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Vanessa Unveiled

Page 4

by Jodi Redford

  Rubbing the arm that’d suffered the brunt of the collision, she hobbled onto her feet and glared at the pristine expanse of wall. She couldn’t say for certain, but she swore she detected the muffled clip-clop of hooves and the opening bars of Jimmy Buffett’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise”.

  After wasting at least ten minutes trying to find a way to trigger the door to open, she admitted defeat and headed back the way she came. The hallway stretched on and on for what seemed forever. “This can’t be right.” Sure, she’d been running before, which partly explained why it’d taken her less time, but she wasn’t that fast of a sprinter. Panic beginning to creep in, she scanned her surroundings for any familiar landmarks. It all looked the same. One long-ass hallway leading to…nowhere. How could that be? It had to eventually take her back to the lobby, right?

  Right? Adrenaline surging through her bloodstream, she ratcheted up her pace to a full-speed dash. Ignoring the painful stitch in her side and the unpleasant jarring in her knees, she bolted down the hall. Her gaze darted left and right, desperately seeking the exit. She was so caught up in her panicked quest that she didn’t notice Rand until she plowed into him. He tugged her against his chest, where she willingly collapsed, gasping.

  “Damn it, Nessie, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  She continued clutching him, labored breaths sawing from her lungs. “Th-that makes t-two of us.”

  He shoved a sweat-dampened lock of hair away from her eye before cupping her cheek. Concern softened his previously fierce expression. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “J-just give me a sec.” Rather than honor her request, he swept her up into his arms. Caught unawares, she clung to his neck. “Whoa, what are you doing?”

  “Taking you back upstairs.” He peered down at her, the dark fire once again crackling in his eyes. “Where you should have been to begin with, damn it.”

  “Are you saying I’m not allowed to leave the room?” If she hadn’t been concerned with tumbling out of his arms, she would have smacked him upside his arrogant head. “I don’t know how things work back in your home dimension, but this is a free country, buster. Keeping women trapped prisoners in hotel rooms is a federal offense.” At least she was fairly certain it was. If not, it damn well should be.

  “You’re not a prisoner, Nessie. But this isn’t a place you should gallivant about without a chaperone. As you’ve no doubt discovered, it’s not exactly designed with humans in mind.”

  “Boy, that’s putting it mildly.”

  “Then you see the wisdom in not leaving the room without me or Braeden to accompany you?”

  She slumped against him in reluctant acquiescence. “Fine. Not that it matters anyway. Come tomorrow night, we’ll be on our way to the veil detainment center and this weird place will be a distant memory.”

  Rand’s furious strides slowed and beneath her palm, his neck muscles tensed. “Why are you so determined to leave us? You’re our mate, Nessie. We belong together.”

  She squinted up at him. “What did I tell you about that stupid pet name? And you’re only saying that because I brought up the detainment center. Admit it.”

  He returned her narrow-eyed stare. “Is your stubbornness a genetic trait, or are you just naturally bullheaded?”

  Though she tried not to let his question bother her, her expression apparently betrayed her. Rand jerked to a halt, guilt seizing his features. “Sweetest, I didn’t mean it. You’re not really that bullheaded.”

  She snorted. “Please. We both know that’s a big, fat lie.”

  “Then I don’t understand. What did I say to upset you?” He shifted her in his arms when she attempted to break their locked gazes. “I can’t make it right if you don’t tell me.”

  “It’s nothing. Drop it.”

  “I’m going to drop you if you don’t spill it.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” She sighed when he cocked one dark eyebrow in challenge. “Fine. The truth is I have no clue about my genetics, because I have no family. Now can we please get off this subject?”

  He frowned. “Everyone has a family.”

  “Well, not me.” She tucked her cheek against his chest in an effort to escape his penetrating stare. The last thing she wanted to do was get into a conversation about her past. She’d spent too many years burying those god-awful memories to begin dredging them up now. “Are you going to take me upstairs, or what? I’ve seen enough of this hallway to last me a lifetime.”

