Page 29
“My father disrespected my mother’s image.” Veronica continued to stare at the researchers. “But I’m not here to argue about that.”
“Well, why are you here?”
“I have a message for my father.” Veronica cleared her throat. “Tell him I know.”
“Know?” Kenneth questioned. “Know what?”
“Tell him.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll never forgive him for what The Brotherhood did to my mother.”
“Your mother over stepped her bounds,” Kenneth replied. “She knew the risks that came with the job.”
Anastasia rushed forward, grabbing Kenneth by his collar. Veronica jumped slightly at her unexpected movement, and the researchers gasped. Anastasia slammed him onto his desk, pinning him by his shoulders. She leaned over him with her mouth opened and her fangs fully extended.
“And what about Lucius?” She sniffed his face then growled ferociously.
“You don’t scare me,” Kenneth replied.
Anastasia cocked her head to the side. “I sense different.” Her teeth slowly retracted. She let go of his collar and slowly backed away from him.
“Tell my father to not come looking for me,” Veronica said. She turned and walked back to the front door.
“You’re turning your back on your family.” Kenneth rubbed his throat and lifted himself from his desk. “Like it or not, we’re your family, Veronica. Not those Deamhan.”
Veronica opened the front door and waited to hear the bells clink before she spoke again. “Goodbye, Kenneth.” She headed out into the subzero winds of Minnesota, followed by Anastasia.
* * * *
Kenneth stood to his feet and straightened his shirt. His hands trembled slightly, and he took a deep breath, trying to relax his body. He looked at the researchers, who remained still in their position. Now their eyes were on him and his next movement.
“Get back to work,” he blurted out. He placed his hands on his hips and took another deep breath. “I’m going in the back,” he said. “If they come back, ring for help.”
He headed toward the back room. He continued to catch his breath, realizing how close he had been to death. It felt exhilarating.
Kenneth stopped in front of a black door and wiped the sweat from his brow. He looked himself over again, making sure that his clothing wasn’t scrunched or ripped. He lifted his arms to check if the sweat under his armpits moistened his shirt. He knocked gently and turned the knob, pushing the door open.
Samuel Austin sat on a two seat leather couch with his legs crossed and his pipe dangling from the right corner of his mouth. He exchanged a warm smile with Kenneth, but upon noticing the sweat dripping down his forehead, his smile changed to concern.
“You had company?” Mr. Austin asked slowly.
A half-cocked smile appeared on Kenneth’s face. He walked over to a long desk, waving off any assumption of his encounter. He didn’t want the old man to worry. Instead, he wanted Mr. Austin to feel comfortable with his decision of making him Region Leader of the Midwest Division.
“Just your daughter, sir.” Kenneth leaned against the edge of the desk. He began to fiddle around with the cluttered objects: pens, pieces of papers, a stapler. His jumpy behavior drew Mr. Austin to grab onto the edge of the couch and lift himself slowly to his feet.
Mr. Austin raised his hand before Kenneth could move to assist him. He then grabbed his cane and puffed on his pipe before walking toward him.
“Did she come to talk to me?” he asked.
“Just a warning, sir.” Kenneth folded his hands in front of his chest. “If you ask me, your daughter is all words. She brought that Deamhan with her too, just to make it look like she meant business.”
“Well.” Mr. Austin puffed. “Obviously she got her point across.” He referred to Kenneth’s rattling behavior.
Mr. Austin walked to a large five-shelf bookcase at the opposite end of the wall. He remained quiet, examining the books stacked neatly against one another. Every book significant to The Brotherhood rested on the top two shelves while anything else less important, magazines and personal reading books, rested on the remaining shelves.
“How long is this going to go on for?” Kenneth asked. He felt the question escaping his lips was wrong, and he immediately wanted to recant.
“Plans have changed, Kenneth.” Mr. Austin continued to admire the bookshelf. “I’ve told you that you have to be flexible if you eventually want to lead this organization.”
Kenneth remained unsure but nodded anyway, trusting Mr. Austin’s plan—whatever it was. He didn’t know the intricate details, but he knew just enough.
“But your daughter, sir.” Kenneth froze in his reply.
“My daughter is like her mother.” Mr. Austin turned to face him. “Never backing down, never accepting the answers to her questions.”
A female giggle exploded from the corner of the room.
Kenneth stood up. He hadn’t seen her before, and she seemed to appear out of nowhere.
He watched Selene standing in the corner, partially hidden in the shadows. Kenneth wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing there, watching him ease his nervousness. Mr. Austin didn’t flinch when she giggled, nor did he seem surprised by her interruption. Her tight hip-hugging jeans revealed her flat and smooth midsection. Her red hair nestled comfortably on her shoulders and slightly covered the outline of her breasts. She was barefoot, and her toes were painted with bright pink nail polish. She walked out of the shadows, moving her hips from side to side, her lips puckered and her eyes fixed on Kenneth. It was enough to make any man, Deamhan or human, swoon. He also noticed that something was different about her. She looked renewed since the last time he’d seen her.
Kenneth’s infatuation with her first grew when she pinned Sean on the pool table at the bar located just down the street from Veronica’s apartment. That was a sight to see. He liked her style. She was cunning, and neither Lucius nor any of those damned Deamhan knew what she was truly up to.
But he did.
“He’s lusting after me.” She stood next to Mr. Austin, still keeping her licentious eyes at Kenneth.
