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The Panther's Rival

Page 52

by Emilia Hartley

  He already headed for the door. There was no quelling the bear this time; it would not sleep. He could only hope that he’d get far enough away so that Jo wouldn’t be able to see him shift. “I need to go,” he said through clenched teeth. “Gonna make sure that bear isn’t coming this way.”

  “Nick, it’s—”

  He didn’t wait for her to finish her sentence, as he stomped to the door, throwing it open behind him so hard that it rattled on its newly attached hinges.

  He caught his brother’s scent as he undressed, his anger boiling over so that the bear practically exploded from his skin. Snarling, he ran into the woods, gunning straight for Tom.

  He wasn’t far off, waiting for Nick to meet him deep in the forest.

  “What the hell are you doing, Tom?” Nick snapped.

  “Showing you just how stupid you’re being,” Tom growled back. “How close were you to changing in front of her? Of losing control and outing all our secrets?”

  Nick recalled the bear trying to claw its way out of his skin right there in the sitting room, the look of shock on Jo’s face as he snarled. “You tried to force me to change in front of Jo? Are you insane?” Nick roared.

  “It’s the only way to get you to see reason, Nick!” The two bears started to slowly circle each other. “This is the only way I know left to get through to you!”

  With no warning, Nick lunged for Tom, his teeth snapping viciously as his roar tore through the trees.


  Nick wasn’t sure how long the fight lasted, but as they both lay exhausted in the damp undergrowth, he knew he’d feel the aftereffects of this brawl in the morning. He wanted to keep going, to fight fang over fang for his right to mate Jo, but his body would fight no more. He could barely manage to wobble to his feet, stalking slowly back in the direction of the cabin.

  “You’re going back?” he heard behind him.

  “Just leave me alone.” He didn’t look back.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jo paced up and down the cabin, hoping that Nick was okay. The memory of his face, contorted in some sort of rage before he stormed out the cabin… the very thought of it made her shudder.

  Finally, the door swung open, Nick kicking off his shoes as he stepped inside looking completely exhausted.

  “Oh my goodness,” Jo exclaimed, running over to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Can you lock the door?” he asked, chest heaving as he staggered to the sofa. Jo obliged, locking and bolting the door tightly behind him.

  “Is everything else locked?” Jo nodded yes, though she didn’t see much of a point to locking things up when the peep windows on with side of the front door were little more than plastic wrap and duct tape.

  She sat down next to him, eyeing him worriedly. “Are you okay?” she repeated.

  “I’m fine,” he replied, looking exactly the opposite of fine. He leaned his head back against the top of the sofa, slumping into the cushions. “Just tired.”

  “Did you get rid of them?”

  “Who?” Nick asked, looking at her through slit eyes.

  She paused. “The bears you went after?”

  “Oh. Right,” Nick remembered. “Yeah, I did.”

  “Did you like… chase ‘em off or something?” Despite her obvious worry for his fatigue, she couldn’t help but notice the way the thin fabric of his shirt clung to his sweaty muscled chest as he panted for air.

  “Yeah,” he breathed. “Something like that.” He allowed himself a few gasps of air before he stood. It was slow and looked kind of painful. “I’m going to go take a shower before I sweat all over everything.” Without so much as a backward glance, he ascended the stairs. Jo heard the bathroom door close, closely followed by the spurt of the shower faucet.

  Jo let out a slow, long breath, her slowly building heat for him cooled by his complete lack of interest. Had something changed between their trip to get Chinese and now? Had chasing bears really sucked that much life out of him?

  She’d realized about half way through dinner that he was waiting for her to make the first move, and had planned it for when she was finished with her second glass of wine. He’d left half way through glass number two, and now he was like this. Confusion cooled her senses as she pondered her next move.

  Part of her definitely wanted to follow him to the stairs, to waltz right into the bathroom and join him in the shower. But if he had wanted her to do that, wouldn’t he have at least beckoned her or given her at least the slightest glance? What if she went to join him and he got angry? What if he pushed her away? What if—

  “Holy crap,” she muttered to herself, an epiphany dawning. “I’m treating Nick like Brian.” All the pieces clicked into place. She was finally doing something she found joy in, and slowly she was trying to backpedal and be complacent for fear of being rejected and opposed.