  For one worrisome moment it seemed Rand might try to argue more information from her. Instead, he clamped his mouth shut and strode forward. The shimmering archway appeared and he stepped out into the lobby. After a few tense seconds of silence inside the elevator, he glanced at her. “If you want to talk about—”

  “No. And feel free to put me down at any time.”

  He didn’t. A minute later the elevator deposited them at their room and he carried her into the kitchen. Braeden looked up from the batch of cinnamon rolls he was frosting. “Ah, told you she hadn’t left us.”

  She jerked her gaze up at Rand. Wait, he really had been worried she’d split?

  Rand deposited her on one of the leather stools circling the massive center island. “No, but I found her trapped in one of the side hallways.” Shooting her another scowl, he unbuttoned his shirt. “I’m taking a quick bath. Braeden has direct orders to truss you to that seat if you so much as glance toward the elevator.”

  Rolling her eyes, she watched him stalk off. “Definitely bossy.”

  “That’s just his way of showing how worried he was about you.”

  “What, by snarling at me? Nice.”

  Braeden licked a glob of icing from his thumb. “We all show it in different ways. Rand glowers, and I bake. It’s just the nature of the beast.”

  She scoped the platter of baked goods. “Jeez, that’s a lot of cinnamon rolls. How could you possibly have had time to make all those? I wasn’t gone that long.”

  “It’s called pooka magic for a reason, darlin’.”

  “Ah.” She eyed the nearest roll, her stomach growling. “Can I have one?”

  Braeden’s expression turned assessing. “I don’t know. You were an awfully bad girl, running off like that. Think you need to convince me that you deserve it.”

  Judging from the wicked sparkle in his eyes, she had a good inkling of the type of convincing he had in mind. Sheesh, you’d think with the way he and Rand went at it last night, sex would be the last thing on his mind. She stared at his mouth, her brain conjuring the memory of the spectacular orgasm those lips had brought her, courtesy of Rand’s hypnotic word imagery. Wetness built between her thighs and she bit her lip to keep from whimpering.

  Braeden’s devilish grin overtaking his gorgeous face, he scooped up one of the rolls and stepped before her, effectively caging her in the chair.

  “What do you say, darlin’? A taste for a taste?”

  Chapter Five

  She groaned and Braeden leaned in to kiss her. Unlike Rand, Braeden’s technique was leisurely and playful. He nibbled at her lips before running his tongue along the edges of her teeth. She gasped and he deepened the kiss, his tongue flicking the tip of hers before he sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  Holy damn. Rand hadn’t been exaggerating when he claimed Braeden was all about the oral. Scraping his teeth lightly over her tongue, he eased his head back. His cheekbones wearing a ruddy flush from passion, he held the cinnamon roll in front of her mouth. “You’ve earned a bite.”

  She pouted. “Just one? Talk about stingy.”

  He smiled. “We’re not finished yet.”

  Her pulse kicked up several notches. Braeden ducked his head and kissed the side of her neck, his tongue dipping toward the indecently low neckline of the sweater. A waft of the sweet floral from the bath rose from his hair, competing with the earthiness of cinnamon. The odd combination of scents aroused her to no end.

  Braeden’s chin nuzzled between the cramped valley of her cleav
age and a happy groan rumbled from his chest. “Mm, you taste a million times better than that sweet roll.” He cupped her breasts through the fine knit of the top, the pads of his thumbs rolling in soft, massaging circles across her nipples. She squirmed in the seat, her fingers digging into the tensile firmness of his biceps.

  “You’re not wearing a bra.” Satisfaction and lust turned his voice to gravel. He pushed the sweater up and latched onto a nipple. The wet warmth of his mouth engulfed her, sparking an electric pulse of energy to travel from her breast to her pussy. His tongue and teeth played over her nipple, bringing it to a stiff, hardened peak. Her clit throbbed in rhythm with each decadent tug of his mouth. If he kept it up, there was a good chance she’d come without his tongue even touching her pussy. Or her getting another bite of the damn cinnamon roll.

  As if reading her mind, Braeden lifted his head and pressed the gooey treat into her hand for safekeeping. She sank her teeth into the icing, her groan going unchecked while he dropped onto his knees. He inched the miniskirt up around her hips before grazing his index finger along the crotch of her G-string, the slick sound of her arousal verifying how wet she was. “I’ve been thinking about this all night and morning. Wondering if you taste as delicious as you did during the spell.”

