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Season of Seduction

Page 29

by Jeffe Kennedy, Christine d’Abo, Elise Logan, Emily-Ryan Davis, Jodie Griffin

  Now it was her turn to wonder if this could work. Suddenly she realized what military spouses everywhere knew. You couldn’t whitewash the danger, couldn’t sugarcoat the possibility of death. She had to decide if she could live with facing that very real terror every day. She’d known, intellectually, that being connected to someone in the military would be a challenge. Between the travel and the moving, they’d have to form their own support network. He was right about that—they wouldn’t be able to use the resources available to other military families.

  But he was worth it. They were worth it. Her eyes met Liam’s over Hunter’s shoulder, and he nodded. She knew he’d been thinking the same thing.

  She picked up the condom. “You want this now or later, Marine?”

  “Why don’t you hold onto it for now?”

  She smiled up at him and tossed the condom onto the end table.

  Liam moved up beside Hunter. “You’re still dressed. Why is that?”

  “Because you put me on the sofa?”

  “Excellent point. We’ll just fix that.” He helped her stand, but before she could do much more than let go of Liam’s hand, Hunter was kneeling in front of her stripping off her boots and socks.

  Liam leaned in to give her an affectionate nuzzle behind the ear before helping her out of her turtleneck while Hunter unfastened her jeans and maneuvered her out of them.

  Amused, Kat grinned up at Liam. “That was quick.”

  Liam smiled back. “I have fond, fond memories of this tree. Recent memories.”

  The reminder surprised a laugh out of her. “I’ll just bet you do.”

  Hunter squeezed her bare calf, as if reminding her he was there. She looked down, expecting to meet his gaze, but instead found herself looking at the top of his head. He seemed absorbed in watching his fingers move over her skin, tracing up the outside of her leg. When his light touch skimmed over the sensitive skin behind her knees, all the humor drained out of her, replaced by a searing flash of heat. She swayed, grasping Liam’s arms to steady herself.

  Liam eased onto the couch, pulling her down to sit between his knees. His semi-erect penis nudged her back, but she was paying more attention to his hands. Their hands.

  Hunter continued tormenting her legs, caressing her calves and feet, her knees and ankles. Liam’s strokes echoed Hunter’s, gliding over her arms, from her hands to her shoulders, across her collar bones. Slow, subtle sweeps over the nicest of areas ignited decidedly naughty feelings.

  Skirting the curves of her breasts, Liam trailed his fingers down her sides. Kat shivered, her nipples tightening to aching points, and Liam hummed his approval against her neck. His hand skated over her belly as Hunter’s fingers slid along the outer curve of her thigh to her hip.

  Their hands brushed past each other, creating a sensation overload that made her gasp.

  “You guys are killing me.”

  “Just getting you ready.”

  “I am ready.”

  “For both of us at once? I don’t think so.” Hunter spread her knees wide, exposing her to his gaze. “Soon, though.”

  “Jesus.” Kat dropped her head back against Liam’s shoulder as pleasure rippled out from Hunter’s point of contact. He drew her clit into his mouth and sucked until her inner muscles pulsed around his thrusting, scissoring fingers.

  “Now,” she pleaded. “Now I’m ready. Hunter, come on. Liam, make him fuck me.”

  Liam chuckled in her ear. “Well, I did promise him some begging. What do you think, Hunter?”

  She bucked against Hunter’s mouth, whimpering with need. “Please.”

  Hunter gave her one last, long lick before raising his head. He looked past her shoulder to Liam. “You want to go first?”

  Kat shook her head. “Oh, no. You two are not taking turns.”

  Hunter’s pupils dilated until there was just a thin ring of hazel. “You want one of us in your ass and one in your pussy? At the same time?”

  She squirmed. “Yeah.”

  He sat back on his heels. “Jesus. There’s a visual.”


  “I think we’d better stop imagining it and make it reality.” Liam helped her sit and Hunter eased her down to her knees on the floor.

