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Perfection: A Neighbor From Hell Novel

Page 21

by R. L. Mathewson

  After he gave each puppy some attention they took their morning walk, ate a quick breakfast, and he took a shower while the puppies played tug of war with his boxers. Every few minutes he had to tell them to be quiet so that they wouldn't wake up their mommy. He really should be heading to his uncle's house, but he wanted to see her first even if it was only for a moment.

  He knelt by the bed and smiled at how beautiful she looked. How in the hell had he ever been stupid enough to call her plain? She was easily more beautiful to him than any of the women he'd dated, he thought as he reached out with one finger and lightly tickled the tip of her nose.

  Her little early morning growl, which was laced with a little whimper of annoyance, had him biting back a chuckle. He picked up a long strand of her beautiful brown hair and lightly, ever so lightly tickled the tip of her nose with it.

  "Stop it," she muttered as she lazily reached out and slapped at the air, not even close to his face.

  So of course he had to do it again. This time when she went to swat off his tickling attack he was forced to duck his head or get a weak slap in the face.

  "Zoe, wake up," he said in a tauntingly upbeat voice, knowing it would drive her crazy.

  "Go away," she mumbled. "I hate you."

  "Because I'm waking you up?" he asked, smiling as he ducked another weak attack.

  "Yes!" she snapped, clearly aggravated as she was every morning when he did this. Yet he just couldn't stop himself from doing it. It was just too damn fun.

  He was just about to up his attack when she flopped over onto her back and shielded her eyes with her arm. Not even two seconds later her eyes were wide open, one hand was clamped tightly on her mouth and the other one was pressed against her stomach and was off the bed and running towards the bathroom, slamming the bathroom door behind her.


  Running a frustrated hand through his hair, he placed the glass of ginger ale on the nightstand, away from the edge where the dogs could get it, and headed for the bathroom. He'd hoped she was getting better. The last two mornings she'd only complained about feeling slightly nauseous, but she hadn't been sick. At least he didn't think she'd gotten sick.

  She hadn't told him if she had and both mornings he was so damn busy making her stay in bed for a little longer, grabbing her some toast and ginger ale, making his lunch and taking care of the dogs before he left that wasn't entirely sure, but he thought she'd been okay. When he stopped by the office later both days and asked her how she felt she'd assured him she felt great, but clearly that wasn't the case if she was getting sick again.

  "Zoe?" he said, slowly opening the door. "Baby, are you okay?"

  "Yes," she mumbled, grabbing a toothbrush and loading it with toothpaste.

  "You've been sick for almost a week now, Zoe. Maybe I should take you to the emergency room," he said, already trying to figure out which hospital was closer and wondering if he could get his uncle or someone to watch the dogs in case they got stuck in the emergency room all day.

  She stubbornly shook her head, spit and added more toothpaste to her toothbrush and started the process all over again. A few minutes later she finally finished.

  "I'm fine, Trevor," she said, walking past him, pausing only to pet Toby and pick Max up. Cuddling the small dog, she climbed back onto the bed and pulled the comforter up. Toby waited until she was settled before jumping on the bed and settling next to her and Mr. Cuddles.

  Forcing himself not to throw her over his shoulder and take her to the nearest hospital, mostly because she'd probably knee him in the balls again, he sat down near her hip and handed her the ginger ale. Eying him warily, probably because she knew what he was thinking, she took a small sip.

  "Thank you," she said, placing the glass down and returning to petting Max.

  "You need to see a doctor, Zoe," he said, brushing the hair out of her face as he leaned in to press a good morning kiss to her lips.

  "I'm fine, Trevor. Besides I have an appointment early Monday afternoon," she said when he pulled away.

  "That's four days away, Zoe. You need to see someone soon," he said, taking one of her hands into his.

  Zoe rolled her eyes playfully, which he had to admit was a good sign and made him feel marginally better. "I'm not dying, Trevor. I just feel a little sick. By the time I have my appointment I'll probably be fine."

  "Yeah, probably," he agreed, hoping that was the case.

  She twisted around so that she could look at her clock. "Aren't you supposed to be at your Aunt's house right now?" she asked, frowning as she turned back around.

  "Yes, and it's all your fault that I'm going to be late," he said, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose.

  "How's it my fault?"

  "Because I wanted to talk to you about something."

  "And that makes it my fault?" she asked, arching her brows in adorable confusion.

  "Damn straight it does," he said, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before he forced himself to move back and focus.

  "Uh huh, you care to explain?"

  "If I must," he sighed.

  "You must," she said, her lips twitching and drawing his attention, but then he remembered that he really did need to move his ass and get out of there.

  "Okay," he said, clearing his throat and wondering just how the hell he was supposed to do this. After a minute he decided just to get it over with since he knew it really was no big deal. "I've decided that it would probably be best for you to move in with me."

  When she didn't immediately agree or tell him it was a great idea he started to get a little nervous.

  "I'm sorry, what's this now?" she asked, looking a little stunned.

  "I think you should move in with me to make things easier," he said, shrugging like it was no big deal and it shouldn't be, but for the first time since he'd decided that's what they should do he was a little nervous.

