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Untamed Hearts

Page 19

by Colleen O'Connell

  “Have you come here because you found my timepiece?” He pulled back from their heated kiss, cupping her face in his hands.

  “Your timepiece? No, I don’t have your timepiece.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, as though someone who would overhear their conversation. “Did you leave it in my room?”

  “I think I may have,” he whispered back, grinning.

  “I’ll need to find it. If my mother or aunt goes into my room and finds it first, they will know you were in there.”

  “Does your mother make a habit of searching through the things in your room?” The seriousness in her expression amused him.

  “No, but today would be the day.”

  He released her, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “All right, you search for it. I have some things I need to finish here. I’ll meet you at the entrance to the ranch in twenty minutes.”

  Taryn rushed back to the house, taking the back staircase to the upper floors, slipping into her room. She couldn’t have Brad see her otherwise she’d never be able to meet Jared.

  She hurried to the lowboys where Jared might have placed his timepiece. She didn’t see it. She went to the bed, throwing back the coverlets. Nothing. Crouching down she reached her hand underneath the bed, stretching her arm out. Inching farther under the bed, she had half her body under the frame.

  “What are you doing?”

  Taryn banged her head against the frame at the sound of her mother’s voice. Shoving her way out from under the bed, she faced her mother. “I dropped my earring. It may have rolled under the bed.”

  “But you have both eardrops on.”

  Taryn’s hands touched the jewelry pieces at her ears. “It was another set.”

  “Do you need some help?” Madeline walked over to the bed.

  “No.” She shot up off the floor. “I mean, it’s not important. I’ll search for it later.” The last thing that needed to happen would be for her mother to chance upon Jared’s timepiece and ask questions.

  “Gwen and I were looking for you,” Madeline said, giving her reason for coming in. “Are you ready to leave for town?”

  “No, not yet.” Her mother waited for further explanation. “My dress isn’t appropriate.”

  “Your dress is fine,” Madeline said, smiling. “Wedding jitters must be setting in.”

  “I think I should change.”

  “Nonsense.” Madeline headed for the door. “We’ll wait for you downstairs.”

  Taryn bit her lip in frustration. Now what was she to do? She hadn’t found Jared’s timepiece. Her mother and aunt were waiting. She had to meet him. She searched her mind for a means of getting downstairs unnoticed. Using either staircase was not an option. They would see her.

  Her gaze paused at the balcony. Jared had climbed down from the balcony. She could too. Locking the bedroom door, she went to the balcony. Hiking her skirt around her waist, she climbed over the rail onto the trellis. Mindful of the precarious sturdiness of the trellis, she began descending.

  The edge of her dress caught on the corner of the trellis, preventing her from continuing. Trying to pull it free while hanging on, she cursed at the hindrance. She yanked hard, not caring if she ripped the garment. She didn’t have time for this. The material tore away from the trellis. Thrown off balance, Taryn lost her hold, falling the short distance to the ground with a thump. Ignoring her bruised posterior and torn dress, she pulled herself off the ground. She noticed her mother chose that moment to walk out onto the veranda.

  “Taryn, I didn’t see you come downstairs,” Madeline commented. “Where are you going?”

  “I’ll be right back.” She picked up her skirts, running for the front entrance to the ranch.

  “Taryn?” Putting her hands on her hips, Madeline shook her head in consternation. Gwen walked out to join her sister, and Madeline vented her annoyance. “I’ll be glad when this wedding is over. It seems we’ll have to wait a few moments for Taryn.”

  “Is she changing?” Gwen inquired, inserting a handkerchief into her reticule.

  “No, she’s run off somewhere. I have never seen her act as she has since we’ve been here. It must be the wedding.”

  “Oh, pity. I had something else in mind.”

  “Gwen, will you please stop trying to persuade me to believe Taryn is not meant for Brad. For Heaven sakes, the wedding is a few days away.”

  “Yes, I know.”


  Jared was waiting when Taryn arrived at the property’s entrance.

  Her breath expelled from her in a whoosh. “It wasn’t there.”

