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Delivered Through the Storm

Page 12

by Nicole Garcia

  “Tell me what you want Peaches. Tell me what you need.”

  She smiles, biting her lower lip. “Mmm, are you going to deliver the goods?”

  I chuckle. “And more.” I slowly circle her swollen clit. “So much more.” I graze my teeth along the bend of her neck as I push two fingers in her heat, causing her breathing to come in short bursts. I palm the back of her head, pushing it forward so she can see us in the mirror. “Open your eyes.” Bringing my hand to my face, I suck my fingers into my mouth. “Mmm, you taste so good.” I lower my hand back to her pussy, sinking my fingers back inside her. I apply pressure to her clit with the pad of my thumb. She rocks her hips against me, urging me to rub her at a more hurried pace.

  “Ryder, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  “I’m not going to Peaches. Come for me. Come all over my hand.” With one more forceful thrust she shudders, her tight walls clenching around my fingers, her low moans filling the quiet room. I’m so fucking hard right now. The pressure already building in my balls before I’m even inside of her. I scoop her up and place her on the edge of the bed. I unbutton my pants and reach into my back pocket for a condom.

  “Hoping to get lucky?”

  “I’m always prepared for anything.” I take off my pants, chucking them to the side along with my shoes. Standing there in only my boxer briefs, I open the foil wrapper with my teeth. When I slide my underwear down, her eyes go wide. I look down at myself, a crooked grin forming on my lips. “What?”



  She laughs nervously. “No...I mean yes. What I mean”

  I chuckle. She’s absolutely adorable trying not be embarrassed. “I think what you’re trying to say is my dick is pierced.”

  She breathes out a relieved sigh that she didn’t have to say those words. “Yes.”

  “Like it?”

  “That was definitely unexpected, but…” She bites her bottom lip. “Yes.”

  I slide the condom on and lean over her. “You’re going to like it even better when it’s buried deep inside you.”

  Her eyes glaze over, mirroring the desire in my own. We don’t say anything as I guide her further onto the bed. I slam my mouth to hers and devour her with relentless vigor; biting, nipping, teasing her lips with my teeth and tongue until their raw. I trail my mouth down the bend of her neck, inhaling her sweet peach scent. I nip her shoulder and rub my erection over her wet pussy as the sound of the blood rushing through my veins pounds in my ears.

  Grabbing the base of my cock, I slowly glide into her. She’s so hot, so wet, so fucking tight and the only thing on my mind is the urge to let go and come now. I still inside her because if I move again I’ll surely be spilling my load. I inhale a deep breath until the burning desire in my groin lessens to a warm heat and I rock into her a little more.

  “God Ryder, you feel so good.”

  I palm her breast, squeezing the pebbled peak between my fingers which elicits a moan so decadent it causes molten lava to flood my body. I’m boiling; sweat rolling down my spine over my scorched skin, but I can’t stop. I want more of her. I need more of her. I will never get enough of her.

  Her nails scrape my back and she wraps one of her legs around my waist, digging the heel of her foot into my ass. I go even deeper than I thought was possible, hitting a sweet spot that has her toes curling into the sheets beneath us. She bites my shoulder, sending a bolt of electricity all the way to my balls. “Fuck Madison.”

  Throwing her head back, she utters two of the most glorious words I’ve ever heard come from her mouth. “I’m coming.”

  When her tight walls clench around me, it’s too much, so I let go and come right along with her.

  Chapter Twelve


  Waking up in Ryder’s strong arms is indescribable. No, I shouldn’t say that because there are so many words I can use to accurately depict what I’m feeling right now. Comfortable, safe, protected, wanted, and maybe a little turned on. Okay, maybe a lot turned on. My eyes wander over his bare torso and up his chest to the three bold, black crosses tattooed on his neck. I have to make a mental note to ask to ask him what they mean later. Not now though. Right now, all I want to do now is admire him. Take in all the delectable hills and valleys of his muscled abdomen and breathe in his glorious masculine scent.

