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Time's Enduring Love

Page 19

by Tia Dani

  "Whoa." Theo jumped forward and placed a restraining hand on Matthew's shoulder. "Wait a minute, Matt. You're in no condition to be out of bed."

  The room lost focus, but Matthew ignored it. He threw off Theo's hand and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. With head down and breathing hard, he fought the sensation of floating. He stared at the dark hair on his naked legs and bolted upright. "Where's my clothes?"

  "Over there."

  Matthew spotted his clothes folded neatly on the dresser across the room, but they might have been placed on some high mountain top. Spinning darkness started to close in on him again. Even if he had gotten to them, he doubted if he would have been able to put them on.

  "Go on, son," Theo said gently beside him. "Get back in bed. There's nothing you can do now. You can get dressed when you feel better. Libby is fine. You can see for yourself if you don't believe me. She's coming up to see you."

  "Now." Matthew scrambled back under the covers and bunched them around hips. "What for?"

  "To check you. She said once you woke up I was to let her know."

  "No." The thought of Libby touching him while he didn't have a stitch of clothing on frightened the hell out of him. "I'm fine."

  There was a moment of silence as Theo returned to the chair beside the bed. "Sure you are," he snorted. "You're as pale as a ghost."

  "I don't care. I don't have on any clothes."

  "So?" Theo chuckled. "She's a doctor. She's used to seeing people without clothing."

  "Not me, she isn't." Not when every time her fingers touch my skin, I'm like a stallion in rut.

  "She's already seen you," Theo said, unaware of his dilemma. "She checked on you early this morning around five."

  Matthew groaned and leaned back on the headboard, ignoring the pain as the carved wood pressed against his tender scalp.

  Theo's booming laugh echoed around the room. The man finally seemed to understand Matthew's problem. "Don't worry, Matt. She checked your head, nothing else."

  Matthew gritted his teeth. Lifting his head, he scowled. Libby's father was enjoying his embarrassment. "I'd think," he said tersely. "You'd be a little more concerned about Libby's respectable reputation."

  "She's a doctor, son. I raised Libby to use common sense. I'm not worried." He looked at Matthew, surprising him by saying quietly, "Do I have something to be worried about?"

  Theo's question caused him to hesitate. Did he? Matthew frowned. Something had happened between them last night, but he couldn't remember what. "I don't know," he replied honestly. "Everything's blank." His head pounded with the effort of concentration. He rubbed his forehead with his thumb and forefinger, hoping to ease the pain.

  Theo caught his movement. "Head hurting pretty bad?"

  "You could say that."

  Theo picked up a glass of water and a small bottle. "Here, Libby said if you had any pain to give you two of these."

  Matthew rose to one elbow and stared at the two little white pills in Theo's palm. He picked one up and examined it. "What are they?"


  "I've never heard of them."

  Theo chuckled and handed him a glass of water. "Go ahead, take them, they'll help your headache. Come from willow bark, I think. The Indians use it. But mind you, son, swallow them. Don't chew them."

  Matthew took the glass and popped both in his mouth, followed by a gulp of water. He handed Theo the glass and leaned back slowly against the pillow. "How soon will it be before they help?"

  "Not long." Theo smiled. "By the way, Matt," he said nonchalantly. "You missed a lot of action, last night. My daughter stitched you up, wrapped Luke's hand, and I'm not really sure what was wrong with Getz, but she tended him, too."

  Matthew started to relax. "What happened," he mumbled, "to Luke's hand?"

  "He hurt it when he clobbered you over the head with the piece of firewood."

  "I thought Getz hit me?"

  "No, Getz was already out cold."

  "But..." Confusion scrambled his thoughts. "Why would Luke hit me?"

  "I believe it was a case of mistaken identity. Luke thought you were Getz."

  He still didn't understand. "If Getz was already out cold, as you say, why—"

  "You'll have to ask Luke or Libby," Theo answered. "I'm not so clear on this part myself."

  His voice sounded a little odd. The older man watched him closely. Once again, Matthew had a feeling there was something he should be remembering. "Where's Luke?"

  "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since five this morning. I came up with Libby to give him a break."

  "Luke sat up with me?"

