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Hunger: A Vampire Novella

Page 4

by James, M. D.

  “Where are we going,” she asked coolly, but I could tell she was just excited as I was. I couldn’t blame her for being apprehensive after what I had put her through.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” I answered, but with a smile and wink. Hopefully that would help melt some of the added tension. We sat quietly in the limo for the remainder of the forty-five minute trip.

  When we arrived, I instructed the limo to park just before we rounded the corner, so the surprise would remain hidden from view. The sun hadn’t yet gone down, though the sun was beginning to set. It looked beautiful. Just what I wanted. As I helped Jane out of the limousine, I could tell she was also impressed with the sky that had turned half purplish-pink, and half orange. It resembled a container or rainbow sherbet ice cream, I thought.

  It didn’t take long for Jane to realize, though, that we were in the mountains, in what appeared to be a deserted area. “Where are we?” she asked, concerned.

  “You’ll see,” I answered, coyly, after instructing the limo to pick us back up at midnight.

  I told Jane to close her eyes, and hold my hand. “Trust me,” I urged, when she seemed resistant. I felt stupid as soon as I said it, since I had really given her no reason to trust me. Even so, she did close her eyes, and I lead her around the corner. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

  “Wow!” Jane seemed to love the tree house I had built. I used my strength and speed to build a wide, winding staircase that would guide us into the tree house. I had attached jars filled with fireflies to the rails to light the way. Inside the tree house there was many blankets spread out on the wooden floor, and led candles all around the sides of the room. In the middle of the floor, I had a small table setup with some square white plates, crystal glasses and a vase full of ruby roses. The height of the tree house provided a perfect view to watch the sunset.

  I sat down on a pillow before asking Jane to join me. She took the pillow beside me but leaned into my chest, so I could hold her as we sat and watched the sun go down. She was speechless, but I could tell from the twinkle in her eye that she was impressed. “You did all of this for me?” she asked.

  “Of course,” I replied, as if any guy would stupid to do any less for the woman he loved. I was glad that I took a few years of wood shop in high school. I would hate for the tree house to crumble from underneath us. That wouldn’t be very romantic.

  After the sun fully set, I suggested that we eat. I would’ve liked the have prepared something more romantic, but I needed something that I wouldn’t have to worry about getting too cold. I served the chicken Caesar salads I had prepared earlier, and offered to shave some fresh parmesan cheese on Jane’s if she would like. Afterwards, I poured us each a glass of wine. I knew it didn’t necessarily go with salad, because the acid in the salad dressing could make wine taste flat, but it was a special occasion and I wanted to go all out.

  “Would you like to dance?” I asked after we had eaten our light meal.

  “There’s no music,” Jane laughed.

  “I’ve got that covered, don’t you worry,” I replied with a devilish tone. I hooked my phone up to a battery-operated speaker and put on some romantic music.

  “In that case,” Jane said, “I’d love to.” We danced for what felt like hours. Our bodies were pressed together. I could feel Jane’s heart beating faster, but in complete synchronicity to my own. Her head rested on my neck as we swayed in the moonlight. I could feel the warmth of her breath on my neck. I was getting lost in her.

  I led her over to the blankets and pillows I set up, and lowered her head to a pillow. We just gazed into each other’s eyes as I moved forward and gently grazed her pink lips with mine. I hear her breath catch and a faint moan escaped her lips. We kissed, knowing that we were made for each other. I took off my tuxedo jacket and shirt and kissed her again, this time only harder. As she kissed me back, I found the zipper at the back of her dress and slowly began unzipping it…giving her time to protest if I was moving too fast. She broke from the kiss, only to stand up and step out of her dress. I stood up to remove my pants.

  I didn’t really plan on sex as part of the date, but just in case I wore my sexiest underwear. Between the underwear and my arousal, the bulge in my underwear looked huge. The workout of putting together the tree house helped all of my muscles to stand out better. My abs looked more ripped than they ever have, and my pecs and biceps were amazing.

  I re-took my place next to Jane on the blankets, and resumed kissing her. As our kisses became more intense and animal like, our hands roamed each other’s bodies. I wanted to know every inch of the woman beside me. Jane suddenly stopped, and looked me in the eyes. “I want you to make love to me, Matty.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked. I didn’t want to move faster than she was comfortable with, but I could tell she misinterpreted my question and thought I didn’t want to. “I love you, Jane,” I reassured her. “I just want to make sure that you are ready.” I had no idea if she was a virgin, but I still felt like I was. I wanted to go slow for both of us.

