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Untamed Hearts

Page 17

by Colleen O'Connell


  Passing Breck’s on his way home, Marcus glanced out the carriage window up toward the third-floor window. The light still glowed. He instructed his driver to stop.

  “Marshal,” Dean Breck greeted as Marcus entered the gaming room, “what brings you here?”

  “I passed by and saw the light. I wanted to make sure everything was all right. With Jared King in town, I don’t want a repeat occurrence,” Marcus added, placing his cigar in the crystal dish on the card table.

  “Everything’s fine,” Dean said. “Everyone’s left. In fact, I believed you were Mr. King returning. He left his timepiece on the table,” he said, showing it to Marcus before replacing it in his pocket. “I’ll stop by the hotel on my way home to return it.”

  Marcus’ complete focus centered on Dean, envisioning King’s timepiece tucked in Breck’s pocket. While Dean went about the table collecting the glasses, a slow smile formed on Marcus’ face.

  “If you wait a minute, I’ll walk out with you,” Dean said as he placed the glasses on the bar. When the marshal said nothing, Dean turned. He found the marshal pointing his weapon. “Marcus, what are you doing?”

  Without answering, Marcus fired.

  Thrown against the bar by the impact of the bullet, Dean stared in shock at the marshal. One hand went to his stomach clutching the bloodied spot where the bullet had entered while his other arm stretched out along the bar top. “Marcus?”

  Marcus fired again.

  The second bullet hit Dean in his chest, knocking him down. He was dead when he hit the floor.

  With little feeling, Marcus placed his weapon back in its holster. Taking a napkin from the bar, he stooped over Dean, removing King’s timepiece. He tossed the watch with indiscriminate care to ensure it would be found. He retreated from the room, descended to the main level, and left the building. His smile spread wider. Now, he would be patient in waiting for the summons from the unfortunate who would find Breck’s body. Then King would be his!

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Dalton ranch was quiet when the group arrived home, each eager to seek out their respective bedrooms for some much-desired sleep. Taryn bid Brad goodnight at the top of the stairs at her bedroom door. Entering her room, she reached for the buttons on the back of her gown. She saw the flash of a shadow and opened her mouth to scream. Propelled back against the wall, a hand covered her mouth.

  “It’s Jared.”

  She stopped her struggling long enough to focus on him. He took his hand away from her mouth and released her once she recognized him. “You gave me an awful fright!” She took a step away from him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you,” he said in a low voice, walking over near the bed.

  “Did you find it necessary it be here? If anyone finds out…”

  “I wanted you to be alone. Your bedroom is the place I was certain to find you so.”

  She couldn’t decide whether to be insulted by his remark or not. “Is something wrong?” Her mind considered the bounty hunter the marshal had mentioned.

  “No, there’s nothing wrong.”

  “Then why…” A small tap on the door interrupted her question.


  She froze with alarm at the sound of her mother’s voice from the hallway. Her mother was outside her bedroom door!

  Jared made it out the balcony doors when the bedroom door opened.


  Taryn spun around, wondering if her mother had seen him. “Mother, weren’t you in bed?” She hoped her mother didn’t notice the high pitch to her voice.

  “I was, but with all the excitement of the evening I was having a hard time getting to sleep. I noticed your light on. Why, you haven’t even changed yet.”

  “I’m having difficulty with the buttons.”

  “Here, let me help you.” Madeline walked toward her.

  Taryn moved away from the balcony doors. She couldn’t refuse her mother’s help but didn’t care to undress with Jared so close. She turned her back to her mother to unfasten the buttons.

  “All finished.”

  “Thank you.” She refrained from removing the dress, wishing she could button it back up. So much exposure made her nervous when Jared stood steps away.

  Madeline went to the bed, turning down the coverlets for her. “Well, I suppose we should both get some sleep. It’s morning.” Madeline kissed her before leaving the room.

  Jared walked back into the room, and she sighed in relief of her mother not discovering his presence.

