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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 9

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  Thus fifteen floors were occupied full time for twenty-eight members of the team. The ten intermediate floors were composed of autonomous supply areas and cultivation first of genres need ranging from drinking water to the most basic food product and the areas of hydroponic were surely the most in need of care and observations which were to charge of the group of sciences of the lower floors. What totaled twenty-five story in sequence. How far they could test the systems that polarized the artificial gravity were functioning satisfactorily. That had been a considerable advance for mission success.

  Chris and the rest of the crew occupied the top three floors which included the control center and the bridge of observation. Below them and on the border with the Autonomous Supply Areas were the common areas where once every week all came together for communication to flow between them and even to exchange information on progress and projections of the mission. All this meticulously calculated on land for years and monitored full-time by Tommy Mulligan and his commands.

  The Phoenix Plan Chris Raines had drawn up shortly after the invasion and improved in the following years was finally being put into practice and was soon to prove its effectiveness.

  Chapter V

  The rescue

  - Year 2040, ship operating Saturn Vortex, commander Brigadier General Chris Raines mission on Earth, Second Quadrant! - Made daily notes in digital logbook, it was now thirty-five years old, a lifetime had passed him. - After the fall of Urd Sockland the president of the Vortex Project Security Council remains committed to the mission, but the news of General Thomas Reilly, commander in chief of mission on earth are not good! - Paused turning the button to recall all what had happened, they were less than eight months of the end goal and communications with the base of operations was every day more difficult.

  Thomas had told him that after the Sockland drop the perspective of the mission had been altered with the support of the four quadrants. Apparently not viewed as favorably two situations that were predictable, Chris still was not sure he had made a good choice as the group and crew who accompanied him, but he knew he could never trust everyone the same way, because scientists in the service of military had specific orders and that kept them inside project was his command of the Wolf Pack.

  Not once it had felt the presence of the insurgency aboard the Vortex, but also knew that periodic reports were sent to the control databases of other quadrants without your consent, but always knew there would never be unanimity in the proposal presented and with absolute sure would spy on board. But that was in charge of Tommy who trusted his life and his. All had matured keeping the union of alien occupation times and did not intend to give it up. Should this feat to be able to rely on their Thomas Reilly, never forget. He remembered the bottle of bourbon on the table and glasses filled at hand. He felt a deep longing friend.

  According to Thomas, part of the Council considered that the landing even allowed the remaining bells aboard the Mothership could cause widespread panic in the Earth's population would still traumatized by the 2022 invasion also created yourself a temporal problem! On the assumption that continued under the influence of suspended animation since he was aboard the generator matrix of magnetic fields, all those who returned would remain as if they had been at least twenty-five years frozen in time, with the return to Earth . This was a frightening possibility.

  Other hypothesized there are insufficient resources to house "from scratch" two and a half billion people who "fall from heaven" uninvited. That for him was a deep cut in his heart, his parents certainly would be there and so many other relatives of the Wolf Pack, but much more than that right had to return home and continue their lives even if nothing was the same. As the Vortex Project ran a state secret, certainly the world's population did not know that somehow the Council of the four quadrants decided the lives of their loved ones. For Earth's inhabitants, there was no chance that they were alive, but he was in charge to prove otherwise.

  - In thinking commander? - Robert, the second in command via the apprehension on his friend's faces.

  - Apparently, the Council does not want the bells and its contents back, just the technology that makes being what they are, and the gigantic spaceship that bears who knows where to! - She sighed with regret at having to admit that the human race was pathetic and petty as to collective interests.

  - You know we cannot let that happen right? - Anne had heard the conversation approached.

  - You know Chris, Robert, if you have someone who can take that fatal thing out there and put it back in Earth orbit is it! - She sat on her husband's lap wrapping his neck and kissed him fondly. The three were alone, do not require ceremony.

  - I cannot do this ... Anne Place the mother ship orbiting the earth! In this respect those miserable are right! - He kissed her neck with intimacy, loved having her beside him on this journey and why knows it could find Riley and Sam after twenty years, left him no doubt that just as he would have followed the natural course of life. - This would generate a global panic! We need to think about how to make this process work, but these people come home, that I promise! - Gave a light spanking in Anne to get up from his lap.

  - Think you have problems with Intellectual Group? - Referred to the scientific block on the lower floors and as labeled as the best of the best of mankind in what they did. Robert the abhors, Tommy and Bobby the Lionel tolerated and only pretended did not exist. For Chris and Anne, they were just part of the mission.

  - For this we have Tommy! - Said his friend and remembered to call his security chief. - Tommy! Will attend the bridge! - Announced by the internal communication system of the Vortex. It was not long before his junior come out of the elevator that connected the whole complex from one end to the other.

  - So commander, what we have! - Were seen less frequently in other vital areas of the ship and to be there the matter was serious.