  She shook her head. The world was full of people like Brian, the status quo and no room for change types. They’d rather leave the risk-taking in dreamland and are completely okay with doing just enough to get by. If there’s one thing she’d learned from Nick… he definitely wasn’t a Brian. Nick had been the one to tell her that she needed to make changes in her life. He told her she should take risks. And he was definitely a risk worth taking.

  Excitement and heat burned anew, coiling deep in her belly as she crept up the stairs. Her breath quickened with each step, her fingers trembling with anticipation. Finally, she stood before the bathroom door. She knew if she didn’t move quickly, she’d likely let her cowardice get the better of her. After three deeps breaths, she tore off her jeans and swung open the door.

  She saw Nick start as she entered.

  “Jo?” Nick barked, his eyes wide as he tried to cover himself. “What are you doing?”

  She tilted her head to the side as if the answer was obvious. “Joining you.”

  She saw him swallow hard as she stepped forward. “I… I don’t know, Jo,” he whispered, a look of mild confusion flitting over his face.

  Confusion was better than rejection, and she decided to roll with it. “I’ll leave if you want me to,” she murmured, looking up at his naked soaking wet frame. “But you have to say it.” She stepped into the shower with him. “Do you want me to leave, Nick?” Pressing herself fully against him, she waited until his hands slid hungrily around her waist. She pressed the full length of her body against his and he was already hard for her.

  She quirked and eyebrow, “Looks like you’d rather I stay.”

  Nick groaned, the sound vibrating against Jo’s lips as he kissed her, hard. His chest was heaving similar to earlier in the sitting room, but she could tell the difference immediately. His gasps and pants had little to do with fatigue anymore, his strong arms easily crushing her small body against his dripping wet torso. Pushing her head to the side, his mouth trailed fiery hot kisses down her neck, along her collarbone and back up the other side.

  Each feverish kiss, pulled a small noise from Jo’s throat, she could hardly control it. Her fingers explored every water-touched curve of him, playing over the muscles of his sides and lower back. He bunched his hands into the thin white cami top she still wore glaring down at her with a hunger that made her shiver. “Aren’t you going to help me take these off?” she whispered.

  He gave a small shake of his head. “I have a better idea,” he growled, pushing her back into the direct stream of water. The hot water was scalding in full-force; it matched well with the inferno burning inside of her. She watched Nick’s eyes grow dangerously dark as the water soaked through her tiny top, the fabric clinging to every curve. He stood there for a few moments, just watching her, his tongue flicking slowly over his lips.

  One corner of his mouth lifted into a wicked grin. It sent shivers down Jo’s spine. “Turn around,” he ordered, his voice grave. She obliged immediately. He pressed his body against hers and ran his lips down the side while his fingers tore at her underwear. The sound and sensation of the ripping material made her g
asp in surprise.

  Jo tried to turn to him, but Nick grabbed her hips and held her fast, his muscles tightening. “Just wait,” he whispered in her ear, letting his hands move higher until he cupped her breasts through the soft cami. A long moan fell from her lips as she shuddered against his touch. She leaned her head back onto his shoulder, pressing her lips to his neck before giving a light nibble.

  She loved the feeling of him behind her, his dick pressed firmly against her back as she ground into him. She reached around, grabbing the length of him in her hand, relishing in his shuddering sigh as he tilted his head back to the ceiling, finally giving in.

  Turning to face him again, Jo deliberately pressed the hard nipples of her breasts up against him, standing on tiptoe to kiss him. He tensed as she slid her tongue inside of his mouth, grabbing her arms with a growl and pinning them high above her head. He pushed her back against the shower wall, his kiss hard and fierce. She cried her pleasure into his mouth, her body beginning to tremble as he ran his free hand over the curves of her body. He rolled his hips against her so that she had no doubt of just how much he wanted her.

