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Captive's Desire

Page 6

by Natasha Knight

Jenna nodded. “That’s my guess. He’ll never admit it though.”

  Livvie had to check the emotions that tried to creep to the surface at this news. Hayden was her captor, her kidnapper. Who he did that with shouldn’t matter to her. She just was going to make sure it didn’t happen with her again!

  “He does seem like a stubborn, overbearing, anal-retentive jerk.”

  Jenna raised her eyebrows. “Wow, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Sorry, but when he’s got me collared like some animal and won’t even let me out of the house, my mind has time to come up with these descriptions.”

  “He’s a nice guy, Livvie. Really, he has a good heart. A big heart. Besides, I think he likes you.”

  “No, he doesn’t, Jenna. I’m his prisoner. I’m the enemy, remember?”

  Jenna threaded her arm through Livvie’s. “You’re not my enemy,” she said.

  Livvie looked at her and Jenna smiled back, pulling even closer. She didn’t try to disengage her arm, but it felt strange. It confused her that Jenna could be so nice to her, so easy with her as if they’d known each other for a long time.

  They walked quietly toward the kitchen. Most people were on foot and the one or two Jeeps she saw were driven by soldiers: men with guns. But it wouldn’t matter if she got her hands on one anyway. The collar around her neck would ensure she’d remain contained on the wrong side of the fence. A part of her questioned exactly what would happen if she did get close enough or even manage to break out, but another part, the part that was opposed to pain in general, didn’t want to test it. She listened to the water in the distance.

  “Can we walk by the river? Hayden was going to show me the other day, but Mary interrupted my tour.”

  “Sure. It’s beautiful anyway,” Jenna said, veering off onto a side street. The sound of water grew louder as they walked toward the end of the long road where a large, sandy area led to the water’s edge.

  “It’s more wild this time of year with the snow melt,” Jenna explained. “By summertime, you can swim in it.”

  “Who uses the canoes?”

  Several of them stood tethered to posts near the water’s edge. The fence that she had thought circled the town didn’t seem to circle it at all because there wasn’t one beyond the river, a natural barrier, which led to the ridge. She could climb it, cross to the other side. It was the same in some other parts of the town, where the mountain was too steep to climb. She wouldn’t even need to cross the river, although it would be the easier of the two options. But then what? How would she get back to Magnus on foot?

  The sound she heard next drew her attention. It was loud, that of a door opening, a large door. She turned, as did Jenna.

  “Uh-oh,” Jenna said.


  “I was hoping we wouldn’t get caught, but we’ve just been found out,” she said, waving to the two men who stood arguing next to the huge garage door back along the start of the street.

  “Who are they?”

  “Shane and Marc. Arguing again,” she said, shaking her head.

  “You know them how?” Livvie asked, her attention more focused on what she glimpsed behind the door than on the men outside. She stood still, watching.

  “Shane’s my husband. Marc was…an old friend.”

  “Oh.” Livvie wasn’t paying attention. The old model Hunter-Killer aircraft she glimpsed ignited a memory and, more important, gave her one more option. She knew her escape would come by water or air, not land.

  The men stopped talking and their attention was suddenly on her and Jenna. Livvie recognized Shane from the first night. “Shane’s the one with the dark hair, right?” she asked Jenna, turning to face her friend, not wanting the men to know she’d seen what she’d seen.

  “Yes,” Jenna said.

  Shane nodded an acknowledgement to her and Marc just stared at them.

  “I think Hayden’s going to know you’ve been out of the house,” Jenna said, looking at Livvie.

  “I told you I don’t care,” Livvie answered. “Show me your kitchen and put me to work.”

  * * *

  Livvie switched the shower off and reached for her towel. She’d spent the day in the kitchen with Jenna assembling pies and one was baking downstairs in the kitchen now. The scent of it filled the small house. Jenna had suggested using it as a peace offering for Hayden for when he found out where she’d been all day. Jenna herself had taken one home for Shane, knowing she’d also be in some trouble since he obviously knew she’d taken Livvie out without permission.