  I rolled over onto Jane, and slowly moved into her so that our bodies were connected in ecstasy. She was tight, and cried out, as I moved the last couple of inches into her. I was going to back out, but she held my hips firmly in place, letting me know it was okay to keep going. After getting into a rhythm, I began kissing her neck and earlobes, while whispering how much I loved her into her ear. After I came inside of her, she rolled me over and straddled me. I instantly got hard again as she ran her fingernails down my sweaty chest. She rode me to orgasm. It didn’t take long for me to cum since I was transfixed, watched her heaving breasts bounce up and down as she rode me hard cock with her tight, silky pussy. I shot my load deep inside of her and she screamed from her own orgasm as she dug her nails deep into my flesh.

  She collapsed on top of me, and we just lay there, trying to catch our breath. Once my breathing returned to normal, I kissed her on the forehead and whispered once more that I loved her.

  “I love you too, Matty,” she said back. After that, we held each other in our arms, as we told each other all of the stories from our childhood, and our hopes and dreams for the future. Not a word was said about why I was trying to break up with her.

  At midnight, our limo showed up, right on schedule. I tipped the driver as we made it back to Jane’s sorority house. I wanted to walk back to my dorm, and enjoy the night a little more before I went to sleep and it was all over.

  “Goodnight, Matty,” Jane said as I walked her to the door. We were holding hands, and I didn’t want to let go.

  “Goodnight,” I finally replied back, still not letting go of Jane’s hand. “I love you,” I added as we gazed again into each other’s eyes.

  She opened the door of her house, and turned back to me. “I love you too. Tonight was wonderful.” I’m glad she thought so. I knew it was a night I’d never forget.

  “Go inside, or we’ll be standing here all night,” I joked when Jane made no attempt to close the door. I didn’t want the night to end, but we both needed some rest for class tomorrow.

  I watched her close the door, and make her way upstairs, and then I turned to leave. With every step I took, I remembered a moment from our date.

  Chapter 7

  “Hey, loverboy!” called a familiar voice in the shadows. I knew it was Adrianna before I could even see her. I looked around, but wasn’t sure where she was. I turned quickly to my left as I heard a loud cackling laugh. It sounded like it was right in my ear. There was no one there.

  “Come on out!” I yelled, tired of playing her games. When there still was no sign of her I muttered “coward” under my breath and turned to leave.

  “No one calls me a coward.” Adrianna was standing right in front of me, and she didn’t look happy.

  “What’s with all the games, Adrianna?” I demanded to know.

  “You didn’t seem to mind my games when you were having sex with me,” she answered.

  “You know
that you tricked me into that. It’s something I’d rather forget,” I added. I instantly regretted it, as I saw her face change. Her bone structure became more primal and her eyes turned to black pools. I could see he teeth had grown into fangs as well.

  “If you’re not careful, there will be something else you are going to want to forget.” It was a threat, but I believed she meant it.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. And I meant it. Everything I said was true, but I had no right to be so cruel and heartless just because I was angry with Adrianna. She seemed to calm down quickly and changed back into the girl I was used to seeing her as. “What do you want?” I asked in as calm of a tone as I could manage.

  “You, silly. I want you.” Anyone who even gave her a glance could instantly tell that she was a girl that was used to getting what she wanted.

  “I don’t love you,” I tried to explain.

  She wasn’t hearing me though. She just stepped closer to me, and placed her hand on my chest and said, “You will.” I didn’t know how else to convince her, other than to tell her that I was in love with someone else. As if she were reading my mind, Adrianna added, “It’s okay that you love Jane. Soon that won’t be an issue.”

  A chill ran down my spine. “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked, in a less than respectful tone.

  “Well, obviously, I’m going to have to kill her,” she answered as if I should’ve already known. I was frozen in place. Would she really kill Jane just to get me to be with her? “I changed you so that we could be together.”

  “Why?” I asked, coming to my senses a little.

  “It’s lonely living forever. People die and you’re left alone,” she explained. I almost felt sorry for her. I had no idea how old she was or how long she had been a vampire. “I need someone that will be there by my side until the end of time.”

  “And, why can’t you find another vampire to live with?” Surely, there must be other vampires around, some that were unattached.

  “Because I chose you!” she spat back at me, angrily. I could see her starting to change again, and knew I needed to calm her back down.

  “You need to find someone you love, even if he’s human…and who loves you back,” I told her, “If you love each other, you can change him so that you two can live forever.” It seemed like a reasonable compromise where everyone got what they wanted.

  “I found someone…you!” she yelled, as she transformed again into the primitive vampire version of herself. She began circling me before adding, “If you love Jane so much, you’ll forget her. You’re fucking mine, and I won’t let anything get in the way of us being together!”

  Before I could say anything in return, she was gone. I was again, alone on the sidewalk feeling like this was one more thing that I had imagined. I didn’t imagine it, though.

  Chapter 8

  “How was the date,” Garrett asked as I made my way inside our dorm. He was playing video games, waiting up for me.

  “Don’t ask,” I said.

  “Come on, it couldn’t have been that bad.” I told him the date was great, and wonderful. “So, how’s that a bad thing?” he asked.

