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City Of Blood (War Of The Elements Book 2)

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by Perusko, Daniel

  War Of The Elements: City Of Blood © 2016 Daniel Perusko

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in Trinidad by Psi.Raise Creative Studios. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from Psi.Raise.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Psi.Raise Creative Studios

  Cover Art and Illustrations by Nicole Anderson and Ian Makarov

  Edited by Ian Makarov and Jedaiah Ramnarine

  First Edition – 2/15/2016

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter 1

  A city where ruby light held dominion over all. The carmine radiance beamed down upon him, imbuing him with fire's flavor. Dusk was sure that in the past, this place used to be a bustling metropolis where people lived out their lives in decadence. But life's spark can be snuffed out in a flash. One moment vitality flickers, and the next, everything goes dark. So too had this megalopolis reached its dawn of darkness.

  The stench of fresh death would soon permeate this place. Nothing could truly compare with the stench of a long-dead body. Luckily, these corpses still held fragments of life's warmth within, even though life itself had left them. Sadly, their bodily forms had been defiled. Hands and feet scattered about the sleek black floor like a litterbug's garbage. Disembodied heads stared at Dusk with horror burned into their eyes. The blood coagulated into a pool. The red radiance of the buildings gleamed upon the blood filled floor, further heightening the intensity of the massacre.

  Dusk had seen this city in a vision before, but now he was here in the flesh. His consciousness was starting to bleed, merge into a distorted collage of worlds. He was pretty sure he once existed in the world called Earth. Yes, that was once his reality. People on Earth drowned themselves in materialism, valuing themselves above all. Humans in that world murdered as well, and with frightening ease. Back then, he had opted out of that world. The coldness and callousness of it all, the rapid descent into complete destruction, he could see it coming. Disillusioned with his day in and day out routine, he retreated into another reality, a virtual one. He wasn't alone; many on the internet dove into the new digital world with both feet, having no desire to resurface.

  In order to release the nihilism crushing his soul, he entered a virtual reality, a game world. Taking steps into a new world of make believe, his spirit was revitalized with inspiration and joy. Yet that fleeting elation would flare brightly for but a brief moment before being yet again extinguished by reality's cold truths. The digital sanctum he erected around himself to act as a shield against the dark reality of his homeworld had been compromised, shattered, destroyed. Death in the virtual reality world called Septunia was just as real as Earth's, and just as final. With no way out of his new virtual prison, Dusk had to grow thick scaled skin to survive. Murder soon became a reality he would have to confront. His hands had ended another's life so that he could live on. His formerly pure being was now stained with blood.

  Formerly a denizen of two different worlds, he now found himself here, in this city that overflowed with rivers of red. Had he been thrust into another dimension yet again? Was he still in Septunia, or Earth? Was this all a dream, or a dream within a dream? Or maybe this was all one reality—multiple dimensions smashing into each other to create a sandwich of realities. What was he thinking? Was he going mad?

  In an attempt to recover his sanity, he swung his fist inward, sinking it into his own stomach. All of the oxygen in his body forcefully ejected, leaving him air starved. Slumping over himself, he heaved as he desperately tried to regain his breath.

  Not a dream after all.

  Oh, how he wished that it were. Earth, the weeping mother that had been enduring long suffering at the hands of her narcissistic and selfish children—that tormented maiden looked ever more immaculate, especially now.

  Someone wake me up.

  Sighing to himself, he tilted his head towards the crimson skies as he pressed on, futilely trying to trick his own mind into believing he wasn't walking among the dead. His mind was ever vigilant against possible dangers. His muscles were ready to strike at the sound of a pin drop. It had been hours since he had found himself here. All this time walking, and all he could see was death. He longed for another living companion, that his soul might resonate with the warmth of another life's flame.

  Who could have done such a terrible thing? Is it even human?

  Just as his body began to grow lax from time's passage, a mighty explosion rocked his bones. His eyes naturally locked on to the source of the detonation. A building in front of him had just been obliterated, turned into a cloud of ashes. Such terrifying destructive power. He could swear that in an instant's flicker, he had seen a massive red light engulf that building before the steel had been charred into burnt remnants of its former self.

  What kind of disaster caused such an eruption? He had never seen desolation on this scale. Everything about the sight screamed danger. His nerves were shouting at him to turn the other way and run. But for some sick reason, a deep, inner longing demanded him to press on. His curiosity was indomitable, even if it meant walking into the path of an inferno, and above all, it felt like the ruined building was calling him.

  Come to me.

  A voiceless entity penetrated his thoughts, violating his brain, squeezing it in an ironlike grip. Despite all of his natural inclinations, he persisted in his goal. Trudging forward, fighting his body the whole way, he had made it to ground zero.

  I might as well be standing in front of an oncoming train. Why did I come here, right into the heart of danger?

  Dusk's mind became clouded in a haze of uncertainty. Logic vs. feeling. It was at that point his heart burned as if it too had exploded, much like the barren structure that now lie before him.