  “Please Nick,” Jo moaned, grabbing his face between her hands. “If you leave again, I won’t be able to take it. Please, don’t go.”

  He didn’t answer, flashing a wicked smile before he whipped her around, pressing her stomach firmly against the wall. She had time to let out a small surprised yelp before he pushed his full length into her.

  Jo let out a long, languid moan and a growl spilled from Nick’s lips as he filled her. He let out his breath in a shuddering sigh, barely moving for a moment. Jo could see his hand convulsing in ecstasy as he got himself acquainted with her insides.

  “Please, Nick. More.” She groaned, rocking back against him.

  He nibbled hard on her shoulder, drawing an excited squeak from her. “I just wanted to make sure you were ready.”

  She leaned back, lifting her arms to wrap them around his neck so he’d have easy access to her breasts. “As you can see, I’m quite ready,” she whispered running her tongue up his neck.

  His chest rumbled with some sort of growl, and Jo felt it everywhere. Molten lava pooled in her stomach and spread down between her legs. She shuddered roughly against him, her legs nearly giving out on her. Nick caught her with one strong arm, and used the other to caress her breast. Little bites and kisses were pressed along her neck, and she moaned and gasped and whimpered as he tweaked, nibbled, and caressed every part of her that he could touch. He pushed himself farther into her, delighting in the little excited noises that squeaked in her throat.

  “Kiss me, Nick,” Jo gasped, as he thrust inside her once more.

  Nick tilted his head downward, pressing a light kiss to her lips before pulling away, licking her top lip lightly. He bit his bottom lip seductively, enjoying the tease as she moaned and squirmed, begging him for more. After a few more teasing kisses, he suddenly dug one strong hand into her hair and yanked her head back firmly as he dipped his tongue into her mouth with a kiss that took her breath away.

  Jo could feel her release drawing closer, winding up inside her and threatening to burst at any moment. Her breath came in frantic gasps as they rocked together. She pressed herself back as far as she could, crying out as he met her half way. Nick shuddered against her, a grunt spilling from his lips as he pushed her shoulders closer to the wall and pulled her hips further back. He pulled out of her almost completely, and she almost protested before he slammed into her.

  Jo screamed her ecstasy to the ceiling, nails clawing against the porcelain tile of the shower. Nick thrust himself deeply into her over and over, holding her in place when it seemed like the sex was too much for her trembling legs to handle. She whimpered desperately for him, wanting more, but at the same not sure if she’d be able to handle it. As if he read her mind, one hand snaked its way around her hips, sliding over her throbbing clit.

  Nick’s fingers worked expertly, his thrusts coming harder and faster until everything erupted all at once and Jo exploded around him, her entire body pulsating as she cried out his name. Her body convulsed, and Nick had to hold tight onto her as her legs collapsed under the euphoria.

  Nick began to slow as she came off her post-orgasm high, but she pushed back against him.

  “Already?” Nick asked, the surprise evident in his voice.

  She ground her hips back against him, and felt a delicious shiver as Nick’s haves flexed powerfully around her hips. “Come for me,” she panted.

  Nick faltered. “Condoms?” he breathed, his bear already eager for more.

  Jo briefly shook her head. “The pill, don’t worry. Now please give me more,” she corrected, the slightest needy whine lilting her voice.

  He needed no further encouragement. His strokes became long and smooth, not as fast and rough as he’d done for her, but it felt amazing all the same. His massive arm coiled and her torso, holding her flush against him as he ploughed powerful strokes into her. Already she could feel the tension between her legs building again. Nick panted and groaned in her ears, reacting insatiably to the way she rolled her hips in time with his. His thrusts began to come quicker and more frantic as he drew closer to his climax, strong fingers gripping Jo’s side in a vice. She could tell he was trying to hold on for as long as possible. “Please, Nick, come for me,” she whimpered, leaning her head back to lick the sweat that dripped down his already wet jawline. “Come for me.”

  Nicks body shuddered violently against Jo, and he bellowed a loud cry as he thrust roughly into her one last time. The grip of his arms wrapped around her chest was nearly suffocating as he bit down on the hollow of her neck. He shuddered one, twice, three times inside her, his muffled cry reverberating through her whole body as he came.

