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Page 18

by S A Pavli

  "I've had some bad experiences," he said. “Or rather my family has. That's why I joined the Space Force. To get away from pseudo cut throat commercialism. They destroy a person and his livelihood, but it's O K because it's just commerce, just competition.”

  "I'm sorry.” She looked sympathetic. “You seem bitter.” He shrugged dismissively.

  "It's a long time ago now and I try to forget it. But the opportunity to play one millionaire off against the other seemed too good to miss at the time. In retrospect, old Carstairs seems a good old boy. I can't imagine him shafting anyone.”

  "Can't be all bad to have a daughter like Melanie," said Anja with a smile.

  "She is something isn't she?" said Peter. “Brains, beauty, personality. She's class.” She looked askance at him. “Don’t worry, not my type.” Or my class, he thought.

  "Don’t do yourself down Major Follet. A handsome dashing military type is always attractive to the opposite sex.”

  "I don't want to be attractive to the opposite sex," said Peter quietly. “Just to one person. A special one.”

  "Have you met this special one yet?” asked Anja with pretended casualness. The Major looked her in the eyes, the beginnings of a smile on his lips. .

  "D’you know, I think I may have," he said, eyes twinkling. He leaned forward earnestly. “I really like you Anja, you’re quite a woman. Beautiful, intelligent, mature.” He paused for a moment looking embarrassed. “I just think I may not be good enough for you. I've hardly made a huge success of my life so far. And you’re the Captain of a starship damn it !” She looked pensive for a few moments before standing up to walk over to the panoramic window. She looked out at the view of the alien moon, its cool pale silver orb contrasting with the velvet blackness of Space.

  "I can't say that I have been too successful with my life Peter," she said eventually, turning back to him. “I had a partner you know. Captain James Blackburn. He was the owner of the Chameleon. We were together for fifteen years before he was killed in an accident.”

  "I'm sorry Anja. That must have been tough," said Peter. She sighed in remembrance.

  "Yes very. We were very close. But he trained and helped me to get my Captaincy, and left me the Chameleon when he died. So I owe everything to him.” He nodded saying nothing, his eyes sympathetic. “And this awful trip. My crew and passengers dying…” she shuddered and buried her face in her hands. He stood quickly and went over to put an arm around her shoulders.

  "Sorry,” she whispered.

  "Don t think about it," he said. “It just brings it back. You weren’t to know Anja, it wasn't anybody's fault. If our ship had arrived first, we would probably be all dead now.” She felt his warm comforting presence, felt it in a way she had never felt anything in her life before. She could almost hear his thoughts, like a hushed hubbub of noise from a distant crowd.

  "God Peter, it's getting stronger,” she whispered in awe. “I can almost reach out and touch your mind.”

  "Yeah, I can feel it too,” he agreed. “It's incredible. Where is this leading to? What are we becoming?”

  Chapter 24

  When Melanie received the Hyperspace message from her father, her worst fears that the situation was going to get very messy were realised. Carstairs message had been short and to the point ; Offer anything to the Captain of the Chameleon to get her on board as he put it. In other words, prevent Captain Pederson from sending a report to her employer. Carstairs was determined to keep sole rights to the news and asked for everything that Melanie could send on the alien civilisation. He warned her that she would be hearing from the authorities, and they would no doubt demand that the expeditions stand off the planet and its moon until the official exploration teams arrived. He was going to fight this at his end, but she needed to persuade the captains of the Bounty Hunter and the Chameleon to cooperate with her. She was annoyed that he did not even ask what Melanie thought or wanted and assumed that she would just go along with his demands. It would serve him right if the two Captains of the starships ignored him and acceded to the authorities demands. After all, people had died out here, and the authorities would want to mount a proper investigation. She wondered now if their Space burial of the bodies had been the right thing to do.