  “It’s what happened after the date that’s the problem,” I answered. “Adrianna showed up and told me that I was hers.” I told him all about how she changed into a typical fang-wielding vampire, and how she had threatened to kill Jane if I didn’t stop seeing her.

  “Do you think she meant it?” Garrett asked. I know he was trying to be helpful, but I wanted to forget all about Adrianna, so we just played video games for a little while before deciding to go to bed.

  In the morning, I tried to follow my normal routine. I didn’t sleep well, because I continued to see and hear Adrianna in my dreams. I was getting more and more convinced that they weren’t really dreams, but that she was entering my subconscious. It would be cool if it wasn’t being used to terrorize me.

  I had finally decided that I was going to ignore Adrianna’s threats. I had no way of knowing if she would follow through with them, and so far she had shown no signs of actually being dangerous. She seemed to be more about intimidating people through fear. It was all show and no substance.

  “I got your back,” Garrett offered, when I told him that I was calling Adrianna’s bluff. I almost laughed, since I knew there really wasn’t much he could do. He was a good friend though, to face a vampire for me.

  “I know you do, Gar,” I told him as I grabbed him into a headlock and gave him a noogie.

  On the way to breakfast, I called Jane to see if she wanted to meet me and Garrett for breakfast. “Good morning, sunshine,” I said as she picked up the phone.

  “Good morning to you too, handsome.” I could hear the smile on her face. It was a good feeling that warmed my heart.

  “I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed last night, and see if you wanted to meet me and Garrett for breakfast.” I knew I’d be seeing her in a little over an hour anyway for class, but I wasn’t sure I could wait that long. I really loved this girl and wanted to spend every second of my life with her.

  “I can’t,” she said to my disappointment. “I have to run some errands for my sisters before class. Maybe we can get some lunch after class though.” It was something, but I knew the next hour would feel like an eternity.

  “Okay, then…if you’re sure I can’t talk you into it.” I was still hoping that my charm would convince her to blow off her obligations. I liked that she was responsible, but I really wanted to see her. I sounded like a little boy that was just told by his mother that he wouldn’t get desert if he didn’t finish his entire plate of broccoli.

  “I’m sure,” Jane answered. “But, I love you.” I couldn’t get over how great it felt to hear her say that. Knowing that she felt the same way I felt made my day…hell, it made my millennium.

  “I love you too, Jane,” I replied as I hung up the phone.

  “Dude, you’re whipped,” joked Garrett.

  “I’m in loooovvveeeee,” I told him, as I gave him another noogie.

  Chapter 9

  Breakfast was the same as usual…a ton of food for me. I was glad that the cafeteria was buffet style, because otherwise I don’t know if I would be able to afford to eat as much. Garrett was still in awe of all the food I shoveled down, yet I never seemed to be full, or gain any weight. He just ate some granola and yogurt, and a few slices of bacon.

  We made it to art class a little early, and chatted with Julie, while waiting for Jane to arrive and class to begin. It looked like Garrett and Julie were getting closer, and maybe really liked each other. I felt bad that I hadn’t been asking my best friend about his love life. It seems like every time we talk, the focus was always on me. He didn’t seem to mind, but I’d have to put forth more of an effort to let him know I care about what he’s going through and what is happening in his life. From the smiles and twinkles in their eyes, it appeared Julie and Garrett were doing just fine.

  Just before class began, Julie got a call from Jane. “What’s wrong,” Julie asked excitedly as she listened to what Jane was saying on the other end of the call.

  “Is everything all right?” I whispered with concern, but Julie just shushed me.

  After what felt like an hour, but in reality was probably only two or three minutes, Julie hung up the phone and told us what the call was about. “Jane was in a car accident,” she began.

  “What!? Is she alright?” I asked, but Julie quickly told me that Jane was okay. She was in the hospital for a broken arm, but that she was fine otherwise. “What happened?” I asked.

  “She said that she was running errands and saw a person in the middle of the road as she made a turn around a curve,” Jane explained. “She slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them, and hit a tree instead.”

  The three of us grabbed out things, and made our way to the hospital. I was a little hurt that Jane called Julie and not me, but Julie explained that it was probably so that Jane could pass on the info about the errands she was ru
nning. Julie would need to let her sorority sisters know so they could make arrangements. It made sense, and I felt bad that I was worried about my own feelings as Julie was in the hospital with a broken arm.

  I wanted to stop by the gift shop and get Jane some flowers or something, but didn’t want to wait any longer to see her. Garrett and Julie offered to pick some up for me, so I gave them some cash. “Get roses,” I ordered. They would match the perfume Jane always wore.

  How are you?” I asked when I finally got to the examination room Jane was in. I wanted to hug her, but I was afraid of hurting her arm more.

  “I’m fine. It’s just a broken arm,” she said, as if it were an everyday occurrence. “You didn’t have to skip class and come down here.”


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