  She wrapped the towel around herself and let her hair out of its clip, wondering how they’d manage to get their hands on one of Magnus’ older jets. She’d seen them in the museum at Magnus One, had even been inside the cockpit. It was different than her modern airship, but she could manage it. She considered when she should go investigate things further, find out how easy or difficult it would be to get to the jet. She’d seen a makeshift runway, but wasn’t sure it would be enough to get the old ship off the ground.

  But all she’d need to do would be to get the thing up in the air and away from the resistance fighters. She’d managed to break the lock on the window downstairs so although it still looked like it was locked, if Hayden tried it, he’d figure out pretty quickly what she’d been up to. But if she could get out within the next few days, it wouldn’t matter. She’d get to Katie and then figure things out.

  “Pie smells good,” Hayden said.

  Livvie jumped. “Christ, you scared me!” she said, finding Hayden lying against the headboard, one arm tucked behind his head, legs stretched out. He wore jeans, but that was all and Livvie couldn’t help it when her eyes wandered the expanse of his chest, his arms, lower across his belly to the line of dark hair that disappeared into his jeans. She noticed how the first button was undone and remembered what she’d seen a few days earlier. Her face felt hot.

  She swallowed, forcing herself to ignore that feeling in her belly, between her legs. This new thing that she felt every time she was near him.

  “I switched off the oven,” he said, sitting up. “Things burn if you leave them in there, you know.”

  Shoot, she’d been so preoccupied with other things, she’d forgotten to wait for it.

  “Did it burn?” she asked, walking to the dresser to get some clothes.

  “Nope,” he said. “Come here.”

  She stopped with her back to him. Had he found out about the window? No, he wasn’t mad. He looked and sounded too relaxed, like he was enjoying himself. She turned.

  “Why?” she asked.

  His gaze told her exactly why.

  “Am I in trouble?” she asked. “If it’s about going with Jenna…”

  “I talked to Jenna briefly. Shane will handle her. I’m not angry with you. I probably should have let you do that sooner. I’m not planning on going out for the next few days so you won’t be alone so much.”

  “It was my idea as much as hers,” she said, her feeble attempt to protect Jenna.

  “It’s ok, Livvie. Come here.” He stood.

  She walked slowly over to him, moisture already collecting between her legs just at the tone of his voice.

  “Put your hands at your sides.”

  She’d been clutching her towel to her breast, but now slowly did as he said. Her heartbeat picked up as she stared up at him, wondering why she was standing there like she was, as if just waiting for his next command. Waiting to submit to him.

  His expression told her he had some idea of her inner turmoil. Smiling, he reached for the knot that held the towel in place and loosened it. When it slid to the floor, she didn’t move to cover herself. Instead, she stood looking at him while his eyes remained on hers. He pushed her hair over her shoulders and onto her back.

  “You’re very pretty, Olivia,” he said.

  She swallowed, a small shiver running up her spine. As much as her desire shamed her, she wanted this. She wanted him to look at her, to touch her, to make her f
eel the way she’d felt the last time.

  “Tell me,” he said, the fingers of one hand lightly outlining the curve of her collarbone, her shoulder, her arm. Every hair stood on end as he touched her and when he lightly brushed one nipple, she shuddered. This brought a real smile to his face. “Have you been thinking about what we did the other day?”

  She found she couldn’t answer. Her voice was lost. No, it wasn’t that. She had no words to form.

  “Put your hands behind your back.”

  She knew she should resist, but found herself clasping her hands behind her.

  “Take your legs just a little wider.”

  Again, she obeyed, realizing as she did that the moisture that had begun as a humid awareness was now coating her pussy, sliding down her inner thigh. Her gaze grew wider as shame engulfed her. Keeping his eyes on hers, he reached between her legs as if to assure her that he already knew of her predicament. He didn’t necessarily try to alleviate her guilt, but instead, his acknowledgement of it only made her blush deepen as her pussy responded to his touch.

