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Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance

Page 12

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Lead the way.” Gritting his teeth, John motioned to one of his warriors to remain with his daughter and the beefy guardsman took a standing position behind the lass.

  This coming conversation was one that needed to occur, and with all haste. Coll strode from the room with the MacRae and entered the private room he’d used a number of times. He closed the door after John had walked through then waited as the man sat in the upholstered burgundy chair beside the window overlooking the hills.

  He eased into the blue padded seat opposite John, planted his elbows on his knees and pressed his hands together.

  “In what other ways are we to strengthen our allied bond, other than by marriage as we’ve already arranged?” John gripped the hilt of his side sword, the fierce warrior well known for his fast and lethal strike with his blade. “And why the hell would you speak of another lass being within your chamber right in front of my daughter? Do you have no care for Elizabeth’s feelings at all?”

  “I apologize, but I can no longer marry your daughter.” No mincing of words. “’Twould be gravely unfair to wed her when I’m in love with another woman.”

  “I beg your pardon?” John slid his claymore free, his voice all raspy and hard as he shoved to his feet. “Surely I just misheard you.”

  “I’m no’ free to wed Elizabeth, no when I’ve given my heart to another.” Rising to his feet too, he swung his own sword free. “The fae empath, Fiona, holds the other half of my soul, as I hold the other half of hers.”

  “Damn you, Coll.” Nostrils flaring, MacRae loosened his knees and took a ready position. “My daughter will face ridicule and scorn when word spreads of your decision to toss her aside in favor of another woman, no matter that woman is your mate.”

  “I can offer recompense for the broken betrothal. Name your price and it shall be paid.” He too inched from side to side, his gaze on MacRae as he awaited his strike which would surely come.

  “My daughter’s very reputation is at stake. I should kill you, right here and right now for the slur you’ve now brought down upon her name.” John swung and Coll blocked his swift blow. Their swords clashed dead center and clanged loud.

  Aye, this battle of retribution was inevitable, but he’d fight to his last breath to ensure he had the chance to claim Fiona as his wife. He wanted her by his side for the rest of his life, and he damn well wished he’d seen the truth sooner. “I willnae lay my blade down. We shall fight if you wish it. I leave the choice to you.”

  “Aye, we fight.” John shoved forward and shoulder to his chest, flattened him to the wall behind him. The wall hangings swayed and sparks flared from the brazier. “I demand suitable retribution, in the form of your blood.”

  “Until first blood is drawn then.” He heaved John from him then ducked the warrior’s next blow aimed at his neck.

  “I see you dinnae wish to hold back on this fight.”

  “My daughter is an innocent.”

  “As is Fiona, her welfare and safety mine to ensure.” He thrust his knee into MacRae’s groin, bore his shoulder into him and took him down to the floor, both their swords clattering across the ground. “Have you ever loved afore, John? So greatly that you would surely die if you couldnae hold your loved one close?”

  “Of course.” John pushed and rolled them both. The warrior came up over top of him and gripped his shirtfront. “She’s my only daughter, Coll, and you’ll break her heart with this news.”

  “Excuse me, but I could hear the disturbance you two are causing from the main room, and now there are warriors aplenty ready to tear in here.” Duncan shut the paneled door behind him and eyed John. “Your son’s wife is of fae blood, just as you’re aware Coll and I are, and now my brother has discovered a soul bond has formed between him and Fiona, or at least I take it he’s finally admitted that truth to you since you’re now both battling.”

  “Aye, he’s admitted the truth.” A grunt from John.

  “He loves her,” Duncan continued, “wishes to claim her, but cannae do so until he is freed from his agreement to wed your daughter. I want for my brother what you’ll one day want for your grandson, for him to find his chosen one and join with her in all ways. You must release Coll from his agreement and allow us to find another way to deepen our allied bonds. We’ll find a way that suits us all.”

  “Only a touch of fae blood has ever entered my MacRae line.” John heaved to his feet, gripped Coll’s lapels and hauled him up too. “You’re truly mated to this Fiona you’ve spoken about?”

