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Between a Vamp and a Hard Place

Page 21

by Jessica Sims

  So we walked. I had my holy water vials tucked in their holsters under my arms and the garlic vial stuffed into a bra I’d bought at a quick boutique stop earlier. The stakes were in my boots. My fingers were clasped in Rand’s cold ones, and I tried not to worry.

  Or at least, I tried not to show Rand that I worried.

  I watched him carefully, looking for signs that he was not himself. But Rand was ever affectionate, full of kisses and caresses. He hadn’t drank from me that evening. I’d offered, but he’d declined, saying he wanted me to keep my strength up. The chill of his skin against mine told me he wasn’t drinking from anyone else, either. So there was another thing for me to worry about. He was starving.

  As we walked the night streets, Rand suddenly stopped. “There.”

  I turned to see where he was facing. There was a castle up on a hill, complete with turrets and surrounded by trees. It loomed over the rest of the city. “Really?”

  “Yes,” Rand said. His hand squeezed mine tightly. “That is where he is waiting for me.”

  I got goose bumps. He’d spoken with an accent, so I was pretty sure it was still Rand. Nevertheless, I wanted to test it. “What about his tomb in Italy?”

  Rand’s brows drew together, and he looked over at me. “I told you, he hates Italy.” He shook his head and pointed up at the castle. “I can feel him there, lurking. Like a vulture waiting for the battlefield to be cleared.”

  It was my Rand, all right, though what he was saying wasn’t making me very happy. The idea of the Dragon waiting for Rand was a creepy one, especially now that I knew the Dragon was aware of both of us. I shuddered, remembering this morning.

  “Come,” Rand said, giving my hand another squeeze. “Let us go.”

  “Wait,” I said, panicking. “Go where?”

  He looked at me in surprise. “To meet the Dragon. To get this over with.”

  I stared, wide-eyed. Now? But Gemma was still on her way, probably catching a million trains between here and Venice. I needed her at my side. We had a plan. Then this would be it. Once Gemma got here, it would be the last time I saw Rand . . . if this mission was the death sentence I truly thought it was. It would be the last time I held him. Kissed him. Saw his smile. Felt his touch, his caresses, his sweet affection.

  I burst into tears. I was afraid I was falling in love with the guy and he was doomed.

  “Hush, love,” Rand said quietly. He pulled me against him as I sobbed. “This day must come at some point.” He cupped my face, pressed gentle kisses to it. “You know I would do anything I could to prevent this.”

  “Then let’s stake him,” I sobbed. “And you can come home with me.” Suck on that, Dragon.

  “I do not know that staking him will work,” Rand told me, his thumbs wiping away my tears. “And what do we do with him once he is staked? Where does one hide a body like that?”

  “A secret room?” I asked hopefully. “You did fine in one for six hundred years.”

  “And so he may continue his reign of terror in a few years when someone finds him once more?” Rand gave me a soft, sad smile and shook his head. “Better to end it once and for all than let him put another through what he has done to me, to Guy, to the others.”

  It was noble. Noble, and utterly pigheaded. I cried against his chest for a little bit longer, then began to press frantic kisses to his face. I needed time to enact my plan. Time for Gemma to arrive. So I stalled. “Please, Rand,” I said between kisses. “Give me tonight.”

  “We had last night,” he said gently.

  “Give me this night so I can say my proper goodbyes to you,” I told him. My lips moved over his. “Let me make love to you one last time. I want to share all of myself with you, and I want all of you with me. No holding back. Give me a memory to take with me. Then we’ll come after him. I promise.”

  Rand hesitated, and I could see the indecision on his face. He was torn between pleasing me and doing what he felt was his duty. I took his hand in mine and lifted it to my mouth, pressing tiny kisses to his knuckles as he thought. Then, because I had no ammo but sex, I took the tip of one of his fingers into my mouth and nipped it with my teeth.

  His eyes flashed with lust. There we go.

  “Tonight,” he murmured. “Then we must face our fates.”

  “Tonight,” I agreed, and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close.

  Tonight, I’d put my plan in action and save Rand.

  * * *

  We went back to our hotel room, me with a mixture of grief and wariness clogging my throat. Tonight, I would be betraying my lover. I hoped that Rand would understand and forgive me.

