by Laura Barber
Bishop, Elizabeth (1911–79) 87, 138, 267
Blake, William (1757–1827) 29, 215
Breeze, Jean ‘Binta’ (1956– ) 34
Browning, Robert (1812–89) 25, 64, 85, 117, 302
Burns, Robert (1759–96) 180
Byron, George Gordon, Lord (1788–1824) 96, 119, 229
Campion, Thomas (1567–1620) 58, 166
Carew, Thomas (1595–1640) 107
Chapman, George (c.1559–1634) 208
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1343–1400) 322
Clanchy, Kate (1965– ) 210
Clare, John (1793–1864) 24, 183, 289
Clarke, Austin (1896–1974) 97
Clough, Arthur (1819–61) 40
Cohen, Leonard (1934– ) 346
Coleridge, Mary (1861–1907) 232
Cope, Wendy (1945– ) 318
Copus, Julia (1969– ) 236
Cornford, Frances (1886–1960) 194
Crane, Hart (1899–1932) 14
Crane, Stephen (1871–1900) 260
Cummings, E. E. (1894–1962) 98, 207, 227
Daniel, Samuel (1562–1619) 67
Davies, John, of Hereford (c.1565–1618) 150
Deutsch, Babette (1895–1982) 252
Dickinson, Emily (1830–86) 11, 79, 120, 238, 262, 345
Dixon, Isobel (1969– ) 228, 248
Donaghy, Michael (1954–2004) 125, 209
Donne, John (1572–1631) 21, 112, 131, 189, 266
Dryden, John (1631–1700) 36
Duffy, Carol Ann (1955– ) 28, 190
Duhig, Ian (1954– ) 93
Dunmore, Helen (1952– ) 145
Dunn, Douglas (1942– ) 332
Dunn, Stephen (1939– ) 323
Durcan, Paul (1944– ) 153
Egerton, Sarah Fyge (1670–1723) 32
Eliot, T. S. (1888–1965) 292
Empson, William (1906–84) 293
Ephelia [Mary Stewart, Duchess of Richmond] (1622–85) 62
Ewart, Gavin (1916–95) 128, 250
Fanthorpe, U. A. (1929–2009) 220
Feaver, Vicki (1943– ) 315
Feinstein, Elaine (1930– ) 328
Fenton, James (1949– ) 205
Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720) 316
Forbes, Duncan (1947– ) 297
Fuller, John (1937– ) 161
Garrett, Elizabeth (1958–) 196
Goldsmith, Oliver (1730–74) 308
Gorges, Sir Arthur (c.1557–1625) 10
Gower, John (c.1330–1408) 6
Graves, Robert (1895–1985) 86
Greenlaw, Lavinia (1962– ) 235
Gregory, Lady Augusta (1853–1932) 277
Grosholz, Emily (1950– ) 74
Gunn, Thom (1929–2004) 47, 124
Hannah, Sophie (1971– ) 274
Hardy, Thomas (1840–1928) 37, 59, 254, 262, 294, 331
Harwood, Gwen (1920–95) 296
Heaney, Seamus (1939– ) 219
Heath-Stubbs, John (1918–2006) 140
Hein, Piet (1905–96) 178
Herbert, George (1593–1633) 51
Herrick, Robert (1591–1674) 111, 143
Hood, Thomas (1799–1845) 169
Hope, A. D. (1907–2000) 175
Housman, A. E. (1859–1936) 284, 321
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey (1517–47) 71
Hughes, Ted (1930–98) 214, 247
Jennings, Elizabeth (1926–2001) 4, 124
Johnson, Linton Kwesi (1952– ) 290
Jones, Robert (1577–1617) 116
Jonson, Ben (c.1572/3–1637) 94
Joseph, Jenny (1932– ) 22, 264
Kay, Jackie (1961– ) 118, 284
Keats, John (1795–1821) 69, 103, 224
King, Henry (1592–1669) 265, 320, 339
King James Bible, The 95
Kinnell, Galway (1927– ) 54
Landor, Walter Savage (1775–1864) 76
Larkin, Philip (1922–85) 134, 191
Lawrence, D. H. (1885–1930) 73, 139, 245
Liardet, Tim (1959– ) 271
Lochhead, Liz (1947– ) 135
Lowell, Amy (1874–1925) 56, 192, 239
MacDonald, George (1824–1905) 194
MacNeice, Louis (1907–63) 132, 190
Mansfield, Katherine (1888–1923) 263
Marlowe, Christopher (1564–93) 17
Marvell, Andrew (1621–78) 187
McCannon, Olivia (1973– ) 52, 140
McGinley, Phyllis (1905–78) 221
McGough, Roger (1937– ) 170
Meredith, George (1828–1909) 239, 258
Merrill, James (1926–95) 268
Meynell, Alice (1847–1922) 269
Mew, Charlotte (1869–1928) 255, 324
Michaels, Anne (1958– ) 84