  “I must have left it at the hotel.” He took in her appearance. “What happened to your dress?”

  Taryn pursed her mouth. “I told you my mother would come to my room. Well, she did. She and Aunt Gwen are waiting for me at the house to go into town. I had to climb out the balcony, and I fell off the trellis. Then my mother saw me. I ran off. I’ll have to think of something to tell her.”

  He grinned, thoroughly amused by her accounting of her mishap. “Before you run away from me, tell me why you came to Luke’s trying to find me?”

  Taryn lowered her eyes. “I wanted to tell you I’ve decided not to marry Brad.” His smile expressed half pleasure, half relief. “I can’t marry him—not now. Not after being with you.”

  He stepped closer, pulling her once more into his arms. “Taryn…”

  The sound of galloping horses interrupted any further words he meant to say. They turned to see Marcus Rhodes and Andrew Donahue approaching.

  Taryn sighed with relief. She had half expected to see her mother.

  Marcus dismounted before the horse had halted. He took in the scene with the two in each other’s arms. “How quaint. A pity I have to interrupt you.” He turned to Jared. “You’re under arrest, King, for the murder of Dean Breck.”

  “What? No!” Taryn cried out, her fingers clasping tighter to Jared’s arm, any relief she felt gone.

  “You’re insane.” Jared stared back at Rhodes, his eyes narrowing. “I scarcely knew the man.”

  “You barely knew my brother, and he died at your hand,” Marcus seethed. “Why should your murdering Dean Breck be any different?”

  His temper mounted with each word Rhodes spoke. “I don’t care for invalid accusations, in particular, coming from you.”

  “You’re in the wrong profession to be thinking in those terms.”

  He lost his patience. “Who forced me into my profession, Marshal?”

  The mutual hatred they shared filled the air as they faced each other.

  “Your career started when you killed my brother.”

  “A career you created,” he snarled.

  Fuming, and not at all interested in continuing the course the conversation had taken, Marcus concentrated on his original purpose. “You were seen at Breck’s last night.”

  “My presence at a public establishment makes me his murderer?”

  “Along with this,” Marcus gloated, producing King’s timepiece. “Does it look familiar? We found it at Breck’s Casino by Dean’s dead body. You’re going to be tried for his murder, King.”

  Jared’s brows drew together in a frown as he glanced at his timepiece sitting in the palm of Rhodes’ hand. How had Rhodes gotten his timepiece? He raised his gaze to the marshal’s.

  Marcus flipped open the timepiece. “Fortunate, for me, your name’s inscribed inside. Shall we go?”

  Taryn’s thoughts were spinning, shocked at the marshal’s accusation and seeing Jared’s timepiece dangling from the lawman’s fingers.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Taryn shook her head in stunned denial. The marshal gestured for Jared to move toward his horse. “Wait,” she blurted out to the marshal. “You can’t arrest him.”

  “Miss Ashford, I think the less said by you the better. Although I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at your attempt to intervene. Having a little tryst, are you?”

  Taryn gritted her teeth. Reeling by th
e man’s blatant crudeness, her words were trapped in her throat.

  Jared took a menacing step forward. Marcus raised his weapon in warning.

  Taryn moved forward with Jared, harnessing every ounce of self-control to deny the urge to give the marshal a lesson in manners for his snide words. She had to make a defining choice. Her own confession would prevent the marshal from arresting Jared. “It’s not possible Jared could have killed Mr. Breck.”

  “I’m sure you’d like to think so.”

  “I know so.”

  Jared placed a restraining hand on her arm accompanied by a cautionary gaze. “Taryn, don’t—” Her words would destroy her reputation. He had spent the last five years of his life battling with his reputation. He didn’t want her to know a life of struggle.

  Shaking off his warning, Taryn took a deep breath as she spoke the words bound to ruin her. “Jared was with me last night.”

  Marcus laughed. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you.” Again, he motioned for Jared to move forward.

  “Would you believe my mother?”

