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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

Page 15

by Dale C. Musser

  “You can count me in on that,” Lunnie said with her usual sense of comedic humor “I love contorting physically with muscular men.”

  “Say,” Lt. Reidecor began… “were any of your debriefings as strange as mine was? I felt like I was being interviewed on one of those video documentaries and not really debriefed.”

  “Yeah, well don’t kid yourself,” Lunnie said, “I’ve heard about this new technique, and from what I’ve heard they can get a lot more from you this way. Besides you’re being monitored with vids and voice analyzers and all sorts of other stuff the entire time you’re there. Did you drink any of the Foccee or snack on anything during the debriefing? Those were all laced with truth inducing drugs, you couldn’t lie about your own name if you tried right now. Those drugs last about nine hours I hear.”

  “Damn,” Marranalis said, “I thought the fruit didn’t taste quite right.”

  “I thought it strange that I felt like all the de-briefers were my best friends.” Lt. Reidecor interjected.

  “Have any of you seen Kala?” I asked suddenly.

  “Nope,” Lunnie said, “Maybe she didn’t drink the foccee and they are torturing her slowly until she spills her guts about our trip here. She should be back soon. I understand we’re supposed to be dining with none other than Admiral Regeny himself in about an hour.”

  “WHAT!?” Lt. Reidecor exclaimed, “I don’t have a dress uniform with me, and not enough time to requisition one.”

  “Don’t worry,” Lunnie said with a smile on her face. “There are dress uniforms hanging inside the door all tagged with our names on them. They must have been delivered while we were being interviewed.”

  For the first time since I met him I saw Marranalis nervous, his hands were shaking as he raised his drink to his lips and muttered, “The Admiral himself, now that’s one for me to tell my kids someday if I ever have any.” To which Lunnie replied. “Any time you want to practice making some, just knock on my door.”

  As time got closer to the hour we were supposed to meet with the Admiral I began getting nervous; Kala still hadn’t returned. I showered and picked up the uniform that had my name attached to the exterior of its plastic packaging. It was of a dignitary cut but with a difference, it was all in white; shirt pants jacket and shoes, even the socks were white. On the edge of the collar was a thin edging of gold as well as on the very end of the sleeves. I put it on feeling very strange and giddy inside. I wondered if it was my nerves or if it was the effect of the truth drugs in the Foccee wearing off; if in fact there was any. Knowing Lunnie she might just have made that up as one of her jokes. I walked from my suite and out to the common room to see Lunnie in a military style cut uniform, also in white with her chest rank stripes in a light gray. Sgt. Marranalis and Lt. Reidecor were attired the same with their rank stripes also in gray.

  Lunnie looked at me and said, “WOW! Did they ever give you a promotion?”

  All three of them came over looking me up and down “I’ve never actually seen anyone wearing one of these uniforms in person before “Lt. Reidecor said.

  “I doubt any of us have,” said Lunnie.

  “What’s the deal with this uniform?” I asked.

  “That my friend,“ Lt. Reidecor began “is the highest ranking Dignitary uniform there is, it’s reserved for Planetary Leaders of the singular highest standings in the Federation. You won’t find but one person from each planet wearing this uniform, if any at all.”

  “Hell, from what I hear that means there about a million of them out there” I said with a chuckle trying to down play their awe of the uniform.

  “Maybe, but I doubt there are that many, you never see them except on the vids or the news.” Sgt. Marranalis said.

  Just then a smartly dressed woman in a gray military uniform appeared at the door informing us that she was to escort us to the dining hall. I said that Major Kalana had not returned yet and was missing and we would need to wait a minute. However, our escort insisted that we would need to go immediately and that she was sure the Major would be escorted to the dining hall in time for the meal.

  I didn’t like this at all. Kala was supposed to be my attaché making sure I wouldn’t flub up in the Federation and now on my first and biggest meeting with the Federation officials and she was absent. I was wondering where she could possibly be and what was her delay? We were driven down a long underground corridor in a similar vehicle to the one that had taken us from the hanger where the TRITYTE was being kept. We arrived in front of a large underground entrance that looked like the receiving area outside a luxury hotel. All around us were polished marble flooring, marble columns and walls of differing hues and shades with accent lighting. We exited the conveyance to find two guards standing at attention on both sides of our conveyance’s door. A carpet was laid out before us leading to large double doors with troopers on either side also standing at attention.

