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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Livia Grant

  “You’d better thank me, you little pain slut. I think I told you several times today that subs do not have the privilege of coming during a punishment. So what made you think that coming a few minutes ago was acceptable?”

  “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t hold it back, Sir. Please, I’m going to come again if you keep belting me like you are. I’m so close. Please, Sir… can I come again?”

  “No fucking way. You hold it, do you hear me?”

  The next belt connection with her ass is the hardest yet and it pushes her so close to the edge she’s begun to beg him. “Please, take a break then. If you keep going I’ll come again. I can’t stop it.”

  “Yes, you can. You need to learn how to control your body. You’re a submissive. Like it or not, that means even your orgasms belong to your Dom. I’ll tell you when you can and can’t get off and right now, you’ll hold it and feel the full force of pain you earned by breaking your husband’s heart.”

  Brianna forces her brain to think of something other than the throbbing desire pumping through her pussy right now. She thinks about the pain she caused Markus and how disappointed he must be in her. She thinks about how angry she is at herself for getting sucked into Jake’s crappy plan to try to reunite with her. When the hard crack of the belt connecting with the back of her thighs pushes her still closer to tumbling over the edge, she finally resorts to thinking about her grocery list and what household chores she needs to do when she gets home.

  While those thoughts don’t directly squelch her need to come, the panic over the fact Markus may never let her back in their home to even worry about groceries and cleaning does the trick of dousing her internal fire. With the panic comes the full force of the pain and her crying only get worse.

  Thank goodness she’s gotten a small measure of control by the time she feels his hands on each of her breasts, gently caressing her until it’s time to take off the clamps biting cruelly into her tender nipples. It takes several long seconds once the clamps are removed for the blood to reach the tenderized flesh, but when it does, her breasts and nipples feel as if a firecracker had exploded in each punished nipple. Coping with the intense pain is threatening to push her into her next free-fall orgasm.

  “Oh please, Lukus. I’m begging you. Can you at least take a break… please? It hurts so much when you make me stop from coming.”

  He silently returns to his job. The next belt strike is even harder to the tender backs of her creamy thighs before she feels him leaning in close. “My name is Master Lukus during a punishment,” he growls. “And I haven’t reminded you in awhile, but you know you have the power to stop this whole thing any time you want. Just safe word and I’ll throw down my belt and untie you. Hell, I’ll even let you leave with Tiffany, no questions asked.”

  In her pained haze, it takes a few seconds for her to make sense of what he’s trying to say. She gasps when she realizes he’s once again trying to get her to sign the divorce papers. A piece of her heart breaks. She had stupidly let her guard down, thinking Lukus had somehow changed his mind about helping Markus get the divorce papers signed. Once Lukus understood her reasons for cheating, as crazy as they were, he’d gone out to talk to Markus… to try to get through to him about how much she loved him. To have Lukus pushing her to sign the divorce papers again after all they’d been through together today feels like a kick in the gut.

  Brianna is having trouble catching her breath, which is only made worse when she can no longer hold back the sobs as fear of Markus’ divorcing her comes flooding back full force. The renewed fear of her marriage ending is a more powerful punishment than any belting.

  She vaguely hears Lukus’ mutter “fuck” under his breath and is relieved to hear him throw his belt to the floor, ensuring she’ll have at least a few minutes respite before her punishment continues. Still, she’s surprised when he begins to comfort her in the same way he had during her caning, with a gentle caress of his hand to the small of her back. His touch is like a balm, helping to comfort her.

  “Shhh, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay.”

  ‘Damn him. How can he be so hard and punishing one minute and so tender and comforting the next?’

  His next words are a bit less comforting. “Even if Markus is too stupid to realize what he’s losing, you don’t need to worry. I’ll be happy to keep up your training. We’ll have so much fun. I’m a better Dom than Markus ever was anyway.”

  Brianna’s mind is racing. What is he trying to say? Does he know Markus isn’t going to forgive her and he’s just trying to prepare her? If so, why would he be offering to train her? He’s supposed to be getting closer to Tiffany. Is he stupid enough to think she and Tiff will actually get into sharing him? That she’s just going to allow him to casually replace her husband who she’s still in love with?