  And if he didn’t, then I would just live with the fact that he hated me. As long as he breathed and flourished, I would be fine. As long as he existed, I could deal with his hate. I just wanted him to live.

  I kept these stewing thoughts to myself, though, my hand clasped tightly in his as we headed up the stairs back to our room on the second floor. The inn-keeper was surprised to see us return so soon and made clucking noises as she talked up a storm in Romanian. But eventually we were able to escape her, and then I was back inside our room.

  “Invite me in?” Rand asked, voice husky as he gazed at me from the other side of the door.

  “Come in,” I told him, and extended my hand to him.

  He took it and brought it to his mouth, pressing kisses to my palm, my fingertips, my wrist. He continued to kiss up my arm, loving me with such aching tenderness that it made fresh tears spring. God, I loved this man. I hated that we’d have to do this. I hated that what I was going to do was probably going to hurt him. But I didn’t want him to go on without knowing how I felt, no matter what happened.

  “I love you,” I told him softly, feeling tears brim in my eyes. “I love you so much, Rand.”

  “In a thousand years, I will never find another woman as wonderful as you,” Rand told me in a gentle, loving voice. He cupped my chin, tilted my head back, and pressed a light, loving kiss to my mouth. “I adore you.”

  I smiled faintly at him, then shut the door to the room and locked it. “Why don’t you get in bed while I run and freshen up in the bathroom?” I widened my eyes, hoping I looked innocent.

  He grinned and pressed another kiss to my mouth. “As long as you do not come out with weasel’s testicles strung along your neck, freshen all you like.”

  I chuckled and headed to the restroom, stripping off my clothing. I pulled my phone, now set to vibrate, out of my pocket.

  Status check? I sent her. Rand wanted to go after Dragon tonight. I’m stalling!

  Stall, woman, stall! Gemma sent back. I’m waiting on the last train to Brasov. Be there in a few hours! Hold him off! I’m coming prepared!

  K, I sent back. Hurry!

  Putting my phone away, I looked in the mirror, inhaled deeply, and set about Operation: Vampire Seduction. I pulled out a tiny needle and pricked my finger, just enough to draw a tiny bead of blood. I dabbed the blood behind each ear, then rubbed it on my wrists, as sure an aphrodisiac as any I had when it came to Rand. I undressed, removing my stakes, my holy water, my garlic.

  The garlic, I ate. Well, I didn’t eat it inasmuch as I held my nose and choked it down. Minced or not, the stuff was vile. Once I’d managed to gag it all down, I brushed my teeth and then, because Rand might suspect mouthwash, ate a few bites of peppermint candy that I’d cooed over earlier as we’d walked. Hopefully that’d be enough to disguise things. After all, Rand would never suspect that I’d deceive him. I was the only person he trusted.

  The thought was like a knife in the gut. I blinked back tears, fluffed my hair, slipped out of my bra and panties, and went to meet my vampire.

  He was facing the bed, pulling his clothing off, and I watched in a moment of pure, unadulterated pleasure as he tugged his shirt over his head, muscles rippling as he did. He was so incredibly beautiful. My heart ached to think I’d never see this again. I moved forward and put my arms around him, pressing kiss
es to the back of his shoulder as I did.

  Rand leaned back against me, his pose one of pure relaxation, pure satisfaction. He gave me a sleepy smile. “I love your mouth, Lindsey. Love it when you press your lips against my skin.”

  I kissed his muscles again, just because I could. “I love you, Rand,” I murmured, sliding my hands around to the front of his jeans, where I began to undo his buttons. He groaned and relaxed against me as I tended to him. The jeans grew loose a moment later, and I let them fall to the floor, then dragged his underwear down. “Thank you for giving me tonight.”

  “I’d give you every night if I could,” he said quietly. “You know this.”

  “I do.” If he wasn’t going to give them to me, I’d take them. I just wouldn’t leave the decision to him. So I kissed his shoulder again, then moved around to his front, kissing his skin. I made sure to avoid his mouth, because I knew a kiss from me would put him right to sleep.

  He was naked, and he was all mine. Rand groaned, nuzzling my ear. “You smell so good tonight,” he murmured, his fangs scraping along my skin.