  Our escort indicated that we should follow her as she led us to the door. Both of the guards stepped forward each opening one of the doors for us to walk though. On the other side was a large room also all in marble that might have been some sort of ante room where people would gather before an event while waiting to be admitted to a grand hall. The carpet led across the room to another set of double doors also with two guards standing at attention. This time as we approached neither of them stepped forward to open the door. We were instructed to wait a minute and our escort opened a door just wide enough to slip in. A few moments later she returned saying “Thibodaux James Renwalt and Lieutenant Reidecor will walk together and follow me, Corporal Luinella and Sergeant Marranalis you will walk together behind Thibodaux James Renwalt and Lieutenant Reidecor, if you please. As we lined up in the fashion she had instructed she nodded to the two guards who then stepped forward and opened the doors. As we entered we saw a giant hall filled with thousands of officers and dignitaries seated about a sea of tables. As we entered they all stood to their feet at attention in silence until we were all fully in the room and our escort announced, “It is my honor to present Thibodaux James Renwalt, recoverer of the TRITYTE and its lost cargo of Solbidyum,” suddenly I was lit in a beam of light. “It is with honor that I also present those who helped him to safely deliver the TRITYTE and Solbidyum to the Capitol. Against overwhelming odds, and despite the actions of a traitor who aided in the capture of the TRITYTE and Solbidyum, they still managed to escape. Major Kalana,” a flood light suddenly illuminated her in her white formal uniform; she was seated next to Admiral Regeny, “Lieutenant Reidecor, Corporal Luinella , and Sergeant Marranalis” flood lights lit them as well. “Citizens of the Federation, I present to you our heroes.” With that announcement cheers and applause broke out all over the place and the roar was deafening. I saw Admiral Regeny lean over and say something in Kala’s ear and saw her nod and then she removed herself from the table and walked toward us with a huge smile on her face. At that moment it seemed we only had eyes for each other. As she approached, Lieutenant Reidecor stepped aside so Kala could stand beside me. Then as the crowd continued to cheer and applaud we were escorted to the Admiral’s table where aids stepped forward to hold out our chairs as we were seated. I was seated in the chair Kala had previously occupied, to the right of the Admiral, followed by Kala, Lt. Reidecor, Corp. Luinella, and Sgt. Marranalis. Once we were seated the applause and cheering slowly died down and the people began to take their seats.

  I leaned over to Kala, “I was in a near panic when you didn’t show up back at our suites. I had no idea what was happening and I was afraid I would really do something stupid.”

  “I know,” Kala said, “I tried everything to get back to you and get word to you, but the Admiral and the other officers kept me right up until last minute. I had to shower and dress in a dressing room here and only arrived moments before you did. I wanted to enter with you all but the Admiral insisted I enter with him and you don’t deny an Admiral.”

  From the other side of me I heard, “Tibby, I understand yo
u prefer to be called Tibby,” the Admiral began, “I cannot begin to tell you how extremely pleased I am to meet you. Not just for recovering the Solbidyum, but for your remarkable plan and execution to safely get it here. When the GW pod from the DUSTEN arrived with the message from Captain Maxette that the TRITYTE and Solbidyum had been found and confirmed we were elated. Then when we got word about traitors on the DUSTEN and word having reached the Bunem System we were in a panic. We’ve been at peace more or less with the Bunemnites for the past two hundred years, but it’s been a tentative one.. Knowing their desires and past actions to obtain more than their share of Solbidyum, at any cost I might add, we were sure they would attack the DUSTEN before we could get any ships there. We feared for the loss of the Solbidyum and the DUSTEN and the thousands aboard it. Then we get another GW pod days later alerting us to your brilliant plan and all we could do was wait. Your mission, and the way in which you were coming, was our biggest secret and only a very small handful of people knew the details. Even so, word of the Solbidyum discovery leaked out and ambassadors and senators were clamoring wanting to know where it was. They were asking when they would be getting their shares, if you had not shown up with it I fear the great wars would have broken out all over again.” As I looked that the Admiral I actually noted tears in his eyes.