  It’s been so long since I’ve had a man in my bed. Even when I was still married to Mitch he slept in the guest room. Our marriage had been long over by then, so I didn’t see any reason for us to share a life much less a bed together. I didn’t know how much I missed the act of sleeping next to someone until now. The feel of Ryder’s warm body next to mine is something I don’t want to end. Only it has to. He has to leave before the boys get up. I don’t want them thinking my relationship with Ryder is more than what it is. Caleb wouldn’t know the difference, but Aiden is at an impressionable age and him catching me in bed with Ryder is not a situation I can explain.

  I don’t know where I stand with him. Sure, we had the most incredible sex I’ve ever had in my life. Several times actually. But, I could just be a good time to him. Who knows how many other women he’s been with. Or how many women he’s sleeping with now. That thought makes me sick to my stomach. I know nothing about him, other than that short biography he gave me of himself last week. I smack my forehead, cursing myself for making what could be another disastrous mistake. How stupid could I be? Of course he’s having sex with other women. He probably has someone in his bed right now waiting for him to come home. I know he said he didn’t have a girlfriend, but what someone says and what’s true can be two totally different stories. I sit up, hitting the headboard with the back of my head.

  “You know if you’re into the rough sex thing, you should have told me last night. I would have been more than happy to oblige you.”

  His voice surprises me and I snap my head to face him. He’s propped up on one elbow, the bed sheet barely covering his naked body. His messy brown hair is sticking up in every direction. Some of the strands hang in his eye and I’m already getting wet at the sight of him. How could anyone be this sexy getting up in the morning? I must look atrocious. My hand flies to my hair as I try to smooth my curls down and twist it into a ponytail. Yeah, like that was going to make a difference.

  He runs his hand through his hair, his sleepy gaze traveling over me. I immediately feel self-conscious about my imperfections and instinctively pull at the covers to shield my body from his view.

  He snatches the blanket from my hand and yanks it off. “It’s a little late to be shy, don’t ya think?”

  Grabbing my thigh before I have a chance to protest, he slides his body closer to me and squeezes me tighter as his hand inches up to my bare pussy. Shit, I’m not wearing any panties and now I’m regretting the decision to not get out of bed and put them on sooner. I want to stop him from going further, but I can’t. When it comes to Ryder I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell him no. His touch is addicting, his scent drugging, and I am consumed by the scorching trail coursing through my veins.

  He places a tender kiss on my neck then slides his tongue over the sensitive spot below my ear. “You’re so beautiful.”

  The heat of his breath sends tingles down my spine all the way to my toes, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin. I want to push him away. I want to tell him that we can’t pick up where we left off last night. That’s what I should be saying. Instead, I’m allowing him to do what he wants to my body. Teasing me with his magical fingers. I want more, I need more, but the reality of the situation comes crashing down on me hard. “Ryder, stop. We can’t...” My voice trails off. The weak tone of my voice only proves that I’m no match for Ryder’s persistence and he won’t stop until I give him what he wants. Nipping my shoulder, he thrusts two fingers inside me. My hand shoots between my legs and I can’t help but to push him in deeper.

  His gravelly tone is barely audible as the hea
t in my belly begins to build. “You don’t really want me to stop, do you Peaches?”


  “Tell me you don’t want me to stop.”


  “Tell me Madison. I want to hear you say it. Let me give you what you need.”

  “Oh God Ryder. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  His soft chuckle coasts over my flushed skin. “Shh. We have to be quiet.”

  “Mmm. I can’t.”

  “Let me help you with that.”

  He covers my mouth with his, delving his tongue into my parted lips. Swallowing my blissful cries, he strokes my swollen clit with the pad of his thumb and that’s when I lose control along with my common sense. My body is on fire, my hands desperately seek more of him. I bury my hand in his hair and claw the back of his neck as our tongues dance in a relentless rhythm. I’ve never been kissed this passionately before. Never felt beautiful or sexy, especially not after having the boys. But Ryder makes me feel like a goddess. The way he looks at me gives me the kind of hope I ache for and maybe, just maybe there’s a chance for me to be truly happy. I melt into him, giving in to my deepest desires. My release washes over me, sending me to a place I want to revisit over and over again. My own little piece of paradise that only Ryder can take me to.

