comforting thought. Maybe this will save my job.

  Walter and Lucian wrap up their business and we say our goodbyes. Lucian wears a victorious smile the entire time. He's sickeningly charming, and I doubt that his promise of giving Walter a fat bonus check didn't work. Most people are motivated by money. And what does it really matter that we had sex on a bed that Lucian ended up buying anyway though I have no clue what he plans to do with it. That bed isn't getting sent to Habitat for Humanity.

  I expect that as soon as we step outside, I'll feel a lot better about the whole situation. The cool air does little to still my nerves though.

  “I can't believe that happened.” I hold my face in my hands, mortified that someone related to my job watched me having sex for...God knows how long.

  “It's the risk you take when you have sex in public.” Lucian shrugs. “Sometimes you get caught.”

  “This wasn't just public though, Lucian.” I point back at the store. “I go in there for work. If he tells my boss, I'll get fired.”

  “If he tells your boss, I'll help you find a job elsewhere,” he replies nonchalantly before pulling out his cell phone to call his limo driver.

  I squeeze my eyes closed, fighting back the urge to yell at him. Everything is so trivial to him. It's like he doesn't care that he could have completely disrupted my life. He has completely disrupted my life as it is.


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