  “Well Sir, “I began, “I’m happy it turned out well also. Otherwise I am not sure I would be here at all.”

  The Admiral laughed, while we had been talking food was being served, I felt Kala’s hand under the table lightly rest upon my leg and it made me feel wonderful.

  “When we received the GW pod with Captain Maxette’s report of your plan we were impressed with you. Then when we heard the rest of Maxette’s report about you and some of your other talents with this form of fighting: martial arts. We started thinking that perhaps Maxette had been hitting the liquor bottle. Fortunately he sent along vid footage from the conference room when you disarmed Sgt. Marranalis in a demonstration. My officers and I were left with our mouths hanging open, and now we learn that you disabled two guards while your hands were in restraints on the Bunemnites ship. Within hours of the capture of the TRITYTE you pretty much took out and captured the entire Bunemnites crew single handed.”

  “Sir I can’t take credit for that, if it had not been for my crew here.,” I indicated Kala and the rest to my right.

  “Nonsense,” the Admiral interrupted me, “we have the testimony of your entire crew as well as that of the Bunemnites crew you captured.” The Admiral laughed as did several of the other officers seated to his left. “You’re a one man battalion.”

  “I wouldn’t say that sir,” I replied feeling a bit self-conscious.

  Kala squeezed my leg under the table and interjected, “Tibby is overly modest Admiral. I can personally attest to his skills,” from further down the table I heard Lunnie choking on a sip of water.

  The rest of the meal went well and the Admiral and the other officers at the table all spoke to each of the TRITYTE crew. I asked the Admiral if the crew would be given medals for their action and service and he looked at me dumbfounded.

  “Medals? He asked, “I don’t understand.”

  I explained that back on Earth where I was from that for various acts of courage, bravery, or sacrifice that medals were awarded to military personal and that they wore them on their dress uniforms. The Admiral said he’d never heard of any such thing being done and was not sure he saw the merit of it. He then asked me if I would do him a personal favor, would I be willing to put on a small impromptu demonstration of martial arts for the others there to witness. I was about to decline when I saw it as an opportunity and I said.

  “I will, but under one condition. When I was picked up by the DUSTEN, Major Kalana was assigned as an attaché to assist me, and she has done so remarkably well. But now that we have successfully returned the Solbidyum to the Federation I am concerned that there might be plans to have her returned to duty on the DUSTEN. It would be a grave disappointment to me if this were to happen. What I would like is to have Major continue to assist me further and would request that, if she is willing, she be assigned to do so for however long I need.”

  The Admiral sat back in his chair and looked at me with a slight squint in his eyes; obviously analyzing my request, he scratched his chin and then said, “You’re as shrewd as you are resourceful it appears, is that all you want?”

  “Well,” I said, “as I understand it I will be receiving the TRITYTE intact for my own ship per Federation laws and such a ship will require a crew, so here’s my proposal. I’ll do your demonstration here and now, before these guests, and if it impresses you the way I think it will I will consent to train fifty others to become trainers for your Federation troops. In return I get Major Kalana, Lieutenant Reidecor, Corporal Luinella , and Sergeant Marranalis, assuming they are willing of course, to be permanently attached to me for as long as I , or they, wish. Once substantial rewards for finding the TRITYTE have been transferred to me I will become responsible for all pay and compensations for their services, until then however those responsibilities are yours. They will maintain their military commissions and be eligible for advancements as the Federation sees fit.”

  The Admiral tented his fingers under his chin and smiled saying, “I don’t know Tibby, having witnessed what you have done so far with this crew I would be afraid you might conquer the entire Federation.” He chuckled and smiled. “What you are asking is unprecedented you know?”

  “I’m sure asking your guest while, at a dinner in his honor, to perform pugilistic self-defense moves as a demonstration while wearing formal attire is also unprecedented.” I responded smiling.

