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Captive's Desire

Page 14

by Natasha Knight

  There was a tentative knock on the door.

  “Come in,” he said, setting his forearms on the desk and clasping his hands beneath his chin. He wanted to appear as strict a disciplinarian as he could, at least at first. Truth was, he was proud of Livvie. She was brave, even braver than he’d realized. Stubborn as hell, but brave.

  “Hi,” she said, smiling a nervous smile. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, maneuvering everything with her left arm.

  “Hi,” he said. Any thought of chastising her was out the window when he set his eyes on her again. She was magnificent.

  He pushed his chair back from the desk and motioned to his lap. She walked toward him, obviously unsure what to do, and so he reached for her and stood her between his legs. “Your arm ok?” he asked, touching it lightly.

  “It’s fine,” she said. “Doctors just want to keep the bandage on for a couple more days. They’re not taking any chances, I guess.”

  “I’m with them. How’s Katie doing?”


  Hayden knew it had been touch and go for a while between the drugs she’d been sedated with and the shot to her hip, but at least they’d been on time before irreparable damage could have been done.

  “Marc’s got quite the crush on her, you know,” she said.

  He took her wrist and turned the delicate inside toward him, tracing a soft line up to the crease of her elbow. “M-hmm. I heard. There’s a rumor she might like him just as much.”

  “Yeah. He’s not so much a jerk when you get to know why he was so angry, I guess.”

  “It’s all in the past now. Our mission was successful and although it’s not over, I hope we’ll be able to live a more normal life, an easier life now. Marc deserves that too.”

  “I know.”

  “We do need to talk about what you did though,” he said, reaching to unbutton her blouse. He felt her body tense infinitesimally.

  “Are you going to spank me?” she asked.

  He waited to answer until he had peeled the blouse from her body and let it fall to the floor.

  “No,” he said, serious for a moment. “I’m not going to spank you. I understand why you did what you did.”

  She exhaled and smiled.

  He pulled her closer by slipping his finger into the waistband of her jeans and tugging. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll earn more spankings to come. And I’ve decided to go ahead with weekly maintenance spankings once your arm is fully healed.”


  He grinned and unbuttoned the first button. “I think,” he said, slipping the rest of the buttons free and dipping two fingers into her panties, “you’ll look forward to them almost as much as I will.”

  “Hm, maybe,” she said, obviously not agreeing with him.

  His fingers tickled her pussy, which she’d kept bare since he’d shaved her that day. His eyes remained on hers as he did it, watched her pupils dilate as he played. “Let’s get these off,” he said. Once he’d stripped her, Hayden tugged his shirt over his head and pulled her down to straddle his lap. Her legs were wide and he wrapped his arms around behind her, gripping each buttock, spreading her even more.

  Livvie tried to grind herself against his erection as she leaned in to kiss him, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  “You’ve become so greedy,” he said, teasing her with small kisses along her neck, her collarbone, as his fingers explored the moisture between her legs. “And you’re dripping wet.” He leaned in to kiss her fully once as he rose to his feet, lifting her with him.

  “You’ve been gone so long,” she said into his kiss as he laid her on his desk.

  He stood between her thighs and looked down at her, forcing her to bend her knees as he pressed her thighs to either side of her torso. His eyes traveled down her body to her pussy. She was all pink and soft, her lips spread open, as if welcoming him, hungry for him. He leaned down, took her clit into his mouth and sucked hard, drawing the swollen nub out.

  Livvie moaned and closed her eyes.

  Hayden straightened and freed one of her legs for a moment as he opened the crotch of his pants to release his cock. She watched him bring the head of it to her pussy and dip it between her hot folds.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  He ignored her and kept teasing, watching her face as he ran the length of his cock all along her sex before slipping it slowly inside her. Livvie arched her back as if she couldn’t get him close enough and he penetrated deep once, twice, three times, before pulling out and dragging her from the table.

  “No,” she said, resisting.

