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Captured by the Dark Lord

Page 12

by Jaide Fox

  “All healthy and of child-bearing age? Immunized?” he asked, walking the corridor with the greys to the holding cell.

  “Yes. We trust you’ll be satisfied with your order.”

  Dezec grunted. The Lamian touched one long, slender finger to a pad outside the holding cell. It glowed blue, and a seam appeared that marked the door. The door slid up, and the four of them walked inside the holding cell.

  They were immediately attacked. A flash of dark skin came at him so suddenly, he was ashamed to say he was caught unprepared. A black elbow struck his temple, another of dark skin shoved him down. Claw-like fingernails scratched and tore at him and his men. Feet and hands pummeled them. Women ran from every direction, screaming and railing, their voices high and screeching and piercing his ears.

  Dezec rolled when he hit the floor, taking one of his assailants with him until she landed beneath him. The dark skinned woman screamed and clawed at his face with nails like talons. Dezec grunted and grabbed her hands, dimly recognizing the sounds of his men and the greys stabilizing the battle behind them.

  He’d never expected to be attacked. The women the Lamians had brought before had all been docile little things that had cowered in fear when faced with he and his men. His breathing labored with the rush of excitement, it took him a few moments to calm down enough to avoid hurting her.

  Beneath him, the woman ranted and raved. It’d been a necessity learning the earth language, English, in order to make their transition into their new life easier. Some of the words were unfamiliar.

  “Get the fuck off me you fucking crazy ass alien bastard!” Adrienne screamed, trying to claw the huge brute’s eyes out of his head but making no headway. The beast of a man pinned her arms to the floor with little effort, looking down at her with a bemused expression on his face.

  The look pissed her off.

  She looked wildly around for her sister, and saw that all the women had been subdued by some strange force. They all looked frozen in place, unable to move. The little grey bastard had done something to them, some alien technology that she hadn’t understood. It’d been stupid to think they could fight their way out of there with no weapons, but she hadn’t been able to give up the hope that they could do something about their situation. It went against her nature to just give in to her fate without a fight.

  “Let me go!”

  Dezec looked at the strange woman. She appeared to belong to the same species as the others, but he had never seen one with dark skin before. He’d thought the planet, Earth, had been populated with people much the same as him: with fair skin, fair hair and eyes. He hadn’t completed his studies as he should and realized his mistake now.

  The contrast of his hands upon her bare arms, the deep brown eyes framed by incredibly thick, black lashes, extra full lips, and her round nose, intrigued him. More so than that, her chest held two breasts of such rounded fullness, simply looking upon them made him grow hard.

  That the female had the spirit to attack her abductors when none of the others before her had ever dared fascinated him even more. This one had defiance in abundance. He found he liked that.

  Recognizing a dangerous turn of his thoughts, Dezec got up and dragged the woman to her feet. She continued to try and free herself, but he was much larger than her, even though he could see was taller than most of the other women there. Standing, she looked even better.

  He raked his gaze down her body, then forced her to turn around. She dragged her feet, attempting to resist him and failing miserably.

  Her backside made his blood boil. The other women looked flat and unappealing compared to this one. He’d seen so many of them over time that they’d all blended together after a while—so meek and accepting of their fate that he’d scarcely given them a thought as they went on to their husbands. He hadn’t yet been tempted to choose one as his mate—until now.

  The dark skinned beauty’s narrow waist flared into hips that were generous and round. Her buttocks looked ripe as juicy melons, and he found himself wanting to sink his teeth into them to see how she tasted.

  He shook his head, retraining his thoughts away from his cock. The Nexus Lamians had been holding out on them in keeping such an exotic creature away from his people.

  “Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” she mumbled, still defiant. She titled her chin up, glaring at him.

  He found himself wanting to smile down at her. Dezec kept his face impassive.

  “Why have you not brought more of these women before,” he asked the alien in their tongue.

