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The Panther's Rival

Page 115

by Emilia Hartley

  “Billy,” he offered.

  “Billy,” she continued to work the water pump lever, which squeaked with each crank, “I already have a boyfriend so you’re barking up the wrong alley.”

  “Maybe I can provide something he can’t,” he said while he furrowed his brow.

  Fucking mutts. Cynthia returned to working the water pump so she could finish her task quickly and get back to her grandma. She turned her face away and rolled her eyes while trying her best to ignore his advances.

  “Guess I’ll just have to prove to your boyfriend why I’m the better man,” Billy suggested, starting to turn away.

  “Is that a threat?” Cynthia asked as she growled below her breath. She was starting to get visibly upset. First her grandmother orders her around and now this moron wants to act like an idiot? Not today. Today is the day Alex comes home.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” he offered, “you could get smart and just come with me.”

  Fuck it. Her body reacted without thought. She tackled Billy to the ground and punched with whatever strength she could muster. He threw his arms up to defend himself while she furiously attacked.

  The rhythmic thumping of an old truck engine echoed throughout the den. Cynthia sat straddled atop her bloodied foe and searched the road for the source of the sound.

  Her heart fluttered with excitement as the dingy, old, off-yellow truck rounded the corner and began its journey down the dirt path leading toward the farmhouse.

  In her distraction, Billy gained the upper hand.

  “You’re a lively, bitch,” he said, pushing her off and tackling her to the ground. Rocks stabbed into her back and mud from the wet grass around the water spigot matted into her hair. He smacked her upside the head, “If you wanna play hard then I’m always ready for you.”

  He grinded his hips into her open legs and she could feel his erection through his jeans. Gross. She broke one of her legs free and kneed him in the dick. He doubled over and let go of her immediately. She took the opportunity to run toward the truck that was pulling to a stop just a few yards away.

  Alex stood as a knight in shining armor. The setting sun cast a halo around him. His long sleeve shirt clunk tightly to his sinewy body which was starting to fill out with new muscle. His jeans sat loose and low on his sharp hips and his tight abs peeked out from above. He was barely out the passenger door when Cynthia tackled him to the ground.

  She straddled him tightly, her legs wrapped around his hips.

  “Whoa,” Alex said, falling into the dry dirt road, “is it my birthday?”

  He had such a genuine smile and it was by far one of his best features. His dimpled cheeks would highlight his skinny face and his vibrant green eyes were always warm and inviting. His normally short hair was starting to grow out just a little longer than he would have liked but Cynthia thought it gave him a rugged, disheveled look.

  “Help,” Cynthia whispered into his ear, motioning towards Billy with her head.

  Alex saw the bruised and battered wolf pulling himself up to his feet while still cupping at his crotch. Alex laughed quietly to himself.

  “Did you kick him in the nuts?” he asked.

  Cynthia widened her eyes and nodded slightly.

  “Did he deserve it?”

  “Absolutely,” she whispered. She pushed herself off Alex and stood over him with her arms around her waist. Her sun dress billowed in the wind, giving Alex a full view of what waited for him beneath. Her tiny black panties were already a little moist.

  Alex shot back to his feet and glared at Billy who was starting his way toward the duo.

  Kick his ass, Alex.

  “I’m still talking to you!” Billy shouted.

  “No, you’re talking to me,” Alex growled, “Cynthia is my girl.”

  Billy lowered his head and raised his fists, readying himself for a fight.

  Alex laughed and nonchalantly walked toward Billy.

  “You’re new around here, right?” Alex asked, “You should stop this before you get yourself hurt.”

  Billy threw a punch and Alex twisted to dodge but wasn’t fast enough. The punch hit him in the rib. Another fist soared and found Alex’s face. Alex clutched at this cheek but his eyes narrowed with rage. Alex balled up his fist and threw a punch that caught Billy just under the jaw.

  Billy reeled back, dazed from the strike, and fell to his back shaking his head.

  Serves him right. Cynthia threw her arms around her devoted protector while he clutched at his injured rib.