  “Hungry?” I asked, relieved he couldn’t smell the garlic over the perfume of my blood.

  “Ravenous,” he murmured, and licked at the cords of my throat.

  Oh God, that felt good. I shuddered from the sensation but forced myself to pull away. “Ah ah,” I teased. “Don’t get too eager.” I gave him a coy smile and sat on the edge of the bed, then crooked a finger at him. “I wonder how long you can hold out for.”

  He grinned down at me, all sexy vampire self. “You think I cannot control myself?”

  I shrugged, pretending to debate it, even though our plan hinged on Rand biting me. I’d just have to make myself irresistible to him. Mmm. Not hard to do. I loved touching the man, and loved him touching me. So I smiled. “I know you can’t. You love a taste of all this too much.” I gestured at my naked body.

  Rand grabbed my ankle and tugged my leg into the air. He kissed my calf muscle, then began to work his way toward my knee. “Perhaps I do,” he said softly. “Perhaps I don’t want to control myself. I might be too eager to lose myself in your charms.”

  I giggled at his description. “My charms, eh?”

  He looked surprised. “Are you not charming?”

  I laughed again, and the laugh turned into a sob. How I loved this man. “I suppose that I am.” And then I began to cry.

  “Shh, love,” he murmured, moving over me until his weight pressed mine into the mattress. “Don’t weep.”

  “I can’t help it,” I said, my throat knotted with unhappiness. “I love you and I’m losing you.”

  “I am thankful for the time we had together,” he said, pressing a kiss to my nose, my mouth, my chin. “Every moment, I have cherished. Every hour with you, I have felt alive. Free. Happy. You do not know what a gift that is.”

  I smiled tremulously at him, brushing my fingers over his mouth. “And tonight will be your last gift to me.”

  A roguish look entered his eyes. “Then I suppose I had best make it an impressive one, yes?” He gave me a lascivious wink and began to kiss downward, moving over my neck, then down to my breasts. “Christ have mercy, but your scent is enticing tonight,” he said with a groan. “I long to sink my fangs into you.”

  “Not yet,” I said lightly. “Make it last, Rand.” That was the selfish part of me wanting to extend my time with him. I wanted my last hours with Rand. And if I only had a few of them left, they were going to be utterly delicious and so worth it. I bit my lip and watched him kiss his way up my thigh, heading straight for my pussy. The man did it like he was going for the gold.

  At the last moment, though, he switched directions and gave me a thoughtful look. “On your stomach, love.”

  Oooh, something new? I rolled onto my stomach and glanced at him over my shoulder. “Are you going to take me from behind?”

  He’d leaned in to kiss my buttocks, and as I said it, he straightened, a shocked look on his face. “I . . .” He looked around, then leaned in. “Do people do that?”

  I stifled a giggle behind my hand. “All the time.”

  “Like animals?”

  “Like animals,” I agreed. “It’s called ‘doggy style.’ ”

  “And . . . the Church sanctions it?”

  I had no idea if they did or not. “I don’t know if anyone bothered to ask,” I admitted with a smile as his hand rubbed my buttocks. “Wanna take a chance?”

  “Well, now I do,” he said with a groan. “You won’t think it immoral?”

  “Absolutely not,” I said, giving a wiggle of my bottom. “Have you never had sex like that? What about sitting up? Or against a wall?”

  He looked utterly awestruck. “I thought what we did with your mouth on my cock . . . I thought that was sinful. An intimacy you bore simply because of my vampire state.”

  “Baby, there are lots of things you have yet to learn. This is a very enlightened time.”

  “It sounds it.” His expression looked sad. “I wish I would be here to explore things with you.”

  Oh, I did, too. The tears threatened again, so I turned away and pushed my butt into the air, giving it a little shake to entice him. “You can do whatever you want to me, Rand. You know that, right? There’s nothing wrong between us. Nothing weird or profane.”

  His hand skimmed down my back. “I . . . want to put my mouth between your legs. With you like this.”

  I relaxed and spread my thighs a little wider. “Then do it.”

  Rand placed both hands on my buttocks, his gaze moving over my body as if I was an incredible sight. “The view of you like this nearly makes me undone, love. Would you let me drink from you? Like this?”