  "Yes, for about four hours. We've been taking turns with you. Libby wanted someone to watch you all night."

  "Where's Katherine?" Matthew plucked at the covers at his chest and tried to rearrange them. He wondered if she'd been in to see him. Whenever he'd been sick as a youngster, she always stayed close by.

  "Katherine's watching Sarah."

  Tension invaded Theo's usual calm manner. Matthew paused. "What's wrong with her?"

  "She's having her baby."

  * * *

  "Luke, you have to help us." Libby tugged impatiently on Luke's sleeve.

  "No." Luke backed away from her. "Absolutely not. There's no way, I'm going in that bedroom." He eyed the closed door in horror. "Get your father to help."

  Libby sighed. "I can't, he's watching Matthew."

  "I'll trade places with him. I'll watch Matt, and he can help you."

  "No, Luke, there isn't time." She pointed toward the door. "The baby's coming, now."

  "But..." Luke practically wailed, "I don't know anything about delivering babies."

  "You're not going to deliver the baby," Libby snapped. "I am. You're going to hold Sarah in a semi-sitting position for me. She needs someone strong. Katherine can't do it."


  "Get in there, now." She shoved Luke toward the door, opening it quickly. "I don't have time to stand around and argue with you."

  Closing the door behind them, Libby practically collided with his broad back. She stepped around his stiff form and looked up. With wide, apprehensive eyes, he stared at Sarah. Libby shook his arm. "Come on, Luke."

  Not taking his eyes off Sarah, he bent over and whispered, "Oh my God. She looks terrible."

  Libby punched him in the arm. "You'd look terrible, too, if you'd been working as hard as she has. Take your boots off and be ready to get up on the bed behind Sarah. Once we lift her shoulders, Luke, I want you to place your back against the headboard and spread your knees. Sarah is going to need to lean against you, and I want you to hang onto her." She ignored Luke's sagging jaw and draining color. "Do it!"

  Turning to Katherine, she motioned to the other side of the bed. "You take that side, and I'll take this one." Once Katherine was in position, Libby glanced down at Sarah. "This may be uncomfortable, but it's the best way to save the baby."

  "Anything," Sarah's pain-filled gaze raked Luke from head to toe. She struggled to sit up on her own. "I'll do anything you say."

  Libby placed a hand on her shoulder and gave Luke a warning look. "You ready?"

  He straightened seeming to draw from some inner strength. Whatever message he'd received from Sarah did the trick. "I'm ready." Without another word, he removed his boots with his good hand.

  "All right, now," Libby said to all of them. "This is what we're going to do. Sarah, when Luke crawls in bed with you lean back against his body. Wrap your arms around his knees. Luke, be ready to hold her shoulders when I say so, and..." She smiled at both of them. "Rub them between contractions; it will make both of you feel better."

  Luke stopped tugging on his boot and gave her a wan smile. At the same time, Sarah closed her eyes and stiffened. "It's...coming again!"

  Libby reacted quickly. "Okay, pant, Sarah. Pant like I taught you. Luke..."

  She turned to see Luke struggling with his last boot. "Hurry up! You can help her pant."

p; "Me?" He dropped his boot and looked at her like she had lost her mind.

  "Yes, like Katherine's doing now."

  Katherine was bent over Sarah, talking softly to her. "Breathe, Sarah, take deep breaths and let it out in short pants." When Sarah did as Katherine showed her, Katherine wiped her brow with a cloth and crooned, "Good girl. You're doing fine."

  "I'm not sure I'll be able to do this." Luke swayed in his stocking feet and made a grab for the bedpost.

  "You will. Trust me," Libby re-adjusted the sheet across Sarah's lower body. "We'll move her after this contraction is over."

  A few seconds later, Sarah's head collapsed against the pillow. She gasped deeply several times then sighed, "It's done."

  "Fine." Libby nudged Luke with her elbow. "Climb up behind her."

  Sarah rolled her head on the pillow and gave him a weak smile. He returned it with one so tender Libby wanted to hug him. Suddenly, he said softly, "Let's do it."