  “Guess I didn’t need to intervene after all,” Connor shouted from the farmhouse porch.

  “It wouldn’t have hurt,” Alex said as he spat out a tooth that landed beside his defeated foe.

  Cynthia gushed. Not only was Alex back but he’d saved her from another dumb mutt that couldn’t keep it in his pants. Her body pulsed with excitement. She wanted Alex more than anything else, and she wanted him right now.

  “Come on, Dinner’s ready. You should come too, Cynthia,” Connor added.

  Dammit, not now. She needed to jump on top of Alex and ride him until sunrise. Cynthia stood behind her man and kissed at his neck.

  “We could provide something else for you to eat,” she whispered in his ear.

  Alex gulped.

  “Come on son,” Alex’s father said, “let’s eat.”

  “I think I’m going to-”

  “Your sister put in the time to cook, and you’re going to eat it,” he added, cutting Alex off.

  Cynthia groaned. Her body was on fire and there was only one thing on her mind that could put her out.

  Alex sighed heavily which only meant one thing.

  “Let’s go, Cyn,” he said.


  When all eyes were off the duo, she grabbed at his crotch. His bulging package pressed against his belt and screamed for attention. He shuddered when she removed her hand.

  “Let’s get this over with quick,” she whispered in his ear. Cynthia started her way toward the farmhouse then stopped.


  She smacked herself in the forehead before snatching the bucket of water from the pump and kicking Billy lightly in the side as she strode away. She knew Alex couldn’t take his eyes off her and she made sure he knew what he was missing. Her hips swayed and her dress belled back and forth. She bent over further than was necessary as she sat the pail by her own front door.

  “Water, grandma,” she said.

  Alex waited on the farmhouse porch and she stepped quickly to join him.

  “Dumb bitch,” she heard Billy groan from behind. Cynthia didn’t care. He was a loser. Plus, she was ready to make sure she would have her winner later.


  Okay, make this quick, eat fast then get back to the sexy woman who’s giving you the fuck me stare. Alex had to adjust his throbbing erection as he walked into the farmhouse. Cynthia was so damn sexy with her long, slender legs and her tiny but shapely butt. She loved to run and it showed on her body. No doubt she’d want to go for a ‘run’ after eating.

  “Alex!” Tess shouted from the kitchen table.

  “Hey sis,” Alex said, stepping into the kitchen, “how’s the family?”

  Cynthia stayed close by Alex clasping his hand tightly.

  “Barely started,” she replied, “but it’s getting there.” Tess patted her belly with pride.

  Alex was only recently made aware of his sister’s pregnancy. It still grossed him out to think of his sister having sex, even if her future husband Connor was the alpha of the pack. If anything that just made it more awkward.

  “Sit down and eat,” she said with a smile between bites.

  Connor took the seat beside Tess and loaded his plate with the casserole sitting in the middle of the table. The drab 70’s style green cabinets clashed with the paisley blue aluminum table. None of the chairs matched and most were in various states of disrepair. The linoleum floor squeaked as people walked across and it was covered with the ugli
est floral pattern imaginable; you’d wonder who was fired after putting it into production. Across the table from Connor sat Marcus, Alex’s father.

  “As I was saying, they’ll be sending some warriors from their pack in the next couple days,” Marcus said.

  “Good!” Connor shouted, still filling his plate with an absurd amount of casserole, “You two did just great. That’s three packs now willing to stand up against the bear clans.”

  “Sit!” Tess urged.

  Two empty chairs remained. At least they were side by side. Alex pulled out the chair that appeared the least broken and offered it kindly to Cynthia who sat graciously, then joined her in the other chair.

  “I have your next destination,” Connor said.

  Another den?

  “The Cliff Walker den.”

  “I had a feeling you’d say that,” Marcus said, “They’re a proud warrior pack and most of them itch for a fight. I’m sure they’ll be hungry to join us.”

  “Great! You leave first thing tomorrow,” Connor said.


  “We just got back,” Alex said.