  We meet at last.

  This was it. The source of his unrest. The visions. The red voice calling him in the night. It came from the sword now clutched within this stranger's hand. The blade itself glowed in ruby tones, just like the rest of this city, but that red light burned with power. The gleaming fire was set into a void of black steel. Dusk imagined the jet black was the dark body which housed the bloodthirsty soul of red within. Gripping the blade firmly was a young man. In his youthful face dwelled eyes of red wine, nearly concealed beneath a curtain of black locks. The man simply stared at Dusk with a cocky smirk curving up one side of his pale visage. These were the eyes of a guilty man. Once again, Dusk's body was locked in terror. He couldn't even think to flee. What good would it do? He could sense the overwhelming power radiating from within this man of mystery.

  I'm totally fucked.

  The wicked man tilted his head as he was almost studying Dusk now. Gazing upon him in utter fascination, as if he had just discovered an exciting new game.

  "Long time no see, Drake."

  Drake? That's my name in the real world. What world is real anymore? Is this Earth or Septunia?

  "How do you know my name?"

  The crimson eyed warrior's mou
th opened into a grin, revealing shining white teeth. The brutal monster kept good hygiene, at least.

  "Hey, are you serious right now?" He said on the verge of a chuckle.

  "Why do you ask me that? I've never met you before."

  Dusk's response seemed to elicit a conflicting mixture of amusement and disgust from the enigmatic warrior. "Oh, you've met me. You should know me better than anyone else."

  Yet another man who acted like they had his brain on their puppet strings. Had Raven decided to up the ante, thrusting him into this reality? He couldn't think of anyone else who would do this. After all, Raven was the one who had been distorting dimensions to begin with, bending and shaping them at his whim.

  "What the hell are you talking about? I really hate when people screw around with me. It's getting old. You know Raven, don't you? This has his name written all over it."

  Dusk could tell from the way this swordsman's face twisted in glee that they understood perfectly well what he was talking about. "Ha! Raven! Yes, I suppose that is the name he goes by now, isn't it?"

  All traces of fear had evaporated at this confession. Dusk became an enraged bull, charging at the red without thinking, materializing a blade in his hand through his will alone as he clashed with the city busting sword in his opponent's hand. A violent quake shook the ground, creating a crater as the buildings around them struggled to stand upright against the violent gale, but his foe stood tall with his blade having blocked the attack. He seemed to be more amused than anything else.

  "That name really presses a button for you, huh Drake?" He chuckled.

  "You have no idea what he did to me." Dusk seethed.

  "Oh, but I do. I know all too well. He removed the hindrances that were holding you back."

  Dusk's anger flared into a cosmic inferno as he recalled bitter memories from a dark time.

  "He took everything that was precious to me."

  "Sometimes to become stronger one has to lose those precious things. We evolve through hardship, you know? Someone who's never experienced loss can never know what it means to gain."

  Dusk couldn't fathom how his foe could say such words with that smug look in his eyes, nor could he comprehend the depths of this man's depravity.

  "You think that justifies what he did?" He hissed as he focused his strength forward, inching his blade towards the psychopath's chest.

  Closer. Just one more inch...and he's dead!

  Dusk's opponent simply smiled confidently as if to say yeah right.

  "Just one more inch? Get real."

  The despicable embodiment of destruction shoved his other hand forward, slamming it into Dusk's sternum and sending him flying backwards through the glass window of an adjacent building. He crashed through desks and chairs before finally slamming into a wall of computers. He shook his head vigorously, feverishly trying to recover from the shock.

  How am I still okay after that? If I sustained a hit like that in Earth or Septunia, I'd be dead. He called me Drake. This has to be Earth, right? But this city doesn't look like any Earth city that I know of.

  He finally took a breather to take in his surroundings. Gazing down at his hand, he realized he only had a few minor cuts. His chest should be caved in. His heart should be crushed. He should by all rights be lying down with the countless littered corpses now. But he was still alive and well. Being well was debatable actually, his mind was disturbed.

  His battle stressed eyes extended wide open at the sight of what lay nestled in his other hand. Black and red, the very same blade as his foe's.

  What kind of a trick is this?

  He was sure now. He was in a dream, he had to be. But you can't feel such pain in a dream without waking up, right? His travelling thoughts were ground to a halt as the evil doppelganger casually strolled into the room, glass shards crackling beneath his black boots.

  "You just now noticed what you were holding? Man, you're really hopeless, you know that?"

  Dusk's teeth cut against each other in a subdued anger.

  "Just who the hell are you? It's like you're reading my mind."

  "No shit."

  "So you're telepathic, too. Before a month ago I didn't even know telepaths existed, and now they're popping up everywhere. It's like you all had a secret society or something."

  The psychopath's laugh swirled around the building in its maddening melody.