  My eyes widened. “Um, where would you bite me?”

  “Anywhere you’d let me.”

  I looked back at him and saw that his eyes were hooded with lust. Just like that, I became intensely wet, and a moan rose in my throat. I had to force myself to say no, because that wasn’t part of the plan. “Not tonight, I think. Tonight I want you to hold out for me,” I told him. “Can we do that?”

  “Of course.” He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my butt, and his mouth felt cool on my flushed skin. “We shall do whatever pleases you. Always.”

  “Everything you do pleases me,” I told him, arching my back to thrust my ass out a bit more. “I love you. I love your touch. I love everything about you.”

  His mouth went to my buttocks and he kissed each one, making me squirm.

  His touches made me anticipate what was next, so I wasn’t entirely surprised when he spread my thighs wider and put his mouth on my pussy from behind.

  I moaned as he began to lick me, encouraging me with his tongue. It speared my core, and I whimpered, rocking back against it. I was so close already.

  Even as he licked me from behind, one hand moved to my front and gripped my breast. I moaned as he pinched the peak, rubbing it as he tongued my core. The sensations were overwhelming, and moments later, I was crying out, wracked with my first orgasm. I pressed my cheek to the mattress, dreamy. “God, that was good.”

  He chuckled, giving me one final lick that made me shudder, then straightened. His fingers continued to play with my pussy as he teased the tip of one in and out of my core. As he pushed a second finger into me, I began to back against it, rocking against his hand.

  “You are a beautiful sight to see, Lindsey,” he murmured. “Your eagerness and your beauty send me reeling. To have these days with you, I feel as if I am the luckiest man alive.”

  The finality of that statement made my heart hurt, but he began to pump his fingers in and out, and my sorrow turned to arousal just as quickly again.

  “I want you, Rand,” I told him, panting as I pushed against his fingers. “Please. I want you inside me. Now.” Screw the “let’s make it last all night” concept. “I need you.”

  “Whatever happened to patience, sweet Lindsey?” he asked with a sexy chuckle, stroking those teasing, torme
nting fingers in and out of me, mimicking what my body needed. “What happened to teasing each other until we were mad with pleasure?”

  “Already there,” I told him, whimpering as he stroked in again. “I want you so badly I can hardly stand it. Please, Rand.”

  “I love it when you say my name,” he murmured, and his hand slid free from my pussy and I felt his cock nudge against me. “How can I resist when you ask so sweetly?”

  “Don’t resist,” I encouraged, my hands fisting in the blankets. “Don’t . . . oooh.” I moaned as he sank into me from behind. He was hard, his skin cool to the touch, so it felt a bit like being penetrated by a popsicle. Which was startling at first, but then felt incredible. “Oh God, Rand. Yes, that’s it.”

  He gripped my hips, and I felt him give a slow, teasing stroke. “I think I like this position. It feels deviant.”

  I giggled at that. If he thought this was deviant, I’d have to show him some other stuff later. Once we’d taken care of the Dragon.

  If there even was a later.

  I shook my head to clear it of the dark thoughts. I didn’t want them in my mind while Rand was making love to me. “Keep going, my deviant warlord,” I teased, and moaned anew when he pumped into me again, rougher this time.

  “You like me deviant?” he murmured, fucking me with stronger, more powerful strokes. “Does it please you, Lindsey?”

  “Everything,” I cried out. “Everything you do pleases me.”

  He groaned, thrusting harder into me. “I can feel you tightening. You are about to come, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I cried, my entire body quivering. Another orgasm was building. I couldn’t last long with this man, not the way he touched me. Everything about him aroused me beyond belief. “Don’t stop!”

  “Never,” he gritted out, and began to thrust harder, his movements so forceful they nearly shoved me across the blankets. I braced my knees and arms, pushing back against him to add to the friction. Then I was coming again, and I grabbed a pillow and bit down so it’d muffle my screams. Oh God, he was so good at that. “Rand,” I cried out into the pillow. “Rand. Rand. Rand.”

  “I feel you clamping around me,” he hissed, and I could tell from the thickness of his accent that his teeth were emerging, his fangs elongating. That made my pussy quiver anew, and I whimpered as the orgasm continued. “Want . . . to . . . bite you. Drink from you.”


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