  She asked Alden to set up a video conference with Anja, and called Mark to explain the situation. He was having lunch with Leslie in the mess, and she felt a stab of jealousy again at the sight of them together. It must be my Mediterranean blood she mused. Her mother had been a fiery Italian actress whose unlikely romance with her father had been short and stormy. Carstairs had had other affairs after her, but no other children.

  "Captain, can we get together in my quarters as soon as possible for a video conference with Captain Pederson please. Something's come up," she said formally.

  "Yes certainly Melanie. I’ve finished here, I'll be right up," said Mark, beginning to stand.

  "Sounds serious," said Leslie, her eyes wide.

  "Nothing to worry about Leslie," said Melanie. “We'll let you all know what's happening once Mark and Anja are acquainted with the situation.” She closed the connection and then walked over to her bathroom to perform some quick maintenance of face, hair and dress, at the same time suppressing the mocking voice inside her head. With a last critical examination she took her place at the terminal. Perfection comes with attention to detail she told the mocking voice, but it just sneered back at her. The doorbell chimed and her breathing quickened.

  "Open door," she said, and the door obligingly sighed open.

  "Captain Alexander at your service madam," said Mark in his best Captain's voice.

  "Do come in Captain and take a seat," she said politely, standing up, but her eyes were warm and the beginning of a smile quirked her newly rouged lips. “A glass of something for you?

  "Anything cold and non -alcoholic," he said, following her to the small alcove with two armchairs and a coffee table, next to the well stocked bar. The Bounty Hunter was a merchantman, but passengers paid well for the accommodation and expected a high standard. As she made his drink he admired her shapely form and the enticing curve of her perfect neck and cheek line. Classic beauty, he thought, I could look at her all day. She turned with his drink and caught his admiring gaze.

  "Like what you see Captain?" she asked.

  "Very much," he said.

  "You're not so bad yourself," she said, handing him his drink and seating herself next to him on the sofa.

  "Not in your league Miss Carstairs.” She moved into his arms and their drinks were ignored as they kissed.

  "It's impossible to be alone on this ship," she said, as they held each other.

  "I guess we need to be discreet for now," he said, taking a long draught of his drink.

  "Why?" she asked. “We're all adults. If you and I choose to have an affair, it's nobody else's business.”

  "An affair. That sounds nice,” he smiled suggestively.

  "Purely platonic of course," she said straight faced. “Just to get to know each other.”

  "Absolutely. Get to know each other.” He nodded earnestly. He leaned away from her and smilingly examined her face. “Getting to know you is going to be the most fun I've ever had.”

  "I can be pretty bloody minded sometimes," she said warningly.

  "No," he said, “Every little part of you is perfect. I can feel it.”

  "Can you?" she asked. “Really?” He looked thoughtful for a moment before replying.

  “I didn’t actually mean it literally. But now you mention it…” He tailed off.

  “It's funny, so can I,” interrupted Melanie. “There seems to be a connection between us, as if I can sense your emotions. I can almost sense your presence even when you're not in the room.” He looked at her and nodded.

  "You're right. It's uncanny. Now, when we were kissing, it felt fantastic.”

  "I am a fantastic kisser," she said.

  "Of course you are my darling,” he agreed, and they spent a few minute
s proving the veracity of that belief yet again. The warmth and intimacy of their physical contact was threatening to break the bounds of their agreed caution and they both pulled a way, flushed with their passion.

  "I'm not sure we can keep up with this platonic thing," said Mark, draining his cold drink. Melanie followed suit, and stood to make them both another.

  "Why should we?" she asked from the bar, with a somewhat accusing tone. Mark felt trapped. He knew that there was no reason to behave so primly. Sexual freedom was taken for granted in modern society and there was nothing he wanted more than to consummate his love for the beautiful Melanie. But at the back of his mind a guilty secret was bothering him ; Doctor Leslie's face and lush body kept intruding in his thoughts. He knew he had to tell Melanie what had happened between him and Leslie, and he was terrified that Melanie would snub him when she knew. He was saved from further embarrassment by the chiming of the communicator.