  "How exactly would that make things easier? If anything that would complicate things," she said, switching her petting attention to Toby, who was more than happy to help her out by rolling over onto his back.

  "I want you to move in with me," he said, wondering if he should have waited until later when she was a little more awake and could fully appreciate how great this idea was.

  This was perfect for so many reasons and he was sure that once she thought about it she would realize that once again he was right. When she moved in with him she wouldn't have to worry about rent, not that she did now. The first Friday after they'd started their little arrangement he'd felt a little odd about taking her money so he opened up a bank account in her name and deposited all her rent checks into it. But this way she wouldn't have to worry about rent at all, utilities, or any of the household bills because he would take care of her and the dogs.

  They'd probably keep most of her furniture and all the stuff that she didn't need in her apartment so she didn't have to find storage and so his aunt wouldn't get any bright ideas about renting it out. He liked his privacy and didn't need another tenant disturbing them. He also didn't think Zoe would be so accommodating in the bedroom if she had to worry about someone overhearing them.

  This would also cut Zoe's work in half. Granted, she wouldn't be working for him anymore, but the money she saved on rent, food and everything else would more than make up for the money she lost. Of course when things finally simmered down, which probably wouldn't be for a while, he'd either buy her a house to live in or move her into one of his apartments where he could continue to take care of her and make sure that she was okay. Then when she got married he would......

  He would have to ask her to leave or risk heading to prison for killing the bastard since he couldn't stomach the idea of another man touching her. Damn, that would really complicate things. He wanted to make sure she was taking care of, but he didn't want to have to see her with another man while he did it. Well, he'd just have to suck it up for as long as he could, because he really didn't trust any other man to take care of her the way he would.

  "But I live here...," she said slowly before adding, "next to you. Why do you think I should move in with you?"

  "To make things easier," he said, wondering why the hell he had to explain any of this when she should be damn happy that he wanted to make things more serious between them.

  Most woman were happy when a man wanted to get more serious, weren't they? All the women in his past would have jumped for joy if he'd ever offered them the honor he was bestowing upon her and it was an honor, damn it! She should be hugging him, crying tears of joy and offering to do that little thing with her hand that drove him crazy.

  What the hell was wrong with his woman?

  He should be tearing her off of him, not trying to convince her to do something they both knew was for the best.

  "I don't think moving in together would make things easier," she said as she continued to pet Toby. A moment later, much to his displeasure, she released his hand to give into Max's petting demands.

  "Why not?" he asked, wishing like hell that it hadn't come out sounding so damn pathetic.

  She shrugged lazily. "Because this is an arrangement, Trevor. I don't see the point in moving in together when the whole point is not to complicate things. It would also make it weird when we start dating other pe-"

  "Who the hell are you dating?" he demanding, cutting her off as he reached out and gently cupped her chin between his fingers and forced her to look at him. "Is that why you don't want to move in with me? Because of some guy?"

  Her eyes widened as his words hit and then, much to his horror, she smiled. "You're jealous?"

  "No, I'm not," he snorted in disgust, but holy hell he was.

  "Yes, you are," she said, giving him a pleased little smile that she was clearly trying to pull back, but failed miserably.

  "No, I'm not!" he snapped, dropping his hand and practically jumped off the bed.

  He pointed an accusing finger at her. "You're just trying to change the subject, woman. I think it would be best for everyone if you moved in with me," and ignored other men, but he couldn't exactly say that, although he would make damn sure there were no other men, "think about it and when you get home tonight we'll figure it out," he said, heading for the door, but he couldn't help the way her expression suddenly became guarded as she turned her attention back to the dogs.

  "Okay, we'll talk about it later," she said, shrugging if off like there really was nothing to talk about.

  Groaning in frustration, he marched back over to her and took her mouth in a hungry kiss that had him thinking about skipping Thanksgiving and spending the day with her, but he couldn't do that to his family and he didn't want to wreck her plans for the day.

  "We'll talk later," he murmured against her lips.

  "Fine," she sighed heavily as he pulled away.

  "Good," he said, pleased that she wasn't arguing about it, at least at the moment, but hopefully after she was filled with turkey and all the trimmings she'd be too exhausted and full to argue with him.

  "You better go or you'll be late," she said, gesturing to the clock again.

  He winced when he saw what time it was. "Shit, I really have to go. Do you have a long drive?" he asked, wondering if he should plan to swing back here later to give her a ride. It snowed last night and rained a little bit this morning and he really didn't trust her car in this weather or any weather for that matter. It was just another reminder that he'd have to go and buy her a car soon.

  "It's not very far," she said, giving him a small smile.

  "Okay, but if you don't want to drive or your car dies give me a call and I'll come give you a ride," he said, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead and giving the dogs a quick pet before he headed for the door.

  "What if I want to give you a ride?" she asked teasingly, laughing when he tripped over his own damn feet.

  Chapter 26

  "You missed breakfast," Jason announced as Trevor stepped into the large busy kitchen filled with Bradfords and food.

