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Russian's Innocent Love (Drobilka Family Series #1)

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by Lee, Leona

  As she drove, she called the university hoping to catch Marci still at the office. She was on her way home, but agreed to meet with her. Speeding over, Bethany met her at her office and filled her in on everything that happened – including the fact that Vadim now knows that she understands Chinese and that she may have just killed someone.

  Marci was excited as she recorded everything that Bethany told her and assured her that this might be a good thing,. Instructing her to go home, she suggested that she relax and enjoy her evening. Nodding her head absently, Bethany headed home.

  Chapter 10

  When Bethany got home, she paced the floor. She couldn’t believe that she had told Vadim that the guy was lying. She would hate to see his dead body show up on the news. Sighing, she headed into the bathroom and turned on the water to run a bath. Marci had said to relax and dammit, she was going to do that. As the tub filled, she scavenged around for any bubble bath and found a partial bottle from several birthdays ago. Dumping it in, she watched as the bubbles multiplied. Stripping off her clothes, she slid into the too hot water with a gasp.

  Okay, maybe this was a good idea. Putting her headphones on, she closed her eyes and relaxed into the tub.

  She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew, the water was rapidly going from tepid to cold. She debated about kicking the hot water back on when she looked at her now prunish skin. Sighing, she pulled the plug and reached for the towel she had left on a chair. She yelped when her hand brushed up against a knee.

  Looking up, she found Vadim sitting comfortably in her bathroom. She dove for the plug to stop the rapidly draining water as it was the only means to cover herself, but she was too late. Crossing her arms across her body, she shivered as she looked up at him.

  “How long have you been watching me?”

  “Not long,” he replied as he smiled.

  “Um, any chance I can have that towel that you’re sitting on?”

  Nodding his head, he stood up and picked up the towel. He shook it out as he held it open for her. Bethany took a deep breath before standing up. She reached for the towel, but he dangled it slightly out of her way, forcing her to step out of the tub. Standing on the bathmat, she grabbed the towel from him before turning her back to dry herself off. She didn’t realize that the mirror had picked up her reflection as he watched her.

  She really was quite beautiful in a classical sort of way and not at all like the typical vapid sorts who usually found their way into his bed, he thought. The scars on her back looked like they had come from a belt, but they had long since faded into thin, white lines, and while he didn’t get a good look at her front, it was clear that she had more than one run-in with a burning cigarette.

  Wrapping the now damp towel securely around herself, Bethany headed to her bedroom, calling over her shoulder, “I’m presuming that you’ve already had a look around the place, so help yourself to whatever is in the fridge and there’s tea in the cabinet. I’ll be out in a few.” She slammed her bedroom door. Chuckling, Vadim made his way to the kitchen.

  Bethany leaned heavily against the door as she debated about calling this in. Holy crap! How long was he there? He could have killed her, easily drowning her in the tub, but he didn’t. So, he must want something. Picturing Sanderson in her head, mocking her, she threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Dragging the brush through her tangled hair, she managed not to pull most of it out before sweeping it up into a ponytail.

  She padded out to the kitchen where he had pulled out the ice cream and was happily munching on Chunky Monkey. Grabbing a spoon, she snatched the ice cream from his hand before hopping up on the counter and leaning against the cabinet.

  “So, what brings you by, besides my taste in ice cream?” she asked, as nonchalantly as possible.

  Grabbing the ice cream, he took another big spoonful before handing it back to her. “I think you know why I’m here.” She shrugged and became deeply interested in the pint of ice cream. He took it and set it on the counter. “Why didn’t you tell me that you speak Chinese?”

  Twisting the spoon in her hand, she sighed as she closed her eyes. “There are many aspects about my life that I would prefer remain private,” she began.

  “And the languages you speak is one of them?”

  “Not that, exactly, but why. I spent a lot of time at the library, growing up. It was an…escape. And the language room was private. I could put the headphones on, turn out the lights, and not have to think about what was going on at home.”

  “I presume that you are referring to your father?”

  Shaking her head, “Step-father. My dad died when I was very young, and my mother married not soon after.”

  “And he did those things to you?”

  “Among other things, yes.” Jumping off the counter, she crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you want, Vadim?”

  “I want you, Malyutka.”

  “I told you before that I’m not your little one.”

  “You are whatever I tell you, you are,” he replied as he covered the short distance between them.

  Before she could move, he had backed her up against the counter and cupped the side of her face. Looking down at her, he murmured endearments to her in Russian before kissing her. Seemingly on their own, Bethany’s arms found their way up his chest as she wrapped her hands around his neck. His hands roamed her body before settling on her hips and pulling her tightly against him. She moaned into his mouth, as she once again began grinding against him.

  Her body seemed to push any rational thought out of her mind as he lit her up. Overwhelming feelings of arousal and passion began to work their way around her body, and she pushed aside any thought of how he got into her apartment or what he intended to do with her. Unless, of course, it had to do with making mad, passionate love to her, because right now, that was all she could think about.

  At twenty-three, she had long given up any chance of finding someone who wouldn’t be repulsed by her, and suddenly, the subject of her darkest fantasies was doing strange things to her insides.