  She feels his hands caress her ass again. His touch is gentle, but comfort turns into alarm when Lukus goes from caressing her ass to nestling into the wet folds of her sex. His first touch is tentative, as if he’s unsure if he should proceed, but with each passing moment his touch gets bolder until he’s once again plunged several fingers into her cunt while wrapping his other hand around her body to apply pressure to her swollen clit. While the sensations are glorious, Brianna knows it’s wrong. She futilely attempts to wrestle free from her bonds, but it’s no use.

  His hand falls away from the folds of her pussy only to be replaced by him grabbing her by her hip and pressing his hard, fully clothed, erection against her ass as he hugs her from behind. His finger stroking her clit doesn’t miss even a beat as he pulls their bodies as close as possible. The grinding and pumping motion of his hips leave little to the imagination as he dry humps her, pressing the anal plug ever deeper into her ass.

  She’s relieved when she finally finds her voice. “My God, what are you doing, Lukus?”

  She feels his breath on her cheek as he leans close. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but you’ve been teasing me with your naked body all day. I’ve been ready to explode. I can’t hold it in any more. I need to fuck your sweet pussy.”

  Her first thought is he’s messing with her… teasing her to scare her as part of her punishment. That lasts until he pulls away and she hears him unzipping his pants. He’s close enough she can feel his pants as he opens them and pushes them down his body.

  It’s almost as if she’s left her body and is hovering above the center stage. She has to detach herself from the scene in order to figure out what the hell is going on. Her panic level has skyrocketed.

  ‘I trusted him. Lukus swore he’d never hurt me and now he’s about to do what Jake would do if he were here… on stage… in front of God only knows how many witnesses who are going to get turned on thinking it’s all just part of the show.’

  A sudden certainty calms her briefly. The Lukus she got to know today would never, not in a million years, take her against her will. He would die before he would allow anyone, let alone himself, hurt her. Yet, as she feels his rock hard cock pressed between their bodies, she has to finally admit there is no possible other explanation. He’d clearly just lied to her all day to get her to trust him.

  ‘He’s just as bad… no… he’s worse than Jake. At least Jake never tried to hide what a complete, sadist, selfish jerk he was.’

  A stray thought flits through her brain. Thank God she’d found out what a total asshole Lukus was now before he could break Tiffany’s heart. It’s bad enough Markus and Lukus had both ended up breaking Bri’s heart. At least Tiffany will be spared.

  This is her final thought before she feels the head of his cock pressing at the opening of her drenched pussy. He’s paused as if he’s contemplating if he’s really going to proceed. Desperate to get through to him, she calls out. “Please, Lukus. What the hell are you doing? Think about it. You can’t do this to Markus. You have to stop… now.”

  When he fails to acknowledge her and continues to slide the head of his cock up and down her slick folds, she tries again to reach him. “You
’re seriously going to rape me? Because that’s what this will be if you do this, you know that, right? I can’t believe you’d do this to Markus. Fuck that. I can’t believe you’re going to do this to me… to Tiffany. You told me… no… you promised me you’d never really hurt me. I trusted you Lukus. I trusted you.” Her final words come out in a sobbing plea.

  It’s as if time stands still for a moment while Bri holds her breath, waiting to see if she’s gotten through to him. When she feels the head of his cock pushing against the entrance of her pussy, something inside her snaps. She’d made a promise to herself that she would never again cheat on Markus with another man and right now, that list of men includes his best friend taking her against her will. As she feels him sliding inside her, slowly sinking into her wet folds, her heart breaks at the loss of not one, but two men she cared deeply for. Both Lukus and Markus have truly deserted her.

  In a brief moment of clarity in her otherwise incoherent state, Bri realizes she has only one weapon at her disposal. Before she can second-guess the consequences, she pulls the trigger on her weapon. “Divorce! Divorce!” Her scream is piercing. It’s so loud she’s sure anyone a block away must be able to hear her. There could be no mistaking the depth of her conviction at her use of the word. She’s relieved the thrusts stop immediately.