  She gaped down at him. “Y-you could taste me?”

  “Yes. Didn’t you feel my mouth on you?”

  “Yeah, but I thought it was only in my head.”

  “No, we all benefited from Rand’s spell.” Chuckling, Braeden tucked his fingers into the elastic of the G-string. She lifted her rear end so he could drag the scrap of fabric down. His breath caressed the inside of her thighs before his mouth and hands followed suit. Just as he’d proven with the lazy thoroughness of his kiss, Braeden was a pooka who clearly enjoyed savoring his oral delights. By the time his tongue finally slid over her slick labia, Vanessa swore she was going to pass out from anticipation.

  Fortunately she didn’t. Because being unconscious during the oral love fest Braeden showered her with would have been a damn shame. His tongue traveled up to her clit and lightly danced over the swollen nub before journeying to her slit and plunging inside. Her hips bucked and she grabbed the beveled ledge of the island to keep from tumbling off the seat. “Oh God.”

  A groan sounded. It took her a moment to realize she hadn’t produced the noise. Glancing sideways, she spied Rand standing in the kitchen entrance. He was naked and fisting his cock. Lust tightening his features, he dropped his hand and approached, the thick girth of his shaft jutting against his abdomen. She seemed incapable of tearing her focus from that magnificent erection. He stopped beside Braeden’s hip and tangled his fingers in his lover’s shaggy blond hair. Braeden’s tongue slipped from her pussy and he rose to his feet before leaning in to kiss Rand. She watched the slick glide of their tongues, a shock of excitement careening through her when she realized they were sharing her taste. And enjoying the hell out of it, if Rand and Braeden’s deep, mutual groans were any indication.

  Breaking the kiss, Rand turned in her direction. His scrutiny lowered to her breasts. The dark intensity in his irises felt like a caress and her nipples pebbled in response. With zero preamble, he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth, scoring the turgid flesh with his teeth. A shuddering cry broke from her. Braeden started to hunker between her legs again but Rand clamped a hand on his shoulder, halting him. Releasing her breast, Rand slid her a smoky look. “I want to be inside you when Brae makes you come. To feel your inner walls rippling around me. Milking me.”

  Snagging her bottom lip between her teeth, she dropped her gaze to Rand’s cock. A lush, decadent curl of heat unfurled low in her belly at the thought of taking Rand deep in her pussy while Braeden pleasured her with his mouth. There were a million reasons why giving in to that fantasy would be foolish, but damn if she could get her body to agree with a single one of them.

  Unable to resist, she reached for Rand’s cock, her fingers not quite managing to encircle him fully. Excitement—and a measure of trepidation—skipped through her at the idea of being impaled on that monster. Feeling the burn of Rand’s inquiring stare lasering into the top of her head, she peered up at him. “I—I want to feel that too.”

  A sexy growl vibrating in his throat, he claimed her mouth. There was nothing playful, nothing leisurely about his hot, devouring kiss. Instead it was like flying directly into the center of the sun and trying not to incinerate into a smoldering pile of ash. His hand slipped between her thighs and stroked over her slit. He sighed against her lips. “You might not be lubricated enough to take me, sweetest.”

  “Are you freakin’ kidding me? I’ve never been this wet in my life.”

  “Have you ever been with someone of my size?”

  “Is that your way of trying to fish a compliment out of me?”

  His mouth quirked at the corners. “No. But I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Okay, now you are bragging.” She reconsidered the impressive shaft in her fist and silently amended her accusation. He had every reason to brag. What was it with pookas? Apparently they were all gifted with giant dicks. “I think I’m good to go, but if you insist on using some extra lubricant, I won’t complain.”

  Rand disappeared into the front garden room. While he was gone, Braeden helped her down from the stool and undressed her, trailing kisses over each inch of skin he slowly revealed. By the time Rand returned to the kitchen, she was trembling with need. His eyes reflecting the fire within her, Rand traced his fingertips across the slopes of her breasts and her belly before combing through the triangular patch of auburn curls covering her mound. He traveled lower, seeking the source of her wetness. Lifting his hand, he licked his fingers clean of her juices. Witnessing the act and the rapturous bliss he displayed while performing it made her lightheaded, and she wobbled.