  Slowly, he released his grip on her. She could feel him trembling with pleasure as he trailed light kisses down her ear and jaw. “You’re so beautiful, Jo,” he whispered, laying another ever-so-gentle kiss on her earlobe.

  She turned to face him, fully taking in his flushed cheeks and the way his chest rose and fell, depicting just how hard he’d worked for her. She rose on tiptoe, his lips meeting hers halfway. It grew to something deeper almost immediately. Jo coiled her arms around his neck, squealing happily as he hoisted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Once hadn’t been enough.


  Jo rolled over to her side of the bed, gasping and breathless after another amazing orgasm. “Have I tired you out yet, soldier?” She couldn’t remember when, but they’d moved to the bedroom at some point, not bothering to dry off. Her bed was a mess of soap, water, and sex and she didn’t care. They both were grinning and breathless, and seeing Nick’s already sexy face curl that devilish smile gave Jo the motivation to go one last round.

  He chuckled, his eyes alight with mischief. “I was tired already.”

  “You didn’t seem tired to me,” Jo purred, running her hand down his body. She grinned as he caught her hand, kissing her palm before letting go.

  “Fine, maybe I had a little more fuel in the tank.” He stifled a yawn, pulling the blanket up to his waist. “But I’m downright exhausted now.”

  Jo tried to whimper, but it ended in a yawn of her own. She had to admit, even if they went five more rounds, she didn’t think she could feel more content and satisfied than she did that moment. He was everything she needed, the perfect remedy, the best solution. He came into her life when it couldn’t have gotten more boring. He taught her how to stand up for herself, to be herself. To be… happy.

  How was she going to leave all this behind in just two more days?

  Being with Nick had only made her realize that she didn’t want to go back to her normal life. She didn’t want stress and worry and Brian’s. She wanted heat and love and Nick. Her old life seemed like a puzzle that she no longer fitted into. Nothing was certain for her anymore beyond wanting to be a part of Nick’s life more than anything in the world.

  “What am I going to do
with you,” she mumbled, resting her head lazily on his shoulder and draping her arm across his chest. Within a few minutes, she was asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nick decided that after how amazing last night was, the only thing that could make his stay here better was a homemade breakfast. He decided to treat Jo to breakfast in bed, carefully balancing the plate of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast in one hand and a hot mug of coffee in the other as he ascended the stairs. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Jo sat up in bed just as Nick entered the room.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he rumbled, placing the tray down carefully on her lap. He leaned it to kiss her. “Sleep well?”

  Jo laughed, color tinging her cheeks. “I slept better than I have in a very long time, thanks to you.” She looked up at him. “Are you sure I can’t tempt you back to bed?”

  “Unfortunately not,” he sighed, genuinely regretful. “I have a beautiful lady’s car I promised I’d fix back at the shop. Duty calls.”

  “But will you be back later?” Jo asked, her hand sliding around his wrists as if she could keep him there.

  Nick nodded without missing a beat. “Of course.” He took some pride in how she yearned for him. He wasn’t sure what their future held, but for now, that look of admiration and appreciation was enough. He leaned in to give her one more kiss, when the sound of softly squeaking brakes caught his ear. He stood abruptly.

  Nick?” Jo searched his face, concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  Nick didn’t answer immediately, listening hard for any more movement. There was a beat of silence and then the sound of a car door being opened. “I think someone’s here,” he said. He caressed Jo’s cheek gently and laid a kiss on her forehead. “Stay here and enjoy your breakfast. I’ll see who’s stopping by.”

  He had a feeling he already knew who it was, quickly descending the stairs and swinging the front door open. Tom stood on the doormat, one hand raised to knock.

  Nick could already feel his bear snapping in warning, prepared for whatever Tom had to say. “I thought I made myself clear last night, Tom,” Nick growled, keeping his voice low so Jo wouldn’t accidentally overhear. “I’ll see you at the shop later.” He swung the door closed, only for Tom to block it with his foot.


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