  “And, you’ll just be leaving,” Connor barked.

  “I need some time-”

  “You’ll have tonight,” Connor said, cutting him off.

  He must be kidding. There’s no way he would push them out the door again so soon without a moment to really rest. Cynthia grabbed Alex’s hand under the table and held it close. It wasn’t fair; Connor got to spend as much time as he wanted with Tess, but Alex couldn’t spend more than one night with his girlfriend.

  “Find someone else,” Alex said, causing his chair to screech on the linoleum floor as he stood.

  “If you’re a part of this pack then you’ll do as you’re told. Or do I have to remind you who the alpha of this pack is?” Connor narrowed his eyes, staring straight through Alex.

  There was no way in hell he could have beat Connor in a head to head fight. He’d seen Connor take down two rampaging bear shifters by himself whereas Alex lost easily to just one. It didn’t help that Connor was almost twice Alex’s size.

  “Just do this one, Son. It should only be a couple more days,” his father said.

  Easy for you to say, you don’t have a sweet piece of ass like Cynthia to come back to. Alex was fighting the rage in his mind and losing. It took Cynthia’s gentle touch on his forearm to bring him back from saying something he might regret. He sighed heavily, letting the moment go, and returned to his chair which he pulled back under the table.

  “This is the last time,” Alex said.

  “If I only have him for one night then I’m taking him right now,” Cynthia chimed in.

  Marcus laughed the hardest, spilling bites of food into his thick beard. Tess had a horrid look of realization while Connor paid no mind.

  “Get out of here,” his Dad said.

  Cynthia didn’t even wait for him to finish the sentence. She was yanking Alex to his feet. He toppled over the back of his chair, barely catching himself before falling. Cynthia pushed out of the room so quickly that Alex lost sight of her for a second as he returned the chair upright. With a quick smile and casual salute he left to join Cynthia by the door.

  “It’s a nice night for a run,” she whispered into his ear as she stuffed something into his pocket. She smiled wickedly, and with a wink she was outside.

  Alex unfurled the item she placed in his care, her panties. They were already wet and smelled of sex. Instant boner. He shoved them back in his pocket and rocketed out the door to see a silver and gray haired wolf sprinting toward the tree line. A billowy sun dress was caught by the wind, slowly finding its way toward the ground.

  He couldn’t tear his pants off fast enough.


  Her senses were alive. The smell of the trees filled her nostrils, and her hunger to mate filled her loins. She’d been waiting all day for this and if she only had one night then she was going to make it a night to remember.

  She darted past the rows of sharpened logs and makeshift pit traps set to stop the bears advance.

  “Wait!” she heard Alex shout behind her. But, wait she would not. If he needed to find her he could track her by scent with what she left in his pocket.

  She sprinted into the tree line, dashing over fallen logs and underbrush she ran past a thousand times. She breathed heavily with each footfall penetrating deeper and deeper into the thick wood. Her destination was the clearing where they first kissed. It was the same place they’d first had sex. And, it was the first place she knew to be safe from prying eyes.

  She heard Alex’s grunt as he shifted and begin following behind her. It made her heart quicken, feeling like it might beat straight out of her chest. She was always faster than him, though. She loved to run and was known as the fastest in the pack, a title which she wore with pride. Alex struggled to keep up.

  This is it. The giant stump of an old tree left thick gnarling roots that were large enough for a wolf to fit through. A thick layer of moss covered the bed of the floor beneath her paws and a tiny stream babbled within earshot. Only Cynthia knew of this place, and when she shared it with Alex it was the turning point in their relationship.

  Cynthia trotted slowly to catch her breath. It would be a few more minutes before Alex would arrive and she wanted to be ready for him. A surge of adrenaline sent chills down her spine. Human fingers ripped and tore their way through her front paws as her fur receded. Her snout flattened into her face as the hair on her head grew to its usual length and darkened to its usual hue of brown.

  Hurry up.