  “Aye, and ‘’tis a bond I cannae relinquish. I’ve spent days trying to deny it exists, but no more can I do so. I love her.”

  “Then you’re one damn lucky bastard for being mated to another of fae blood.”

  That he now understood, to the depths of his heart. “What of Elizabeth? I have feared hurting her.”

  “I’ll need to consider her options and act swiftly. In the meantime, you’ll need to keep any knowledge of your relationship with your mate quiet for as long as you possibly can. Be aware though that I intend on spreading the word that ’twas Elizabeth who has chosen to turn you down after a disagreement arose between you.” MacRae blew out a long breath as he scooped his sword and sheathed it. “I’ll procure her another betrothal during that time, and afterward we shall all speak again on what other ways we might strengthen our alliance. You owe me a great deal, Coll.”

  “I do, and I’ll make amends.” He nabbed his own sword and belted it. “That I promise you.”

  “Coll!” Breathing hard, Ella rushed in. “I cannae find Fiona. She wasnae in your chamber and I’ve also checked the stables. The stable hand said she left no’ long after John and his party arrived. She’s riding toward the coastline, gave the lad implicit instructions that you were to collect your horse at the harbor village. The lad said she wished to secure passage to the abbey on Iona.”

  “I’ll never be able to get her back if she makes it to the abbey. We ride now.” He raced out the door and left John behind, Duncan and Ella hot on his heels as he sprinted across the yard toward the stables. He grabbed Duncan’s war horse and heaved into the saddle, while his brother mounted Ella’s steed and hoisted his wife up in front of him.

  Leather creaked and he galloped across the rolling moors toward the western coastline.

  Duncan pounded in beside him, Ella secured safely in front. “Fiona loves you,” his brother yelled over the wind, “would never truly stand in your way when your desire is foremost to ensure the safety of our clan. That’s why she’s left. I’d all but guarantee it.”

  “I never acknowledged our bond existed to her, although I had intended on doing so after I’d spoken to John.” He gripped Duncan’s arm as they rode, then just as quickly released it. “You have my immense thanks for what you said to John just afore.”

  “John’s daughter-in-law and grandson are of fae blood. He clearly understands far more about the mated bond than you thought to give him credit for.” Duncan leaned in closer to his mount’s neck, cocooning Ella more tightly to his chest. “We need to catch Fiona now, and you need to make amends, immediately.”

  “Agreed.” Once he caught up with her and apologized profusely, he intended on spending every day of the rest of his life attempting to make up for the grave mistake he’d made in ever letting her go. She was the only one he’d ever love, ever wished to live for.

  “Look!” Ella pointed to the trail up ahead where it veered into two, this road one that many travelers used with it being so close to Carron Harbor. “Your destrier has a heavier track mark on its front right hoof and your horse has veered away.”

  He caught the clear impression too. His horse no longer being ridden toward the harbor but into the forest rising alongside the inner channel of the loch. She’d changed course. He shoved his knees into his destrier’s flanks and spurred his horse on. “I’m coming, my fiery one,” he whispered raggedly, his very soul crying out to hers. “I’m coming, and never will I let you go again.”

  Chapter 7

  An early evening mist clung to the shrub-lined trail as Fiona galloped through the woods toward Carron Castle. When she’d ridden from the tavern it had been with the intention of seeking passage on a vessel headed toward Iona, yet when the harbor had come into view, fear had struck her hard. Never could she live without Coll, or even attempt to do so, and even though he’d be furious about her return to his keep, she intended on making one final stand. Or at least she would once his anger had calmed.

  Fallen leaves twirled along the pathway as she raced and a bone-deep chill invaded her body, making her shiver from the cold. No longer did the sun shine as it had this morn, but instead gray clouds obscured the skies high above. She wriggled in her saddle and tried to stretch tired muscles after the long hours of riding.

  Onward, she raced, his war horse solid and powerful underneath her, until she finally emerged from the forested trail and pulled the beast to a halt. Carron Castle rose tall and strong along the cliffs overlooking the innermost point of Loch Carron, the sight so incredibly welcoming.