  “Very nicely done.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She placed the palms of her hands over her face, groaning aloud at the thought of what almost happened.

  He walked over to her and considered her present state of undress. His desire overrode his original intention of having a simple conversation with her. Holding her in his arms dominated his thoughts. He took her hands from her face. “Do you remember the night on the train, what I told you we would be doing if there were a decent bed to be found?”

  She became wary, her mother forgotten.

  “Your bed is as decent as I’ve seen.” He rested his hands on her bare shoulders.

  “Yes, but your proposal isn’t!”

  His hands moved down to her shoulder blades. Her gown slipped downward. He kissed her cheek, moving to the side of her neck.

  He did it again. The sensations he inspired sparked within her. “Jared…”

  She heard another tap on the door.

  “Christ!” Jared rushed to the balcony doors once again.

  Madeline poked her head in the room. “Taryn, I remembered…” her voice trailed off. “Who’s there with you?”

  Her gaze darted to her mother as Jared stepped out onto the balcony. “No one.” This time her mother had seen his shadow. “You were about to say?”

  “Oh, yes. Gwen and I were talking earlier. We thought the three of us could spend an afternoon together before your wedding. We were thinking a late lunch in town tomorrow.”

  “How nice.” Her mother’s sweet gesture produced a smile. She would have agreed to anything with her nerves so rattled. Her mother’s gaze kept skirting past her to the balcony.

  “Good.” Madeline glanced again at the balcony, smiling. “You best say a final goodnight to Brad. It’s late,” Madeline remarked before closing the doors.

  Stunned and relieved at the same time, Taryn stared at the closed door. Her mother had seen Jared but thought him Brad. Even misunderstanding, her mother’s lack of shock over her being alone in her bedroom with Brad surprised Taryn. She didn’t have time now to consider it further. She rushed out onto the balcony, holding her gown up when it slipped off her shoulder.

  “Looking for me?”

  “Jared, you’ve got to leave. My mother saw you walk out here. If she comes back…”

  “Is she off to get the shotgun?”

  Taryn made a face. How he could jest at such a time was unthinkable. “She thought you were Brad.”

  “Which makes it permissible.” He walked back into the bedroom then moved to the bedroom door to lock it.

  “Don’t start in on Brad,” she said in his defense, following him. “My mother knows he’s always a perfect gentleman.”

  He took her by her forearm, drawing her near. “But do you want a ‘perfect gentleman’ all the time, Taryn?” His fingers caressed her cheek. He covered her mouth with his for an unhurried kiss.

  “Jared, you can’t kiss me,” she breathed in weak protest when he raised his mouth from hers.

  “But I am kissing you, Taryn.” His lips moved to her cheek, before returning to her mouth.

  As always, the power of his kisses made her forget her mother, forget Brad. At the moment, she didn’t care if her mother, Brad, or anyone else came upon them. Her hands reached up to rest on his shoulders. What was it about him to cause her to throw caution to the wind?

  His kiss grew more passionate. She couldn’t seem to
breathe. His arms were around her, pressing her closer while his tongue played with hers. His kiss caused a limpness to come over her, like a rag doll with no control over its limbs. Her arms slid around his neck as though he willed them to do so.

  She could still tell him to leave before it was too late. Oh, but what he did to her with a kiss alone. His mouth found her earlobe, and she could feel the warmth of his breath in her ear. One strong arm around her waist to support her, his mouth blazed across her jaw line, up and over to her other ear. His hands came up, his fingers seeking the combs holding her hair in place. Found, he tossed them aside. The mass of hair tumbled past her shoulders. His kisses traced a slow pattern down her neck. Her gown slipped down to her waist. This time, she made no move to retrieve it. He kissed the base of her neck moving downward. His mouth pressed to the exposed flesh. She took a deep breath, feeling his fingers brush over the valley of her breasts. His hand slid inside the waistband of her under-garments. With one easy movement, he pulled her gown and under slips down. She could feel his palms pressed to the sides of her hips, sliding down the tops of her thighs as the gown fell around her ankles. She stepped out of her shoes and the circle of her gown. A second later, he kicked the clothing away in an unconscious movement.