  “On your knees before I do spank you,” he said, pushing her down to her knees as he pressed her head toward his cock. She opened her mouth, eagerly taking it in, licking and sucking, opening wide enough to take him deep. He closed his eyes, holding on to her, regulating her movements. “That’s so good, Livvie,’’ he said. He knew he wouldn’t last long; it had been two weeks since he’d had her, and once again, when he pulled her head back by her hair, she resisted, lapping at him like a hungry animal.

  “Up,” he said, lifting her.

  “Ow.” She leaned her head back into his hand to relieve some of the pressure although he was only tugging lightly.

  He ignored her and turned her to bend over the desk. He slapped her inner thighs several times. “Take your legs wide, girl.”

  She did.

  He gripped her buttocks and spread her open. One thumb settled over her asshole and when he pressed against it, she opened easily to him.

  “Please,” she begged. “Hayden, please fuck me now!”

  “I like it when you beg,” he teased, the head of his cock hovering at her pussy. He pushed his thumb deeper inside her back hole and when she tensed, drove his cock into her pussy hard.

  She sucked in a loud breath and arched her back. He fucked her, liking the look of his cock as it dripped wet from her juices and he didn’t stop when she clamped down around him, her first orgasm coming on fast.

  She moaned and ground her hips back and he held her like that, open, watching her tense the muscles of her thighs, milking every last ounce of pleasure. When she had settled, he pulled his finger from her ass and his cock from her pussy. It nearly dripped with her juices as he traced the cleft up to her asshole and hovered there.

  “I want to fuck your ass, Livvie.”

  “Yes,” she managed.

  It was all he needed to push against her tight hole. She tensed for a moment, but slowly opened to him. He took his time, enjoying the feel of her hot, snug passage as it enveloped his cock, opening for him slowly. She came again when he reached around to rub her clit. He was only halfway in, but as she came, he began to pump, taking more space, knowing she’d be feeling a slight burn, her ass not yet accustomed to being used by him. The thought of training her seemed to make him swell even thicker and he pumped harder and faster, seating himself fully and deeply inside her, until he too went over that edge, thrusting hard once, twice as he came and nearly collapsed over her back.

  * * *

  They sat naked on the couch in his office, Hayden’s arms wrapped protectively around her.

  “What happens now? I mean, with the fighting?” she asked. She traced the lines of his palm as he held her close to his chest.

  “We keep fighting. Our armies are growing as the citizens of Magnus One and Two join forces with us. I don’t want to say it’s going to be easy or fast, but we’ll win. In time.”

  “I want to fight with you, Hayden. I want to bring them down.”

  He turned his face and took her chin with his fingers, forcing her to look at him. “Livvie, I know you’re still angry about what they did to your brother and sister, but you have to put it behind you. I don’t want you to join the fighting. I’m sorry, but I won’t allow that.”

  “I’m a soldier, Hayden. They trained me for this.”

  “I want better for you. For us. We have a chance at a future now. I want a family, Livvie. I always ha

ve. I want a wife and kids. Lots of them. And I can’t think of anyone I’d want for my wife aside from you.”

  She smiled a sad smile, tears warming her eyes. “I’m the only one who’ll put up with you, you mean,” she said, brushing his hair behind his ear.

  “It’s time to let the citizens fight for themselves now. We’ll help them, of course, but it’s time for us to live now.” Hayden turned her so she sat facing him. “Marry me, Olivia. Today. We’ll do it at the hospital so your sister can witness it. I’ve waited all my life and I’m not willing to wait another minute.”

  The hope she saw in his eyes filled her with the same. She could only nod, her throat tight with emotion.

  Hayden took her chin and brought her mouth to his. “I love you, Livvie.”

  “I love you, Hayden.”

  The End

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  Natasha Knight Links

  You can find author interviews, excerpts of upcoming books, and general thoughts from Natasha Knight via her blog, her Twitter and Facebook pages, and her Amazon and Goodreads profiles, using the following links:

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  More Books by Natasha Knight

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