  “Markus. Stop! I know you’re trying to reclaim her, but you need to stop! You know it’s her safe word!” Lukus’ voice is near frantic when he shouts. Even before she interprets his words, she wonders how he can be talking from so far way when he has his dick buried balls-deep inside of her. Only when she feels the hard cock withdraw from her wet sheath, does she truly interpret what Lukus had actually said.

  “Markus? Oh my God, Markus, honey… are you here?”

  Only silence greets her, but regardless, she gets her answer when she feels way too many hands quickly working to untie both her hands and legs from their tight bondage. Bri’s brain is misfiring as she tries to think back to the entire scene on stage.

  ‘Is it possible Markus has been here the whole time? Was he the one punishing me tonight?’

  When she finally finds herself free of the bonds holding her up, her legs crumble from under her. Strong arms embrace her, scooping her up and holding her tightly against a muscular chest. Brianna wraps her arms around him tightly and buries her face into the crook of his neck. That’s all it takes. She’s home. Her Markus has come for her. She’d know his yummy Markus scent anywhere.

  Markus sinks to the stage floor, cradling his wife tightly in his arms. He’s holding her so tightly it’s as if he’s afraid to let her go. Only after a few long seconds, while Bri tries to get her sobbing under control, does he finally reach to lift the red blindfold.

  Bri’s first glimpse of his beautiful face is an overwhelming relief, despite the tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Bri. I never should have done that to you, sweetheart. I just had to know. If we’re going to put this behind us, I needed to know you’ll never cheat again. I was desperate. This was the only way I could think of to know for sure. I love you so much it hurts.”

  Brianna wants to be angry at the men’s deception, but her relief is too overwhelming. Markus came for her. He still loves her. He’s going to forgive her. That’s all that matters. The relief only causes her sobs to renew. She tries to talk, to tell him how sorry she is, to tell him that she’ll gladly forgive him if he’ll only forgive her. The words just won’t come out.

  Bri has a stray thought that she must look like a complete mess. She’s sure her eyes must be red and puffy from all her crying, and the snot dripping from her nose is gross. When Markus uses the silk blindfold to gently wipe first her tears and then her nose, she gratefully smiles. They haven’t even taken their eyes off each other. It’s almost as if each of them is afraid to look away for fear their reunion might not be real.

  When they both have finally calmed enough to speak, Bri stammers out her apology. “I’m sorry, Markus. I’m so very sorry. I should have told you that I need to be submissive… at least some of the time. No matter how hard it was for me to talk about. I only pray you can please forgive me.”

  Gently brushing her mangled hair away from her face, Markus bares his heart. “Bri, this is totally my fault. Can you ever forgive me for failing you? I was a Dom, for Christ’s sake. I should have picked up on your cues. I should’ve been taking better care of you and all of your needs. I was just so sure you wanted nothing more to do with pain or the D/s scene after what that asshole did to you. I promise you, things are going to be different. I just hope you’ll give me a chance to fix this.” The sincerity in his eyes and voice calm Brianna.

  “Honey, this wasn’t all your fault. I should have talked to you… told you what I needed. And truly, I don’t want everything to change. I love you so much and I love the life we have together. It’s just sometimes, not always… well sometimes I just need…” Bri’s voice trails off. Even now, after all they’ve been through in the last twenty-four hours, she’s still having trouble communicating and she knows she’s going to have to get over that in order to protect their marriage.

  Markus is holding his fingers to her lips as if to shush her. “Bri, we’re going to talk about everything… and not just once, but every single day from now on. We’re going to learn how to communicate with each other so nothing like this ever happens again. But, here… tonight…right this minute, all I can think about is getting inside you and finishing what I’d just started. I can’t tell you how beautiful you were tonight, sweetheart… tied up… submissive. I never thought it was possible to love you more than I already did, but seeing you tonight, well.. ”

  Brianna doesn’t let him finish his thought. She’s suddenly consumed with the need to have her husband inside her, re-staking his claim on her as his own… replacing any lingering memory of Jake’s brief possession once and for all. She’s vaguely aware they’re not alone and in fact, are on a stage with who knows how many spectators, yet it makes no difference. Tonight, she’ll be an exhibitionist, if not by choice, then by necessity.