  - How are your men Tommy? - It was concerned that the long stay in space creates neurological problems in the crew but could not take risks with the commands that were composed of men and women.

  - Waiting to take action! They continue to maintain a safe distance from scientific staff, but have noticed a strengthening of ties between some of my staff with the civilians! - Observer and was left Rebecca back but his heart belonged to him, knew the risk and the sacrifice of long mission in space, but she herself had encouraged not to give up to follow Chris Raines.

  - Think you have problems when the time comes? - Robert probed his friend and his military experience.

  - Are the Wolf Pack, Robert! The best of the best! - I was proud of the work that everyone had done to add the secret paramilitary force that had thousands of followers on earth, may be millions, had no way of knowing. - We followed your plan clocked a dozen people for command, plus the thirteenth man Chris, many are down there! - He said referring to the men under his command and that each were worth a dozen civilians at least.

  - All right, Tommy, but you also have a right to know! - He rose from his chair to get closer to the friend that just as he was beginning to present time marks on his face, was proud that they could grow old together, if the target would allow them. - They will not let us bring the bells back to Earth! - Leaned against the edge of the table, Robert remained sit in front and Tommy stood in silence.

  - Maybe I should talk to someone Wing Intellectual Chris! - Could be the opportunity to unveil the plotting in secret since they had left the earth. - Not all sympathize with the fact that we are on a rescue mission, military and about to bring to Earth a technology that could endanger the peace gained little! - He sat in the other chair wave, which was not his usual, but that issue needed to be clarified.

  - Make an appointment with the people you trust and who can stay on our side! I think the problems are just beginning! - The commander made a nod to that been provided and let leave the bridge. He looked into outer space by one of the windows and wondered once again seeing the great Jupiter that had crossed his path two years ago and was now
a distant point size of the Moon. Would soon to reach Saturn dawn on the horizon and the large alien object would soon become visible to everyone.

  - It's beautiful, is not it? - Anne loved being with her husband watching the immensity of space.

  - Yes, beautiful and dangerous! - Routinely and without anyone suspecting, "swept" all around the assumption that that ship will drift was not alone. It could well be an outpost of the invaders for an upcoming assault on Earth.

  - But you will protect me right? - Anne cuddled up in her husband's arms, regretted not being able to have children with him, but realized that it would have been important to her and maybe it being in this rescue mission. In his mind he trusted in God's plan and Destiny, who most likely were the same thing.

  Chris Raines merely accept it as usual without the need to respond, was truly puzzled that in all the time I did not know the whereabouts of Riley she lived in such an unconditional way into your heart and now, once discovered his real position, all this feeling had been more serene and pacified to the point of being madly in love with the woman now in her arms. He lifted her chin with his hand and kissed it gently and prolonged way not long ago. They were at peace with feelings and with each other.

  Two weeks after the meeting between him, Robert and Tommy finally stood before the summit of Intellectual Group which could be considered friendly. Beyond them, and Anne made sure to follow all the events aboard the Vortex, four people sat will debate table on the fifth floor.

  The first to comment was Laura Fernigan, biotechnology expert and approximately twenty-five years.

  He had been recruited by joviality and extreme independence presented in the selection process that even though confidential, meaning amassed number of competitors. About 1,70cm, long, long brown hair to just below her shoulders, perhaps 56 kg and sharp curves, certainly one of his wolves under the Tommy command had taken it upon them to recruit her, otherwise would not be there. Discrete glasses gave him an air of apparent superiority.

  - To which we must honor commander? - Challenged it even before know why they were meeting in secret, but he also knew that he and the people under his command were not accessible.

  - Hello Laura! I'm glad you came! - Liked it to be one of the "chosen" for what would follow. - I think everyone in this room share the scientific and human desire to do the rescue of Mother Ship! - He paused and realized that Anne settled down a little in the chair repositioning your Glock. I had orders in case of no consensus, end the doubt immediately. Would not run the risk of a mutiny on board. She did not hesitate. A murmur of approval was felt around the room.

  - So I'll say it will be kept secret and count on you to provide a solution with us and understand that we would not be sitting here talking to this solution existed! - He got up and went around the long table where everyone remained seated.

  - If we take the mother ship to Earth, and on the assumption that this is possible, we will be killed for sure by coalition forces of the four quadrants! - There was a buzz among the four scientists.

  - Where did you get that idea absurd commander? It was they who sponsored and put us here on this ship that cost reasonable money and human effort to get this done great happen! - Charles Whitmore expert in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics was one of the oldest on board; he bordered forty years and had been chosen by imposition Quadrant New Republic. It could be a problem.

  - General Thomas Reilly was removed from office last month and I've been keeping in touch with his replacement that is categorical in stating that when we arrived in Mars orbit the Mother Ship must remain stationary for further studies! - I had not yet commented on this news received with their subordinates, so it all but was caught off guard.