  Liam followed, turning Kat onto her back and spreading her wide at the base of the Christmas tree. Her glistening pussy beckoned him and he leaned in for a taste of his own. The silky texture of her skin drew him in.

  “Ass or pussy?” Hunter’s growled question startled him.

  Liam lifted his head and looked at Kat, letting her make the decision.

  Without a word, she rolled over, pushed Liam onto his back, and swung her leg over his belly to straddle him.

  She lowered herself onto him, enclosing him with her heat and slickness. His head spun and he couldn’t get his bearings. The tight glove of her pussy was the only thing that seemed real. His eyes locked with Hunter’s.

  Liam’s hands moved to Kat’s hips, and Kat began to work herself on Liam’s dick. His belly clenched and his fingers dug in. Nothing in the world had ever been this damned hot.

  “Shit,” Hunter said. “No lube.”

  “Look again,” Liam grunted. “On the table beside the chair.”

  Hunter didn’t answer except to grab the small bottle from where Liam had placed it. Kneeling beside them, Hunter slicked lube over his erection in slow, erotic movements. “You want this, kitten?”

  Kat shuddered. Liam felt it in his balls.

  “Ye-es,” she answered. It wasn’t precisely a moan, but it was close.

  “Lean over and show me your pretty ass.”

  Kat’s breasts pressed against Liam’s chest, and he sucked in a deep lungful of air, enjoying the scent of sex mixed with Kat. Everything seemed magnified, as if the universe itself understood the gravity of this encounter.

  Liam moved one hand up, gripping the back of Kat’s head. He guided her mouth to his, fusing their mouths in a deep, hungry kiss. Her body jerked against his, and Liam felt the heat of Hunter’s body between his legs. He took Kat the same way he’d taken Liam, in a single long thrust that ran the blunt head of Hunter’s cock up the underside of Liam’s through the thin barrier of Kat’s body. Liam shuddered, his groan mixing with Kat’s drawn-out moan.

  She tore her mouth from his and buried her face in his neck.

  “Son of a bitch,” Hunter gritted.

  Again, their eyes met. This time it was Liam’s turn to grin, though it was an effort. “Good?”

  “Shut up. I’m having a moment.”

  The laugh caught Liam by surprise. Perfect. Fucking perfect.

  * * *

  Stuffed. She loved this, the feeling of being so full of cock there wasn’t room for anything else. Hunter pulled back, an experimental movement that caught her breath in her throat.

  Liam mirrored the movement and her pussy clenched around him. He grunted, releasing her head to return his hand to her hip.

  Another short movement, another shift inside her. Everything they did wound her up more. Then they caught the rhythm and everything went hazy.

  Hunter in, Liam out, Liam in, Hunter out. She was pinned between them, unable to catch her breath or control the pace, her body buffeted by conflicting signals.

  She pushed up on Liam’s chest, adjusting the angle so Liam hit deeper with each thrust. Hunter’s breath in her ear drowned out Liam’s panting moans as she ground down onto his cock, rubbing her clit into his body.

  Hunter shifted behind her but didn’t lose the rhythm. His chest pressed into her back and one hand moved to cup her breast. “Like that, kitten?”

  Her answer died in a gasp when Hunter pinched her nipple between his fingers, tugging slightly on the sensitive tip. He opened his mouth on the nape of her neck then bit dow
n. It was like being plugged into a socket. Every nerve lit up and she clamped down as her system overloaded.

  Liam stiffened under her, his fingers digging into her hips and holding himself deep inside as if he could fuck through her to Hunter’s pistoning cock. She tried to brace herself, but she couldn’t seem to get her arms to work right. She gave up, sagging heavily in Hunter’s arms, her head lolling forward.

  Her body shook under Hunter’s thrusts. She couldn’t do anything but endure as he pounded toward release. Then, with a muffled groan, Hunter let himself go. Kat shuddered at the feel of his cock pulsing inside her.

  God. Now that she’d had them both, she wasn’t going to let either one go.