“No.” Kenneth wiped his mind free from his thoughts.
“You worry too much.” She flipped her long red hair to her back. “The plan worked. Kei is out of the way.”
“But Lucius is not in Limbo anymore,” Kenneth added. “Thanks to you.”
“A last minute decision that I had to make.” Selene shrugged her shoulders innocently. She wrapped her arm around Mr. Austin and smiled. “Besides, Lucius isn’t as strong as he used to be,” she said uncaringly. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll be too busy trying to kill Kei to know what’s really going on.”
“How is breaking him free going to help us secure our spot in this city?” Kenneth asked. “The Deamhan have no choice but to obey me now,” Selene answered. “I am the Ancient here. Don’t worry about Lucius. He’ll be too busy running trying to finish Kei off.”
Kenneth nodded unsurely and watched Mr. Austin nod to Selene’s statement. Getting Kei dethroned was part of the plan. In his departure, Selene would take his place. Kenneth knew that the alliance between The Brotherhood and Selene would grow cold as soon as she thought she didn’t need them anymore. Kenneth wasn’t sure why Mr. Austin wanted to grow another Deamhan alliance.
“Why so uncertain?” Selene snickered. “Are you frightened, Kenneth?”
“No, I just don’t like how it turned out.” Kenneth shrugged off his worries. “And what was the deal you made with Amenirdis to free him?”
Selene lifted her hand from Mr. Austin’s shoulders. She slowly walked over to him and placed her cold hands on his chest. “It’s okay to admit that you’re afraid,” she whispered in his right ear.
“I’m just cautious.” Startled, Kenneth moved away from her.
“I’m also curious on the deal you made with Amenirdis.” Mr. Austin grabbed firmly on the tip of his cane. “She is like no other Deamhan The Brotherhood h
as faced since its beginning.”
“You both need to relax.” Selene gently rubbed Kenneth’s shoulders. “The deal doesn’t concern you or The Brotherhood.” She sat on the edge of his desk and she crossed her legs. “Kei broke his deal he made to Amenirdis. So believe me when I say that if Lucius doesn’t catch him, she will.”
Kenneth nodded but still remained cautious. He couldn’t explain the difference he saw in Selene that made any sense. Even her disposition; the way she replied regarding Lucius and Kei, seemed as if she didn’t care.
She was hiding something.
Mr. Austin stomped his cane on the ground to gather their attention. “We’ve managed to restart the Minnesota Chapter along with protecting my daughter to the best of our ability.” He puffed on his pipe and released the smoke in a long exalted breath. “Regardless of the change of plans, we’re on the right path.” He looked to Kenneth. “We need to start phase two.”
Kenneth nodded.
Mr. Austin turned his attention to Selene. “Believe me when I say this, Selene. Any Deamhan that attempts to harm my daughter will be met with brute force. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to happen to my baby girl.”
About The Author
An avid gamer, writer, and lover of history, Isaiyan Morrison was born and raised in Minnesota. She moved to San Diego, California while in the Navy. After serving four years of active duty, she moved to Los Angeles.
She now resides in Texas with her two cats, a pit bull dog, and two guinea pigs.
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Excerpt from
Kei. Family Matters
Deamhan Tales
So you want to know how I ended up back in Minneapolis? Well, that story requires a cigarette, preferably menthol, and a woman I can wrap my arms around and eat later.
I don't go for those used, hand-me-down types of meals, if you get my drift. I like my humans fresh, just like that girl I ate before crossing into Iowa from Minnesota. Her essence felt damn good entering my veins. I have to say, she was the best I’d had in a very long time.
Back in the day, after finishing a good meal, I liked to unwind and smoke some hookah with my friends. But now I’m too far away from any hookah and too far from any friends.
I am on the lam after having been kicked out of the city that I built from the ground up.
Still bitter from that moment, I haven't looked back while fleeing for my life. I had to get as far away as I could from there. My impulse to avenge my honor had to wait, at least, for now.
Everything was fine until that human arrived. For decades, I helped strengthen the Deamhan in Minneapolis, and made sure that all the vampires feared us. Ramanga, Lamia, Metusba, Lugat - Deamhan clans didn't matter to me. I looked out for them all. If it weren't for me, my species would've vanished from the city a long time ago.
Selene and her friends released my sire, Lucius, from Limbo, and all hell broke loose. They annihilated my supporters and dethroned me. I still haven’t figured out how they managed to free him. I made a deal with Amenirdis to plant him in there. She promised me that he would never escape as long as I helped her find the two pieces of some ancient tablet, which contained the origins of Deamhan. I had no idea why she wanted something that probably didn't exist in the first place, but I promised to help her anyway.
Selene must have also made a deal with her because Amenirdis never does anything for free. Lucius is free now and running around in my city, trying to clean up the streets while I'm hiding in dark areas, my clothing still tattered, and smelling like horse manure. Last I heard, they killed a few more of my supporters, not including the Deamhan they massacred at the Gathering a few days ago.
The Deamhan now rallying behind Lucius like he's their messiah just don't know how good they once had it. He started this whole mess. He wanted to co-exist. He even fell in love with one of them! But he didn't have the guts to stand up to them like I did. Now they'll see how hellish it can be in the city with Selene and him running things. They'll start searching for me, trying to get me to come back; and when they do, I'll be waiting and ready.
After all, nothing can keep me away from Minneapolis. That's my freaking city.