  "Miss Carstairs, Captain Pederson on the comm,” announced Alden.

  "Thank you Alden, put her on the main screen.” Anja appeared, seated in her cabin. After greetings were exchanged, Melanie immediately got down to business.

  "Anja, how are things going at your end?”

  "We have the robot safely on board, Jo and Andy are running tests on it now," said Anja. “We are preparing for another trip down to explore the main building and the ground vehicles. We have noticed that there seems to be no Space ships here. I was speculating with Peter about how the aliens managed to build such huge structures on their moon. The effort to transport all this material must have been phenomenal. We can't help wondering why they would do it.”

  "It does seem overkill,” agreed Melanie. “I think even Earth's moon base is not as big, and that's been there for six hundred years.”

  "Is it possible that they’ve had Space travel for hundreds of years without discovering the Hyperspace Drive?” asked Anja.

  "I guess it's possible," replied Melanie. “It’ll be a long time before we know everything about this civilisation. But I wanted to talk to you and Mark about something else. Today, just a little while ago actually, I received a message from my father. You can imagine how he reacted to our news.” She smiled at the screen and then walked over and sat next to Mark, taking the two drinks she had just prepared with her and handing one to Mark. The view screen was clearly visible from their seats and she knew that the camera would track her position.

  "Has the news been released yet?” asked Anja.

  "No, and that is the problem," said Melanie. Both Mark and Anja opened their mouths to protest and Melanie held up a restraining hand to cut them off.

  "I know, I know, but there is a reason and that is what I am coming to.” Mark and Anja subsided, questioning looks on both their faces. “My father wants sole rights to the news. He is asking that you Anja, should now work for him, and not send any material to your former employers.” Anja frowned and did not answer for a few moments.

  "Why should I do that?" she asked eventually.

  "Because Carstairs Corporation is the only entity to have legal exploration rights to this system. You either work for us, or you must withdraw your ship, and under no circumstances communicate any of your findings to your employer. If you do, you and your employer will be sued.” Melanie leaned forward earnestly. “Sorry Anja, I am just telling you what my father says.”

  "Is he serious?” asked Anja, scowling angrily.

  "Oh yes, you can be sure my father is serious," said Melanie. “He doesn't issue idle threats. And I think his legal position here is solid.”

  "What if my contract with my employer forbids me from doing that?” asked Anja. “If I do one thing I get sued by Carstairs, if I do another, I get sued by Hippopotamus.”

  "Hippopotamus?” asked Melanie.

  "Sorry. My employer prefers to be incognito. That's the name I know him by. I have been working through his lawyers.”

  "I'll put that to my father," said Melanie. “His lawyers are sure to find a loophole in your contract." said Melanie.

  "I would have thought that since your presence here is now illegal,” interjected Mark, “They would have a hard time suing you. Anyway, your contract will have a get out clause. It's required for all charters. You can give notice to quit, so long as you have done everything in your power to expedite the charter. Given that your crew and the whole exploration team are dead…” Mark tailed off, looking meaningfully at the screen.

  "And they have lied to you regarding exploration rights,” added Melanie. Anja nodded, looking thoughtful.

  "OK, but what arrangement does he expect to exist between us?" she asked.

  "As the legal exploration entity, he can place your ship on an ad hoc contract," said Melanie. “You will be reimbursed at the same rate as Mark.” Anja shrugged with a resigned expression.

  "I guess the only choice I have is to go with Carstairs, or withdraw my ship from exploration," she said. “And I'm not doing that. Tell your father that I'll send my resignation to Hippopotamus.” Melanie nodded and smiled her thanks.

  "Do you have a record of events from when your ship arrived here?" she asked.

  "Yes, of course," replied Anja.

  "Even when your ship's AI was off line?” asked Melanie.

  "Yes, the monitor cameras operate independently. There's days of it though. I haven’t had a chance to go through it.”