  This was the place where she’d sought sanctuary after escaping Rhue Castle and Jeremiah, and this was the place where she wished to spend the rest of her life, and with the one man she loved more than anyone else.

  She slapped her reins against the horse’s neck and spurred the beast on.

  The head guardsman caught sight of her and she waved out and galloped under the main arch then drew her horse in as she reached the front step of the keep within the inner bailey.

  She slung one leg over the side, dropped to the ground and tossed the reins to a lad who rushed forward. “Ensure our laird’s horse is well fed and brushed down.”

  “Aye, mistress.” The lad led the horse away.

  “And where would our laird be?” Kyla stood on the top step under the eaves in a burgundy gown, her hands braced on her hips and her golden-red curls lifting in the light wind.

  “’Tis a very long story, but we are in fact mated and I cannae yet allow him to get away from me simply because he continues to deny our bond exists.” With her satchel slung over one shoulder, she walked across to her dearest friend and hugged her. “He still intends on speaking vows with Elizabeth, and I intend on confronting him again, although only once he’s calmed down. He’ll be beyond angry that I’m here when expects me to stay at Ardan.”

  “He still intends to wed the MacRae’s daughter even though you are soul bound?” A disbelieving look flared in Kyla’s eyes, quickly followed by fury, the wave of emotion rolling from her matching her expression. “Cherub arrived here and I sent her to you, but you can be certain I’ll have a stern word with Coll as well when he returns. How can he continue to ignore the truth right afore his very eyes?”

  “I’ve no idea, but I intend to make certain he no longer—”

  “The laird returns!” The guardsman’s call echoed toward her and her heart almost catapulted from her chest.

  Damn it. Coll should never have been able to follow her this fast, not when he had his bride-to-be to care for, only horses’ hooves indeed pounded then as two mounts hurtled under the arch, dust swirled into the drizzly mist. Nay, she needed more time to consider how to approach their next argument, for there surely would be one.

  Coll bounded from his mount in thick black boots, his plaid belted around his waist and sword swaying at his side, a determined and fierce slash crossing his face. His black hair blazed blue on the ends, his locks disheveled and his piercing brown eyes flecked with gold landing right on her. “Fiona MacKenzie, you and I are about to have words.”

  “I’ve got to go.” She dashed past Kyla and raced up the stairs to her chamber on the top floor.

  “Halt!” Coll bellowed as he pounded after her, his booted steps ricocheting off the walls.

  She skidded inside her chamber and slammed the bolt across.

  “Open this door now!” Coll hammered and rattled the door.

  “I dinnae want you anywhere near me until you’ve calmed down.”

  All went suddenly quiet on the other side and she pressed her ear to the door.

  “You’ll never bar me from your chamber again.” His voice rumbled from behind her and she spun around, her belly dropping to her feet as Coll shut the connecting door between their rooms and strode toward her.

  “Wait.” She lifted her hands.

  “Running from me isnae acceptable.” He stopped in front of her, unfastened his sword belt and set it aside, kicked off his boots and heaved his white tunic over his head. In naught but his kilt, the front tenting something wicked, he murmured, “I love you.”


  “I said, I love you, infuriatingly so.” He pressed her back against the door then with his hands planted on the paneled wood either side of her head, he leaned in and touched his forehead to hers. In the softest whisper, he murmured, “I’ve broken my betrothal agreement and right now I intend on speaking handfast vows with you. Will you do me the great honor of marrying me, my fiery empath?”

  “What?” She swayed and he pressed his body firmer against hers, his cock jabbing through his plaid and stabbing into her belly.

  “None can ever learn of our relationship outside of this keep, no’ until after John has secured another betrothal for his daughter, but he shall do so quickly. I’ve no doubt about that.”


  “John’s agreed we’ll speak again and discuss other ways of strengthening our allied bonds.”


  “I’ll begin with our vows.”

  “Wait.” Shock swarmed through her. “I love you too.”