  Together, the three of them managed to get Sarah reclining against Luke's chest without causing her too much pain. Libby went to the wash basin and poured some of the hot water over her hands and arms. Scrubbing rapidly with lye soap, she said over her shoulder. "I'm going to have to work fast from now on. This contraction came much faster than the last one." She dried her hands and returned to the bedside. "I'm not going to lie to you, Sarah. If this baby doesn't turn, we're going to be in big trouble. I—"

  "I know what can happen." Sarah's whisper stopped Libby from finishing. "Save the baby. I don't care what happens to me."

  Sarah's determination to have this baby, no matter what, touched Libby's heart and filled her eyes. She blinked hard. Emotions would have to wait. Now she needed every ounce of concentration.

  Luke talked softly against Sarah's ear.

  "Don't worry, Sarah. Libby won't let anything happen to you or your baby." He looked at Libby and said quietly, "Will you?"

  His confidence made Libby determined to succeed. She nodded and turned toward Katherine. "I'll need you to stand beside me with lots of hot water and clean cloths nearby. There's going to be more blood. A lot more than what we've seen up to now."

  Katherine lifted several layers of torn sheeting lying at the base of the bed. "James is keeping water hot downstairs for me. Joseph's going to bring it up. All I have to do is go to the door and holler." She smiled at Libby. "Don't worry. This baby will arrive just fine."

  Twenty minutes later, Libby wasn't as certain. The baby still hadn't turned. She stretched her aching back, and looked down at her clothes. She was soaked with perspiration and birthing fluid. The contractions came every two minutes, and Sarah became weaker with each one. "There's no choice, now," Libby whispered to Katherine who had come to wipe her brow with a damp cloth. "I'm going to have to reach in and force the baby around."

  "Can you do it?"

  "Yes, between contractions." Libby began washing her hands in the bucket of fresh hot water Katherine had set beside her. "We'll start after the next one."

  "What will you need?"

  "A lot of prayers." Libby looked up at Luke supporting Sarah against his chest. He was wiping her face with a rag and whispering softly. Sarah nodded weakly at his words.

  Libby smiled and glanced at Katherine. "Luke's going to make someone a very good husband."

  "I agree. It's too bad he isn't the one who's married to Sarah," said Katherine.

  Libby lifted an eyebrow. What a thought. Luke married to Sarah. Before she could respond, Luke called out, "She's gonna have another one."

  Nodding, Libby leaned forward. Luke seemed to feel the contractions tense Sarah's body before they actually happened. Whether it was because Sarah was leaning against him, or he'd become more in tune with the whole birthing procedure, Libby wasn't sure. Either way, she appreciated the time it gave her to react.

  "Sarah," she said, knowing the amount of pain the woman would soon be suffering. "Immediately after this contraction, I'm going to reach inside and turn your baby. If you want to cry out. Go ahead. Scream even, and think about the scream. Maybe, we'll all scream with you."

  Sarah swallowed and rasped out, "Save my baby, do you hear me? Save my baby."

  "I will." Libby steeled herself. She'd not only save the baby, she'd save Sarah too.

  The contraction lasted for only a few minutes, as soon as she felt Sarah collapse limply against Luke, Libby rounded her hand and slipped inside the birth canal. Blood, coating the canal, made her entry slick. Sarah moaned. Libby winced. She knew how bad she was hurting her friend.

  Releasing her fingers from an almost-formed fist, Libby found the baby. She felt gingerly and recognized a shoulder. She gave a prayer of thanks.

  "She's going to have another one."

  Luke's hoarse warning made Libby close her eyes. The next few minutes would be painful for both Sarah and herself. If she removed her hand now, she might lose the baby's position. But, if she remained...

  Instantly, Sarah's cervix muscles clamped around Libby's hand and wrist. The bones above her wrist moved and cracked under the pressure. Her controlled whimper was lost in Sarah's scream.

  "Oh, dear God. Sarah! Sarah?"

  Luke's frantic cry distracted Libby from her pain. She shifted and looked over Sarah's bent knees. "What's wrong?"

  "She's gone limp. She's..."

  "She's fainted." Katherine's calm voice stopped him. Libby nodded and went to work. The pressure on her hand relaxed. Her fingers had gone numb, but were still moveable. Carefully, she pressed on the baby's shoulder to bring the head down into position. Libby felt the tiny body move slowly. The side of her hand bumped against something. It had to be the head. Libby pushed again. This time she was able to feel an ear, and the start of a jaw. "I...I've think I've done it." The baby's head was now in line with her hand.