  "We'll just sent the raw footage," said Melanie. “Dad will get a hundred people in to edit and collate it and release it to the media. He's going to love it!” She paused, and her face took in a more serious aspect. “There is something else that affects both of you though,” she added. “Dad is sure that when this is released, the authorities will demand that we stand off planet and do nothing. How do you both feel about that?”

  "I think you know the answer," said Mark, and in the screen, Anja's image nodded her agreement.

  "People have died," said Melanie soberly. “And if more die, we may all be in a lot of trouble.”

  "Look, we are all adults doing our jobs," said Mark.

  "I am not sure that our job specs cover what we are doing here," said Melanie. “I suggest that we all put it on record that we are prepared to continue.”

  "Is your father afraid that we may all sue him afterwards?” asked Anja.

  "He didn't actually mention that," said Melanie. “But I believe we should all put it on record that this was a joint and united decision.”

  "I see no harm in that," said Mark. Anja nodded her agreement. “Thanks Anja, keep us informed on progress with the robot. Has LeBlanc had any success with the trapped Virtual?”

  "We haven’t had the time to do anything much on that," said Anja.

  "Alden tells us that he is not getting any intelligent communication from our one," said Mark. “If they are intelligent, they clearly lack the ability to communicate either with sentient beings or with computers.”

  "There is something I’ve been meaning to bring up," said Anja cautiously. “I don't know how to put this, but I have been feeling different since I was rescued from the Virtual.” Mark and Melanie eyes met briefly and meaningfully.

  "Go on Anja," said Melanie.

  "Peter has also begun to feel it,” continued Anja, “Although not as strongly as me.”

  "What sort of feeling?” asked Melanie.

  "A sort of extra -sensory awareness," said Anja. “I can almost feel where everyone is. Particularly when they are close. And when we get very close, well I can almost read their minds. And another thing. My memory. It's fantastic. Everything since my rescue everything is just engraved on my memory in glorious colour and incredible detail. I can recall everything. It's uncanny and impossible. The human brain just can't work in that sort of detail.” She blurted the last out and subsided, looking embarrassed. Melanie and Mark remained quiet and Anja continued apologetically. “I thought I was going mad, but when Peter said he was feeling the same things…”

  "Your not going mad Anja," said Melanie
. “Me and Mark were talking about the same thing just now.”

  "You noticed it?" she asked.

  "Yes, particularly when you’re close together," said Melanie, the last phrase coming out cautiously.

  "And you're right about the memory," said Mark. “It's crept up slowly on me, but there's no doubt.”

  "What's happening to us?” asked Anja. “Are we still infected by these things? Or has the infection changed us in some way?"

  "If there is some sort of secondary infection," said Mark, “It may be contagious.” There was a deathly silence for a few moments.

  "Oh God,” muttered Melanie. “This is getting worse.”

  "Well, an infection that makes you superhuman doesn't sound too bad," said Anja, but she didn't look convinced.

  "We don't know where this is leading to," said Melanie shaking her head. “For now it's fine, benign even. But who knows what it may become.” Mark stood up and began pacing up and down restlessly. The more he thought about it, the more concerned he became. Melanie and Anja remained immersed in their own thoughts. Mark stopped pacing and turned to Melanie.

  "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked.

  "I can't quite read your mind yet," she said.

  "Quarantine," he said. There was a sharp intake of breath from both women.

  "Surely not,” began Anja, then subsided.

  "We can't take the chance of spreading an alien infection to the rest of humanity said Mark. “We have to tell the authorities.”

  "Nobody will get here for at least two weeks," said Melanie. “Even if my father releases the news immediately.”

  "Perhaps by then we may have a better idea of what we are dealing with," said Mark.

  "We should get Leslie to check us all out," said Anja. “Incidentally, three people were not exposed to the Virtuals. Jimmy, Jo and Andy. I'll talk to all three and see how they are feeling.”

  "That's interesting," said Mark. “If Jimmy, Jo and Andy remain unaffected, then it means the virus, whatever it is, is not transferable. You have to be infected by a Virtual to pick it up.”


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