  The grey looked her and the other, shorter and thicker black skinned girl over. “We thought you wanted women similar to your own. The Earth is filled with women of various colors and ethnicities. These we found by accident. They saw us just as we were leaving and we thought it best to take them as well.”

  “You supposed wrong. I like this one.” He looked at the other. “And that one too. I’ve half a mind to send all the others back and ask you to bring more of these. We need strong women to propagate our species and give us strong children.”

  The grey’s expression looked as worried as those blank slated faces could manage. “It is a mistake we will not make again, I assure you.”

  “Make sure that it doesn’t. I suppose I will take all of these. They do have spirit. These two I will take straight to my lord. Next time I want a variety, since you say that their planet can supply such.”

  Dezec paid the Lamian in credits, wincing at the price, but knowing it was necessary if they were to keep the men happy and their race alive. Most hadn’t liked the idea of mixing with another species, especially one so small and fragile, but they hadn’t had much choice in the long run. It was this or face absolute extinction. Most of their females had been killed by the rebels scattered throughout their planet. They were lost to them before they’d discovered the insidious virus that had slaughtered them as they carried their children.

  The women were bound and herded out to the three transport vehicles where they were loaded inside and kept watch over. The two dark beauties, Dezec kept within his sight. He wouldn’t make the mistake of trusting them to not do something else drastic and desperate. He sensed, and probably rightly so, that these women would be a handful.


  Adrienne and Ebony sat with their hands bound in front of them with something very close to the plastic ties the police on their world used. She supposed handcuffs were handcuffs, no matter where in the galaxy you might be.

  Adrienne watched the big, brutish alien that kept his eyes locked on them through the glass separating the front of the transport from the back. Around her on benches sat a third of the women who’d been taken. The others she’d seen loaded onto two other huge vehicles. There were no windows save a thin slit in the front, and they seemed to navigate with some kind of computer that she could just make out the edges of around the black haired alien’s shoulders. Interspersed in the tank they traveled in stood soldiers equally as tall as the one she’d tried to beat the brains out of. They carried what had to be long silver guns, but the grip was enmeshed with a jelly-like insert that reacted to their fingertips. It was probably sensitive to each individual man.

  And it was suicide to even think about trying to get a gun away from one of them, even if she could figure out how to use it.

  “I see you looking at those guns, Adrienne. You’re gonna get us killed if you try anything else,” Ebony whispered to her sister.

  Adrienne looked at her sister’s worried face. She wanted more than anything to get them out of this before they discovered the alien’s true intentions. She didn’t like the fact that all she’d seen was men, and all they’d taken were women. It gave her a bad feeling in her stomach. “I’m not that stupid. Besides, I’m getting the feeling they’ve taken us for breeding purposes.”

  Ebony raised her brows. “Why do you say that?”

  “They just took women. Why else would they just kidnap women except to make us their sex slaves?”
  “Hmmm. I think you’re on to something. In that case,” Ebony dropped her voice lower, making sure no one could hear her, “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

  Adrienne furrowed her brow. “You sayin’ we need to play along until we can find a way out of here?”

  “Exactly. Lull them into thinking we’ve accepted our fate. Wait until the idiots think we’re in love or lust with them and get the hell out of dodge.”

  Adrienne smirked. “Yeah, I don’t care where you’re from, if it’s men, they’re gonna be thinking with their dicks.”

  “You think they’ve got them?”

  “I hope so. I don’t want some weird tentacle thing getting on me. I assumed if they kidnapped us, we’ve got to pretty much fit together.”

  Ebony looked pleased. “I can’t wait to find out!”

  Adrienne rolled her eyes. Ebony and her alien captive fantasies. She’d read too many romance books in her life. “Just don’t get caught up in your fantasies and forget we’re trying to go home, okay, you horn dog. You’d think you hadn’t been fucked in five years.”

  “Hell, it’s been over a year. I’m practically a virgin again.”