  “Have you ever tasted yourself, Livvie?” he asked, bringing two glistening fingers to her mouth.

  She licked her lips as if readying to answer, but remained mute, swallowing instead.

  “I’d like you to answer me, please,” he said, rubbing one wet finger across her lips.

  She was only able to make a sound; a small, incoherent sound.

  “Now, I think you can do better than that.”

  She shook her head with a whispered no.

  “Would you like me to dip my fingers inside your pussy and let you taste yourself?” he asked.

  She swallowed and it took her a moment. She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  “Good girl, and so polite,” he said, tracing her lower lip once before swiping his hand once again across her pussy and returning his fingers to her mouth.

  “Open,” he said.

  She did; it was just the slightest parting of her lips, but it was enough for him to press his fingers inside.

  “Now suck.”

  She closed her eyes as her mouth sealed around his fingers. She tasted the slightly sweet, slightly bitter taste of herself.

  “Let go, Livvie,” he said, chuckling.

  She opened her mouth and released his fingers.

  “Do you like how you taste?” he asked, no humor in his question.

  “Yes,” she said, having to clear her throat before the sound actually left her mouth with form.

  “I’ll give you something else to suck on in a little bit.” He caressed the side of her face and kissed her temple lightly. He then took both nipples into his hands and squeezed harder than she expected, then twisted.

  “Ow!” She jumped, grasping his wrists. It had hurt, but it had simultaneously sent a sensation to her clit she couldn’t ignore.

  “Clasp your hands behind your back unless you want me to bind them.”

  “It hurt,” she said, moving her hands away.

  He smiled. “On your knees, Livvie. Keep your legs wide,” he said, pressing on her shoulder.

  She sank to her knees, looking up at him, her posture making her very aware of the heat and moisture between her legs. She wondered for a moment what was happening to her, why she was reacting this way to the pain of having her nipples squeezed, the humiliation of being told to kneel naked before this man who was clothed.

  He made her stay that way for what seemed like forever, just looking down at her. And after that time, she felt her submission more clearly than she could have understood it in either words or thoughts when he finally moved.

  Hayden unbuttoned his jeans and released his cock. Livvie didn’t think. All she could wonder was how he would taste, how she wanted to lick him, to suck him like she had his fingers, but harder.

  She watched, enthralled, while he massaged the length of his cock. Impossible though it seemed, it grew even larger, thicker, harder. A shiny drop slickened the very head of it, making her lick her lips.

  “Have you ever sucked a man’s cock, Livvie?” he asked.

  Embarrassed to the point of no return, she could only stare up at him. It took her an age to reply with a quiet no.

  “Would you like to suck my cock?”

  “Yes,” she answered more eagerly.

  “Then ask. Ask me to put my cock inside your mouth. Ask for permission to suck my cock, Livvie.”

  His gaze had darkened with his arousal. Bringing her attention back to his cock, she not only opened her mouth, but was unable to stop herself from flicking her tongue over the tip, cleaning off that droplet. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to taste him. To find out if he tasted like her, if he was sweet or salty.

  He pulled back and shook his head. “No, Livvie. It’s rude not to ask permission first.”

  “Please let me…” she couldn’t do it. Couldn’t finish.

  “Let you what?” he asked, massaging its length again, touching the head of it to her lips, teasing her.

  She cleared her throat. “Please let me suck your cock. I want to suck your cock.”

  He smiled a deeply satisfied smile and when she opened her mouth, he slid it inside.

  She closed her eyes, savoring the salty, slightly sweaty flavor, the soft, warm skin covering the hardness beneath. She sealed her lips around it, licking with her tongue as she sucked, taking him deeper into her mouth and retreating again and again, tasting that little bit of salty release.

  He let out a long moan and put his hands to either side of her head. Fisting handfuls of her hair, he thrust his cock toward the back of her throat. She gagged and tried to pull free. He allowed her some space, but held her to him.

