by Laura Barber
‘Love is a sickness full of woes’ 67
‘Love is like’ 178
‘Love is like a lamb, and love is like a lion’ 178
Love Letter 8
Love on the Farm 245
Love Song (for Anna) 193
Lovesong 247
‘Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show’ 43
Lullaby 126
Mariana 80
Marriage, A 329
Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln’s Inn, The 209
‘Masons, when they start upon a building’ 219
Maundy Thursday 31
‘may i feel said he’ 227
‘Maybe we knew each other better’ 190
‘meet me’ 106
Meeting, The 263
Merchant of Venice, The 99
Merciles Beaute 322
‘Methought I saw my late espousèd saint’ 333
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 177
Modern Love 239, 258
Morning After 135
‘Morning and evening’ 147
Muse 122
‘Music, when soft voices die’ 330
My Belovèd Compares Herself to a Pint of Stout 153
‘My beloved is white and ruddy’ 95
‘My foundling, my fondling, my frolic first-footer’ 175
‘My life closed twice before its close – ’ 262
‘My love is as a fever, longing still’ 72
‘My love is faren in a land’ 184
‘My love is like to ice, and I to fire’ 56
‘My love is of a birth as rare’ 187
‘My love, my saving grace’ 138
‘My luve is like a red, red rose’ 180
‘My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun’ 92
‘My need has frayed with time; you said it would’ 295
‘My once dear Love! hapless that I no more’ 265
‘My window, framed in pear-tree bloom’ 319
Natural History 181
Needle on Zero 271
Neutral Tones 254
‘Next to my own skin, her pearls. My mistress’ 28
‘Night slips, trailing behind it’ 235
‘No smoke without you, my fire’ 182
‘Not easy to state the change you made’ 8
Not to Sleep 86
Nothing On 158
Now 117
‘Now, Sleep, bind fast the flood of air’ 208
‘O Love! that stronger art than wine’ 156
‘O luely, luely cam she in’ 281
‘O Rose thou art sick’ 29
‘O sweet delight, O more than human bliss’ 166
‘O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms’ 69
‘O you’ 239
‘Oh, when I was in love with you’ 321
‘On either side the river lie’ 309
On Spadina Avenue 74
On Taking a Wife 226
‘On the banks of the Severn, a desperate maid’ 316
‘On the third night in the bridal suite’ 276
On Whitsunday morning 68
One Art 267
One Cigarette 182
‘One day I wrote her name upon the strand’ 343
Orpheus in Soho 251
Othello 301
Other Two, The 256
‘Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound’ 123
‘Out of your whole life give but a moment!’ 117
Paradise Lost 12, 165, 216
Parlour Game 217
Passion 124
Patagonia 210
Pentecost 125
Piazza Piece 60
Planter’s Daughter, The 97
Porphyria’s Lover 302
Possibly 130
‘Pray but one prayer for me ‘twixt thy closed lips’ 330
Present, The 209
Progress Report 295
Pygmaleon 6
Rape of the Lock, The 242
Rapture, A 107
Recension Day 297
Red, Red Rose, A 180
Reincarnations 332
Remedia Amoris 76
Renewal, A 268
Renouncement 269
Reprise 100
Rhetorical Questions 121
Romeo and Juliet 45, 133, 153
Rooms 255
‘Sad how’ 135
‘Say that some lady, as perhaps there is’ 26
Scaffolding 219
‘See the chariot at hand here of Love’ 94
‘Seeing as yet nothing is really well enough arranged’ 198
‘She gives him his eyes, she found them’ 214
‘She loves him, she loves him not, she is confused’ 42
‘She said, If tomorrow my world were torn in two’ 221
‘She swoons, falls into his arms’ 48
She Walks in Beauty 96
‘She wore a new ‘terra-cotta’ dress’ 37
Shortest and Sweetest of Songs, The 194
Shropshire Lad, A 321
Sick Rose, The 29
Silent Noon 160
‘Sin I fro Love escaped am so fat’ 322
‘Since I noo mwore do zee your feäce’ 335
‘Since thou hast view’d some Gorgon, and art grown’ 320
‘So are you to my thoughts as food to life’ 142
‘So close the ground, and ’bout her shade’ 339
‘So, I shall see her in three days’ 85
‘So, so, break off this last lamenting kiss’ 266
‘So the light falls, and so it fell’ 296
Solitude 252
‘Someone is falling towards you’ 89
‘somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond’ 98
‘Somewhere, on the other side of this wide night’ 190
‘Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours’ 197
‘Somewhere this dusk’ 54
Song, A (Egerton) 32
Song (Behn) 156
Song (Dryden) 36
Song (Waller) 78
Song of Solomon 95
Song of Wandering Aengus, The 57
Sonnet (Oswald) 53
Sonnet 75 (Shakespeare) 142
Sonnet 129 (Shakespeare) 137
Sonnet 130 (Shakespeare) 92
Sonnet 147 (Shakespeare) 72
Sonnets from the Portuguese 18, 159, 344
Sous-entendu 111
‘Stand on the highest pavement of the stair – ’ 292
Stealing Up 44
Strawberries 144
‘Stay near to me and I’ll stay near to you – ’ 205
Summer Dawn 330
Summer with Monika 170
Sun has burst the sky, The 22
Sun Rising, The 131
Sunset II 342
‘Sunset, now that we’re finally in it’ 342
Surrender, The 265
Symptom Recital 66
Talking in Bed 134
‘Ten years together without yet a cloud’ 233
‘That day I oft remember, when from sleep’ 12
‘That farewell voice of love is never heard again’ 289
‘That time I thought I was in love’ 323