Middleton, Thomas (1580–1627) 178
Millay, Edna St Vincent (1892–1950) 286
Milton, John (1608–74) 12, 165, 216, 333
Mitchell, Adrian (1932–2008) 166
Montague, John (1929– ) 90
Moore, Thomas (1779–1852) 226, 250
Morgan, Edwin (1920– ) 144, 182
Morris, William (1834–96) 330
Nash, Ogden (1902–71) 100
Nesbit, Edith (1858–1924) 319
Newman, Lesléa (1955– ) 130
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (1808–77) 41
Nowlan, Alden (1933–83) 217
Noyes, Alfred (1880–1958) 304
O’Donoghue, Bernard (1945– ) 44
O’Hara, Frank (1926–66) 164
O’Riordan, Adam (1982– ) 234
O’Siadhail, Micheal (1947– ) 188
Olds, Sharon (1942– ) 222
Oswald, Alice (1966– ) 53, 201
Owen, Wilfred (1893–1919) 31, 168
Parker, Dorothy (1893–1967) 66
Paterson, Don (1963– ) 259
Patten, Brian (1946– ) 42, 198, 270
Plath, Sylvia (1932–63) 8, 256
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809–1849) 337
Pope, Alexander (1688–1744) 242
Quarles, Francis (1592–1644) 200
Ralegh, Sir Walter (c.1552–1618) 279
Ransom, John Crowe (1888–1974) 60
Robertson, Robin (1955– ) 106
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869–1935) 233
Rodriguez, Judith (1936– ) 273
Rossetti, Christina G. (1830–94) 4, 83, 147
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828–1882) 160
Rukeyser, Muriel (1913–80) 213
Sam-La Rose, Jacob (1976– ) 48
Seth, Vikram (1952– ) 295
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616) 15, 26, 45, 72, 92, 99, 133, 137, 142, 177, 240, 301, 334
Shapcott, Jo (1953– ) 122
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822) 123, 253, 330
Shorter, Dora Sigerson (1866–1918) 288
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–86) 43, 173
Sissay, Lemn (1967– ) 203
Skelton, John (c.1460–1529) 157
Smith, Stevie (1902–71) 61
Soutar, William (1898–1943) 281
Spenser, Edmund (c.1552–99) 56, 143, 185, 343
Stein, Gertrude (1874–1946) 151
Stevens, Wallace (1879–1955) 30
Stevenson, Anne (1933– ) 111
Suckling, Sir John (1609–42) 63
Sweeney, Matthew (1952– ) 276, 287
Sylvester, Joshua (c.1563–1618) 206
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809–92) 80, 309, 345
Thomas, Edward (1878–1917) 114, 272
Thomas, Elizabeth (1675–1731) 76
Thomas, R. S. (1913–2000) 329
Tonks, Rosemary (1932– ) 251
Walcott, Derek (1930– ) 325
Waller, Edmund (1606–87) 78
Watts, May Theilgaard (1889–1975) 20
White, E. B. (1899–1985) 181
Whitman, Walt (1819–92) 52, 167
Wilbur, Richard (1921– ) 223
Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900) 300
> Williams, C. K. (1936– ) 212
Williams, Hugo (1942– ) 121, 158
Williams, Tennessee (1911–83) 136
Wotton, Sir Henry (1568–1639) 300
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503–42) 318
Yeats, W. B. (1865–1939) 53, 57, 244
Index of Titles and First Lines
‘A long, long kiss, a kiss of youth, and love’ 119
‘A sudden blow: the great wings beating still’ 244
‘According to Dineen, a Gael unsurpassed’ 93
‘After she left he bought another cactus’ 287
‘After the clash of elevator gates’ 223
‘After the First Night’ 128
‘After you’ve been to bed together for the first time’ 136
Against Fruition 63
Against Platonic Love 104
Air and Angels 189
‘Alas, so all things now do hold their peace’ 71
All Legendary Obstacles 90
‘All summer we moved in a villa brimful of echoes’ 256
‘Alone at last’ 158
‘Although you sit in a room that is gray’ 30
Amoretti 56, 143, 185, 343
Amours de Voyage 40