  Vadim broke the kiss, and he put some distance between them. “We stop now, Malyutka, or there will be no going back,” he warned. This time, it was her turn to close the distance between them, as she kissed him lightly on the lips. Stepping back, she pulled her tank top over her head and watched his eyes darken with arousal and no sign of revulsion. Smiling shyly, she shimmied out of her shorts before turning and sprinting for the bedroom.

  His expression changed from that of arousal to predator seeking prey as he stalked slowly after her. Walking into her bedroom, he saw that she had pulled the covers back on the bed before turning to look at him. Her eyes shifted from playfulness to wariness, as she recognized his look.

  Swallowing hard, she started to take a step back when he was on her. He lifted her up, and she put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as he took possession of her lips. He delved into her mouth, moaning at the onslaught, as he took without apology. Her legs wrapped around his waist while he continued to plunder her mouth, as she matched his movements and their tongues danced together.

  He dropped her onto the bed before reaching for the buttons on his shirt as he kicked his shoes off. Vadim pulled his shirt free from his pants, he unclipped his belt as his pants quickly followed his other clothes to the floor. Looking down at her, he watched her body flush as she rubbed her legs together to quell the growing itch of what would be her first orgasm.

  The bed creaked in protest as he joined her, breaking the intensity of the moment as she giggled in response. Smiling down at her, he traced his finger lightly over her face before kissing her nose.

  “I like how your eyes light up when you are genuinely happy,” he told her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When you are at the club and you are laughing at something a customer says, your eyes don’t change,” he answered as he kissed her nose again. “But here. Right now. They sparkle.”

hany felt as though her skin was sunburned, as she blushed. She was unsure how to respond other than to say that he was absolutely right and what’s worse, if he is paying attention, he could easily tell when she’s lying. Damn, Marci was right. I am going to get hurt. Or worse. And just as she was about to ask him to stop, he kissed her.

  Chapter 11

  Moaning, Bethany reached up to touch his face as she rubbed her fingers along his beard growth. Damn this man is sexy! As he smiled down at her, she looked up to see if his smile reached his eyes, and it did. Is it possible to melt from a look? she wondered as she stared up at him. Growing uncomfortable at the attention, she looked at his chest. Much like her, his body was covered in scars, some of which looked like they went back decades. She reached out to touch one, but he caught her hand and brought it to his lips. Kissing her fingers, he drew each one into his mouth, sucking on them in turn as her eyes darkened in response.

  He hovered over her as he leaned in to kiss her on the lips before raining light kisses all over her face. Shifting down, he found a sensitive spot on her neck as she flinched at the sudden intense sensation. He settled between her legs and continued to kiss her as he worked his way down her body. Unsure what to do with her hands, she ran her fingers through his short hair before trailing light touches along his shoulders.

  Kissing the tops of her breasts, he watched as her nipples responded to the warm air he blew on them. He placed his wet mouth over one and licked it before shifting to the other one. With each shift, he would add new sensations. As he would lavish attention on one with his mouth, the other would pucker up into a tight nub in response to his thumb.

  As Bethany began to squirm under him, he adjusted his position, pushing her legs apart so she couldn’t seek relief by rubbing them together. If she was going to experience the pleasures, he had to offer, it was going to be at his hand. Continuing to work his way down her body, his hands freely roamed over her, memorizing all her physical details. When he reached her stomach, he nibbled along her pelvis as she practically bent in half in surprise. Panting, she tried to stop his descent, as pleasure seemed to course through her blood.

  He captured her hands and held them at her side as he kissed and licked his way down. He was pleased to see she didn’t shave as he tugged lightly on her curls. When she stopped struggling, he released her hands as he rubbed his own along the insides of her thighs. Sliding them up to her groin, he drove her crazy as he continued to drive her arousal with his touch. As his thumbs rubbed up and down her slit, he could smell her arousal, and he took a deep breath. Dipping his head down, his tongue followed his thumbs, as she bucked beneath him. Vadim pushed against her hood, he watched as her clit popped up, already swollen and hard with need.

  Unable to resist, he licked her clit as she thrashed around, moaning. His hands slid over her hips, as he cupped her ass and lifted her slightly. He sucked her clit into his mouth, he held her to him, as she cried out in surprise. Realizing that she was close, he sucked harder as one finger slid between her folds. He didn’t push farther when he encountered an obstruction as he continued to pleasure her. With a cry, Bethany threw her arms over her head as she arched up. She had never experienced an orgasm like this before as he continued to suck and lick at her juices.

  When she calmed down, he shifted so that he was lying beside her. “Why didn’t you tell me that you are a virgin?”

  “Hmm?” Bethany was still having difficulty focusing after her first orgasm, and she reached out to touch him as he captured her hands.

  “Malyutka. Focus. I know that you are a virgin. Maybe this is a bad idea. Your first time should be special.”

  His erection had grown painful, but he was prepared to leave. He didn’t want her getting hurt. As she opened her eyes, her hand bumped against it and he hissed in response. Turning on her side, she reached out and ran her fingers over the smooth, taut skin. He took her hand and wrapped her fingers around his cock as he showed her how to move her hand. Following his example, she worked her hand up and down, as he closed his eyes in pleasure. While Vadim had been with countless women, he hadn’t felt such intense pleasure at a woman’s touch in a great many years.