‘The art of losing isn’t hard to master’ 267
‘The day he moved out was terrible – ’ 318
‘The end of love should be a big event’ 274
‘The expense of spirit in a waste of shame’ 137
‘The goddess Fortune be praised (on her toothed wheel’ 140
‘The highway is full of big cars’ 102
‘The honey fee of parting tendered is’ 240
‘The kitten that befriends me at its gate’ 332
‘The little river twittering in the twilight’ 73
‘The love we thought would never stop’ 250
‘The moon shines bright. In such a night as this’ 99
‘The myrtle bush grew shady’ 232
‘The neighbours hammered on the walls all night’ 125
‘The pulsing stops where time has been’ 124
‘The rain set early in tonight’ 302
‘The second before and the eternity after’ 5
‘The sun has burst the sky’ 22
‘The spider, dropping down from twig’ 181
‘The things about you I appreciate’ 161
‘The time will come’ 325
‘The unexpected interest made him flush’ 14
‘The unexpected power cut left the clocks’ 271
‘The violence is over. They lie apart’ 124
‘The water is wide, I can’t swim o’er’ 283
‘The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees’ 304
‘Their relationship consisted’ 47
‘There is a flower I wish to wear’ 76
‘There is a kind of love called maintenance’ 220
‘There is the loneliness of peopled places’ 252
‘There were never strawberries’ 144
‘they say the sun shone now and again’ 170
‘They’re at that stage where so much desire streams between’ 212
Things That Could Happen 48
‘Thinking of new ways to kill you’ 315
Three Weeks 84
‘Thrice toss these oaken ashes in the air’ 58
Thunderstorm in Town, A 37
‘Thus Eve with count’nance blithe her story told’ 216
Timing 52
‘ ’Tis strange, my Theseus, that these lovers speak of’ 177
‘ ’Tis true, fair Celia, that by thee I live’ 104
To ––– (Moore) 250
To Fanny 103
To Marguerite – Continued 186
To Mary 183
To One That Asked Me Why I Loved J. G. 62
‘To touch was an accord’ 4
‘to wake and find you sitting up in bed’ 130
‘To-day there have been lovely things’ 20
Trilogy for X: II 132
Truce 248
True Love 222
Tryst (Greenlaw) 235
Tryst, The (Soutar) 281
Trysts (Robertson) 106
Tunnyng of Elynour Rummynge, The 157
‘ ’Twas midnight – Donna Julia was in bed’ 229
Twelfth Night 26
‘Twice or thrice had I loved thee’ 189
Twilight Night, II 83
‘Unburn the boat, rebuild the bridge’ 297
Unpredicted, The 140
Upon Julia’s Clothes 111
Upon the Death of Sir Albert Morton’s Wife 300
Valentine 161
Venus and Adonis 240
Vicar of Wakefield, The 308
Villanelle 293
Villeggiature 319
Vision 20
Voice, The 331
‘Walking swiftly with a dreadful duchess’ 61
Warming Her Pearls 28
‘Was it a dream, or did I see it plain’ 143
Water is Wide, The 283
‘We don’t fall in love, it rises through us’ 236
‘We first recognised each other as if we were siblings’ 328
‘We met’ 329
‘We now mid hope vor better cheer’ 218
‘We started speaking – ’ 263
‘We stood by a pond that winter day’ 254
‘We were sitting there’ 217
Wedding 201
‘Were I as base as is the lowly plain’ 206
‘Westron wind, when will thou blow’ 184
‘What I get I bring home to you’ 145
‘What large, dark hands are those at the window’ 245
What Love Is Like 178
‘When a Man has Married a Wife’ 215
‘When as in silks my Julia goes’ 111
‘When I am sad and weary’ 166
When I Heard at the Close of the Day 167
‘When I kiss you in all the folding places’ 122
‘When I loved you, I can’t but allow’ 250
‘When I too long have looked upon your face’ 286
‘When in the heat of the first night of summer’ 153
‘When lovely woman stoops to folly’ 308
‘When night stirred at sea’ 97
‘When she first met Mark Antony, she pursed up his heart’ 15
‘When she rises in the morning’ 139
‘When the lamp is shattered’ 253
‘When to my deadly pleasure’ 173
‘When you were lying on the white sand’ 282
‘Where my heart is (wherever that may be)’ 83
‘Who has not seen their lover’ 194
‘Why do I love? go ask the glorious sun’ 62
Wife a-Lost, The 335
Wild Strawberries 145
Will You Come? 114
‘Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day’ 133
‘With blackest moss the flower-plots’ 80
‘With thee conversing I forget all time’ 165
‘With you first shown to me’ 19
‘Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me’ 331
Words, Wide Night 190
Would I Were Changed 110
‘Would ye have fresh Cheese and Cream?’ 143
Wreck, The 259
‘Yes! in the sea of life enisled’ 186
‘Yes, we were looking at each other’ 213
‘Yet each man kills the thing he loves’ 300
‘You bear the hatchet’ 248
‘You did not come’ 59
‘You glow in my heart’ 56
You, Me and the Orang-utan 228
‘Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass – ’ 160
‘You’ve just shaved and you smell of cream’ 140
* whilom once; on one: entaile sculpture; cowthe could (do); as tho then; travaile trouble; feture feature; lyves living; yvor ivory; preide prayed; ayeinward in answer;
* ate mete at dinner; nome taken; forwept exhausted with weeping; forwakid deprived of sleep; rouneth whispers; wiste knew; underfonge accepted; ferde fared