  Marcus paused. Her words drastically changed his euphoric mood. She had shaken his confidence. She would have found herself laughing at his crestfallen expression if those same words hadn’t altered her future.

  Taryn held Jared’s hand as they entered the parlor followed by the marshal. She detected the cautious gazes of her family and Brad directed their way.

  “I need to ask one question to clarify something your daughter has told me, Mrs. Ashford,” Marcus said turning to her mother. Her mother returned his stare, her features expressing surprise that he would be addressing her. “Let me preface it by saying Dean Breck was found murdered in his establishment this morning. We have verification the death took place late last evening-early this morning. We found evidence providing cause for me to arrest Jared King for the murder.”

  Brad didn’t hide the satisfied smile spreading across his face at the news.

  Marcus focused to her mother again. “In the process of making the arrest your daughter informed me Mr. King was with her last night—all night.”

  Brad’s shock was palpable. “What?”

  Madeline gasped. Taryn found it hard to breathe. She averted her gaze from making contact with any of them.

  Taryn wanted to scratch Marcus’ face to remove his gloating smile for the commotion he created. He resumed now that he had their full attention. “Your daughter proceeded to tell me that you, Mrs. Ashford, could corroborate her statement.”

  “I?” Madeline exclaimed. “I don’t see how…Taryn, how could you say such a thing? How could you do such a thing?”

  Taryn flinched from her mother’s outraged offense. “Mother, don’t you remember when you came into my room last evening?” Her voice sounded dry. She found it difficult to speak. Her mother’s gaze shamed her.

  “Well yes, but I don’t see what it has to do with this,” Madeline said in confusion.

  “You saw someone in my room.”

  “Yes, you were saying goodnight to Brad…” Her mother stopped in mid-sentence, her gaze veering to Brad then back.

  “It wasn’t me,” Brad said in infuriated outrage. His own gaze burned with accusation toward Jared.

  Taryn could see by her mother’s expression, she was working through what she’d witnessed the previous night in the bedroom. After a moment, her mother focused intently on her, the acknowledgement of truth reflected in her gaze.

  “Mrs. Ashford,” Marcus said, his voice tense, “did you or did you not see Jared King in your daughter’s presence at approximately three this morning?”

  Her mother’s gaze never left hers as she spoke. “Yes, I saw Jared King with my daughter.”

  Marcus’ voice held an edge of desperation. “Are you certain?”

  “I regret to say I am.”

  The utter disappointment delivered in the tone of her mother’s clipped response left Taryn bereft.

  “My timepiece,” Jared said, holding out his hand to Marcus.

  Taryn could feel the tension in Jared’s hand as he clasped hers. He wasn’t hiding his fury with the marshal. She placed her other hand on his upper arm hoping to calm the tension she felt in his muscles.

  Marcus’ glare burned into her. She could read in his eyes that he longed to accuse her of outright lying to save Jared, but she had not only ruined herself by her disclosure but also had her mother corroborate her story.

  Marcus reached into his pocket, bitter resentment in his actions when he slapped the timepiece into Jared’s palm. “We’re not through.”

  Taryn had to use all her energy to remain standing. With the exception of Jared, her aunt and uncle, all eyes were harsh upon her.

  “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, King,” Dennis Ashford said, “but you’re not going to ruin my daughter’s reputation in the process. Forcing yourself upon a young innocent…”

  “I wasn’t forced!” Taryn shouted the words over her father’s angry tirade. She didn’t know the truth of the entire matter concerning the marshal’s accusation toward Jared, but she couldn’t let them believe she had not consented to what had occurred between she and Jared.

  Madeline sank onto the sofa. “Oh my God. Taryn, do you realize what you’ve done? It’s a disgrace to the whole family.”

  Taryn winced, unable to suppress the tortured sob when her mother’s disappointed frown cut through her.

  “There must be a way to rectify this,” Dennis said.

  Brad spoke up. “I can’t say this situation isn’t a shock or Taryn’s indiscretion doesn’t bother me, but I will stand by my word to wed her.”

  Her parents turned hopeful eyes to Brad. Jared also eyed Brad.