  “I want a full joining, to complete our bond in every way, and I want it now.”

  “You truly believe there’s now a bond?” For so long he’d denied it, and she needed to hear him say he believed her one more time.

  “I believe you. There is a bond, and I promise to apologize every day for ever disagreeing with you, as well as to find interesting ways in which to make those apologies.” He pushed her cloak from her shoulders, unlaced her bodice’s front stays and tugged the blue velvet of her sleeves down her arms. Then with a quick pull at her waist, the fabric whooshed to her feet.

  She stood in naught but her shift, and never had anything ever felt so right. “I must be dreaming.”

  “There’ll be no more dreaming for either of us. This is real, and neither shall we be leaving these chambers until I’ve ravaged you senseless.”

  “That hardly sounded like a threat if that was your intention.”

  “’Tis time for that ravaging to begin, right now.” With painstaking slowness, he grazed one finger from between her breasts to her belly, his sensual touch making her blood heat and a heady warmth flutter to life in her core.

  “I really love how you touch me, Coll.”

  “I’m going to come inside you this time.” He skimmed his hands over her waist and around to her bottom, lifted her up and carried her into his own chamber where he laid her down on the soft fur bedcovers and slid in over top of her. Gently, he pressed his mouth to her lips. “Do you agree?”

  “Aye, I agree.”

  “Good.” He picked up one side of the bedsheet, tore a strip from it, clasped his right hand with her right, and wrapped the white cotton around both their wrists. With them bound together, he touched his lips to hers again. “I, Coll Duff MacKenzie, of Carron Castle, pledge my troth to Fiona MacKenzie. With this handfast, I take her as my wife for the next year and a day, and as the woman who holds my soul for all time to come.” He threaded his fingers firmly through hers. “The moment I can procure a clergyman to oversee our formal marriage vows, I shall.”

  “I cannae believe this is happening.”

  “Believe it.” He hoisted her shift up and settled it over her belly as he spread her legs.

  “Oh, you’re so close.” More heat flooded her below, her hunger for him rising so swift and strong. “I, Fiona MacKenzie, of Carron Castle, pledge my troth to Coll Duff
MacKenzie. With this handfast, I take him as my husband for the next year and a day, and as the man who holds the other half of my soul for all time to come.”

  “Perfect.” Grinning, he striped his kilt away, rocked his hips against her hips, his cock pushing against her entrance and his gaze heating to a smoldering hue, “Are you ready to seal our vows with a kiss?”

  “I’m ready to seal them in whatever you desire.”

  “You’re my wife, now, always, and forever.” He lowered his mouth to hers and took her lips in a searing kiss, one that completely muddled her mind.

  “Come inside me.”

  “Soon. First I intend on preparing you. I’ve no wish to hurt you and I am no’ a small man, in case you missed that.” He pulled the binding free of their wrists, eased her shift fully over her head, tossed it aside and drifted down her body.

  She grasped his broad shoulders and caressed his biceps as he devoured her breasts, his cock rubbing along the inside of her legs and making her weep for him below. Her stomach tightened in eager expectation, her heartbeat pounding and her body crying out for a full claiming.

  Aye, she craved his touch, all of his touch. Her chosen one was a man who’d never been far from her during her youth, and now she intended on keeping him close every day to come. Their mated bond was one they might have set aside until now, but no more. Every hard and defined inch of him was hers to treasure and adore, and she would, for all time to come. “Let me touch you, Coll.”

  “Later. ’Tis my time to touch you first.” He dipped his fingers between them and grazed along the inside of her thighs then gently, swept his hand along her slick entrance, his touch an intimate caress which would always belong to her. Then as he dipped one finger inside her and stroked deep, she arched her back and demanded more.

  “Claim me, as those who are soul bound do.” She caught his face in her hands, gazed into the glorious depths of his heavenly eyes. “Complete our bond and make me yours in every way.”

  “That, I cannae wait to do.” He added a second finger and pushed ever deeper inside her, until exquisite pleasure radiated out and she moaned her approval.


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