  Adrienne snorted. “You and me both.” She got quiet when the leader got up from the front, pushed a button, and stepped through the glass door that slid out of the way. He walked through the center of the tank, easily moving with the sway of the vehicle like a pirate on a ship.

  He walked to the back, and Adrienne admired the way his tight, black leather looking pants clung to his thick thighs and nice round ass. When he turned to patrol back up the center to the front, she couldn’t help the drag of her eyes to his crotch and flat stomach. The uniform fitted to every muscle in his body.

  Adrienne felt her lower stomach throb with an uncomfortable, familiar feeling when his gaze landed on her. She could practically feel him caress her body with his eyes.

  Just stop, she said to herself, dropping her eyes to her lap to avoid eye contact. He stopped his progression right in front of her. She sneaked her eyes up, caught sight of his groin staring her in the face. It looked semi-hard and huge. Just thinking about that mammoth thing pushing inside her made her pussy twinge.

  Fuck you, she said to her pussy. Stop getting excited. It’s just a damn dick. Get in line, missy. We aren’t here to have fun, and you are not taking over my brain.

  Adrienne argued with herself until the butterflies went away, and the object of her interest moved back into the front. She released a pent-up breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Holy shit! She was going to have a helluva time keeping her head about her when her poor little twat hadn’t been touched in forty forevers.

  Slowly, she looked back up to the front, through the glass and caught him staring at her. The man should’ve given her the creeps with his size, the breadth of his shoulders and the thickness of his arms. That and the fact that he was an alien. But the long, silver hair that framed his masculine face fascinated her. The thick black eyebrows that moved low over his startling blue eyes captivated her. He was a masculine beauty, and his nearly undivided attention on her made her increasingly uncomfortable in a number of ways. She didn’t want to think about what his designs for her were. Not when she should’ve been thinking about ways to escape. She had to get her mind back in the game for her and her sister’s sake.

  She didn’t think her sister would be able to do a damn thing. The little harlot was clearly thinking about her alien sex fantasies, if she didn’t know her better. And she did. It was up to Adrienne if they were going to get back to earth.

  The vehicles rolled to a stop.

  They’d arrived at their destination.

  An excerpt from Intergalactic Bad Boys, a futuristic romantic comedy, now available:

  “What the fuck was that?” Tor Severian demanded groggily as the scream of metal reached the cock pit and the ship shuddered.

  “What?” Kerel, who was piloting the sleek sports rocket, asked irritably, juggling his drink in one hand and the steering controls in the other.

  “He missed it by a mile,” Hauk said.

  “Missed what?” Bradan and Galan asked in a chorus, sitting up from their sprawl on the floor.

  At just that moment, the computer burst loose with a loud squawk, “Warning! Warning! The hull has been breached.”

  “Dammit, Kerel,” Tor said angrily. “I thought you told me you knew how to drive this model. Now you’ve screwed up my brand new sports rocket.”

  Hauk spoke up, “He does. I just bet him he couldn’t get through that meteor belt without hitting anything. And he said he could. It’s his fault.”

  “I can fly this thing blind,” Kerel boasted, using one finger to push the wheel around.

  “Yeah, but can you fly it blind drunk?” Tor asked, standing, clutching his head with a loud groan before collapsing back down on the bench.

  “You’re one to talk. If you hadn’t been so determined to drink everyone under the table and passed out, I wouldn’t have to be driving this thing.”

  “Warning! Oxygen levels are dropping,” the computer interrupted cheerfully.

  Tor got up and looked blearily at the gauges for several moments. “Oh shit.”

  “Famous last words,” Hauk said.

  “Shut the hell up,” Tor slurred. “We’re in trouble guys. We’re going to have to set this baby down and do some work on it. Get up, Kerel, and let me see if I can find some place to set her down.” Tor pulled Kerel out of the seat.

  Kerel staggered away, slinging brew off his hands. “Hey! You made me spill my brew!”

  “Warning! Oxygen levels have dropped to 80 percent.”