  She stood before him wearing her chemise and stockings. He took her hand in his, placing her palm on his chest. There were no words spoken, and none needed for his intent.

  What was she doing? Her parents, relatives, and fiancé were down the hall. She was marrying Brad in a matter of days. Even with her conscience shouting warnings in her mind, she did not object when he removed his shirt. She remembered the expanse of his chest, the feel of his muscles under her fingertips. In the solitude and intimacy of her bedroom, she felt a higher awareness of his sensual masculinity. Stirrings of curiosity overruled her senses, and with a tentative touch, Taryn placed her palms on his shoulders, then ran them down the front of his hard-muscled chest to his taunt stomach, pausing at his belt buckle. His hand reached up around the back of her neck, pulling her forward, his mouth swooping down over hers.

  No tender, teasing kisses this time, but one heady passion-filled kiss. His tongue darted inside her mouth to plunder and capture her will. Her hands left his waistband to come up around his neck when his kiss increased its demands. She clutched at his shoulders pressing him closer. She wanted him closer still. His arms enfolded her. She stood on tip-toe as he ravaged her mouth with his kiss. Her fingers reached into the wavy thickness of his hair, having longed to once again feel its soft texture.

  In a fluid motion, he picked her up in his arms, walking over to the bed, and setting her on her feet by the side of it. He slanted his mouth over hers once more.

  She burned with a strange desire, her stomach clenching with a gnawing knot begging for sustenance in a form to which she was not familiar. His kiss sapped her will, made her long for things she hadn’t experienced.

  Remembering Taryn had never experienced what was about to happen, Jared forced himself to control his desire originating from the moment they’d met. A desire intensified to the point where he could think of nothing but her alone. He took her face in his hands commanding her attention as she lifted her eyes to his. “Taryn, do you realize what is about to happen between us?”

  Her response came out in unfulfilled longing. “Yes.”

  “Do you have any doubts?” he asked. “I’ll leave now before…”

  She clamped her arms tighter around his neck to prevent him from leaving her side. She would go mad if he did. She couldn’t deny the need she felt any longer. “My mother never told me much about what happens, but she said once I should expect pain. Will it hurt?”

  Jared mentally sighed. Heaven help mothers who put more fear into their daughters’ minds by being too embarrassed to explain things. “Only once,” he said, kissing her temple.

  “Will you let me know when?”

  “Yes, I’ll let you know.”

  Relief replaced her apprehensive gaze, and a smile touched her mouth. She gazed into his eyes knowing their time had come. “Kiss me, Jared.” Hunger and longing filled their kiss, a flame white hot with need. He pulled back. His breathing ragged, he reached for the lacings of her chemise.

  Taryn was still processing the effects of his heady kiss when she realized he had unlaced her chemise, removing it from her. She took a deep breath to calm her rising fear. She wanted this even though she had no idea what ‘this’ consisted of. There was no denying the desire she felt, but it didn’t prevent the nervousness accompanying her desire. Unclothed, her self-consciousness prevented her from holding his gaze.

  The sight of Taryn exposed for his view caused his heart to slam against the wall of his chest. His desire built, evidenced by the bulge pressing against his pants, but he forced control over his body. He had to keep his pace slow. He raised her chin with his knuckle. “You have a beautiful body, Taryn. You don’t have to feel self-conscious.”

  She smiled, a blush warming her cheeks. When he removed the rest of his clothing, her eyes widened at first sight of a naked man. His body was magnificent, every inch hard muscle. The idea of what was about to occur between them caused the icy fingers of trepidation to crawl up her back. She raised her eyes as he came to stand before her again. “Jared…?”

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of, sweetheart. We’re going to take this very, very slowly,” he said, his voice low and husky. She was ready for the experience, the fear she expressed caused by the unknown.