  - It may be some kind of contingency plan! - The answer came from the third quadrant Antonio Vargas, the New Atlantis. Definitely of Latin descent and personable, I remembered a little Lionel, only taller and muscular. He is working with Quantum Physics and its properties. It was his job to figure out a safe way of getting the Spaceship alien to Earth.

  - They are two and a half billion people that those governments do not want to inflate the population of the Earth, not to mention upgrading to the new times! - I wondered what he was talking about to see if everyone understood the meaning of his words and the seriousness of the situation. - We seem to be as lenient as you want to believe Vargas!

  - So we have a political problem on their hands! - Charles resumed his word. - I think there should be a political solution to this problem is present for our government! - He looked at the other comrades in order to receive approval to the comments just made.

  - I think we have not yet understood the seriousness of the problem ... Our governments do not want them there! - The commander was starting to get impatient with the lack of clarity of those people that just made him think of several scientific experiments.

  - What proposes commander? - The voice was that of Pierre Lambert, French origin and specialist Extraterrestrial Life. Chris had no idea of its worth on board, as far as he knew the only alien life to which they had contact had been abducted that humanity twenty years earlier, unless this was not entirely true. - Otherwise I would not have called us here! - He concluded looking at Chris.

  - Those people deserve the same opportunity we had! My friends are still there and gave their lives so we could be sitting here today talking comfortably aboard this ship! - It was irritated that were so devoid of ideas, especially at that moment so crucial for them. - I'm coming on this mission for personal and professional reasons, but I will not risk lead that might have survived for some other kind of bondage similar to what should be this time! - Strongly slapped his hand on the table. And Laura Anne jumped at the same time.

  - Do you have absolute right commander! We will find a solution until we reach our destination! - Charles took the lead than that of four should do for the rest of humanity who had been abducted and was still captivates the invaders, was freed from the yoke of their oppressors.

  - Do not expect less gentlemen! Do not disappoint me! They are dismissed! - Concluded the meeting, but members of his group did not disperse.

  - When I heard Thomas, Chris? - Robert wanted to know more about the fact that now are "alone" in the mission. Furthermore Sonia advising that could be life-threatening, but she also had been in charge of a large unit of the Wolf Pack on the ground. Rebecca was sure that he knew.

  - I received a message encrypted by Rebecca secondary channel two days ago, I waited until this moment to be able to give them the news ... - he leaned back in his chair he occupied. - Tommy trust them? - I wanted a second opinion.

  - I think that will align us yes! Have much to lose with all this, some of them have family within those bells! - Laura confided to him that all his family had disappeared when she was still a baby and that most likely would be on that ship.

  - Robert? - His second in command was vital to that acceptance was unanimous.

  - Charles that can be a problem! - Did not like the attitude of the man.

  - Tommy, keep an eye on him, creating problems, resolve as best they have understanding! - Had given him a free pass to control the situation, did not matter the methods. Do not put the mission in jeopardy. - Ask Bobby to come see me ... Anne gets you! - Looked at his wife who sat and apprehensive, he did not used to talk to her that way. He waited a few minutes in silence until his friend came through the door.

  - What we have today commander? - Bobby opened a smile as always.

  - Sit Bobby ... We are far from home and take information coming ... - approached the friend and put her hand on his shoulder. - The O'Connor died a few months ago near where they lived in Seapark. Chris knew well the place, but was not going there for years, felt a great sorrow for not having taken leave of them and not even be able to tell who might have finally found her daughter. But also did not want to give them false hopes.

  - How did Chris? - He felt the loss as if they were his own family, had helped to create and Samantha was t
hanks to them that she had become a wife and wonderful mother.

  - Apparently things on Earth have changed significantly after our departure! Some sort of armed conflict eventually Victim them ... - needed to calm his friend to come before the ultimate question. - Samantha Riley and small are well! - Still had some difficulty in dealing with their daughter by the name of the woman who desperately loved in the past ... - Rebecca is with her and Thomas as well as Sonia are in charge of their safety in London.

  - I'm sorry Chris ... - Anne that everything heard was upset, ran to hug Bobby also lacked attention at that time.

  - The Wolf Pack in format to conceive is beginning to occupy positions and relevance spaces in every corner, but Thomas, who took a part of the command along with the former president Urd Sockland, believes that the process of consolidation as a significant military force will be delayed! - I was concerned about the amount of information passed to them. - So, more than ever we need this mission to succeed! - Had said all that was stuck in his throat had days, but nonetheless felt better.

  Bobby left the room silent and pensive, there was nothing he could do, had volunteered for the mission as well as its being convened, therefore, it was doubly guilty. Chris and trust in the Wolf Pack, I was sure that his commander would solve everything, always resolved.

  - We still have a planet to return Chris? - Anne Ridley was an intelligent woman and could see between the lines what he said.


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