  Unable to wait even a few minutes to relocate to a more private location, Brianna presses her lips against her husband’s, effectively cutting him off mid-sentence. A small chuckle escapes Markus before he lets their joint passion consume them. With their lips pressed together, their tongues have begun to make love as they dart frantically in and out of each other’s scorching mouths. It’s the kind of kiss that’s so hot, it feels like it has the power to literally weld them back together.

  Taking charge, Markus rolls Brianna over, placing himself atop her naked body on the floor of the stage. She lets out a yelp as her punished ass cheeks make contact with the hard wood floor – a painful reminder her of her submissiveness. She can see the look of feral desire in her husband’s beautiful eyes, and it only feeds her own wanton desire for him that much more.

  Throwing all caution and tenderness aside, Markus grabs Bri’s ankles and quickly pushes them up over her head, opening up her body to his complete mercy. Instinctively, Bri wraps her arms around her legs so her ankles are resting over her head, near her ears. She knows she must make quite the picture of submissiveness for her Dom husband as her pussy is wide open and available for him while her plugged ass is front and center, ready to help simulate a double penetration as it’s pushed deeper and deeper as he fucks her. “Hold tight, sweetheart. Later, I’m going to make sweet love to you over and over, but right now, I can’t wait another minute. I’m going to remind this body of yours who it belongs to.”

  After sliding his fingers through her folds one more time to ensure she’s still wet and ready for him, he wastes no time. As their eyes devour each other, Markus lunges forward to swiftly plunge his rock-hard cock balls-deep in his wife. Their joint scream of ecstasy is intoxicating and only spurs on their desperate need for each other. Markus sets a fast pace as he pulls out of his wife again and again, only to surge forward harder and faster with each thrust. Their eyes never leave e
ach other as their bodies reclaim each other. Each has tears streaming down their faces as they reconnect, reaffirming their passionate commitment to each other.

  The sex is just too hot to last for long. It only takes a few minutes of fast fucking before they’re both on the verge of coming.

  “Yes, that’s it Markus. You feel perfect. I needed this so bad.” Her breathing is ragged.

  “You’re mine… only mine. Do you hear me, Brianna?” His tone of voice leaves no room for negotiation and it fills her heart with joy.

  “Yes… oh God yes. Only yours, Markus.”

  “You feel so tight. So fucking perfect. Come with me, sweetheart. Let it go now. I’ve got you.”

  Brianna has never in all her life had an orgasm like she has at that moment. The combination of love for her husband and relief combine with her pent up desire to send her flying. The moment is perfected when she feels Markus spurting his load of hot cum deep in her womb as he releases the long primal grunt of a man possessed. Knowing she could make him feel so out of control only pushes her higher as he collapses over her body, trapping her legs uncomfortably between them.

  Markus finally rolls off his wife to lay on his back on the floor next to her, letting her bring her legs down before pulling her tight against his body. Neither of them wants to stop touching each other and they spend a few minutes just catching their breath before Brianna reluctantly comes back to earth. She whispers to Markus. “I can’t believe we just did that in front of an audience.”

  He hugs her closer and whispers back. “Don’t worry. It was a rather paltry crowd tonight and I somehow don’t think they’ll mind the show considering they’re our best friends.”

  Not understanding what he’s saying, Bri lifts herself off his chest to bravely glance out to see how big the crowd is and is flabbergasted when she finds a tied up Tiffany as the only patron. Even from this distance, she can see Tiff looks as big of a mess as Bri had been. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying and she has it worse because of the large ball-gag forcing her silence. Their eyes meet and she can see how happy Tiff is for her best friend. Still, Bri is confused.


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