  This time, Libby didn't need Luke to warn her of the building contraction. Quickly, she withdrew her hand and said to Katherine, "Get me some warm towels, now. The baby's coming."

  As she said it, a thatch of blond hair appeared along with a beautiful, tiny head. Libby gently guided the infant through the canal. Elation flooded her. It's a boy, and he's beautiful." Tears clouded her vision, she blinked to clear them. "A beautiful, sweet baby boy."

  Katherine held out the towel. "Libby, here, honey, let's wrap him up."

  Libby turned to Katherine when suddenly Sarah's body jerked and an unconscious moan escaped her lips. Libby handed the slippery newborn to the older woman and whirled in time to see a tiny fist appear in Sarah's birthing canal.

  "My God, she cried, "there's another baby."

  Chapter Twenty-three

  The screams made Matthew's skin crawl. He looked frantically around the bedroom and noticed Theo flinching at the sound. The man lowered a book he was reading and fidgeted uncomfortably in the chair. Worry creased the planes of his face.

  Matthew stared at the closed bedroom door. "The pain must be terrible."

  "I suspect so." Theo placed the book on the end of the bed and stood. He walked over to the window and looked outside.

  Light which poured in through the crack in the curtains seemed tolerable. The pain had dissipated and only a dull throb remained. The strange pills Theo had given him worked wonders. "Does it always hurt?" he asked. "I mean, do women always scream when they're having a baby?"

  "How should I know?" Theo turned and glowered at him. "I don't go around watching women have babies every day."

  Matthew refused to be deterred. He needed to talk, to keep his mind off what was happening down the hall. "What was it like when Libby was born?"

  "I wasn't there. She—" Theo stopped talking and glanced out the window again. Several minutes passed before he said quietly, "Libby was adopted. My wife couldn't have children. But it didn't make us love Libby any less. She's ours."

  Matthew heard the sorrow in Theo's voice. "She loves you very much you can see it in her eyes. She even said so once." He remembered when he carried Libby back to the house, and, in her slee
p, she thought he was her father.

  "I know—" Theo stopped and cleared his voice. "It's going to be hard to let her go when the time comes."

  "You should have been there."

  Luke unexpectedly burst into the bedroom, covered with sweat and blood. "You should have seen it, Matt."

  He paced in front of them, waving his hands. "It was one of the most magnificent things I have ever witnessed in my life. Listen!" Luke waved a hand toward the door, and the loud wail of a baby echoed down the hall.

  Theo chuckled. "That's a baby alright."

  "Sarah's had twins. They're beautiful, about big." Luke held out his hands, showing the distance. "And...and—"

  "How do you know," Matthew interrupted, "They're oh-so big?"

  "I delivered them."

  "You didn't." Luke couldn't have shocked him more.

  "Okay. You're right. I didn't actually deliver them. Libby did. I held onto Sarah and helped her breathe." Luke walked over to Theo and slapped him on the shoulder. "You know, that breathing technique is something else. Libby taught it to me. I'll have to write my sister. She's going to have a baby and—"

  "Luke." Matthew interrupted again. "Why did Sarah scream?"

  "Oh, the pain got to be too much. Sarah fainted right after the last baby arrived."

  Matt swallowed hard. "Fainted?"

  "Yeah, 'cause Libby had to reach inside to turn the baby." Luke looked down at his clothes. "That's where all this blood came from." He frowned. "I'll have to admit. That part wasn't so pleasant. For a moment there, I thought I was going to faint right along with Sarah. Of course," he added, "I wouldn't have had to worry. I was sitting on the bed, and she was lying on top of me, so we would have been all right."

  Katherine walked into the room, carrying two tiny bundles. "You gentlemen care to see the newest members of our community?"

  Luke hurried over to her side and gently took one from her. He lifted the blanket and peered down, grinning from ear to ear. "He's perfect, isn't he?"

  Matthew shook his head in disgust and adjusted the covers around his waist. "Luke," he said, "I swear, you act as if you're the father, the way you're fawning over that baby."


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