  “Good point,” the Admiral noted, “Ok, I agree with your terms. Providing your crew members agree to it.” I turned and looked at them to see if they had been following the conversation, all of them were looking at me intently with smiles on their faces and each one nodded saying, “I’m in”. Kala had the biggest smile of all and was squeezing my leg with delight.

  Admiral Regeny stood and called for attention. Though I could not see any microphones I concluded that they must use some sort of directional microphones because whenever someone spoke to address the room it was clearly heard by all.

  “Attention everyone,” he began, “I know many of you have heard of Tibby’s skills in hand to hand combat, with some negotiating I have convinced him to demonstrate for us tonight some of these skills.” This evoked a small applause from some of the military staff in the room. “Tibby seemed concerned about messing up his suit but I think we can forgive a wrinkle or two. Do we have any volunteers?”

  All was silent and the Admiral looked about the room. “Looks like I shall have to pick a volunteer,” he pointed to one of the guards by the door. “Congratulations Sergeant you just volunteered,” everyone in the room laughed at this; slightly relieved I’m sure. I stood up and walked down to the carpeted area in front of the stage as the trooper approached. He was quite a bit larger than I; he was well over one point nine meters and weighted more than myself.

  “What should I do?” He asked as he approached me.

  “Grab me and try and put me in restraints,” I suggested.

  He moved forward quickly grabbing me by the arm, which was precisely what I had hoped he would do. Instead of pulling away from him I move into him catching him off balance, placing one of my feet on top of his causing him to fall backward. As he fell I was able to take the restraints from his other hand and snap it to his arm I was holding. I then managed to spin him so he landed on his side with his free hand up. With one quick move I attached the restraint to his other arm and he was left helpless on the floor with his hands restrained behind his back. The entire demonstration took place in the blink of an eye and was followed by gasps all around the room. I removed his restraints and helped him to his feet, he was red faced and a bit shaken.

  “Sergeant, please take your knife and attack me,” the Sergeant looked at the Admiral w
ith a questioning look. The Admiral gave an approving nod towards the Sergeant. Unlike Marranalis on the DUSTEN the sergeant pulled his knife out of its scabbard.

  “I want you to really try and hurt me any way you can,” I said confidently.

  It was almost a repeat performance of the demonstration on the DUSTEN. In just seconds the poor sergeant was lying on the floor with the knife at his throat. On the platform I could hear Sgt. Marranalis say, “Now I don’t feel so bad,” as he chuckled. All around the room people were on their feet in amazement. Applause broke out as I helped the defeated man back to his feet and thanked him as we walked back towards the table. Kala beamed looking at me and the Admiral said to me, “Looks like you got yourself a crew and I’m going to get a team of fighters. I wonder which of us is getting the better deal.” To which Kala replied, “I think all of us Admiral!”

  Admiral Regeny looked me over from head to foot and then announced to the room. “Not a single wrinkle, amazing, simply amazing!” Once again applause rang out.

  Later that night in my room, with Kala lying in my arms, she asked teasingly, “Is there anything you cannot do?”

  “Yes” I said, “I can’t stop loving you.”

  The next morning we were awaken by the door chime and pounding on the door, Kala activated the door and Lunnie came bouncing in, clearly excited “Come quickly you guys, you’ve got to see this! Hurry, hurry or you’ll miss it! No, no don’t waste time getting dressed, just get out here!” Naked as a bunch of Kobolian binbaers Kala and I followed her into the common room where Lt. Reidecor and Sgt. Marranalis were seated looking a giant vid screen.

  On the screen images of the dinner the night before were being displayed showing us as we were entering the great hall, a commentator was saying, “Members of the crew of the DUSTEN participated in the daring plan of the discoverer of the TRITYTE. Here you can see Tibby, as he prefers to be called, Lt. Reidecor, Corporal Luinella, and Sgt. Marranalis. Now you can see coming down from the Captain’s table to join them Major Kalana, the attaché assigned to Tibby and part of the crew that brought the TRITYTE and the Solbidyum back to Megelleon.


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