  Grasping her chin in his hand, he tilted her head up to look at him, as he waited for her eyes to focus. “I am concerned about hurting you, Malyutka,” he told her as he kissed her face.

  Taking a shuddering breath, she replied, “Vadim, when you look at me, you see me – not my scars. I want it to be you. Please.”

  With a groan, he kissed her as she continued to stroke her cock. “It is going to hurt the first time. If you will allow, I can ease that.”

  At her nod, his lips found hers as his hand slid down her body. Lifting her leg over his hip, he encouraged her to keep stroking him as he kissed her. His hand slipped between them, and he easily found her clit and began to rub circles around it and on it while sliding his other fingers up and down her slit. He could see her pulse speed up where it beat against her neck, as he dipped his middle finger in while still playing with her clit. With one quick movement, he broke her hymen and flinched when she squeezed his cock in response. He continued to kiss and fondle her until she began to pant again.

  Rolling onto his back, he brought her with him. She ended up lying across his chest. He told her to straddle him when she looked at him questioningly. “I don’t want to hurt you, so you will decide how deep I go,” he added, as she rose up on her knees.

  Leaning to one side, Bethany braced her hands on his stomach as he helped her guide his cock toward her. He held her hips while he showed her how to move up and down, slowly working his way in. She is so tight!

  The feel of his cock as it rubbed against her insides had her curling her feet as pleasure flowed through her. Shifting her hips up and down, she worked it in as the intensity increased with each downward push. One last push and his shaft was buried to the hilt. She groaned with lust. How did she manage to go this long without experiencing this, she thought as she began to move up and down. She found that if she adjusted her angle and speed, she could vary her pleasure points as she closed her eyes.

  She could feel tendrils of pleasure begin to wind tighter and tighter inside her as her muscles began to spasm. Opening her eyes, she looked down at him as he watched her. She could tell that it wouldn’t be enough for him, and she wanted him to experience what she was feeling.

  Digging her nails into his sides, she panted as she looked at him. “Take over,” she managed to say as she continued to bounce on top of him.


  “Take. Over. Take. Me. Do. It.”

  Holding her back, he rolled her under him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He supported himself on his arms and began to drive in and out of her.

  “Faster,” she told him as felt her orgasm growing. Speeding up, he smacked into her as he repeatedly buried himself deep inside her. As her body continued to react, each outward pull was met with resistance as her own muscles clutched greedily at him. With a cry, she wrapped her arms around him and dug her nails into his back. As the spasms from her orgasm continued to milk him, he couldn’t hold out any longer and came with a roar that could have awakened the neighborhood. Continuing to thrust into her, he began to slow as they slowly came down.

  Rolling to his side, he held her to him as he kissed the top of her head and stroked her back. As she cuddled against him, she pushed aside any wavering thoughts as she kissed his chest. Her fingers absent-mindedly stroked one of his scars.

  “Knife fight,” he said simply. She looked up at him questioningly. “The scar. It’s from a knife fight.” Nodding her head, Bethany suddenly found herself curious as she began to touch each scar before looking at him for a response. “Cigar burn. Switch.” The answers rolled off his tongue as if they were no big deal.

  She kissed each one in turn and said, “I don’t understand how you can be so casual about them. I’ve never been able to talk about mine.” Flattening her inquisitive fingers against his chest, he
stroked her back.

  “Have you ever tried it?”

  She shook her head no, and he pushed her onto her back and gently began to touch each scar. Speaking haltingly at first, she began to tell him where each scar came from. Soon they were switching off as light touches of curiosity turned into something else and Bethany found herself on her hands and knees as he took her from behind. Having always thought that was a humiliating position for sex, she squirmed and quivered as he managed to rub up against her clit and her g-spot with each stroke. When they both came, he collapsed on top of her as he rolled onto his side and pulled her into a spoon. Kissing her shoulders, he continued to touch her back, as she sleepily answered where each scar came from.

  When Bethany awoke, it was dark and the bed was empty. Sitting up to turn on the light, she could hear noises coming from the other room. Slipping on an over-sized t-shirt, she padded out to the kitchen to find Vadim putting food together. Turning at her footsteps, he smiled as he set the food down on the table.

  “I was surprised that there was something in your kitchen other than ice cream, although your choice in dishware is a bit odd,” he told her as he pointed to the child print on the plate.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s muggy here. I consider ice cream a requirement for survival, and well, I rented this place furnished, so I’m using whatever was here already.”

  “Well then you’re probably going to want to pick more up as I ate the last bit.” Glaring at him, she snatched up a carrot and dipped it in some dressing.

  “I won’t forget that, Mr. Sannikoff.”

  “Well, I hope that you remember more than that,” he replied with a smug look as he watched her blush.

  “Oh, I think you know that I will,” she said wishing for the ice cream to help calm down her fevered face.

  He looked around the room with fresh eyes. “Why didn’t you move here with your possessions if you’re going to be here for a while attending graduate school?”


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