‘And in the midst a silver altar stood’ 17
‘And is it night? are they thine eyes that shine?’ 116
‘And love hung still as crystal over the bed’ 132
Annabel Lee 337
Anniversary 296
Antony and Cleopatra 15, 334
‘Anxious eyes loom down the damp-black streets’ 264
Are You the New Person Drawn toward Me? 52
‘As I drive to the junction of lane and highway’ 294
‘As in the beach scene framed on this postcard’ 234
‘As we fall into step I ask a penny for your thoughts’ 188
‘As you came from the holy land’ 279
‘Ask not, this night, how we shall love’ 196
Astrophil and Stella 43
At Castle Boterel 294
Atlas 220
Author loving these homely meats specially…, The 150
Avenue, The 194
Ballad of Reading Gaol, The 300
‘Bear with me my love’ 193
Bed, The 124
‘ “Behold,” she sayd, “and se’ 157
Bei Hennef 73
Between 188
‘Between the brown hands of a server-lad’ 31
Bible (The King James) 95
Blason, A 175
Bowl of Warm Air, A 89
Breakfast Song 138
Bridal Song 208
Bridal Suite, The 276
Bride and Groom Lie Hidden for Three Days 214
‘Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art – ’ 224
Broadcast 191
Broken Appointment, A 59
Bungler, The 56
‘Busy old fool, unruly sun’ 131
‘But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?’ 45
‘But what lovers we were, what lovers’ 259
‘But when to mischief mortals bend their will’ 242
‘By this he knew she wept with waking eyes’ 258
Cacti 287
‘Calm was the Even, and clear was the sky’ 36
Carrefour 239
‘Carry her over the water’ 199
Celebration of Charis, in Ten Lyric Pieces, A 94
Celia Celia 166
Cheat 234
Coda 190
Come. And Be My Baby 102
‘Come’ 194
‘ “Come, come,” said Tom’s father, “at your time of life’ 226
‘Come, madam, come; all rest my powers defy’ 112
‘Come slowly – Eden!’ 120
Confessio Amantis 6
‘cool an’ 34
Creation Myth Haiku 128
Dance Me to the End of Love 346
‘Dance me to your beauty’ 346
Dawn walkers 264
Definition of Love, The 187
Destiny 197
Don Juan 119, 229
Donal Og 277
‘Don’t think’ 111
Double Rock, The 320
Dream Songs: 4 152
‘Driven by love and curiosity’ 74
Dubwise 34
Dunt Dunt Dunt Pittie Pattie 68
Each from Different Heights 324
Elegy: To his Mistress Going to Bed 112
End of Love, The 274
Ending 250
Epipsychidion 123
Episode of Hands 14
Epithalamium 196
Evening’s Love, An 36
‘Escape me?’ 64
‘Even like two little bank-dividing brooks’ 200
Exequy, The 339
Expiration, The 266
‘Eyes, calm beside thee (Lady, could’st thou know!)’ 25
‘Farewell Love, and all thy laws for ever!’ 318
‘Fie upon hearts that burn with mutual fire’ 63
‘Filling her compact & delicious body’ 152
Firelight 233
‘First time he kissed me, he but only kissed’ 18
5:32, The 221
For C. 223
‘For the present there is just one moon’ 209
Forgetmeknot 42
‘Forgive me, it was not my plan’ 228
Fresh Cheese and Cream 143
Friendship, A 38
‘From Brooklyn, over the Brooklyn Bridge, on this fine morning’ 87
From My Diary, July 1914 168
From the Irish 93
‘From time to time our love is like a sail’ 201
‘Geniuses of countless nations’ 100
‘Giant whispering and coughing from’ 191
Gloire de Dijon 139
‘Go, lovely rose’ 78
‘Go now’ 272
Goblin Market 147
Good Morrow, The 21
Gray Room 30
‘Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths’ 53
Hands 328
Having a Coke with You 164
‘Having used every subterfuge’ 268
‘He felt the wild beast in him betweenwhiles’ 239
‘He first deceased: She for a little tried’ 300