  Chapter Seven

  After letting Liam and Kat talk him into staying the night instead of driving back to his condo in D.C., Hunter showered in the guest bathroom. He welcomed the few minutes alone, tried to use them to process.

  His body loved the idea of having both Kat and Liam. His heart liked the idea, too. He’d never loved anyone the way he’d loved Kat, and the feelings he had for Liam were...complicated. There was love there, but wariness, too. Hunter wasn’t sure how much of that was a function of dealing with the sexual attraction and how much was related to Liam’s need to control things. Hunter wasn’t about to let Liam control him.

  He shoved his dirty clothes into his go bag along with his razor and toothbrush.

  Kat was easier. She wasn’t a high-stress person in general, and just being with her eased a lot of his tension over the situation. He was risking so much to do this. Since the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, things had been a little less restrictive, but this was beyond even that norm. Maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal. Maybe it would. He had no way of knowing, and it made him edgy. He was going to do it anyway. He’d seen too many buddies die to believe in not grabbing what he wanted. If there was a chance he could have everything, why shouldn’t he take it?

  Set on his course, Hunter finished and emerged from the bathroom. He could hear the other shower running. The door to Kat and Liam’s bedroom stood open, inviting him in. The small consideration made him feel connected in a way he’d needed for years but hadn’t fully realized was missing.

  While he was trying to decide how to proceed, Kat appeared in the open door, damp and wrapped in a green cotton robe.

  She smiled, a happy, content expression he wanted to see every day. Knowing he’d helped put that look on her face fulfilled him on a visceral level. Without waiting for her to verbalize the invitation, he crossed the hall and joined her.

  “Remind me to throw your clothes in the wash before we go to bed,” she said, taking in the gym bag in his hand.

  “Least of my worries.” He leaned his shoulder against the door frame and watched her pull clothes out of the dresser.

  “So all of your business is online?” He needed to distract himself before they ended up back in bed. Though he suspected he would be quite happy to spend all his time in bed with the two of them.

  Kat shrugged, sliding her panties up under the robe. Hunter tracked the motion, wanting to skim the lace right back down. “Sure. I’ve got online stores in a couple of places. It lets me do what I want and work with what I find.”

  “You think you can do that anywhere?”

  She tilted her head to look up at him. “Yes. I can set up my studio anywhere. As long as I can get an internet connection, I’m good.”

  “What about finding the stuff to make your stuff?”

  Kat grinned. “Materials. I can find materials anywhere. You’re never far from a thrift store. Plus, I can always use new fabrics or remnants instead of the thrift store stuff, and if push comes to shove I can order online.”

  “So you really think you and Liam could move when I move?”

  She nodded. “We can. Liam needs internet, phone and access to an airport so he can get to projects. Sometimes he’s on site for a few weeks.”

  Hunter froze. He hadn’t considered that. “That might be an issue. If Liam is gone and I’m gone, you’ll be alone. I’m not okay with how open you and Liam are.”

  She paused in the act of pulling on a pair of loose cotton pants. “I understand that, Hunter. I’m pretty sure Liam gets that, too. I’ve never taken partners without Liam being there. It isn’t safe. So that wouldn’t change.”

  He frowned. Evidently he wasn’t as clear on what went on with Liam and Kat as he’d thought he was. “I thought you had a...what do you call marriage?”

  She shook her head before he even finished the question. “No. At least, not the way you mean. Liam needs an outlet for his sexuality that I can’t give him, and I need more of an outlet than he can give me by himself. We find people who help us do both. Occasionally Liam has taken male lovers without me, but that’s not common, and he hasn’t done that A year at least.”

  “But if we’re both gone, won’t you be tempted?”

  Kat crossed her arms over her chest. It made her tits peek out from between the lapels of her robe, distracting him.

  “I can control myself. This is why people invented vibrators.”

  He jerked his eyes from her cleavage to her face. The sudden image of her getting herself off with a vibrator dried up all the saliva in his mouth. Hunter figured he was lucky his tongue didn’t hang out.

  “Okay,” he managed.