  I whisper breathlessly. “Ryder...that was...”

  “Amazing. Watching you come apart in my hands is nothing less than amazing.” He slowly runs his lower lip over my top one. “You should eat. I can make you breakfast in bed.”

  There is nothing on earth that sounds more appetizing than what he’s offering, but now that I’ve come down from that incredible high of ecstasy, my boys are what’s on my mind. I straighten myself and he pulls back from me.

  He furrows his eyebrows and brushes a wayward curl out of my face. “What’s the matter?”

  “Ryder...I…” How do I tell him he needs to leave after the night we’ve spent together; after the incredible orgasm he just gave me. I lower my head feeling ashamed of myself.

  He tips my chin up, forcing me to look at him. “Hey, tell me.”

  I take in a lungful of air and let it out in a rush. “I don’t think you should be here when the boys wake up.”

  A flash of disappointment crosses his face. “Oh.”

  “I just don’t want to confuse them.” He gets off the bed and picks his pants up off the floor, the jingle of his belt buckle ringing in my ears as he shakes them out to put them on. Suddenly I’m panicking at the thought that he may never come back again because of how insensitive I’m being. “Ryder, I’m sorry...I”

  He exhales a heavy breath. “It’s okay.” He throws on his shirt and kneels on the bed, crawling over to me. He kisses me softly and smiles. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about the boys. I was kind of distracted. But you do realize that you owe me if I leave now.”

  The glint in his gray eyes sends tingles through me and I can’t help but to smile back at him. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Oh really?”

  He tickles me, causing a little screech to escape my throat. “Okay, stop.”

  He puts a finger to his lips. “Shhh, you’re gonna wake the boys.” Giving me a quick peck on the lips, he gets off the bed and pulls me up with him. “I’ll call you later.”



  When I open the door to Madison’s room I’m met by a pair of sleepy blue eyes. I push Madison in back of me because she barely has any clothes on; just the t-shirt she fell asleep in. Shit, this is exactly what Madison was afraid of. I don’t want to make a difficult situation worse, and now I feel like total crap that I’m putting her in an awkward position.

  Aiden rubs his eyes, giving me a confused look. “Ryder?”

  “Hey little man.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  Now that is a question I cannot answer truthfully. I hate to lie to him, but I can’t exactly tell him the truth. “I..uh...why don’t we go to the kitchen and get some breakfast okay?” I usher him down the hall to give Madison a chance to get dressed and maybe she can help me out with what I should say to him. Aiden sits at the table and I frantically look around the kitchen for a box of cereal or something to busy him until his mother gets out here. I open and close every damn cabinet and find no remnants of anything I can give him. No cereal, no toaster pastries, not even a damn cracker. Fuck. Every time I see Madison getting ready to leave the house she’s always stuffing some kind of snack in her purse for the boys; and now that I’m desperate, I can’t find a single solitary thing.

  Thankfully, Madison rounds the corner with Caleb in tow and puts him in his booster seat next to Aiden and I can take a breath because I have no idea what to tell the boy. I look over at Madison with pleading eyes, begging her to take over. When her befuddled gaze meets mine, I know she’s not going to be any help; she’s just as flustered as I am.

  “Ryder, can you make pancakes for breakfast?” Aiden asks on a yawn.

  Madison and I stare at each other for a long moment. My shoulders relax and I’m relieved he isn’t asking more pressing questions about why I’m here. I would love to cook breakfast for them, but Madison still seems uncomfortable. “I don’t know Aiden. I think your mom wants to make you something to eat this morning. I just stopped by to deliver a package.” Yeah, that’s it. That’s a great idea. I mentally congratulate myself on being able to come up with an excuse on the fly, that is until Aiden calls me out.