‘He fumbles at your Soul’ 238
‘He loved her and she loved him’ 247
‘He made restless forays’ 38
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven 53
‘He would not stay for me; and who can wonder?’ 284
Hearts-Ease 76
Her 284
‘Her face Her tongue Her wit’ 10
Her Triumph 94
Hero and Leander 17
High Land 118
Highwayman, The 304
Hinterhof 205
‘His search is desperate!’ 251
How Can I Forget 289
‘How do you think I feel’ 121
‘How pleasant is love’ 32
Hurricane Blues 290
‘I am a gentleman in a dustcoat trying’ 60
‘I am in love, meantime, you think; no doubt you would think so’ 40
‘I can’t sleep in case a few things you said’ 53
‘i carry your heart with me(i carry it in’ 207
‘I cry your mercy, pity, love – ay, love!’ 103
‘I do not like my state of mind’ 66
‘I do not love thee! – no! I do not love thee!’ 41
‘I don’t remember who kissed who first’ 118
‘I dreamt there was an emperor Antony’ 334
‘I finde hou whilom ther was on’ 6
‘I had been told about her’ 284
I Have Changed the Numbers on My Watch 270
‘I have no Life but this – ’ 345
‘I hid my love when young till I’ 24
‘I must not think of thee; and, tired yet strong’ 269
‘I remember rooms that have had their part’ 255
‘I said perhaps Pa
tagonia, and pictured’ 210
‘I sleep with thee, and wake with thee’ 183
I So Liked Spring 324
‘I think of thee! – my thoughts do twine and bud’ 159
‘I want to talk to thee of many things’ 288
‘I went out to the hazel wood’ 57
‘I will enjoy thee now, my Celia, come’ 107
‘I will give my love an apple without e’er a core’ 202
‘I wish I could remember that first day’ 4
‘I wonder by my troth, what thou and I’ 21
‘If I were loved, as I desire to be’ 345
‘If there was ever one’ 203
‘If there were, oh! an Hellespont of cream’ 150
‘If thou must love me, let it be for nought’ 344
‘If you were coming in the Fall’ 79
In Defence of Adultery 236
‘In the desert’ 260
‘In the middle of the night, when we get up’ 222
In the Vaulted Way 262
In Three Days 85
Incident 282
Infelice 61
In-flight Note 273
Invisible Kisses 203
Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore 87
Ironing 140
‘is even more fun than going to San Sebastian…’ 164
‘It is late last night the dog was speaking of you’ 277
‘It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul’ 301
‘It is the pain, it is the pain, endures’ 293
‘It was a quiet way – ’ 11
‘It was many and many a year ago’ 337
‘It was not in the winter’ 169
‘It’s now my love for you is perfect as an egg’ 52
‘I’ve always hated gardening: the way’ 44
Jamesian 47
January Gladsong 198
Jealousy 232
Jeäne 218
‘Jove, for Europa’s love, took shape of bull’ 110
‘Kiss my lips. She did’ 151
Kissing the Toad 54
‘Kitten, writes the mousy boy in his neat’ 273
La Belle Dame Sans Merci. A Ballad 69
La Figlia Che Piange 292
La Passion Vaincue 316
‘Lacking my love I go from place to place’ 185
Lady of Shalott, The 309
‘langtime lovah’ 290
‘Lay your sleeping head, my love’ 126
‘Leaves’ 168
Leda and the Swan 244
‘Let me put it this way’ 127
Letter, The 192
Life in a Love 64
Life Story 136
Lifting Belly (II) 151
Light 4
‘Like the touch of rain she was’ 272
Lily pond 315
‘Little cramped words scrawling all over the paper’ 192
Looking at Each Other 213
Los Alamos Mon Amour 5
Loss 318
Love 51
Love after Love 325
‘Love, and the Gout invade the idle Brain’ 76
‘Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back’ 51
Love: Beginnings 212