  “Shut up,” Tor said to Kerel, looking owl-eyed at the sticky controls, now dripping brew. After a moment, he decided he wasn’t currently in a state to fly it. “All right, who’s the soberest?”

  A ten minute argument ensued while they discussed who was the drunkest. Tor was getting irritated. He’d lost his buzz. “All right, Dammit. Who just woke up?”

  Galan and Bradan raised their arms weakly.

  Tor pointed at Galan. “Okay, ‘cause you passed out before I did, you had at least thirty minutes to sleep it off. Have a look at the map and find us some place to put this down.”

  “Warning! Oxygen level has dropped to 70 percent.”

  “But this is uncharted space. Remember, we took the shortcut?” Galan said.

  “Shit!” Tor said. “Computer, would you shut up the warnings already. We heard you. Do something useful. Find us a place to set down. Bradan, find something and stuff it in that breach so the computer can think of something besides the hole.”

  “Like what?” Bradan asked, rubbing his eyes and then looking around the small cabin blankly. Empty brew cans rolled across the floor as the ship swayed.

  “I don’t know. Stuff a sock in it,” Tor said irritably.

  Bradan struggled to his feet and went to the door, pulling on the lever, but the door didn’t budge. He grunted, pulling on it several times before giving up and looking back at Tor. “Door’s stuck.”

  Tor rolled his eyes. “Computer, open the door.”

  “I’m sorry, the outer chamber has been compromised. If I open the door, you will all implode,” computer said cheerfully. “I am not allowed to do anything that would harm life.”

  “Great, just great,” Tor grumbled, rubbing his hands over his face.

  “Hey, Tor. I think I found something. Does that look like a hunk of metal to you?” Hauk asking, pointing out the front panel.

  Everyone rushed to the windows and plastered their faces to the glass. The ship chugged over what looked like a mangled wing piece. Sailing onward, they passed another.

  Tor grinned. “We’re saved! Where there’s trash, there’s life. Follow that junk, Galan.”

  After a few minutes, a bright blue planet swirling with atmosphere came into view. Tor stood imperiously at the prow, his hands on his hips. Maybe it was the decreasing oxygen that had sober
ed him up so quickly. “Computer, scan for vitals. Can it support life?”

  “Scanning now. The atmosphere is a combination of oxygen--”

  He didn’t feel like listening to a list of vitals. They didn’t really have much time. “Can we breathe it?” Tor interrupted.


  “Hot damn!” Galan and Bradan shouted in unison.

  “Are there women, computer?” Bradan asked, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

  “It appears females outnumber the male species on this planet.”

  “Whoo hoo!” Bradan yelled. Kerel released a triumphant war cry and coughed on the last sip of his brew.

  “All right....” Tor rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “Computer, download languages into the translators. Galan, set us down some place ... balmy. And we probably need plenty of cover. It’s too much to hope stealth mode is still working.”

  “Uh ... it’s all I can do to steer this thing. The play in it’s a bitch.”

  “That’s because we’re dragging half the galaxy with us,” Tor said, angry that his buddy dared to disparage his baby.

  Kerel, who was standing beside him but apparently not keeping up with the conversation, nodded drunkenly. “I could use some sun.”

  Hauk laughed. “Your pasty ass needs it, Kerel.”

  “Stop it,” Kerel said, frowning, looking down at his mysteriously empty brew container. “You should talk. You’re almost as white as I am.”

  “I’m blond. I’m supposed to be--you don’t have any excuse,” Hauk said.

  “You two are making my head pound again. Kerel, you’re not going anywhere. You fucked up the ship, you get to fix it,” Tor warned. “Galan, get us the hell down there before I kill these two. I think the depleting oxygen is killing brain cells.”

  Galan grinned, saluting. “Yes, sir.”

  “And hit that button right there,” Tor pointed at it. “Federation knows we don’t want some heathens shooting our asses out of the sky.”


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