  Moving behind her, Rand steadied her and pressed an openmouthed kiss to her shoulder. “I would love nothing more than to be inside you, skin to skin. You don’t need to worry about disease or pregnancy. Both are impossible.”

  She knew he wasn’t merely blowing smoke up her ass to get out of wearing a condom. Their DNA wasn’t compatible for reproduction, and according to the research books, pookas were naturally disease resistant. Definitely a win-win situation. And truthfully, riding him bare would be beyond incredible. She swallowed hard. “O-okay.”

  His lips brushed the nape of her neck in reverence. “The gift of your body and your trust humbles me.”

  The stool scraped the tiled floor as he repositioned it before sitting. He grasped her waist and lifted her onto his lap. The hard length of his shaft snuggled between the cheeks of her ass, the position provoking another thrill of excitement. She’d never really considered the idea of anal sex all that appealing. Until now. Apparently Rand and Braeden were turning her into a shameless slut.

  The pair of wicked pookas in question slipped their hands between her legs, each working their fingers inside her. She’d been so distracted by her naughty musings about anal sex, she hadn’t even noticed they’d cracked open the lube. A greedy moan spilling past her lips, she undulated her hips, inadvertently aiding their preparation.

  Rand’s groan brushed her ear. “I can’t wait to feel you clasping tight around me, sweetest.”

  That made two of them. Her desire doubled when Rand’s knuckles bumped against her spine as he coated his cock with lubricant. He lifted her again and his shaft burrowed between her labia, the engorged head of his penis nudging her entrance. Braeden gripped Rand by the base of his cock, helping guide his penetration. The sight was enough to have her teetering on the edge of orgasm.

  “Don’t you dare come before I’m inside you.”

  She clenched her teeth. “Then you better hurry your ass up.”

  Chuckling, Rand pumped his hips, easing his way in. Every inch of him felt unbelievably hard and thick, stretching her to the limits.

  “Damn if you two aren’t the most beautiful sight I’ve
ever seen.” His expression a perfect complement to his husky tone, Braeden knelt in front of them and swirled his tongue over her clit. She jerked at the electrifying contact. Rand flattened his palm on her belly, keeping her anchored in place. Braeden’s tongue slipped lower, stroking over where she and Rand were joined. A strangled gasp clogged her throat.

  Rand’s free hand molded over her breast, his calloused palm teasing her nipple. “You’re perfection, Nessie. Better than any fantasy I could conjure.”

  Braeden hummed in agreement before journeying north again to suckle at her clit. Mewling whimpers escaping her, she struggled to rein in the cresting wave of her climax.

  “It’s all right, sweetest. Come for us.”

  Like a dam breaking within her, the orgasm crashed free of its restraints. She shuddered and cried out, every cell in her body awash with mind-numbing pleasure. The overwhelming sensations seemed to last forever. Just as they’d start to ebb, Braeden’s tongue-flickering would intensify, wringing another orgasm from her. Then another. Until eventually it felt like she was trapped inside one long, continuous climax.

  “Guys, show me some mercy here.” Gasping on a choked laugh, she writhed in Rand’s lap, trying to escape the sweet torment.

  Braeden lifted his head and licked his lips. “Sorry, darlin’. You’re too delicious to resist.”

  She couldn’t help laughing at his unrepentant grin. “You both are going to spoil me. Even BOB doesn’t give me that many orgasms in one sitting.”

  “Bob?” A dangerous note darkened Rand’s tone.

  “My vibrator.”

  Rand’s hands once again relaxed against her. “Ah.” His lips brushed the sensitive juncture where her jaw and neck met. “You know, there’s a full stock of vibrators in the bedroom. Perhaps you’ll give us a demonstration later?”

  “Hmm…BOB might get jealous.”

  His chuckle caressed her skin. “Understandable. Goddess knows, you engender such feelings.”


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