  "That's fine. I'm not really hungry," he said, barely aware or caring that all activity in the busy kitchen suddenly stopped as every Bradford in the room, even one year old Cole stopped trying to climb onto the counter to get at the large platter of cookies his mother made to stare at him in disbelief.

  "You're not hungry?" his aunt Megan asked, frowning as she wiped her hands on her pale green apron. "Are you feeling okay?"

  "I'm fine," he answered automatically as he stole the vegetable peeler out of Jason's hand and started in on one of the thirty pound bags of potatoes. Right now he needed something to focus on instead of how pissed he was.

  "Trevor, sweetheart, do you want to talk?" his aunt asked and he didn't have to look up to know that she was probably twisting her hands nervously in her apron. She was a worrier and a babier and on a good day all her fussing was hard to take and today sure as hell was not a good day. "Why don't I make you up a quick plate of eggs and bacon and we can go into the living room and-"

  He shook his head. "I'm fine, Aunt Megan. Really."


  "He's fine, honey," Jared said. "But I could use a hand finding the cranberry sauce."

  "Wasn't it on the counter?" Megan asked, leaving him to help Jared and hopefully forgetting all about him for the day, which he knew wasn't likely to happen. She'd just wait to corner him and bug the hell out of him until he told her what was wrong.

  "You want to talk about it?" Jason asked quietly so that the rest of their family wouldn't hear.

  "There's nothing to talk about," he said, taking out his anger on the potato in his hand since he couldn't spank Zoe's ass at the moment, and not in the good way.

  Why the hell hadn't she wanted to take things to the next level with him?

  "I'm fine. Great even." But he wasn't. He was dying to hunt Zoe down and spank her ass until she agreed to live with him, no, begged him to live together.

  "You know where to find me when you're ready to talk," Jason said, sounding so damn sure of himself and further pissing him off.

  "I don't need to talk to you," he snapped, grabbing another potato.

  "Uh huh," Jason said, yawning. "Whatever you do don't kidnap her, that'll only piss her off more. Believe me I know."

  "Whatever, just go away and leave me alone," he said, stealing the potato out of Jason's hand.

  "Fine, I'll go see if my little grasshopper needs help setting the dining room table," he said with a shrug.

  Trevor watched as his cousin snagged a large chocolate chunk cookie from one of the platters and gave it to his son, who happily took it and settled himself on the floor, out of the way. After giving the boy a wink and him a meaningful look he headed out the swinging kitchen door to help his wife.

  He watched with bored interest as his Aunt Megan stormed over to the door and shoved it open. "Don't you dare try to drag her off, Jason Bradford!"


  Thirty pounds of potatoes, forty pounds of butternut squash, three trips to the convenient store down the street, hundred bucks poorer and four hours later Trevor was pushing his food around on his plate, wondering if Zoe was giving his idea any thought and wondering why her hesitation felt like she was pulling away from him.

  For the first time in his life he couldn't eat and didn't want to. What he wanted was to hunt down Zoe and force her to see his side. He would already be heading out the door to drag her home except for one little problem.

  He had absolutely no idea where she was.

  The few times he tried to get her to talk about her family she quickly changed the subject. They also never came down or seemed to be involved in her life at all, which actually pissed him off. What the hell kind of family stood around and let someone as great as Zoe struggle? And where the hell have they been?

  He could name at least a half dozen instances where she could have used family in last few months, but not once did he hear anything about them showing any concern for her. When he'd asked about her Thanksgiving plans he wanted to demand that
she come with him, but the way she spoke of her Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions and how much she looked forward to it every year put a stop to that. They might not be close, but at least they made sure she was taken care of during the holidays.

  That was something, he thought, not much, but more than they'd been doing for her.

  "Haley, why did you make a pumpkin pie with a 'Z' on it?" Jason asked as he walked into the dining room with his daughter happily sleeping in one arm, Cole wrapped around his leg, and carrying the second platter of turkey Aunt Megan had asked him to get a few minutes ago. He was actually surprised there was any meat left on the plate or that his aunt trusted Jason or any of the Bradford males to go into the kitchen unsupervised after last Christmas.

  As Haley struggled to pull Cole off Jason's leg, she said, "I was hoping Zoe would come, but just in case I figured I'd send the pie home with Trevor."

  Jared snorted at that. "It will never make it to the house," he said, although he did throw Trevor and his untouched plate a curious look.

  "It better make it there," Haley said, giving him what she probably thought was a stern look, but even he had to admit she was really too damn cute to pull it off, not like his Zoe. Now that woman knew how to glare, he thought with a wistful sigh.

  "I tried to get her to come, but I think she's still mad at me," Jared grumbled, sounding truly unhappy.

  "She's not mad at you and you did what you had to do," Trevor said, knowing it was the truth, but he knew his uncle felt bad for making Zoe cry. It didn't matter that Zoe went out of her way to show the man how much she appreciated Jared caring enough to talk to her or the dozen cupcakes that she'd bought him, the man simply couldn't tolerate a woman crying.

  "She has no family or anywhere to go for the holidays. If she wasn't mad at me she would have come," Jared grumbled, sighing as he pushed his food around his own plate.


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