  "Greatness attracts greatness, that is all. Just as those filthy little flies infest our planet and congregate together in their primitive little communities, the brightest sparks eventually find their way to each other, one way or another."

  "Is that why we met?"

  For the first time, his opponent slumped his shoulders and sighed into the now smoking room. "You really have forgotten a lot, haven't you? Well, I suppose it's to be expected, after what he did."

  An aftershock of vexation quaked through Dusk's body. He grew so tired of people beating around the bush all the time. "More riddles. Why can't anyone ever just talk to me plainly? Tell me what you're talking about, now."

  "I'm sure you'll remember eventually, but apparently, it is not yet time."

  This time Dusk broke out into a chuckle, despite his desperate situation. "Ah sorry, it's just I've heard that phrase all too often lately."

  "You don't have to explain it to me, I know." The raven haired man crossed his arms, penetrating into Dusk with a gaze that radiated omnipotence.

  "You just seem to have all the answers, don't you?"

  "Of course, why wouldn't I? Because I am..."

  Dusk focused his eyes into razor thin focus, clutching his fists as he prepared himself for the inevitable answer he had sought.

  "I — but you can call me X for now."

  Dusk's fingers fell limp, letting his newfound weapon rest on the floor, cold and motionless. He didn't know why he was shocked. The whole notion was too absurd to be surprised. Why did he believe such a thing for even a second? Even so, now that he looked closer, this man's face looked shockingly similar to his own. One could mistake them for identical twins. How? Why? He couldn't even think about how this could be, nor did he want to.

  "I didn't think it was possible, but you make even less sense than Raven. How can you be me when I'm right here?"

  X narrowed his ruby eyes in condescension upon his mirror image with a glance that indicated he was ready to give up on his other, more foolish self.

  "Man, how did the current me become so stupid? Don't you get it? We're different people, but we're still both the same person."

  Dusk's raised eyebrow and tilted head unsheathed his confusion for all to see. Did his enemy realize he was a walking, talking contradiction? "That statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Did I go so insane that I now suffer from multiple personality disorder?"

  "Not a disorder. I am just another version of you. Albeit a more intelligent one."

  Dusk scoffed in disgust, revealing clenched teeth. As if he could possibly be related in any way to this maniac—inconceivable."More intelligent? Well, I can say you're more brutal at least. All of this destruction and death, that was your doing, right?"

  "It was all necessary. I said it before. Without loss, one cannot experience growth. That goes for worlds, too. Sometimes to gain something, you have to sacrifice something else. Those who simply want more and more without giving anything up are living in perpetual infancy."

  "And you think you're so much better? More enlightened? Killing people as if they're nothing?"

  Dusk saw it in the distant background. There was a woman hiding behind the corner of a faraway building, cowering behind the towering steel monolith, like a rabbit burrowing in safety from predators. He could tell the woman was battling herself, trying to determine whether these two could help her or not. She slowly took one step forward towards the two embattled men.

  Don't come any closer. Please. Just stay right there.

  Without a thought or mome
nt's hesitation, X crossed his blade, tucking it under his armpit, releasing a wave of red radiance that engulfed the hapless female, completely vaporizing her fleshly shell.

  Dusk slammed his eyes shut, turning his head away in sorrow. Yet another person he failed to save. How many people would he have to watch suffer and die before he could return to his true home? His pale fist shook with resentment. No matter how fierce the tempest inside him, he would keep it tamed. He had seen too much death.

  "She did nothing to you, and yet you killed her anyways. You're worse than all the people you malign. You're just like Raven."

  "Raven is the only one who understands. The only one who holds clarity amidst a veritable ocean of colossal ignorance. He sees the world for what it is, instead of the layers upon layers of lies people drown themselves in to keep their facade of a happy world from crumbling before them. Because he lost everything, he was able to gain everything."

  "You seem to have a great deal of respect for the madman." Dusk snarled.

  "Of course. It took him a long time and he had to endure great pain, but he was finally able to understand the ultimate truth of things."

  "Great pain? I've endured loss and pain, but that doesn't mean I'm going to slaughter people."

  X's shining blood orbs overflowed with mirth. He exploded into uncontrollable laughter, slumping over in an attempt to bottle his chuckling so he could chide his counterpart some more.

  "'I'm not going to slaughter people', that's what you said right? You fool! You have no idea how many people you've slaughtered already. Your sense of humor slays me."

  Dusk had enough. He sprung from his feet, throwing himself straight at X, determined to shut him up so he'd never laugh again. He managed to launch X from the ground, but his foe's blade still remained steadfast in opposition to his own. Even now, when they were both flying in a line drive towards a building, X's guard stayed firm against Dusk's onslaught. A loud crash erupted in Dusk's ears as he bulldozed his way through the building, using X as his shield before they both skidded across the ground like a racecar that wiped out on the track. The relentless momentum sent them slamming through more objects before coming to a rough stop across the floor. His black coat had been torn to shreds. His leather pants had several holes blown through.


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