  “I don’t know what to do. I can’t explain what I’m feeling right now. It’s as though I have a knot in my stomach I can’t untie.”

  Jared experienced emotion he’d never felt before. The mere sight of Taryn caused his control over his body to become a monumental feat. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted another woman, and he wanted it to be right. He caressed her cheek with his fingers. “Let me love you. Your instincts will take over. The rest I’ll teach you.”

  Reassured, she smiled. “I want you to teach me.” Her own voice filled with anxious anticipation.

  He could barely contain the strong desire her words caused in him. He slowly lowered his head, gently touched his lips to hers. He kissed the corners of her mouth, then with short light kisses, the center, all the while keeping his hands to his sides. With each kiss, he could feel her anticipating the next. Her head tilted upward, her mouth seeking his, her arms reaching up around his shoulders. The touch of her palms on his bare skin set him on fire. Temptation urged him to scoop her up, place her on the bed, and succumb to the primitiveness of fulfilling his desire with wild abandon. Yet, it was her first time. If he surrendered to his own needs, he would succeed in frightening her. He forced himself to go as slowly as he’d promised her. In the end, they would both be fulfilled.

  He reached up, removing the remaining pins from her hair. It was his undoing. The soft waves of her hair caressed his forearms as it cascaded around her face and shoulders. He sank his fingers into the thick mass, drawing her head to his.

  He placed his hands on her waist, pulling her close, and warning himself again to be gentle. He could smell the fragrance of her hair, feel her small waist beneath his hands, and taste the sweetness of her mouth. The combination of the three drove him mad with desire.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her body pressed against his. A smoldering kiss consumed her with his tongue circling and caressing hers.

  He eased her back onto the bed then leaned over her to capture her mouth once more, demanding her response.

  “Shouldn’t we extinguish the candle?” She was still breathless when he raised his mouth from hers.

  “No, I want to see you.” He traced a path with his tongue along the lines of her ear.

  A shiver of delight rippled through her as his tongue toyed with her ear. His mouth moved to her neck, and she caught her breath.

  Leaning on one elbow, he ran his finger along her jawline then trailed it down her neck to the rise and fall of her
chest. He brushed his fingers over the nipple of one breast, hearing her intake of breath. Cupping her breast, he moved his fingers around the peak, cajoling it into hardness.

  His touch elicited a panting gasp to escape her. She had never realized her breasts were so sensitive. Her body reacted spontaneously. He alternated from one breast to the other, commanding her body at will. She saw him lower his head, his mouth covering one hardened peak. Gasping in pleasure, her hands clasped his upper arms. His tongue swirled around the tip, flicking and circling, then pulling with his mouth. She struggled to take a full breath. Arching her back in supplication, he responded by moving his mouth to her other breast. Her fingers sank into his hair at the nape of his neck. Her breathing intensified, the struggle now a full battle. When his mouth found hers again, she clasped him to her in fierce need, her passion growing.

  He could feel his heart pounding, a savage pummeling within his chest. Taryn’s kisses and body were the cause. He kissed her, kissed her everywhere—her temples, her eyes, her mouth, down past her breasts to her ribs and stomach, then sliding down over her naval.

  Taryn sucked in her breath. The heat of his mouth seared her skin, the spark kindling for the fire beginning to ignite in her loins. His tongue traced a slow, tantalizing pattern down across her ribs to her stomach. He paused below her naval, to tantalize, arousing her with the hesitation before he retraced his pattern back up to her mouth.

  An incoherent pleading sound passed her lips. He pressed his mouth over hers. She felt his hands roaming over her body, his fingers enticing. His hands slid over her shoulders, down her arms, across her stomach to her legs and buttocks. She didn’t know her body could feel this way. She didn’t want him to stop caressing her. His hand trailed back to her stomach. She felt the knot in her stomach twisting, tightening. She wanted something but didn’t know what. The sensations he inspired drove her insane with desire. “Jared…”


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