  “It’s ok. That was too fast,” he said. “We’ll go slow. Relax, Olivia, it’s ok. Look at me.”

  She turned her face to his, her eyes filled with tears from the physical effect of what he’d done. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He smiled and pulled her to her feet before laying her on the bed. She watched him strip off his jeans and stand naked before her. “Spread your legs,” he said.

  Her eyes went wide.

  He climbed onto the bed and pushed her legs apart with his. “Take them wide, Livvie,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She shook her head.

  “No?” he asked, his voice teasing as he pushed her thighs open. “Are you sure?” he asked, resting his cock between the folds of her pussy. He smiled. “Don’t worry, Olivia,” he said, rubbing the thick shaft all along her slickness there, covering it in her juices. “I won’t fuck you until you beg me to.”

  Damp heat slickened her pussy and she opened to him, her sigh a quiet letting go of all thought while she simply felt. She had a deep longing to have him inside her, to fill the emptiness she was suddenly so aware of.

  “I have a feeling that won’t be too long now,” he said.

  When he pulled away, she made a noise, looking up at him. “Please.” Her voice was weak and in the next moment, all thought was once again lost. His hands were to either side of her pussy, opening her wider.

  “Please what?” he teased, looking down at her as she held her legs wide, allowing him the view.

  “Please, I…don’t know. I want…”

  He buried his face there, making her gasp and clutch at him. He licked and sucked, the softness of his mouth so opposite the hardness of the rest of him. Her pussy was on fire, but still, she could feel the warmth that was his, that was him, separate of her own heat.

  Just when she was on the verge of climax, he moved a hand and one finger covered and pressed lightly against her back hole. She gasped at the pressure while he sucked her clit. She should fight him off, she should tell him to stop, she knew it. But she lost all control of herself as her body bucked beneath him, unable to process anything as sensation upon sensation left her both physically and mentally limp.

  He didn’t give her time to recover before closing his mouth over hers.

  “It’s only the be
ginning,” he said.

  “I want…” she began in a whisper, her voice husky, not sounding at all like herself.

  “Yes?” he taunted, climbing to his knees and straddling her chest, trapping her arms beneath his thighs. He massaged his cock as she watched. “Tell me what you want, Olivia.”

  She licked her lips. She was still riding the waves of her release and her words were not her own. She opened her mouth, hungry again for the taste of him, the salt, the sweat, the man. She reached her tongue out.

  “Tell me first, tell me what you want to do. I like to hear you say it.”

  He’d withdrawn his cock just far enough that she could see it, watch him massage it in his big hand, his cock slick with her juices, the tip of it just touching her lips.

  “I want…” She looked up at him once more and when she met his eyes, he shifted so he covered her pussy one more time with his free hand. “Oh!” she began, lifting her hips into his hand.

  “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

  “I want to taste you too,” she said, amazed and ashamed at her words. “I want you to put your cock in my mouth.”

  “Christ, Livvie!” he exclaimed, bringing his cock to her lips. She opened eagerly, sucking while he moved his length into her mouth then pulled back, gaining ground slowly, but not reaching for the back of her throat this time. All the while he kept his fingers working over her clit.

  “I love how you suck my cock,” he said. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  She obeyed, his words only egging her on, making her want to please him, to give him the same pleasure he’d given her. She stilled when she felt the twitch of his cock and the first spurts hit the back of her throat. She made a sound and would have tried to free herself, but he held her still. She watched his face and realized he must be feeling the ecstasy she’d felt and relaxed, opening for him, wanting to take what he gave. His eyes grew softer, brighter, more blue, more gold. She came a second time herself as she listened to his moan and felt the seemingly interminable flow as he emptied himself into her mouth. When he finished, he pulled slowly out and took his slick fingers from her clit.

  “Do I have to tell you to swallow?” he asked, his breath uneven.


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