  “Where’s the package?”

  “In my room.” Madison nervously interjects.

  “Why aren’t you wearing your uniform?”

  Boy, there is no pulling the wool over this kid’s eyes. Now I’m searching my brain for another fib I can tell this kid so he stops giving me the third degree. I open my mouth to speak, but I’m a blubbering mess. I don’t want to say the wrong thing and have Madison furious with me. “I...uh…”

  Luckily, I’m saved by Madison’s interruption again. “He doesn’t work today. He forgot it in his truck so he brought it over.”

  That explanation seems to satisfy him enough to where he’s no longer interrogating me. Aiden should look into being a police detective or prosecutor when he gets older; nothing slips by him. Madison gets the coffee maker going and I take this opportunity to make my exit. “Well, I guess I should go now.”

  “Awww.” Aiden moans from his chair. “Do you have to go?” He turns to his mother. “Mom, can Ryder stay and make me pancakes pleeease?”

  Not wanting Madison to look like the bad guy, I answer for her. “Aiden, I don’t think…”

  “Okay, Ryder can stay for breakfast. That is if he wants to.”

  I smile at Madison. Her hair still a tousled mess from me burying my hands in it last night. “I’d love to stay and make breakfast for you guys.”

  Twenty minutes later, we’ve all finished eating and as I’m cleaning up the table I see Madison looking through her phone and writing something down on a pad. She’s extremely focused on what she’s doing and has me curious. “Something wrong?” She doesn’t answer me. She doesn’t look away from her phone as she continues writing. “Madison?”

  She finally lifts her head. “Huh?”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine.”

  I tilt my head to the side and give her an exasperated stare. “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you or not?”

  “I’m looking for a babysitter for the boys. They have a whole week off from school and daycare and I have to work.”

  Without hesitation I step in. “I’ll watch them.”

  “Ryder you can’t…”

  “You would rather have a complete stranger look after the boys than me?”

  “No, of course not. I’m sure the boys would love it, but you have to work.”

  “I have plenty of sick days I can take. I’ve never taken any days off in five years. Well, not until recently when I had to visit my mother, but otherw
ise I have plenty of time saved up.”

  “Ryder, you can’t miss work for me.”

  “I’m not missing work for you. I’m missing work for the boys.”

  “Ryder you need those days for when you really get sick and have to call in.”

  “Like I said, I have plenty of sick days. I can use a break myself. It’ll be fun. I’ll take them to the park, maybe a movie, or to the zoo.”

  Aiden folds his hands, shoving them in Madison’s face. “Mom, can Ryder take us to the zoo?”

  She pushes his hands down. “Aiden, I don’t...”

  “Please mom?”

  “Yeah, please mom.” I say, flashing her my best cocky smile and batting my eyelashes.

  She points at me. “You are not helping.”

  “Aw c’mon Peaches, you know I’ll take good care of them.”


  I stand, not giving her a chance to finish her sentence and lift Caleb out of his chair. “Good, then it’s settled. I’ll babysit the boys, free of charge, so don’t worry your pretty little head about anything except going to work.”


  I press her lips together with my fingers to quiet her. “No buts. Don’t say anything. Just get dressed so we can go out.”

  She swats me hand away from her face. “Where are we going?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out. Now go.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Watching Ryder play with Aiden and Caleb at the arcade this afternoon brought tears to my eyes several times today. The way he watches over them, making sure they’re having fun and are happy warms my heart in a way I could never explain in words. His free spirit and loving nature makes him the perfect role model for any little boy. Ryder may look hard and rough on the outside, but he’s the sweetest, kindest man I have ever known. Any woman would be lucky to have him, yet here he is, sitting next to me as we watch the boys play in the ball pit. I haven’t seen my kids this happy in a long time and my eyes begin to well up at the sight of them laughing. I blink back the tears when a gentle hand rests on my knee.


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