  She dropped her arms and then the robe. Her bare breasts with their soft pink nipples magnetized his gaze.

  His gut clenched and his dick went steel hard. “Christ you’re gorgeous.”

  Still smiling, she pulled a tank top over her head. “That’s an impressive tent you’ve got going, Marine.”

  He couldn’t remember the last time he blushed, but he felt the heat rush into his cheeks now. The embarrassment didn’t lessen the pressure in his pants. If anything, the fact that she’d noticed his boner made it throb harder.

  Jesus, he hadn’t been this pumped in...ever. When he came back after a tour, he wanted to lose himself in the heat of sex, but that wasn’t this sharp, persistent ache in his balls. And they’d fucked less than an hour ago.

  Kat sat on the edge of the bed, and Hunter shifted restlessly. He didn’t know what to do, wasn’t sure what to say to her. He’d been thoroughly side-tracked by the sight of her beautiful tits.

  “When did you finally admit you liked men, too?”

  His brain stalled, thrown off course yet again. Blindsided, he blurted out the truth. “Liam was the first.”

  Kat stared at him. “What?”

  Compelled to explain, he forced himself to answer her. “I’ve never wanted to bang any guy except Liam. I’m not gay. I mean...I’ve occasionally thought some guy was hot, but I didn’t want to kiss him or...anything.”

  * * *

  Kat sucked in a breath. She knew it was hard for Hunter to explain this to her, but she didn’t think he realized what he’d revealed. What he felt for Liam wasn’t just physical. It went deeper than that.

  “I see,” Kat murmured. She did see. This might be a bigger issue than she’d expected. If he was still closed up, that was going to have real repercussions for her and Liam. “Can you... I don’t want to mess this up, because I really want the three of us to work out.”

  Hunter looked puzzled. “Can I what?”

  “Can you really deal with the idea of us as a threesome? Not just you and me or you and Liam, but the three of us together?”

  For an endless moment he didn’t answer her, the puzzled look turning into a frown. “I sure didn’t have a problem with it earlier.”

  Kat tipped her head in acknowledgment. “That was only one way for the three of us to be together. I have to tell you that my biggest turn-ons may be...more difficult.”

  His frown cleared and he squatted down in front of her so their eyes
were level. “Tell me.”

  She bit her lip. In for a penny... “I really get off on watching Liam with another man. It’s incredibly erotic. The idea of watching him suck you off is...God. Or you fucking him while he fucks me? I want to try every single thing we can think of.”

  His breathing picked up. “You want me to fuck Liam in front of you?”

  Kat’s face heated. “Oh, God. Yes.”

  The water cut off in the bathroom. The silence was painfully loud.

  “Today was the first time in my life I fucked another man.”

  She wrenched herself under control. Slow. She had to go slow. “Okay. Why does that matter?”

  Hunter stood and took a step back from her. He turned slightly away, looking through the blinds and out into the bright lights of the Christmas displays. He might have put distance between them, but the way he stood put his erection in profile and right at eye level. The towel did very little to hide his size. Kat balled her hands into fists on her thighs.

  “I just don’t know if I can do that in front of you.”

  She forced herself to wait for him to think it through. It was harder than she’d imagined not to try to talk him into doing what she wanted. Damn.

  He turned his body so he faced her. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  “Now?” Surprise pitched her voice higher than usual.

  Hunter shrugged. “No point in waiting is there?”

  * * *

  Liam tucked the towel around his waist and opened the door. He stopped cold, frowning. Kat sat on the bed, her face solemn and a bit apprehensive. Hunter stood in front of her, twisted to look back at him. Clearly he’d missed something.

  “What’s going on?”

  Hunter crossed his arms over his chest. His biceps bulged in a way that made Liam’s mouth water. He had more muscle, more depth of chest and breadth of shoulder than he had when they were teens. Maturity looked good on him. Really, really good.

  Kat cleared her throat. “It’s your show, Hunter.”

  Hunter shook his head slightly. “I don’t think so, Kat. I think it’s yours.”


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