  Cynthia leaned against the thick roots of the tree stump with her arms crossed against her chest. He sure was taking his sweet time getting here. She was so horny she couldn’t wait any longer. Her hand reached down between her legs. So wet! Her own pussy juice ran down her leg while she played with her clit. Little jolts of excitement sent surges of pleasure throughout her body. If he was trying to track her by scent then it made sense for her to be as turned on as possible.

  Her breathing was still quick from the run but it grew more erratic. She thought of his throbbing cock probing inside, filling her completely and she nearly lost her mind. Her nipples fought against the cold air and with her other hand she toyed with them; they were so sensitive and she was so turned on that she could have orgasmed.

  The last remnants of daylight were fleeting and soon it would be dark. What was taking him so long?

  He burst into the clearing, panting heavily.

  “Took you long enough,” Cynthia said. She held out her hand, covered in her juice, “Look what you made me do.”

  Alex whined. He would, the slow bastard. His wolf fur tore away and she could hear his bones crack from the strain. His muscles snapped into position as he stood to his full height. With his cock standing erect, he was trying to catch his breath and failing miserably.

  “You’re…” he panted, “too fast.” He coughed into his hand.

  Cynthia pushed off the log and joined her man. His shaft slid against her wet slit as she pulled him into an embrace. It sent a tingle down her spine causing her to shudder.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she said. She rubbed her hands along his cold exposed flesh.

  “Did you want to try running away, again?” He asked as he wrapped his hands around her upper back.

  He smelled so damn good. Her hips moved on their own running the full length of his shaft.

  “I’m willing to consider it,” she said softly. Her hands ran down the scar on his chest, a present from an angry bear. The scar only made him sexier. She kissed him on the neck, quickly losing her patience.


  What the fuck now? Cynthia’s head swiveled as she searched the woods for the source of the sound.

  “Who’s there?” Alex shouted into the darkened wood.

  Her heart was beating faster. The urge to run nagged at her as fear took hold in the depth of her breast. The twilight of the forest was no ally. Wha
t was supposed to be a quiet getaway was becoming a nightmare.

  Plodding footsteps started to echo, getting closer and closer with each passing second. Cynthia could take it no longer; she tugged on Alex’s hand, urging him to run.

  “Come on!” she said.

  From the rim of the clearing, it stood on its haunches, a mighty bear. Dammit. Now was not the time to stand around.

  Come on Alex.

  Before she could even start shifting, she was already running. Her feet stung from the rocks and roots that stabbed at her feet. She fell to all fours as her hands gave way to paws and fur sprouted from her body. The fear that beat in her chest shut out all of her senses and urged her to run faster than before.

  Goddamn bears. They ruined a perfectly good night. She was going to get laid and enjoy some snuggle time with the man of her dreams. Now, she was running for her life through the forest.

  Come on Alex.


  Fight or flight? He couldn’t decide. The bear loomed over him, its razor sharp claws ready to swipe and end his life. Alex was tired from running but it was a much better alternative.

  Cynthia was well out of view before he turned to join her flight. The sinew of his muscles snapped and groaned against his shifting bones, his muzzle protruded from his face while fur cascaded down his back.

  You can win.

  Now isn’t the time. His body burned from running with Cynthia and it was only going to get worse.

  I don’t want to find out.

  Something whispered in the back of his mind. Like a nasty sliver that he wanted to pick at but hadn’t the time.

  Kill the bear. Hunt. Feed.

  Shutup. Now isn’t the time for stupid thoughts. He continued to sprint through the dark forest. Alex wasn’t even sure he was going the right way, but his nose could tell that Cynthia was in this direction.

  Why did they have to come tonight? Cynthia was a goddess. She was perfection. And, she was all his. He’d given her a head start to get back to the den. He wanted to know that she’d be safe from the bear even if he had to sacrifice himself to be sure.

  The forest broke open and he saw the farmhouse ahead. Cynthia was already standing, in the middle of the den, safe from harm. Alex slowed his pace and wheeled around at the forest edge. He lowered his head and growled while bearing his sharp fangs.


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