  “Brad, if you mean what you say, you’d be doing us the greatest favor,” Dennis said, sounding relieved.

  Brad’s smile widened, while waving off their gratitude.

  “Then no one will know of this unpleasantness…” Dennis began.

  “Everyone will know of it, Mr. Ashford,” Jared countered. “Rhodes will ensure it. I suggest you send for the reverend.”

  “Yes,” Dennis agreed. “The sooner Brad marries Taryn, the less talk.”

  “Mr. Ashford, I will be marrying Taryn,” Jared clarified, “not Thompson.”

  Dennis was beside himself. “Outrageous! I won’t have my daughter marry a gunman.”

  Jared pierced the man with an icy glare. “But you’ll marry her off to Thompson who only wants her for the position he’ll be able to obtain at your bank by being your son-in-law? He will always be able to remind you how he spared you this embarrassment.”

  “Liar!” Brad shouted. “Taryn, darling,” he said grasping her hands, “you know I love you. Tell King you intend to marry me.”

  She stared at Brad and backed away from him. Had Brad meant to advance his career through their relationship? Jared had told her once, but she hadn’t wanted to believe it. She still didn’t. It would explain why Brad had been in such a rush to marry her.

  Gwen nudged Jonathan. “Have someone escort Reverend Flaherty here.”

  “Gwen,” Jonathan whispered back, “I don’t think the matter has been resolved yet.”

  “Yes, it has.” Gwen prodded her husband toward the door.

  When Reverend Flaherty entered the room thirty minutes later, the arguing was still going on. If not for being stunned by her present circumstances, Taryn would have laughed at the reverend’s bewildered glance darting from one to the other as though seeking divine guidance.

  Brad positioned himself by her side, taking her arm upon seeing the reverend approach.

  “Take your hand off her.”

  Jared’s voice held an ominous tone. She ventured a glance up to his face. His expression suffused with fury targeted solely on Brad. Brad’s hand fell away from her elbow, and he turned to her father in supplication. “Mr. Ashford, you’re not going to allow this gunman to go through with this, are you?”

  Her father pulled himself o
ut of his silence. “I want you to leave, Mr. King.” When Jared ignored the command, her father turned to her, his gaze pleading. “Taryn, tell Mr. King you’ll have nothing to do with him.”

  Taryn couldn’t tell anyone anything at the moment. Her mind reeled attempting to sort through her own thoughts on the circumstances she found herself in.

  “You’re going to marry Brad,” Madeline reminded with conviction.

  “Taryn?” Brad urged when she remained silent.

  Taryn’s gaze moved between her father, mother, and Brad. She wanted to scream and tell them to be quiet. She couldn’t think with them all talking at once. Marriage was the solution to salvage what little reputation she would have after what had occurred between them. She had come to the decision not to marry Brad before this happened. She placed her hand in Jared’s.


  Brad sounded like he was choking on his rage. Her mother burst into tears while her father attempted to soothe his wife, all the while gazing at her as though he’d never known her.

  “Go ahead, Reverend Flaherty,” Gwen prompted the man.

  Brad stalked out of the room.

  The reverend stepped forward once more. This is rather a drastic turn of events,” he commented. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes, we’re certain,” Jared said with a gaze urging the reverend in no uncertain terms to begin the service.

  The rapid ceremony concluded with the exclusion of a ring to symbolize the union. Taryn had always dreamed of the beauty of the day when she would wed. Nothing could shatter those dreams more than the actual event she was experiencing. The speedy service left Taryn dazed. She was now Jared’s wife. She had recited the vows confirming the fact.

  “Pack a few things, Taryn. We’ll pick up the rest later.”

  Gwen stepped forward. “I’ll have the remainder of Taryn’s belongings brought over to the hotel in the morning.”

  Going upstairs to her room, Taryn gathered her things together, refraining from thinking of what her parents thought of her. She brushed at the tears falling on her cheeks. In the process of packing, her gaze fell upon Brad’s engagement ring on her finger. She pulled it off her finger once again.


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